Dorothy Colleen

really bad news from my doctor

Well, my doctor got the results of my ultrasound and its much worse than I could have feared. My liver is very fatty, my kidneys are enlarged, and I am in serious trouble unless I can make a total 180 on my eating habits.

You add to this the fact I was already struggling emotionally and spiritually, and I am in a very bad place at the moment.

hugs and prayers appreciated.

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learning from my mistake with Mercy

I have been thinking a lot about the mistake I made with Mercy. Namely, that I posted chapters as they were written, rather than wait until I had the story complete. I believe that the length of time between posting, especially when I couldnt even say when more might come, helped lower the opinion of people about the series. Plus, I believe the pressure I put on myself to try and keep interest in the story led me to post very short chapters that also probably turned a lot of people off.

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the end of book 1 for Mercy

Just so anybody reading chapter 20 of Mercy and worried that it says "The end ... for now", dont worry just yet.

I plan to bring Mercy, Brand, and company back for a Book 2, with a focus on the idea of self-forgiveness.

I mean, its great to forgive others, but what if you cant forgive yourself?

I have no timeline for when I'll actually be able to have something to share, but I promise that as soon as I do, I will post it for everybody who still likes these characters to enjoy.

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Mercy Chapter 20

Mercy Chapter 20.

A couple of days later, Faith’s magic teacher asked her to come back after her last class of the day.

When she got to the magic building, she was shocked to see Richard standing beside her teacher.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“I believe Richard here will be very useful when you face Brand.” Faith’s teacher said.

“Richard? How can you help?”

“Well, er .. Faith, my power - I can contact Brand and help him expel Vendetta.”

“That’s fantastic!”

Making progress

Well, I am glad to report I have made some progress on stuff. I got my tax rebate into the bank today, and discovered that my former employer had FINALLY given me my holiday pay. Then I went to the E.I. office, and discovered I had made a small mistake which was delaying my claim, and fixed it.

All this, plus I've gotten some serious progress done on the next chapter of Mercy, so I am super happy at the moment.

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How I write

I dont know how others write, but I tend to write in sequence - that is, I write the first part of a chapter first, then each event as it occurs.

Once in a great while after I have finished a part of a chapter, I realize something would actually work better earlier, and switch it around, but generally the story unfolds as I write it.

But I think I need to do something different for the next chapter of Mercy.

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this is not a beg for kudos

I am not going to beg for kudos on Mercy, but I am curious.

258 people liked the first chapter of Mercy enough to give it a kudo.

With every chapter that number has declined, to the point that the latest chapter has 63 kudos at the moment.

If you gave a kudo to chapter one, but have since dropped away from liking the story, and you're comfortable sharing, I would really like to know why.

Too short chapters? Too long a break between chapters?

Anything else that might bring you back ?

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Mercy Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Previously ...

“Faith! I think we’ve found a way to flush Brand out!”

And now ...

“What? Really?” Faith exclaimed.

“Yeah, come on, our magic teachers will help explain.” Arwen said.

The two girls went to the magic building, and came into a room where several teachers were waiting for them.

“Arwen said you guys might have found a way to track Brand?” Faith asked once they were seated.

good news/bad news

some good news, and some bad news

First, the good news. I got a call from Employment Insurance, and they said that they should be making a decision on it soon, but my claim looks good.

But then, the bad news. I had an emotionally exhausting counseling session, and came home to read 2 stories here that look like they are headed into very dark territory, which has left me shaky.

Hoped to get some writing done, but it might not happen now.

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had a very bad day today

Well, I had a very bad day today. First, I tried to get my pink slip from my old work only to be told its up to my local guy - a guy I cant even get a hold of - to get that done.

Then, I went out and found that someone had gotten into my car - again - and threw everything in my glove compartment around. At least this time, my battery wasn't dead ...

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thank you Bailey Summers

If you havent read it yet, Bailey Summers' latest piece, Touch Starved so hits it on the head it hurts.

I often feel like I am starving to be touched, but thankfully I do have my mom so the occasional hug can happen for me.

So thank you Bailey, for saying what so many of us feel ...

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I wanted to say thank you

Just wanted to thank everyone who sent me a suggestion for Mercy. If you gave a suggestion and I don't choose it, please know that's not because your suggestion sucked, but that at the end I had to make a decision. I am noodling, but some health issues are draining my spoons right now so it might be a while.

huggles to all.

