Saw an interesting article in the latest issue of "McCleans" about OCD and grief. Seems this mother noticed that her son's OCD started soon after the kid's grandfather died, and eventually got a lot better once he processed his grief.]
What do you guys think? Is there a link between OCD and grief?
OCD and everything
OCD is debilitating at least and crippling at worse. If you have it already you are likely to work your grief into your OCD however if you don't have it I don't think grief can cause you to pick it up.
I can only speak to my own nature being transsexual... there are so many 'baggages' that we carry around. I'm so glad mine is so much easier to carry than most. My mental illness is self doubt leading to severe self imposed hermit-ism... I dunno if its a word but I carry it around.
So no. I do not think they are linked, but grief rituals can easily be added into an OCD induced set of activities. Then again, so can not stepping on lines on a sidewalk or anywhere else... or washing your self 27 times before leaving the bathroom; or snapping an elastic or or or ...
Where you start out
I think having one doesn't mean you'll have both, IMHO. But I suspect one can make the other worse. My doctor and I have been searching for for something good for my depression. I've tried four different drugs, each one has had different side effects. One of them pretty much checks me out of the world. I spent a good 4 hours wandering around Walmart and left without buying anything, not even the items I needed to get. Another left me seriously unsteady on my feet. I would shift to walk around something in my path and just keep up until I'd fall down.
The upshot was requiring me to make lists for each store I went to, down to the specific time. If I missed that time then it would throw me completely off. How could I go to store#2 or #3 if I didn't go to #1 first? As I've wound down from all the various drugs I can go back to my normal routine instead of being all ocd.
Things that didn't bother me did when my depression was bad, once I got better my OCD fades away. I suspect everyone has a different reaction, so things can get worse but may not. YMMV
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb