Dorothy Colleen

I am trying to write, but not succeeding

I have been trying to do a writing, but not getting very far.

With the move coming, being in a lot of pain, and fighting off flashbacks, that's not surprising, but I still hoped to have something for you guys before the month ended.

Ah, well.

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I am honored and humbled

I got some high praise from Shadowblade, and I wanted to share it.

"you have been around on this site for some time and your presence is nothing less of a godsend to many of the writers. You always take the time to read and post nice comments. When I said pillar of the community I truly meant it! You are like the guiding star the sailor uses to steer his ship."

I am totally bowled over by this compliment.

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Tut the trans Pharaoh ?

Yesterday I watched an interesting documentary on King Tut, and they did a "virtual autopsy" on his body. Apparently, he suffered from a hormonal imbalance, resulting in him having wider hips and a small amount of breast growth.

Even more interesting was that the condition was hereditary, and his dad had it even worse, looking a lot like a woman with some facial hair and a male organ.

So I find myself wondering who wants to do a King Tut the trans Pharaoh story?

Any takers?

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one reason why I love this site

As a writer and a reader, I get frustrated when people excuse bad writing because the end product was marketed to a specific group.

Like saying "its just for kids" or "Its just for teen girls" isnt an excuse to not try and make a good story.

When it comes to trans fiction, the excuse is usually that its intended for the small number of guys who have a trans fetish.

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Seven years plus

While I was distracted with other things, my 7th anniversary here passed a couple of weeks ago.

So even though its late, let me thank Erin, Piper, and all the people who keep this site going, as well as all the writers whose stories I've enjoyed, and all the readers, especially those who have left a comment on my own humble works.

Happy anniversary huggles to everybody!

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2 days into working for my new company

Well, I had my 2nd shift working for the new cleaning company, and so far, its been a mixed experience.

First, the good - I got a semi-promotion and have been given the responsibility for training our two newcomers and acting as kind of a on site supervisor. Plus, I must be doing pretty well at this, since my store has already been singled out as one with a high rating after the first couple days.

Now the bad - despite the less physically taxing job, I haven't had a reduction in my pain levels. In fact I was close to tears a couple of times last night.

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Mercy Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Author's note: Sorry this chapter is so short.

“Do you think she’s ... like Brand?” Faith asked.

“It doesn’t appear to be the case. She’s described as a warrior, but not out of control. I’ll know more when I meet her.”

“Well, if she decides to come, I’d like to meet her.”

“We’ll have to see. Her name is Vantier, by the way.”

Faith’s stomach rumbled, and Mrs. Carson smiled.

“Sounds like you need to get some food.”


Life's little ironies

Life likes giving me little ironies.

Like today is my 5th anniversary of working for Walmart, and so every time I swiped my badge I got a "Happy Anniversary" message.

So why is that ironic?

Because today I also got my official walking papers saying my last day with Walmart will be Friday.

Ah, well.

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I feel guilty

I feel like I owe my readers an apology. Its been more than a month since I published the last chapter of Mercy, and i cant even say I'm close to having the next one ready.

But pain, PTSD, gender dysphoria, and life stress have sapped my creativity totally, and so my progress has slowed to a crawl.

I'm so sorry.

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I am in terrible pain

I've reached a point where pain is a constant factor in my life.

Worse, regular pain medications are no longer nearly effective enough for me.

As soon as I can, I'm going to book a visit to my doctor, to see what other options are available, but in the meantime, prayers and hugs appreciated.

Oh, I am kinda blocked on Mercy right now, so I dont know when more is coming.


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Love and Zombies

Love and Zombies

Author’s note: This is fan-fiction taking place in the world of the book “World War Z - an oral history of the zombie war”. Hope you guys like it.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The mayor’s wife is a strikingly beautiful woman despite being in her 60’s. She asks to do this interview on the patio, and there she begins.

Weird dreams, and trying to write

I have the weirdest dreams.

Like last night I dreamed I was at an event at the University of Alberta, and the person I was with caught a bus without me. I then wandered around for a while, saw a pretty girl, and kissed her for no good reason.

Then I apologized for kissing her.

There was more, but honestly, it was so jumbled I cant really make sense of it.

On the other hand, at least the fact I had a dream means I'm getting used to wearing the CPAP machine ...

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Dress up

Dress up

I put it to you that it’s just as sexy to watch a woman dress as it is to watch her undress.

At least it’s true for me, when it comes to watching my wife, Anne.

Of course, being a smart woman, she sometimes teases me by making it a bit of a production.

