Dorothy Colleen

Customer Service

Customer Service

It had been a typically slow day in the Walmart electronics department. New games and movies come in on Friday, so usually by mid-week I end up covering some other department as well, just to give me something to do.

So it was just luck that I was in the area when a boy came up and asked for help. He looked to be about thirteen, with sandy blond hair and green eyes partially obscured by glasses.

“I would like a girl controller, please” He said softly.

A place beyond pain

I think I managed to find a place beyond pain today.

My knee was really hurting, then suddenly, it stopped, and instead felt numb, like it had fallen asleep.

Then the muscles around my knee started sending out this message of pain, exhaustion, and finally, they went numb too.

Like I had so much pain, my nerves just ... shut down.

I am gonna assume that's probably not good ...

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Daughter of the Knight

Author's note: If you are a comic-book fan, you might recognize who is who in this little story

Daughter of the Knight

I am the child of two dangerous people.

My mother was trained by my grandfather in the arts of intimidation, control ... and death.

My father, on the other hand, uses darkness and fear as weapons, but what most people don’t understand is that his goal always has been to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

To be a modern-day knight.

got triggered again at work today

Got triggered at work again today, but at least I think I know what set me off this time.

I was kinda fragile anyway, but I think the trigger was the flash from the camera in the photo studio. Right after it happened, I honestly felt like throwing up, and it took me a while to get myself centered again.

I'm trying my best, but I hate being so fragile all the time ...

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the worst insult

When I was a kid, I noticed that the insults directed at me, and any other male who wasn't popular tended to involve how feminine we were - "fag", "sissy" or even being called a girl.

I didn't understand it then, but I see it now. To those boys, being a girl was to be a lower form of life, and therefore the worst insult you could give a boy was to compare him to a girl.

I wonder how many of those boys ever stopped feeling like that, how many girlfriends and wives suffered because of that attitude, and how many taught that same feeling to their sons.

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Link between OCD and grief?

Saw an interesting article in the latest issue of "McCleans" about OCD and grief. Seems this mother noticed that her son's OCD started soon after the kid's grandfather died, and eventually got a lot better once he processed his grief.]

What do you guys think? Is there a link between OCD and grief?

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Do women overshare ?

If you have read any TG fiction at all, there's a good chance you read something like this: a new girl discovers that girls can be very ... earthy and share intimate details with other girls
Well, I don't know how common that is in real life, but I had something like that happen to me yesterday. I had a conversation with a co-worker, in which she ... overshared details about her period.

I hope I didn't come across as clueless in my response ...

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A change in attitude about a part of my body

Okay I have a bit of a weird one for you, so forgive me if this makes no sense.

A while back I made a little poem called "I hate my toes", which was mostly just a little bit of nonsense about how having someone who loves you turns even your least favorite parts of yourself into something special.

And while my toes arent my least favorite body part (that is and always will be my male bits), I havent exactly ever been particularly fond of them either - they always looked too ... masculine to me.

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When the bullet hits the bone

When the bullet hits the bone

Author’s note: This one was inspired by the old song “Twilight Zone” By Golden Earring.

You can find a version of the song here:

Harry Quinn paced back and forth anxiously across the tiny hotel room.

“It's two A.M., and he’s late. He’s never late.”

Had a visit from a supervisor at the cleaning company today

I had a visit from someone from my cleaning company today, and a couple of good things are hopefully gonna come from it.

One is he promised me that he will see about getting my coverage for my meds going, and he's also promised me that they will get me an actual uniform.

So I am going to give this news a tentative yay ...

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new health worries

I have been trying my best to make this blog super positive lately, and it helps that some good stuff is going on, but as the point of this little exercise is to be honest, I do have to share some not-so-positive stuff.

Right now, my biggest worry is my health. Now my pain levels have been slowly increasing again after a period of leveling off, but that's not really what's new.

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laughter, the best medicine ?

Had an interesting moment at work today.

I was waiting for the public washrooms to clear so I could clean them, and while I waited, I noticed a little girl in a shopping cart with her mom. When she saw me, she squealed with delight and began "talking" to me in baby chatter, waving her arms around and generally having a great time.

I couldn't help myself - I started laughing.

(There may have been some giggles involved, but I refuse to confirm or deny)

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my mom might have PTSD or something like it

During a conversation I had with my mom this weekend, it occurred to me that she has her own kind of PTSD.

She was talking about some stuff that happened before she married my dad, and it was like she wasn't just remembering, but reliving the painful stuff.

I could suggest counseling, but she can be stupidly stubborn sometimes, and seeing someone is one of those areas.

Ah, well. I can give her lots of love, that will help a little, I'm sure.

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The Palm Reader

The Palm Reader

“Being friends with Laura Towers was and still is an adventure.

Take the summer after our grade eleven year, for example ...”


Then ...

“Come on, Tom. I wanna go to the fair!”

“What about James Parker, he’s your boyfriend.”

“He’s working, and I wanna go, please?”


“Hey, look! That tent, it says, ‘Psychic and Palm reader - free readings’!”

“It’s a scam, Laura”

“How can it be a scam when it’s free?”

“Fine ...”

