I was brought to tears in church today.
See, we had a special service for pets today, and my pastor asked if I would be temporarily in charge of her dog while she conducted the service. To help keep the dog close to me she gave me a handful of treats to give out during the service.
Well, it didnt take the dog long to figure out what I had in my hand, and so became my best friend, sitting beside me and occasionally trying to sniff my hands to see which one had the treats. When I put my face close to his in response to this, he licked me.
And for some reason, that made me cry.
Weird, huh?
Doggy kisses
Not weird at all. Or not to me anyway. The pure and guileless affection
of a dog can be a very moving experience. Unless your name is Lucy...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Dogs are...
a mans best friend
until the treats run out then they are open to any edible bribe.
Well done for feeling good like that.
Remember, luv
Before God made Eve, Adam had charge of all the animals. They were created to befriend, serve, and comfort us. He was just doing his God-given job.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
Funny the things that set us off
But trust and affection from a dog? Maybe not so strange, especially if we were used to being a little short of it.
Even if it may have been rented.. :)
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
I have three dogs
and one in particular drives me mad at times, but I still love them. I occasionally show films at a local old folks home and recently they asked for the 1943 film 'Lassie Come Home' - see my recent blog post about Lassie being played by a male dog. It stars Roddy McDowell and 10 year old Elizabeth Taylor in her second film. I guess this is a spoiler but during the film, a dog, not Lassie, dies, and Lassie suffers too. I was sitting there, tears rolling down my cheeks and hoping that it was too dark for the old ladies to see them. If they did, they were too polite to mention it. So no, your reaction wasn't weird at all.