Dorothy Colleen

Two types of depression

I would kinda like to talk about depression for a moment.

See, I get two very different types of depression, that have very different effects on me, although neither one is fun.

The first type is sadness. "The Blues". When I get this type, I just want to curl up and cry myself to sleep.

But the second type is even worse - anger directed inward, otherwise called self-hate.

That one is more dangerous because if I stay that way too long, I might succumb to the notion that everyone would be better off without me.

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Sometimes, it sucks to be me

I have learned, perhaps too late, that choices have consequences.

For example, a lot of the reason why I am in such pain is because I made poor choices with the food I ate and not doing enough physical activity, leading to me being overweight.

But that's not the worst consequence I'm facing.

See, I chose to get married. i did not choose well, but I chose.

And because I made that choice, and further made the choices that led to my separation, I do not have a special someone in my life, nor will I.

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I have come to hate being alone

I went to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies today, and it was an excellent movie. At turns action-packed, romantic, and actually a lot of humor.

But I believe it will be the last film I see in the theater.

Its not just the expense, or the urge to buy snacks both costly and bad for me, but the experience - I found I hated being alone watching the movie.

Story of my life, really - not really good at people skills, yet I have come to hate being alone ...

Ah, well. At most, only 30 -40 years of loneliness to go ...

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Bunny kisses for Valentine's

Well, I may not have found a snuggle partner this Valentine's, but apparently, my dog did - in the form of a rabbit in the next door neighbor's yard.

The two of them approached the fence cautiously, then the rabbit gave a quick sniffy kiss on my dog's nose through the fence, and hopped away.

My dog was clearly smitten, not wanting to come back in, and stayed as close to the fence as possible, waiting for her new friend to come back over - which she did, gave my dog another sniff-kiss, and hopped away again.

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Strange dream

I had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamed that I was in Elementary school, and learned that a disease was going to turn me into a girl.

Even though I wanted to be a girl, i was scared in the dream, mostly because I was worried about the pain of the transformation.

Then, the time came, and I didn't transform, and I was devastated.

Ah, well.

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I think I have something special happening

I dont usually push my own stories, but I think I might be on to something special with my latest story "Mercy".

See, if there is a theme that runs through a lot of my work, it's about what happens after a person has been damaged.

I've explored ideas of healing, of looking for justice, and the power of forgiveness vs the allure of vengeance.

But in my latest, I think I have really hit the jackpot in terms of making the case for Mercy as the best choice.

Or at least that's my hope. Only the readers will decide if I am succeeding.

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Mercy Chapter 8

Mercy Chapter 8

Faith said, “Talia, please go get help.”

“On it.” Talia said, and started inching away.

Trying to keep the man from noticing Talia, Faith launched herself into the air, and confronted him.

“Are you the one responsible for this chaos? Did you send that poor creature to kill me?”

“That poor creature is a hell hound. And he wasn’t going to kill you, just hurt you - a lot.”


“Because you have something that belongs to me, and I want it.”

The Crush: In for a Penny

The Crush: In for a Penny

They say twins can read each other’s minds, and maybe that’s true.

My sister Paige can sure read mine, even if we’re only fraternal twins, not identical.

Like the fact that long before I could say the words, she knew I felt more like a girl and not like a guy at all. She even was the one who decided my real name should be Penny, and not the Peter I was named at birth.

Eventually, we told Mom and Dad, but I hadn’t gone any further than that.

But that changed today.

I have been given an amazing honor today

I received an amazing honor today.

The Rev. Anam Chara, a fantastic author here on Big Closet, name-dropped one of my stories into the latest chapter of his story, having a group of high school students read my work and comment on it.

I am humbled by being selected for such an honor.

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Experiment # 1

Experiment # 1

John stopped at the mirror by the front door, and checked his outfit one more time

“Hair - check. Makeup - check. Blouse - check. Skirt - check. Hose - check. Heels - check.. I guess I’m ready.”

He sighed, and walked out the door, and headed toward school.

bad day at work last night

You know how I've been saying I'm in pain and wish I could get a break from work?

Well, I should be a bit more careful in my wishes.

I got a serious dressing down from my boss last night, giving me the impression I'm on thin ice in terms of continuing to work there, and to say the least I'm pretty depressed about it.

You add pain and PTSD to my depression, and its not a good situation at the moment.

hugs and prayers appreciated.

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Mercy Chapter 7

Mercy Chapter 7

As soon as Faith left the building, she launched herself into the air, trying to get as much height as she could as fast as she could.

Once she was high enough to see the town, she raced toward it, using gravity to help her go faster.

It didn’t take her long to spot the theater. It was the place where people were running away from screaming ...

Then one of the walls exploded, and out of the wreckage came a three-headed dog.

had my vacation cancelled

Well, got a frustrating situation going on. See, way back at the beginning of December, I booked the last week of January off, got that approved by my supervisor, and gave the sheet to the personal office.

And yet, my name is on the schedule for that week.

I talked to the store manager and my supervisor about this, and they asked me about pushing my time off because they are expecting a new maintenance person to be starting around that time, and they would prefer they not have to go solo right away, but rather have someone to show them the ropes.

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trying to fight off rage

I am really angry, and trying to keep a lid on it.

See, a couple of days ago, our provincial government brought down some recommendations for school boards dealing with LGBT kids, but not everybody was pleased.

The bishop of Calgary fired off on the recommendations, especially those that were supposed to help make trans kids safer in schools.

So when I read what he said, I started to get angry.

I wanted to fire back, to find out his email address and fill his inbox with every bit of rage i could.

But that's not the person I want to be.

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A rough day at work

Well, I had a very rough night at work last night.

