Dorothy Colleen

you could have knocked me over with a feather

okay so yesterday Sharon needed me to drive her to the vet because her cat was having problems. While we were waiting, she starts this conversation about her church, and says she thinks they are a little too quick to pull out judgement.

Then she says she was also guilty of this in dealing with my desire to transition. She said while she doesnt really understand it, or like it, she felt she had been more negative towards me about it than I deserved, and she apologized.

honestly, you could have knocked me over with a feather ...

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another day, another PTSD attack

So not one of my better days yesterday. After dealing with 30 degree Celsius heat, I went to go on the chat site only to be given some error message. After panicking and leaving a message here, i eventually tried the obvious -reboot and log back in, and it worked. With that little problem solved, I decided I needed to go see a movie, and went to Deadpool 2.

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I really wanted to have something for you soon

I thought I had solved my block on the final chapter of "By the rivers of Babylon", but unfortunately, a really bad PTSD attack last night has left me with no spoons for writing. And if I dont get it done by the middle of next week, well, I'm gonna be a tad busy with my daughter going in for surgery on Wednesday.

Sorry ...

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make of this what you will ...

Okay, so I've had bad dreams, and sad dreams, and searching dreams, but I dont think I have ever had a dream quite like the dream I had last night.

I was with my brother at a mall, when I suddenly caught a look at my own reflection.

And there was a beautiful woman in the mirror.

I mean she was fantastic looking!

I wasnt sure if I should say something or not, I just kept finding reasons to look for reflective surfaces to try and confirm what I was seeing.

Make of this what you will ...

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got a double boost today

okay, so anyone following this blog knows the last while has not been very good for me.

Today kinda made up for it.

First, it was a hot day, so I decided to break out a skirt for the first time this year, and while I was out walking the dog, an elderly lady complimented me on my outfit, making me blush.

Then, tonight, I took Sharon and Samantha to a pizza place for supper, and as I got out of the car, Samantha remarked on the skirt, suggesting that I might want shorts under it in case a breeze blew it up, and Sharon agreed.

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not in a good place

well, I think I spoke too soon about my depression lifting. I'm in a bad place where the only relief I seem to get from sadness is just being numb.

Worse, my writing has dried up, leaving me without one of my major outlets for dealing with crap.

I'm sorry to have to ask, but all hugs, prayers, or positives about me are appreciated.

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By the rivers of Babylon, chapter 2

By the rivers of Babylon

Chapter 2
Author's note: Sorry this has taken so long. You might need to re-read chapter 1 first ...

Richard went digging for Don Ford’s contact information, as well as the last number he had for Mitch Woodward. By the time Anne had finished making breakfast, he was on the phone with Don Ford, and discovered that Don and his wife Linda had both had the same dream as well, and all of them felt the urge ... the need ...

To go back to the desert.

some good news about my daughter

I got some good news about my daughter. I found out that she has been accepted to go to a continuing education program specially set up for handicapped people post grade 12.

They will focus on combining academics with life skills, and it will go for two years.

I'm very proud of her.

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Pathfinder: "The Trio": A trio becomes a quartet (plus one)

Pathfinder: The Trio: A trio becomes a quartet (plus one)

Author’s note: Yep, I’m still doing this one. But this might be the last, I dont know.

The four adventurers followed the river upstream, slowly gaining elevation as they did so.

As the day waned, Goruza and Emerald allowed Star and Champ to graze, while Milah sent her wolf Ajax off into the woods to hunt, and Tamarie went to the river to catch some fish for supper.

magic blood pressure spikes

Do you guys remember the dancing frog from the Warner Brother's cartoons?

Well, I've been having blood pressure spikes that seem to be doing the same thing - I see it at home, but they disappear as soon as my doctor checks me.

So my doctor has ordered a special bp test, to see if we can figure out what the heck is going on ...

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a most unusual dream

I had a really unusual dream last night. I dreamed that I was back in university, but this time I was Dorothy. Not only that, I had this ... confidence about stuff I dont normally have in real life. Even people who reacted negatively to me were dismissed in my mind except to report them to a university official.

Not sure what that means ...

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when a story flops

Even the very best authors probably have at least one story in their collection that just ... isnt as good. Something between imagining the story and writing it down some factor gets left out, or something that doesnt scan gets added in, and it just ... flops.

So what does an author do?

