Dorothy Colleen

pain is spreading

well, I think all the pain I am getting in my hips and knees is spreading to the parts in between.

Last couple of days, I've been at 8/10 for pain in my left thigh, and 5/10 for pain in my right thigh.

this on top of being 9/10 in the hips and knees, and 11/10 in my private bits. (No, I'm not kidding. flashes of pain there so bad I almost passed out.)

Ah, well.

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a word of encouragement

When I was in Jr. High, I thought the way to get popular would be by taking part in sport, so I signed up for a long distance race that would have my school competing against other schools in the city.

A week before the race, I broke my wrist, but I decided to run anyway.

It didn't go well.

In fact, I finished last. so far behind that several of the other runners lapped me.

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behind the scenes of Mercy

I hope you guys don't mind, but I would like to take you behind the scenes of Mercy for a moment.

A while back, I felt really stuck on this story. What I wanted to do was get Faith to a point where she had grown enough and learned enough that I could bring back Brand for a final confrontation, but I simply didn't know how to get there from where the story was at the time.

So realizing that conflict drives stories, I asked for help in creating an opponent for Faith.

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Speech study

On Monday, I got to participate in an interesting study on speech.

They put sensors on my body, and recorded me talking about a video, and what they created on the computer looks like a stick figure with my voice.

They plan to show this to people, asking them if they can determine if I am male or female based on my voice and the movements of the stick figure.

When they get their information, they plan to use it to help trans women pass better in terms of their speech and body movements.

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I am very frustrated. After a pretty good day with only mild pain, I was heading home when I got a flashback while driving. Thankfully, I was able to keep control enough to make it home without getting into an accident, but it still bothers me that even after 6 years of working on this, I am still vulnerable to flashbacks without any obvious triggers.

Sighs ...

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A Moment at the Mirror

A Moment at the Mirror

The young man looked in the mirror and sighed.

He had hoped to see a girl there, but instead he saw a sad boy in his mother’s clothes.

He’d been dressing up whenever he had the chance for a while now, and he still didn’t understand why. What was it about women’s clothes, a woman’s life that attracted him so?

The fact that he didn’t know the answer to that embarrassed him, frustrated him and drained him.

In Flanders Fields

In honor of Remembrance day, here is "In Flanders Fields",

The World’s Most Famous WAR MEMORIAL POEM
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

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Pain and too many worries

Another pain filled day, and I discovered I really walk funny. My right foot sometimes goes from side to side rather than say back to front or front to back, and when that's not happening my right leg is going in some completely other direction than my left one.

To make things even more stressful, I came home to discover my dog is limping quite badly too.

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Mercy Chapter 14

Mercy Chapter 14.

Faith walked into her class feeling rather nervous.

The teacher had told the class yesterday they would have to partner up for the next assignment, and she had found herself being partnered with a boy named Donavan.

A lot of her nervousness was just new-kid jitters, or at least that’s what she told herself.

When the class ended, Faith’s nervousness had gone away. Donavan seemed like a nice boy, and the topic they were looking at was pretty interesting, so she found herself looking forward to the next class.

triple-teamed today

One of the worst things about mental illness is the stigma attached.

I mean, most people would probably rather say they needed to miss work due to explosive diarrhea than admit they're struggling with say depression.

Well, I am going to fight against that right now.

Today was not a good day. I got triple-teamed by depression, PTSD, and gender dysphoria. (Not to mention physical pain).

I pretty much felt like I was getting my butt kicked the whole shift, so I am really glad to put the day to bed ...

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Quietly and Completely

Quietly and completely

No one will believe me when I say this, but ... it wasn’t my idea.

It all started in my first year at university. I was a young man, going out into the world for the first time, anxious to prove myself and get a degree.

I had a tiny basement suite near the campus, with a bed, a table, a small kitchen, and maybe just enough room to take a deep breath in, if you were careful.

It was still early in the school year when the first change hit.


I'm just sitting here, having realized that if I hadn't sabotaged myself, I might have had totally transitioned by now.

By delaying my name change, I cost myself more than $ 4,000 which would have come in handy for paying off my car and putting myself in a position where even if i wasn't able to work for months after surgery I'd still be above water.

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bad moment, good moment.

Ever manage to have a really good moment and a really bad one at the same time?