It started off with me finding out that I am scheduled for the last week of the month when I had asked for and been signed off on getting vacation for that time, so I was a little ticked off by that.

Then my boss basically accused me of deliberately skipped part of my job, not even considering the possibility that I had simply forgot.

This sent me into a depressive spiral, leaving me feeling worthless and like nothing matters.

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Extreme anxiety

I am not sure why, but it seems like my social anxiety levels are sky high.

First, I had to fight anxiety off just to go to a store and get help fixing our shower chair, and then today, I was going to go to volunteer at the local food bank (It was something my councilor recommended), but I got so anxious I didn't go.

Sighs ....

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I need some names!

I am working on the next chapter of "Mercy", and I'm getting stuck on one thing.

I need some names.

I need a good name for the species that Faith draws her powers from.

I need two names for two different groups within that species.

and I need a good name for her antagonist.

Any suggestions ?

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Mercy Chapter 6

Mercy Chapter 6

The next day was as busy as Talia told her it would be.

She spent the morning taking tests in mundane subjects like Math and English so they could place her in the proper classes. Then they sent her to the campus store to pick up textbooks and other supplies with a line of credit given to her by Mrs. Carson.

A productive day

Well, I have had a productive day.

I got my laundry done, I have replacements coming for my health care card and my social insurance card coming, I got money out to pay for my share of the rent, I got a refill on my meds, and I treated myself to some cheese bread.

And now I'm working on the next chapter of "Mercy"

Not a bad day ...

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this was the year that was

Here is my take on 2015:

This was the year where old, tired governments got replaced by parties with younger leaders and more optimistic outlooks

But it was also the year a reality show host became the leading nominee for President of the U.S.

It was a year that a black man was still in the White house

but it also was a year where a lot of unarmed black men got shot by police.

It was a year in which the Pope asked capitalists to take more care of the less fortunate

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happy new year, and a little treat for you all

Happy new year, everybody. I hope 2016 turns out to be an amazing fantastic year for you all.,

And just because you've all been good, here is a little treat:

"So what do you want to do tonight, Dottie?"

"Same thing we do every night, Jaci - try to convince people we're not girly girls!"

(Music plays)

"Oh they're Jaci and the Dot.

Jaci and the Dot.

One is a smartie, the other might have a thought.

They're really girly girls,

who give their skirts a twirl

They're Jaci, Jaci and the Dot Dot Dot ...."

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I'm sorry

This is an apology for my latest story.

I'm sorry its so dark.

Its just that the stress of losing my wallet, the stress of watching my mom get a lung infection and be unable to take antibiotics for either it or the hole they dug in her head to get out the cancer because they make her sick, the stress of my friend Jaci having no money and no food in her house and me not being able to help, the stress of knowing I'm going to have postpone any chance at SRS for the foreseeable, the stress of my PTSD, my depression, and my gender issues ...

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Author’s note: This one isnt a nice story. Sorry. And sorry to the author of the story which led to this piece. I actually like most of their work, so I hope they forgive me for this.

My moment had arrived.

It had taken some doing, but I had been pretty sure that tonight was the night.

To help things along I found some she-male porn and had it playing, knowing they’d have the computer tapped by now.

The porn probably wasn’t necessary, but it was a nice touch.

I lost my wallet

Well, I have learned that no matter how bad things get, I can always make them worse with a little not thinking.

I managed to lose my wallet Monday, and spent yesterday hitting catch-22 after catch-22 trying to get replacements for my driver's licence, so I cant go to work tonight.

I know this too will pass, but darn it, I really didn't need to make things more difficult right now.

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A setback leads to tears

Well, I have gotten a setback in terms of getting SRS.

I was supposed to go to Arizona for a consult in January, but as I have not gotten notice that my plane ride will be covered by the Alberta government, I cant go.

I knew this was coming, its not a shock, really. And I've been trying to tell myself that it doesn't matter. It's not what's between my legs that makes me a woman.

Turns out I didn't believe me.

i sobbed on the phone with Jaci and another friend for five to ten minutes over this disappointment.

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Should I be worried?

The first chapter of "Mercy" has more kudos than anything i have ever written, by a lot. But each successive chapter has dropped in the number of kudos.

Should I be worried?

Has the story's quality dropped?

Are people frustrated with how long it has been taking me to publish pretty short chapters?

Is the pace not working?

If you kudoed on the first chapter, but havent since, I'd be curious as to why ...

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Question for the Reader

Question for the Reader

“That’s Steve. We met in a self-defence class. The way it happened was kinda funny. We got assigned as partners for some wrestling style moves, and I ended up on top of him. Then I noticed he was getting an erection! So I jumped off, he apologized profusely, and I told him not to worry about it, stuff happens. “

“So after the class was over, he came to me, and thanked me for not making a big deal of what had happened, and he asked if I wanted to go for coffee!”

PTSD and dreams

In the last little while, I've read two very different stories where a character who is struggling with PTSD gets help from a dream.

That has got me thinking, could there be something to this idea? Could a dream really help someone like me heal?

And if so, does anybody know a dream walker who could come to my aid?

Because honestly, right now I'm just trying to hold on until I see someone about the PTSD on Dec. 22 ...

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Mercy Chapter 5

Mercy Chapter 5

Once Faith got outside the testing building, she found Talia waiting for her.

“All taken care of?” Talia asked.

“Yeah, for now. I ... have a lot to learn, though.”

“Well, you are at a school. Come on, you must be hungry. Let’s go eat.”

When they got to the cafeteria, Talia noticed a white-haired girl waving at them.

“Oh, look!” She said to Faith, “I wanted you to introduce you to Arwen anyway.”


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