Just a quick note which is only of significance to trivia buffs and possibly readers of various stories on BCTS, I have seen Swamp Pop Soda mentioned in several stories. The authors have referred to it as being from Louisiana and hard to find.
As a note, it is in fact bottled in Scranton, PA, and is sold across the country. It is not as well known, or as well distributed as the big name soft drinks, but it is NOT from Louisiana. It is called Swamp Pop because it is mixed using pure cane sugar, unlike most soft drinks which are mixed using liquid fructose, better known as corn syrup. It is also sold in stores across the US, not just in Louisiana or Pennsylvania, but it is not as widespread in distribution as those varieties bottled by the big three - Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, or Cadbury-Schweppes.
Yes, the various flavor names are reminiscent of Louisiana and the Bayou Country, but other than sugar cane it has nothing whatsoever to do with Louisiana.
If you want another good regional soft drink, try Cheerwine which is bottled in Salisbury, NC and is much harder to get as it IS only sold in that region. It is also known as the oldest family owned soft drink company in the US.
Just wanted to clarify that.
Sluggo Cola
Is another obscure regional soft drink.
Billed as "the slimy-est cola in the universe"
it's available only on the fictional planet Ferenginar.
and sounds even more disgustingly ooky than Swamp Pop.
It was mentioned exactly once on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
and never again. It's weird the things I remember when any password
I don't use regularly vanishes from my memory + I can't even guess what it was;
but I remember Sluggo Cola...
~cheers, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Swamp water
Along the central coast of Oregon in the mid sixties the local Dairy Queens served something the locals referred to as "Swamp Water". I found it rather tasty. It was a fifty/fifty mix of orange soda and root beer. I occasionally still mix some Swamp Water at the self-serve soda machines.
I'll have to look for some Swamp Pop Soda. I've recently watched a YouTube video on just what the body does with High Fructose Corn Syrup. It's nothing good.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Swamp Water
When I was growing up in small town Ontario, Canada we would mix a wide variety of soda and fruit juice, put it in the punch bowl and call it Swamp Water.
for a moment, I thought you were talking about "swamp water"
we used to make "swamp water" big gulps- a little bit of every flavor the local 7-11 had on tap, all mixed together, and I thought that was what you were talking about.
Not sure if Swamp Pop is sold here in Edmonton, I don't recall seeing it.
CheerWine Soda
As a side note, the Cracker Barrel chain of store/restaurants does sell Cheerwine soda, as well as selection of other "smaller" brands.