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I have the beginnings of an idea about a story connected to my M.Y.T.H. universe, but I am going to need help. Does anybody know about creatures of the Louisiana swamps? Specifically, I'm thinking any thinking monsters or were-creatures ? If you do, or know any resources related to that mythos, please let me know.
Swampy southern Arkansas is really more Louisiana
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Hoodoo might be a good place to start
I don't know of any legendary creatures but they have lots of magical folk, conjurors (obeah men) and a pantheon of gods that are variations on West African ones who are sometimes also Catholic saints, and the Devil himself, for those uncautious enough to call him forth.
(In some variations/branches of Hoodoo the supreme god is one who's both male and female: )
Werewolves (Loupgaroo in Cajun french) are also pretty big down there,
if a bit pedestrian...
I went looking for the old slave legend of the "hellhound" mentioned
in blues songs and couldn't find it, but did find this. it looks promising:
~see you at the crossroads, bring your gris-gris/// Veronica
Oh... And don't forget KILLER CROC. He's the big daddy of all them ol' gators!!
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
the only ones I know
The only ones I know are Swamp Legends Jeromy Pruitt and David Ladart*lmao*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Swamp thing movies, perhaps?
But you could use your amazing imagination and create your own swamp monster. It could be anything from a vaguely animal-like blob that slimes its food to break it down first before eating to something that, from a distance, might even look like a person in the right light.
Oh, wait, aren't there movies about critters often called the "swamp thing?" Check those out if you can find them.
Spooky places even during the daylight. When I was in the Jacksonville area I spend a lot of time canoeing/fishing/hunting in the St John's marsh. Doesn't take much to get your hair standing on end when you're alone in a swamp :)
There is a creature called Skunk apes in Florida, most believe it to be some yet unknown species of ape that live in the swamps and of course some believe it to be a relative of big foot. Personally I believe they are probably the descendants of escaped Orangutans or Chimpanzees that escaped from Ringling Brothers, which is home based in Sarasota Florida. Which happens to be where the best pictures of the 'monster' has been taken.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
You know what, that area was
You know what, that area was used for one of the most famous monsters ever: The Creature From The Black Lagoon. It fits as well!
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
It fits your idea in full and has different variations like the Honey Island Monster that's similar to the monster Nuuan described.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
If you want to poke into the Comic Book realm
Swamp Thing has his origins in the Louisiana swamps. There's plenty to find on the internet about him.
- Leona