Dorothy Colleen

Silly moment at work yesterday

Silly moment from work yesterday. Coworker whispers she's lost her voice. I tell her to look behind the couch. She laughs as loud as her strained voice lets her, and tells another co-worker the joke.

It's nice to know I can occasionally make somebody's day better, even if it's with a silly joke.

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a most feminine dream

I had a dream last night of having the girliest of girl birthdays. Every present was super feminine.

The one that made me happiest was some very feminine outfit, but before I could wear it, water leaked out from under my bed and got it wet.

I was devastated, and then I woke up.

I'm blaming Jaci for this dream ...

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"The Dark Tower" series

I have been reading Steven King's "The Dark Tower" series, and its really, really good. I have found myself swept up in the quest for the tower, wincing at every setback, crying at every loss, and cheering every victory along the way.

That said, the books do have one rather interesting character - Steven King himself.

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I'm very lucky

I am very lucky to live in a house with animals.

Like last night, I was having troubles emotionally, and laying in bed and unable to sleep when my brother and sister-in-law's cat came into my room, jumped up on my bed, and basically demanded I pet her. After a while of stroking her soft fur and hearing her purr, I could feel my blood pressure drop and my heart rate slow. When I stopped petting her, the cat sat at the end of my bed facing my door, as if guarding me from any intruders, until I fell asleep.

Like I said, I'm very lucky.

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Fate is a sneaky bitch

Fate is a sneaky Bitch

Author's note: I know, I know. I challenged everybody to make a story with an older protagonist, and then I went ahead and made a story about teens. What can I say? My muse is her own woman.

No matter what anybody else tells you, Fate is a sneaky bitch.

Take me, for instance. Up until today, I was Jay Carter, drama lover, geek, and wimp.

Until one day I bumped into Thomas (the tank) Anderson - Safety and defensive captain for our football team.

Really, really bad day

Not a good day. It turns out my work was not happy with me, so I am being transferred to another store further away from home and only 4 hours a day 7 days a week.

Its a dam sight better than nothing, but it still feels like I failed.

On top of this, yesterday I got an email from my sister in law that contained a paper on "victim's syndrome" - basically saying some people love saying "woe is me" and getting sympathy rather than taking responsibility for their own choices and mistakes.

To me, that seems to indicate she thinks I'm one of those people, and that stings.

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Good service at church today

Had a nice service at church today. Not only did we talk about Jesus as a young boy at the temple, but after the service, we had a lecture/discussion on the subject of "repairative therapy" - sometimes called 'conversion therapy" or "pray away the gay".

As it consists of little more than physical or psychological torture to try and "fix" people like me, and does much more harm than good, we are trying to start the process to get the Alberta government declare it illegal for people under 18 at the very least.

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story shout - out

I am always reluctant to give a shout out to a particular story here. Not because there aren't fantastic stories being made, but the reverse - pointing to one story feels like not being fair to all the others being offered here.

That said, I hope you don't mind if I say I am really enjoying a story called "Prom changed Everything." Mostly because I can really identify with the main character who is struggling with her feminine side at the same time as she tries to recover from PTSD.

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a writing challenge

I thought I would throw out a challenge to the authors here:

We have a lot of stories about little kids transitioning, some teenagers, and a few who are college age.

But we don't really have a lot of stories about older transitioners

Anybody wanna take a stab at writing a story about someone transitioning at 40, 50, or beyond?

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"Doctor" claims Trans people are just autistic

Yesterday, my local paper had an article about a "doctor" who thinks trans people are just autistic with a "fixation" on opposite gender stuff.

I'm 100 % sure the anti-trans people - especially the "Christians" will latch on to this guy so that's gonna be fun ...

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Mercy Chapter 16

Mercy Chapter 16

Faith found herself dozing while waiting for Mrs. Carson to come down to the infirmary.

When she woke, everybody had left, and she was alone with her thoughts.

She buzzed for the nurse, and when she came, she asked about Mrs. Carson, and was told that an emergency had come up, and she’d be back as soon as she could.

My doctor's appointment went well

Well, I am home from my Doctor's appointment, and it went better than I could have hoped. The occasional pains are minor muscle issues, and nothing to worry about. Plus, the doctor was very gentle and told me everything she was gonna do before she did it, and between that and using my grounding, I didn't have nearly the trouble I was expecting.

So yay!

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true story

True story. When I was in elementary, I went to the principal and asked to be promoted to the next grade. Trying to give a reason why I shouldn't, the principal gave me a test equal to what that grade would get. I passed it. Then he gave me a test for the next grade. I passed it. Finally, he gave me a test given to university students, and I failed. When I realized they weren't going to let me skip a grade, I bawled like a baby, saying I had been trying to catch up to my brother, who was 2 1/2 years older than I was.

40 something years later, i still haven't caught up to him.

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Al's adventures in girlyland

Al’s adventures in Girlyland

Every choice we make has consequences.

In my case, a choice of doors had the consequence of a totally new life.

My name is ... was ... Alan Berkoff, and believe it or not, I was nobody special.

A weak boy, who preferred to escape into books.

Then, one day, I took a walk into a grove of woods not far from my home.

I like the woods, because it is in a valley so when you get inside, you can feel like you’re a long way from anybody else.

Then things got really strange ...

Ten dollars well spent

Well, I did something that some people might think was silly. I was having a tough day with pain and PTSD, and by lunch time, I was getting to a bad place, so on my break, I went to the toy department, and bought a pink hippo stuffie.

I think it was $10 well spent, even if some others would disagree ..

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dreams and their meanings

okay, I want to talk about dreams for a moment.