“Come in, children.”

had a small accident with my car, but I'm okay

Somehow, over the last couple of days, I've missed talking about the fact that I had a little accident with my car, ending with me losing one of my tires.

Fortunately, I'm okay, and although I have had to pay about $ 900 for the repairs, I am back up and running again.

So all's well that end's well, I guess.

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Mercy Chapter 12

As it feels like I say every chapter, sorry this took so long, and sorry its so short. My thanks to Shadowblade for letting me borrow Vantier.

Chapter 12

Faith spent the next two days in a state of magical meditation, with her friends taking turns keeping an eye on her.

While in that state, she communed with her mother’s spirit, with Ava, and read from the Book of the People.

After two days, Faith felt ready to face what would come, and came out of her dreamstate.

Talia was there, and helped Faith to her feet.

cute moment at work

Cute moment from work yesterday.

I was passing by the tills with my cart and this little girl gave me a big smile, so I stopped, and said, "Oh oh, I think I saw trouble. Are you trouble?"

The little girl nodded enthusiastically, and her mother laughed.

Its the little moments like that which are worth treasuring.

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ups and downs

Because I seem to be on some kind of event teeter-totter, where I cant have an up without a down, here is how my day went today.

First, the up. My car is less damaged than I thought, and my brother helped me put the spare tire on so I can drive to work until such time as i can afford to fix the car.

Now, the down: I went to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, and discovered that somehow my coverage from work has been discontinued. I am going to have to phone tomorrow and find out what's going on.

See what I mean? Up and down, up and down ...

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I am back online - so here is an update!

Well, my lovelies, I am back online in the new place, so here is my update:

1) the move: It went fine, we're unpacking and slowly making the place our own.

2) my job: I have been transferred to another store, working 11 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday

3) My car: I had a little accident today, so I am going to have to get my car repaired and probably use up most of the cushion I had built up in the process.

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Crunch time for the move

Well, we're officially in crunch time for our move. Tonight I will be packing the last of my stuff, and tomorrow morning we move.

Since I'll be offline for a couple of days, let me take this opportunity to thank everybody who takes the time to read this little blog, especially those who have left comments.

I am so blessed, and I thank you all.

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It's Jaci's fault -again, again!

It’s Jaci’s fault, again, again!

Wanna know the secret origin of the super powered girl that’s been flying around town?

You’ll probably wont believe it.

Okay, can’t say I didn’t warn you.

It all started with that TV show based on the old comic book “Shazam.”

A bunch of the boys in my neighborhood got into it, and when they found out I had a collection of some of the old comic books, they insisted I join in.

I am an inspiration?

I got a super compliment today.

I was on Facebook and talking about feeling frustrated with my transition progress, and this is what I was told by Brianna:

" I have to tell you that on BCTS you are an inspiration to a lot of us who transitioned after you did."

That's ... amazing.

Me, an inspiration?

Wow ...

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back to working on Mercy

Well for those who haven't yet lost patience with me in regards to my story "Mercy", I have good news - I've started working a bit on the next chapter.

Will still probably be a while in coming, I cant spend a lot of time writing, as I have packing to do yet for this move, but at least I am not totally blocked on the story any more.

I also wanted to thank everybody who took the time to send some huggles to Drea, it sounds like they helped a bit.

Huggles to all !

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bad news and good news from my gender doc

Well, I saw my gender doc yesterday, and it was a mixed thing, with some good news and some bad news.

First, the bad news - if I want to even get an orchy, much less SRS, I need to start taking dieting seriously, and even then its gonna be iffy.

The good news is my doc has prescribed a new drug to help me with the PTSD, which I hope to get filled out Sunday. The drug's active ingredient is also one of the active ingredients in pot, so I guess you could say I'm gonna be (sort of) a pot head ...

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It's Jaci's fault - again!

It's Jaci's fault - again!

As the title suggests, this little piece came out of conversations I had with Jaci.

One summer day, two boys met at a local park, with younger siblings in tow.

“Hey John, stuck looking after your sister again?”

“Yeah, Mike, what can you do. I see you got your tag-along behind you as well. You know, I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s the deal with them? They act more like your little sister than your little brother.”

Behind John a small voice said, “Sister? I knew it!”

Photographic Memories

Photographic Memories

Author’s note: To the people who have been wondering why I have been struggling to post any stories lately - this story is why. But it had to come out ... This story contains references to sexual abuse. Please read with care.

I’ve had some tough moments in my life, but once they were done, I wasn’t prepared for them to make a comeback ...

an up and down day

I had kinda an up and down night last night.

First, mom and I managed to get another load of stuff over to the new place, so that was a yay.

Unfortunately, last night I also had to fight against a nasty voice telling me how ugly I am, how nobody would ever wanna go out with me, on and on and on.

And as it is raining cats, dogs, and possibly gerbils outside, I don't think its safe for me to go to church and get the huggles I need ...

Ah, well.

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the big 5 - 0

Well, I have somehow managed to survive to see my 50th birthday, and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank a few people who have helped me live this long.

First, my mom, who loves me unconditionally.

My brother and sister, who have done so much for me.

Jaci, who is a wonderful online big sister.

My friend Erin.

All my online friends.

All my readers, especially those who have left comments on my stories.

Erin and her elves, for giving me a place to post my stuff.

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