the new Doctor is a woman

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For any Whovians here, the announcement has been made. The next Doctor will be a woman:



laika's picture

But I heard the show's ratings were kind of declining. I only hope that if it folds again they wont blame it on this new Doctor. There's a lot of fanboys in science fiction (for even the most progressive and egalitarian shows, like say Star Trek, as if they're not even getting the message or they've been watching some other show) who love to hate on women and loathe any kind of change...

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."

Indeed- some 'fans' were

Indeed- some 'fans' were deeply against Star Trek Discovery for making the lead female and non-caucasian. Thereby being completely oblivious to the message of Star Trek- infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Doctor Who becoming female was inevitable. Let's just hope they cast the right actress- we'll see in December, I guess. Capaldi has left some very large shoes to fill.

Debs xxxx

She has the look

erin's picture

That look of compassionate amusement that has characterized all of the best visions of the Doctor is present in even casual pictures of Ms. Whittaker. I think this is going to out work well. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It's seemingly a trend that

It's seemingly a trend that they go from grumpy to compassionate, they did it from the second to the third, from the sixth to the seventh, from the ninth to the tenth, now the 12th to the 13th.

In four or so years it'll be intriguing if they go with goofy or they revert to grumpy again.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

To quote the character: still

To quote the character: still not a ginger. Oh well, maybe next will finally be it!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

There was a lot of talk about...

the doctor regenerating into a woman before Peter Capaldi was announced as the 12th doctor. Of course a few seasons ago the master regenerated into a female.

Over the many many years of Dr. Who there have been doctors that we have loved and some we couldn't wait to see regenerated into someone new.

Why a female Doctor? I guess the network figured it's all just a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff anyway :)

The big question is with the new female doctor, who will be her companion?

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Time Lady

I'm looking forward to it.

But, let's get back to basics:
Simple stories.
Lots of action
Little great companions
MANY episodes per year - not eight or ten, but 30 or 40.

Red MacDonald

Oh don't we wish it could be so...

But don't think the BEEEEEEB is going to pour enough Sterling into the series to make 30 or 40 shows in a season.

They might, only if they get rid of the cybermen and not have to throw gold dust into the works to defeat them.

And someone please answer me this. What is so important about having a red headed Doctor?

Absolutely nothing, the

Absolutely nothing, the Doctor frequently remarks that they are "still not ginger" after a regeneration.

Doctor who & LGBT

The modern Doctor who has had a very strong LGBT theme since 2005
In The Doctors wife, the Doctor speaks of a great old Time Lord named Corsair, who spent one regeneration as a woman.
In Hell Bent the doctor kills the General, who then regenerates into a woman, when she gets up she says she’s “back to normal” “the only time she’d been a man, that last body. , “Dear Lord, how do you cope with all that ego?
Then we had the Master turn up as a woman Missy.
In World enough and Time recently we had Missy step out of the TARDIS and announce “I’m the Doctor”
On the LG side we had Captain Jack Harkness who wasn’t simply Gay he was Pansexual.
His companion Billie this past season couldn’t have been more Lesbian if it was written on her forehead in pink neon paint.
So they have in a way been leading up to this for several years.
I know several people who haven't watched any of the "modern" Doctors because they don't like "whatever", narrow minded idiots, as there has been some awesomely excellent story line since 2005.

the big question now is should i make some drapes for my Tardis lol

And don't forget Susan, the transgender horse

laika's picture

that the 11th Doctor rode in A TOWN CALLED MERCY, although it seems like he misgendered her with his:
"And he wants you to respect his life choices!"

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."

Some changes are good ...

Sara Selvig's picture

and some aren't. I hope this is a good one.

For the others, "Don't just do something, stand there!"


Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.

New uses for a sonic screwdriver

laika's picture

Anything that makes a noise like that probably has a setting that'd feel really good if you knew where to point it.
(hell, what can I say? I'm a Time Slut...)

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."