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Stuck with Mercy

Well, I ran into a brick wall with my Mercy story.

I was gonna have Faith meet with a suicidal student, but since Vantier just did that in her latest chapter, and I don't think I could top it, I need to go in another direction.

If only I knew what that direction was ...

I'm trying to bribe my muse with chocolate but no luck so far ...

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treasure hunt - a shared universe idea

I have been noodling the idea of a group of explorers who are taking clues which lead to different parts of North America and a hidden puzzle piece that only when all are found and everyone cooperates will lead to the ultimate treasure.

What I'm hoping for is a group of authors, each one following one of the teams looking for the answers through them finding a puzzle piece, and then one large story that would be about all the teams working together to get the treasure.

Would you want to be involved?

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my mom's childhood had something in common with mine

So last night, my mom and I were talking about when she was a kid, and it occurred to me we had something in common. See, she's left-handed, and in those days, they tried to "fix" left-handed people by belittling them and physically punishing them. My mom was assumed to stubborn, stupid, mentally ill, or even just evil just because she was different from the norm. Gee, that sounds a LOT like what trans people go through ...

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mixed bag of emotions at my daughter's birthday party

Well, it was a mixed bag of emotions at my daughter's birthday last night. I was very happy to have some time with her, of course, and the food was good, but the conversation ?

Well, not so much.

See, my mom started talking about my brother going to college, and my sister in law going to university, and how successful they were and are, but when it came to mentioning me ... well, let's just say I have had less success in my life.

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I will have new glasses soon

I cant remember if I've mentioned it here, but I have been struggling for a while with needed new glasses, but its been a bear to get any traction on the issues. well, I finally managed to get things straightened out, and I should be getting a pair in the mail in about 2 weeks. Despite the fact that my errors made this take longer and be much more complicated than it had to be, I still want a adulting sticker, cause I persevered until it was done.

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Zuriel: The Recruit.

Zuriel:The Recruit

I was an oddity, even before I was born.

Which only got worse moments after my birth when my parents named me Zuriel.

The name came about because both my parents were sure I was gonna be a girl, until they saw the little thing between my legs, and as they hadn’t bothered to have a boy name ready, they found a list of baby names and started at the back until they found one they liked.

Unfortunately, they were kinda right about me - I have always felt more like a girl than a guy.

dress codes that include high heels may be gone soon

I was reading the other day that a lot of places including the U.K. and Canada are looking into dress codes that force women to wear heels at work, as well as overly sexual outfits like short skirts. While this is a good thing, it sucks for those of us who are used to trans stories that feature a guy following the girl's dress code ...

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Earth Racer

Earth Racer

I’m not sure how I got elected the PR person. I guess of the three of us, I was the only one who didn’t have a solid role to play in the actual racing, and they wanted me to feel like part of the team.

Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Carol Petty-Foyt. The oldest of three children who are the direct descendants of racing royalty. My sister Alison is the grease-monkey - give her an engine, and she can pull it apart and put it back together again in no time flat.

recovering from being sick

Well, my weekend did not go as planned, as I spent it bent over the toilet instead of being able to do stuff.

As a result, my attempts to publish my short story collection have been delayed, as have been my writing in general.

I'll post another update on the status of the story collection and when you guys might be able to expect more chapters of Mercy from me when I have more info to share, promise.

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A very big "Thank you"

I just wanted to publicly thank Crazy Pagan Gurl for her help in editing my short story collection.

If I can, this weekend I'm going to try and submit it to Kindle, and I'll let everybody know when it's up.

Of course, doing this also means 26 of my shorts will be taken down from this site, but don't think I don't appreciate all the comments and kudos those stories have received here.

No matter how successful this little experiment is, I will always be grateful for this place, and I'm not done contributing just yet.

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advice, please

I was having a conversation with Efdumb the other day, and he suggested I might want to put some of my stories into a collection for sale on Kindle.

Its a good idea, but I am stuck on what stories I would pick. I mean, it would probably take 10 stories to make up a decent sized book, and my stories don't tend to be connected to each other directly, so how would I select the stories?

Any ideas, anybody?

