Dorothy Colleen

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 9

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 9

The next morning, the six of us shared breakfast with Melody’s mom. (I had oatmeal. Not just because I am now a unicorn, I always loved it.)

After breakfast, Melody’s mom asked Ari to take the girls into the living room to watch TV while Melody and I were asked to help do dishes.



Like a lot of other guys, my work is something I endure so I have the money to enjoy my weekends, when I can relax.

Although, the way I “relax” is a little different than most guys ...

See, once I get home on Friday afternoon until I have to get ready for work on Monday, I spend the whole time in women’s clothes.

I dont think its a fetish, at least not exactly, because for the most part, I dont get turned on by dressing up.

What I mostly feel is ... at peace.


Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 8

Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!

Chapter 8

For Ray Drouillard, who suggested the were-kitties.

As it happened, the next couple of days made me wonder about how exciting things were gonna be for me. All I had to deal with was being a girl in junior high, which probably was “excitement” enough, considering.

Then on Friday, Melody told me her family was going to be hosting a “guest” over the weekend, and I was invited to come over on Saturday.

A big change

There has been a change in me.

Maybe it has been there for a while, but I finally noticed it on Sunday before church.

To understand this change, you have to understand how SCARED I was going out in public in feminine clothes when I started my transition. EVERY time was nerve wracking terror just to step outside my door.

And then, before church on Sunday, I walked over to a convenience store to pick up a paper and as I walked in my pretty dress, I realized - I wasn't afraid anymore.

Pretty neat, no?

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Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 7

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 7

Despite the fact no one at school remembered the “food fight”, I discovered that there were some changes in people the next day. Boys especially, were looking at me differently, but even some of the girls seemed to be more aware of my existence than before, even though I had returned to a more “tomboy” look.

a step back from the edge

Not for the first time, I have been reminded of the value of friends.

Thanks to several friends, I cried some tears, and then began the long slow slog out of darkness. I finally realized I was indulging in self-pity as well as self-punishment, and neither is healthy - or warranted.

To get myself further back from the brink, I decided I needed a distraction, and so went to see the movie Wonder Woman, which was excellent.

My deepest thanks to all who sent me messages of support.

Huggles for each and every one of you.

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I am close to being suicidal

Remember how I had said my unemployment claim had finally been settled, and I was going to start getting some money?

Well, apparently not so fast.

Went down to the office today to give a direct deposit form, only to find out my claim is still in limbo, and I have NO idea when or even if its gonna change.

I am really close to wanting to go play in traffic ...

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Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 6

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 6

I shyly came out of my room in a dress, and my mother dabbed her eyes as she looked at me.

“Mom?” I asked, “Are you ... crying?”

“Well, it's just ... you look beautiful.”

“Well, I guess that’s good, right?”

“Sure, but you’re going into highschool next year, and then maybe college, and .. well, dont grow up too fast, okay?”

“I just want to get through today. Dont worry mom I’m in no hurry.”

We hugged.

So why was I in a dress?

a recommendation

I have been re-reading a series of comics that have got me thinking, and if you dont mind, I'd like to share a little.

The series is from the Justice league of America, and its called "the obsidian age".

The basic idea is a couple of people come from the past and try and kill the JLA, believing them to be a destructive force. They lose, but retreat to the past, and the heroes decide to follow them - and things dont go well.

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an apology

The last few days have been ... difficult for me. Besides the issues with trying to get help from the various levels of government, I have been dealing with pain and several PTSD attacks.

The result is chapter six of my unicorn silliness will be slightly delayed, as I need a "happy happy" mood to create the light and fluffy joy I want the story to have.

So sorry.

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bad day

Well, today has not been a very good day for me.

First, I had a serious PTSD moment trying to get into the shower this morning, and it took me till almost noon to get calmed down enough to be able to actually get clean.

then, I had a bit of a breakdown at the unemployment office, and started crying.

On the plus side, they did tell me to expect a phone call on the status of my claim before the end of next week.

I'm ... gonna go to my blanket fort now ...