She’ll come out of the bathroom in just a bra and panties, and take her time putting on stockings before slipping on her blouse and wiggling into her skirt.

Then she’ll come over to the bed and give me a long kiss before putting on her makeup and shoes to face the world.

Strange dreams

I've had a lot of "searching" dreams - dreams where I'm looking for a place, a person, or an object, but last night i had a slightly different version of those dreams.

I was at some kind of combination carnival and sporting event with my brother and some friends, and when we got to our seats for the game, I realized I was hungry, and so went looking for a concession stand.

There I met a man who knew me, and he took me into secret parts of the site, and then I won a carnival game, and he seemed kind of sad about that for some reason.

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Mercy Chapter 10

Mercy Chapter 10

Talia rushed into Faith’s room and held her tight.

“It’s okay, sweetie. It’s okay.” she said.

“Ta...Ta ... Talia?”

“I got you, hon. It’s okay.”

“Talia I ... had this dream ...”

“Yeah. I know.”

“Huh? How?”

“Hon, because of our friendship, you ... broadcasted to me. That’s how I knew you were in trouble.”

“Why would I dream of ... that?”

“Well, if I were to make a guess, I’d say it’s because you’re about to start your period. Same thing happens to me just before my period starts.”

My ex might be nuts

As if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment, apparently Sharon has gone insane.

On Saturday she was with my mom and spotted a cop talking to a woman at a bus stop. She jumped out of the car and got in the officer's face, even though she didn't know the woman, the officer, or the situation.

Frankly, she was lucky he didn't arrest her.

From what my mom told me, she has been taken off her blood pressure meds, which maybe why this happened, but still, she needs to get a handle on her impulse control, or she or my daughter will get hurt.

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Happy Birthday, Jaci !

Well, today is a special day.

It's Jaci's (AKA Tels) birthday!

Yes, the originator of all the girly germs on many chat sites is having a birthday today.

And since she's having a tough time because of her period, I'm sure she'd really appreciate all the birthday huggles we can give her!

Jaci, I hope you have a happy, girly, PINK birthday!

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Ring the Bell

Ring the Bell

(Author's note: No, this isnt the adventure story. Just a little snippet that came into my head today.)

A young man paces outside a house, arguing with himself.

Finally, He steps toward the house, takes a breath, and rings the bell.

A young woman answers, and says, “Hey! Long time no see.”

He replies, “Yeah, sorry about that. Needed to get my head together after all the ... changes.”

“I totally get that. I was kinda in the same place.”

“So ... we cool?”

“I’m cool if you are.”

Bad dreams

i have always had strange dreams.

Not only the night terrors I had for decades, but just plain odd dreams.

Well, last night, I had a doozy.

I dreamed that I was with a group of people being harassed by government officials when a group of tough looking men started attacking the group.

I got the idea of giving this one guy a drop-kick because I was on a platform and I figured i'd at least get his attention.

So I launched myself at him, kicked him in the face.

And I killed him.

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Testing, testing

Well, "testing" seems to be the theme for the day.

I took my ex to get her heart tested (she'll wear this monitor for a day and then hopefully get the results soon).

I also got the results of an X-ray done on my knee, and I have mild damage. That's a better result than I feared.

Same goes for the results of the x-ray I got done because of the fall I had a work - no breaks, just some bruising and strained muscles.

And in April I'll get tested for sleep apnea.

The more you know the better, they say ....

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Mercy Chapter 9

Mercy Chapter 9

“Yes, dear. Now, what are you going to do about your new friend, here?”

Faith turned to the animal, and said, “You could go home, now.”

“Home is with you.” She heard from the hellhound.

Faith concentrated, and first her wings turned back into their tattoo form, then the staff did the same forming on her right forearm, and finally a glow surrounded the hellhound and a moment later Faith had a new tattoo, this one on her left forearm.

got some bad news

Well, I just got some bad news.

My work is going to start outsourcing store cleaning to a cleaning company sometime this year, so my job will be coming to a close.

Not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm going to try my best to keep my chin up and do my best at the job in the meantime.

Prayers and hugs appreciated always.

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I am well-loved

I am well-loved by my church.

If I needed extra proof of this, I got it Sunday.

See, I went to church, but partway through the service my leg muscles decided they wanted to spasm, and my knee moved in a direction its not supposed be able to go.

I managed to suppress my yelp, but then the pastor asked if anybody had a prayer request, so I asked for prayer for the pain.

The pastor made the prayer, and the service continued, but no less than four people came over to me to check on me, to comfort me, and to offer me any help they could.

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