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surviving dysphoria

f you guys don't mind, I wanna talk about dysphoria for a bit.

Now, it's not a subject I tackle often, partially because I'm not sure how to convey the feeling to someone who has never had it, and partially because I'm not an expert on the subject in any sense other than my own experiences.

That said, as I had a really bad day with dysphoria yesterday, it is worth attempting to give some ideas on it.

My dysphoria tends to come in cycles. Not surprising, since everything else in my life seems to come in cycles too.
Sometimes, it's only a mild irritation.

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Reminded of a hot summer day

Bailey Summers' newest chapter of Jem got me thinking of a moment when I was a teenager.

A couple of girls who had become part of an unofficial D & D group with me were at one of their houses and we were just goofing around, and then the girls decided it was too hot and since they didn't have bathing suits handy, they simply stripped to their underwear. Despite feeling a touch self-conscious about my body, somehow I got talked into doing the same.

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All my life I’ve been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I’ve always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make.

Then one day I learned how right I had been ....

I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head.

I headed out of town, thinking I’d visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch.

working on a story about a 40 + trans woman transitioning

You guys may recall a while ago I challenged our authors to come up with a story starring a "mature" trans person.

Well, I decided to take myself up on my challenge, and I'm working on the story right now.

No idea when it will be done, as I am splitting my writing time between this story, Mercy, and another new piece called "Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!"

So all I can say for now is, stay tuned ...

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positive steps from my ex.

I had a couple of good moments with Sharon today. She talked about her church possibly being too judgmental, and I'm petty sure she was talking about my situation in particular.

Plus she talked about meeting a trans woman working in a store in the mall, and how nice a person they were.

Despite her using the wrong pronouns, its the most positive steps forward I've seen from her.

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please send Jaci some encouragement

I just wanted all my friends and fans here (and everybody else too) to send some encouragement to Jaci. She's been fiddling with a very funny Jaci and Dottie story, but I think she doesn't think she's a good enough writer, or something.

So send her some love, if you please.

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a bit of an adventure today

Well, today was a bit of adventure.

It started with getting a phone call from a friend who was crying so hard she could hardly talk.

Then I went to the police station to get my fingerprints done so I can change my name, and when I got there I realized I needed 2 pieces of I.D., and I only had one on me, so I had to go back home, get my birth certificate, and go back to the station.

But I got my fingerprints done, so that's one step down.

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sorry no new "Mercy" for a bit

Just wanted to apologize to anybody hoping for more Mercy any time soon. Since losing my job I have been fighting a serious depression, as well as a flu, and worrying about Jaci, my mom, and others as well.

So as a result, I haven't been doing much writing.

I'll try and get something going, but no promises on when you'll see more from me.

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Fantasy Island: A Drabble by Dorothy

Fantasy Island: A Drabble by Dorothy

“Mr. Roarke, When my wife booked us for a weekend here, she said it was a place to explore a fantasy.”


“I’m now a blond big breasted nymphet! That’s certainly not my fantasy!”

Deep voice says “But I never said it was YOUR fantasy we’d be exploring!”


one step forward, one leap back

Well, I had planned to be able to give myself a ribbon for adulting yesterday.

It started off well, despite my cold, I shoveled the walk, and went and got the form for my marriage licence (I need a copy so I can do the name change thing), and then topped it off by getting a hold of the bank that has my car loan to find how much I still owe.

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My brain is weird

My brain is weird.

I had this really bizzare idea come into my head as I slept last night.

A boy who is an amazing car driver is picked to represent Earth in a series of races against some shadow demons. Each race he loses, another part of the Earth belongs to them. But each race he wins, he has another part of his body turn into a girl's

See what I mean when I say my brain is weird ?

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Mercy Chapter 17

Mercy Chapter 17

Author's note. As I must for each chapter, it seems, I must apologize for the delay, and how short it is. Comments and kudos appreciated.

As difficult as it was to get comfortable with a cast, eventually Faith fell asleep. When she woke, Mrs. Carson was there.

“Hey sweetie, how you feeling?” Mrs. Carson said, smiling.

“Okay, I guess.” Faith answered.

“Good. Now, how much should I chew you out for peeking into another student’s mind, especially without their permission?”

“What? Oh ... “


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