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a couple of big news announcements

Well, today has been a big news day. First, I might just have a job opportunity. It would be working from home for an escrow company doing customer service mostly over the phone and online. The company would train me, I'd get a small salary during training and assuming I could handle it go to full time 9-5 monday to Friday.

Fingers crossed ...

as if that wasn't enough, I also got a call from the gastro specialist, giving me the time for my consult on getting surgery. It will happen July 18, 130 pm.

As I said earlier, fingers crossed ...

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chicken soup for the trans soul

I was trading messages with Haylee V., and she had suggested I submit works to magazines and publications like Reader's Digest and Chicken soup for the soul. Which got me thinking, what about several of the authors here collaborate on our own little collection of stories?

We couldn't probably call it Chicken soup for the Trans soul, but there is probably an equivalent we could use, but that basic idea - real life examples of trans people overcoming difficulties and having success as an inspiration for the rest of us - could be really interesting.

What do you guys think?

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Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 5

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 5

“Sorry hon. You’re an attractive girl. You’re gonna get some attention from boys.”

“Well, I guess they can look but no touching.” I said.

“You say that now ...” she said with a smile.

“Wha... what do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“I’m sorry to tell you, hon, but most unicorns are straight.”

“So? ... Oh. You mean I might start liking boys?” I said in shock.

“I don’t know for sure. You might end up ... flexible.”

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 4

Help! My Girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 4

I got through the first day back without any major difficulties. The people who would have said “hey” as I walked by before said “hey” as I walked by. Teachers hesitated for a second on my name like they were expecting a different name in that spot, but quickly that passed as well, and it seemed like as far as anybody at school was concerned I had always been a girl.

That said, I was glad I didn’t have gym this semester, as I was not ready to share a shower with a bunch of naked girls.

the weather outside is frightful

As I write this, it is bucketing rain outside, and Edmonton has a high wind warning for this afternoon with gusts up to 100 km an hour.

So today is a good day to stay inside, and I decided also a good day to release the next chapter of "Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!"

I know these chapters are short, which is one reason why I want to keep them coming fairly regularly so it hopefully doesnt get too annoying.


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Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 3

Help! My Girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 3

I was really glad that Melody was there at that moment. She recovered from the shock before I did, and swept me up into a hug to prevent me from totally freaking out.

Eventually, I stopped shaking, and she said, “You ... need some clothes.”

Oh yeah. I was naked.

A half-hour later, I was dressed in pants and a t-shirt borrowed from Melody, and eating some soup while waiting for my mom to get back.

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 2

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 2

When I woke up the next morning, I could feel the first effects of all the magic in my system. I was overflowing with energy, and had real trouble staying still. Since it was spring break and I didn’t have school, I went over to a nearby park and ran around, doing gymnastics I had never tried before, but no matter how hard I pushed myself, I couldn’t seem to feel any less energetic.

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 1

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

chapter 1

If I had just listened to my girlfriend that day, everything would be different.

But I’m getting ahead of myself, and I should start at the beginning.

Things really started when Melody and her mother moved into the house next door.

They were kinda shy at first, but they warmed to my family, especially me for some reason.

Getting close to finishing a new story

If I still have fans after the disaster of my last story, they will be glad to know I've made some progress on a new story, and if all goes well I hope to be able to start releasing it a chapter at a time before the end of the month.

Cant guarantee this, though. Real life has been a slog this week, and if that trend continues my available spoons for writing will be seriously diminished.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let everybody know.

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Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 3

Case File 2: The Profiler Part 3

As Megan and I drove to the address we’d pulled up, I had some questions, so I asked Megan, “How did this guy go from minor nuisance to all out super-villain ? "

“I suspect he has an artifact. Which could make things more dangerous for us but also for him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Did you ever read the Lord of the Rings? In the book the wizard Gandalf says any of the mortal race who tried to use such an artifact would eventually be possessed by it.”

speeding up the release of part 3 of Case file 2

Well, since it seems that my worst fears about chapter 2 of "Case file 2: the Profiler" were in fact less than the reality, and the chapter has gone over like a lead balloon, I'm going to publish the third and final chapter now, and end the story.