I am not sure I understand, much less agree with all dream analysis, but when patterns start get being repeated in dreams, its at least possible your brain is trying to tell you something.

For example, I've had a lot of "searching" dreams - dreams where I was looking for a person, a place, or an object.

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some days start out shaky, and stay that way ...

Well, today was kinda a shaky day.

It started with me being rather fragile as I went to bed last night, and then I got woken up at around 5 AM by my mom in a panic because she had locked herself out of her car.

She finally calmed down enough to phone AMA to get them to come and unlock her car for her, but by that point, her struggles had kinda infested me and I spent most of the day struggling with being more fragile, which made a pretty busy day just a bit less fun than it might have been.

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2016 in review

The last week of the year is often given over to reflection on the year that is about to pass, so let me add my own take on 2016.

Out in the world, its been a year of tremendous change -not a lot of it positive. Trump, Brexit, the growing power of Russia, terrorism, - its been pretty hard to find a lot of good news.

Plus, this has been the year of the Celebrity Death. I honestly cant think of a year where more famous people have died, and not just b or c listers, but huge names have left us this year.

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a mostly good Christmas

Well, I had a mostly nice Christmas. My mom was working and brother and my sister-in-law were gone for the weekend, so it was pretty quiet. I did my laundry, took out the garbage, binge-watched "Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency" on Netflix (it was awesome), and then when my mom came home we went to Sharon's and had a supper and gift exchange with her and Samantha. Other than her calling me "Todd", it was a pretty good time, except I had a bit of a panic attack.

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Dorothy the ghostbuster ?

Okay, weird dream last night. I found myself in a haunted house, fighting ghosts with not much more than my bare hands, and as remarkable as it seems, I won. But the dream wasn't done yet. At the end of the fight, God told me to pray for one of the ghosts to return to his body and live again. I did as I was told, with my hand on a casket, and the person was restored to life.

If God's trying to tell me something, I think I need an interpreter ...

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scary moment last night

Very scary moment for my mom last night.

She was taking the dog for a walk, when she spotted a man on the middle of the street forcing cars to go around him.

When the man heard my dog bark, he saw my mom and started running toward her, and she barely managed to get back inside and close the door behind her before he caught up to her.

Could have been very bad ...

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might be a while before there is more from me

Just wanted to let my readers (all three of you) know that it might be a while before you get anything new from me.

Depression is kicking my butt at the moment, and between that and the pain/panic dance I am running low on spoons to the point where just making it to work is gonna be a challenge this week.

Sorry, I hope to be back to bubbly soon ...

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An encouragement for phobia sufferers

I wanted to share a story that might encourage anybody who is dealing with a phobia.

For most of my life, I had a serious phobia about bees. I had been stung as a kid, and after that I couldn't stand to be anywhere near a bee.

Then, one day, I found this video put out by (I think) National Geographic called "Why Bumblebees couldn't run an airport".

Someone had slipped a tiny camera inside a hive, and the result was ... life changing for me.

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Mercy Chapter 15

Mercy Chapter 15.

Faith arrived at the flying building, and nervously went in. Once inside, she saw Vantier practicing her flying. After watching for a while, she approached Vantier, and took her back outside to where there was a couch that had been turned into a swing, and the two of them sat and looked at the stars for a while.

When I was 16 ...

I wanna share a story that I have told very few people.

When I was 16, I was a mess on the inside. Rape and physical abuse had broken me into pieces, and it was only because I was so good at running on autopilot that nobody really knew how bad it was for me.

In my head, I felt like I had a hundred voices - it was so bad I tried to create a mental "parliament" just so there was some kind of order.

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Can I pull my hair out now?

You remember all that fighting I went through to get my drugs covered by my work even though that had been promised from the day I was hired, and they finally told me they got it fixed?

Well, I tried it out today, and my wonderful drug plan saved me a grand total of under 2 dollars on a 45 dollar refill of my estrogen gel.

Can I pull my hair out now?

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Quest for the Silver Cleric

Quest for the Silver Cleric


by Dorothy Colleen



"When the Empire was in flower, the Weres came to fight. The Sea-folk were threatened, and The Dead ruled the night. The situation hopeless, the battle was as good as lost. Then the Silver Cleric came to save us, no matter what the cost.”

And when the troubles returned, the Sea-folk reached across time and space to find a very special person, someone both male and female, to find to rid this strange world of darkness, oppression and misery.

Danica finds herself in a strange world with new languages, cultures, personalities and challenges on a quest to find The Silver Cleric.

some good news

Well, I have some good news to share.

First, my mom bought me some new shoes, and they seem to be helping me walk a little better.

This will really help put less strain on my knees and hips, so that's a yay.

The other bit of good news is my doctor has arranged for me to see a specialist in January about the pain in my privates, so hopefully, I might get some answers as to why I often hurt there.

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About my latest piece

If you peeked at my latest story, and wondered what the heck was going on, let me take a moment to help explain things.

See, about 8 years ago, I found this site, and after lurking for a while, I took the plunge, became a member, and created my first story.

It's called "The Saga of E-Girl", and it was kind of a tribute to the Shazam stories I had loved as a kid.

I wont say its a bad story, but I will say I think my writing has improved since then, but despite that, I have a soft spot for that story, and have revisited the "E-Girl" universe a few times since.

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Disney has released a new animated movie, and one of the characters in it is Maui, who is a trickster (demi) god.

When I read that, it got me thinking how common the idea of the trickster is. Almost every mythology around the world seems to have a character who could be called a trickster, whether its Maui, or Loki, or Annasi (trickster spider from Africa, who was so clever he often tricked himself).

I wonder what that says of us as a species, that we love the idea of a trickster so much?

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