Well, hopefully, learn from it.

So, as I am in that place with my last story, I'm hoping for some constructive criticism in the hopes that I might get better the next time.

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The Superiors: The Gift Chapter 2

The Superiors: The Gift: Chapter 2:

“The Compound” ...


“I really should go out there, people are getting hurt.” I said to Sarah.

“Not yet, Eddi” Sarah cautioned me.

“But ...” I objected.

“If Loki really is out to get you, this would be the perfect time, while everybody is busy with these aliens. Wait, and I’m sure the Doctor will be able to figure a way that you can help without putting yourself in danger.” Sarah pointed out.

writing update

I just wanted to give everybody an update on where I am with my stories:

"Pathfinder": New story being worked on, going slowly, but hasnt stopped yet.

"E-Girl: the Gift" : might have a new chapter, but its coming to a halt.

"Branded": Totally stuck, actually hoping somebody might have a suggestion.

"The secret of MYTH": coming close to totally stuck.

and "By the rivers of Babylon": current chapter is grinding towards a point where I might have a new chapter, but not sure what happens after that.

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Author's note: Yes, I know I have several incomplete stories, but my muse sent me this one today, so I'm sharing it.

They say you always remember your first love, and I sure do.


We both lived in the same neighborhood, and became part of the group of kids who hung out together whenever the opportunity came up.

I guess we were lucky, in a way. We were part of the last generation of kids who were sent outside to play on their own, no adults hovering over us.

My family has a knack for making a bad situation worse

If my extended family has a knack, its to make a bad situation worse.

My aunt is going into the hospital on Thursday to get treated for cancer in her uterus, and two of my other aunts decided that wasn't enough stress, so they started fighting over who will look after my aunt when she gets out of the hospital.

Sighs ...

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Pathfinder: "The Trio": Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest

(Author’s note: you should probably read the previous stories first)

It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler’s Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move.

Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast.

Emerald asked Milah, “You’ve been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?”


Just a quick update for anybody following my silly little blog:

My brother is home from the hospital, but pain in the non-replaced leg is slowing his recovery. Nothing we can do except slog through things ...

Meanwhile, my aunt does have cancer - stage one, apparently, so she's also looking at a long slog before any recovery ...

And me?

Well, other than the fact I've done no writing at all this week, and was sick today to boot, I'm hanging in there.

I promise to be back at writing as soon as my spoons allow ...

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my brother is home, and a new story started

Just letting everybody know that my brother is home, and beginning the long slow recovery/rehab process. And apparently, that was good enough for my muse to send me another little story to share with you all:

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update, and new "Branded" chapter up

Just a quick update: My brother had his surgery, and seems to be doing fine. Without the worry in my head, my muse decided to show up and I have a new chapter of "Branded" up to share with you all:

hope you all like it

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Branded Chapter 3

Branded Chapter 3


I swam in a blissful blackness for a while.

But sadly, I was not allowed to stay there.

The real world slowly resolved itself around me, and I realized I was on a bed in Doyle.

“Oh good, you’re awake” a nurse said.

“I’m not sure about that.” I replied, trying to pull things into focus.

“Well, you better get awake, boy. You got work to do and only two hours to do it.” said another voice, one I recognized as one of the self-defence instructors for the school.

just to let everybody know

Just to let everybody know I probably wont be on much the next few days as we will be spending a lot of time at the hospital with my brother undergoing knee surgery. I'll try and give an update when I have one, but in the meantime, I'm leaving behind a big store of huggles, should anybody need one, and if you want to leave one for me, that's always appreciated.

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update: stress plus super cold weather plus PTSD equals sucky times

Well, I know its been a while since I posted a blog entry here, so let me give you an update:

My aunt went to the hospital, but instead of surgery they did a biopsy, and want her to come back in 3 weeks. So more waiting ...

My brother goes in for his knee operation on Wednesday, trying really hard to not worry ...

My mom's burn on her leg isnt healing very well, in part because she scratched it, delaying her recovery ...


No more waiting, oh.

No more waiting, oh

Parody of "What you waiting for" by Gwen Stefani which can be found here:

I know it’s finally time
Time for all to see
Too many years gone by
Now I have to be free ...

(Tick-tock, tick tock, tick- tock ..)

Since I was born,
mistaken for a boy
Internal conversations,
How much could I take?

What if they say I’m a sinner ?


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