Sorry it disappointed people. Sometimes, I guess, some ideas I have just dont fly.

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A word of warning about chapter 2 of Case File 2

I have put up chapter 2 of my new story "Case File 2: The Proflier:" but a word of warning.

The chapter contains a moment of forced sex.

I didn't really want to do include it, but eventually decided that the chapter needed the moment to show how dangerous the villain was.

I have done my best to make it readable, but please use caution if you are at all sensitive to the subject.

If you make it through the story, I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

Huggles ahead of time.

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Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Author's note: This chapter contains a scene of forced sex. While I have done my best to make it readable, I leave this warning here for my more sensitive readers in case I have failed.

Once the team was together and introductions were made, we began to go over the outstanding cases.

Then I said, “looking at what’s outstanding, I think we need to focus on the case Megan mentioned. Megan, what does your profile mean in terms of what this guy will do next?”

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 1

Case File 2: The Profiler

Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story “Case File”. You might want to read that one first.

Chapter 1

It’s not often my team adds a member. The last one we added was Ross, our teleporter. But when the Boss asked me to do the “welcome to the team:” thing, I do my job.

I go to the small conference room not far from my small office, and find her waiting for me.

“Hi. I’m Joseph.” I said, and offered my hand.

“Megan” She replied, and took my hand and shook it firmly.

I have an interview tomorrow

Big, huge, enormous news!

I ... have an interview tomorrow. For a job.

What's really cool was that although I had to put my male name on my resume, I included Dorothy as my preferred name, and that's the name the lady who contacted me used.

I am going to be a bit of a nervous wreck so huggles appreciated!

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"7 years, 12 months"

"7 years, 12 months".

That's what my account said when I checked it this morning.

So assuming my math is right, I have managed to be here for 8 years.

It wouldn't have been possible without my friends - you know who you are, if I try and list you all I'll forget somebody - and the wonderful work of Erin and her elves.

Here is hoping I get many more years here.


my new story's origin

I'd like to talk for a moment about my newest story, "Sacrifice".

If's a pretty rare story for me, because I basically inspired myself.

See, a long time back I wrote a little story called "puppets" which had a person with the ability to control others and yet was also a victim of control at the same time. It was so dark I eventually wrote a sequel where the main character became free. And yet, because the story also featured a family who had been victimized by the main character my brain kept going back to the story wondering what happened to them next.

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How far would you go to protect the ones you love?

My dearest children:

I have a confession to make. Your mother and I have been keeping something from you for the last couple of years. Please believe me when I say that was not by choice.

You remember how it seemed to be. One day I came home in women’s clothes and told you I was transgender, that I was going to transition to live as the woman I felt myself to be.

owning up to addiction

After having what I can only describe as a toxic relationship with food for most of my life, with my internal organs in danger and chances for SRS growing fainter, I have been forced to face the fact that I am a food addict.

I have now joined a support group that uses the methods of A.A. to help people like me change not just their diets but their relationship to food, and I am going to do my best to get into recovery.

All hugs, prayers, and words of support are appreciated as I begin this difficult journey.

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Samantha will be having breast reduction surgery

I spent the day running Sharon and Samantha around and it ended with some important news.

It looks like Sam is going for breast reduction surgery probably late this year or early next year. Her back will thank her when she's older, but I'm gonna be a touch worried about her going under the knife anyway.

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Edmonton shows its best

I dont usually talk about sports here, but something so remarkable happened last night at the start of the playoff game here in Edmonton, I have to mention it.

See, due to technical difficulties, the young man who was supposed to sing the American anthem found his microphone not working.

It could have become an embarrassing moment for everyone involved, but instead, he got the crowd to sing the American anthem with him, ringing the rafters as they sang.

Super classy move by the fans, so to all in attendance thank you for representing my town in such a fantastic way.

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I messed up big time

Well I messed up my short story collection badly, and so far have not been able to get a hold of Amazon Kindle to see if I could fix it.

I could go down in infamy as the author who couldn't remember HOW MANY LETTERS THERE WERE IN THE ALPHABET.

I mean seriously, I am a super reader, and I got that wrong?

yeesh ....

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