I managed that today.

I was doing my rounds, when I suddenly realized I couldnt see the keys I use on the job.

I panicked, and left my cart and ran to the men's bathroom, which was the last place I remembered using the keys.

I went inside, and a guy standing at the sink said, "Ma'am, I think you're in the wrong bathroom."

I turned interesting shades of red, retreated, and checked my cart again while waiting for the bathroom to be clear.

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Call me "the baby whisperer"

Well, maybe you should call me "the baby whisperer".

See. while I was doing my rounds, I heard a little girl crying. As we approached each other, I started talking to her in a soft voice about why she was sad.

She immediately stopped crying, and looked at me in shock.

Then, as her mother took her away, I could see the corners of her mouth go up as she was obviously trying to hide a smile ...

Stuff like that makes my days better, you know?

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trying to remember the name of a story

Okay, I need help remembering the name of a story.

It was a Whately story, about a girl with gadget powers, who was forced to make weapons for this guy, and when rescued, went to Whately with a lot of trauma and even wanted a UV armband.

Anybody know what I'm looking for?

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I didn't make the best choice today

Sometimes, I don't make the best choices.

Like today, after the church service, our "Affirm" group was showing a video on hate crimes and interviews with the guys who committed them explaining why they did it.

I should probably have known it would be too much for me, but I was curious, so I stayed to watch.

Yeah, that didn't go so well.

I lasted less than halfway through before I had to go and sit outside.

Fortunately, I have wonderful people at my church, and so I got several hugs and prayers to help stabilize me so I could drive home.

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Jaci-Stien: A Jaci and Dottie Story

Jaci-Stien: A Jaci and Dottie Story

“Ha ha ha! I’ve created the ultimate man! Now, to activate ... Computer! Activate manly man program.”

“Beep. Error, program corrupted.”

“What? Computer, activate manly man program!”

Beep. Error, program corrupted.”

“Computer, perform diagnostics on program.”

“Beep. Program has been corrupted by virus designated ‘girly germs’. Virus was most likely delivered via delivery system designated ‘huggles.’ Beep.”

Town Princess

Town Princess

Almost every town probably has its rituals.

You know, the stuff that brings the neighbors together, have a bit of fun, remember the important stuff the past or celebrate the future.

My town’s ritual is a bit ... different.

It all started about ten years ago.

We had two stunning revelations that shook us to the core.

The first was the suicide of a teen named Brett Markson. He’d been popular, involved in local charities, always the first to step up when called upon, so his death came out of the blue to all of us.

Spa Talk: A Drabble by Dorothy

Spa Talk: A drabble by Dorothy

“Hello handsome. How was the spa?”

“Wonderful! I don’t think I’ve ever been so pampered, so relaxed.”

“Now you see why we girls love it. Ohh ... I see they got carried away and painted your toes.”

“Actually, that was my idea. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No! It’s a pretty color for you. Now, let’s head to bed.”

“Good idea. I can show you how ... grateful I am to have you.”

“By the bulge in your pants, I have a pretty good idea. Let’s go!”


Transformation Conversation

Transformation Conversation

Author’s note. You may notice some similarities between this story and a story that was recently republished. What follows is not in any way intended as a criticism of that story, but just what I think I would do in that situation.

I stood before two women, newly transformed into one myself, and I had to acknowledge two truths.

I wept for my father today

I wept for my father today.

See, I've been reading C.S. Lewis' autobiography, and he talks about his father a lot, so maybe that's why my dad came to mind today.

But regardless of the trigger, I wept for him.

I actually think this might be a good thing. I never really grieved properly for my dad, so getting this out of my system is a step in the right direction.

Or at least I'm hoping so ...

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hanging on to my muse for dear life

There is a great picture I've seen on the net, of a dog sitting in front of a computer with the caption "I have no idea what I'm doing."

Why mention this?

Because that's kinda where I am with my stories at the moment.

I have no idea where the stories are going. I have no idea what's gonna happen next. I'm just hoping at the end they're halfway decent and readable ...

My muse has gone all roller coaster, and all i can do is hang on for dear life ...

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Mercy Chapter 13

Mercy Chapter 13

The next few days were as close to “normal” as Faith had gotten since her transformation. She attended classes, she hung with her friends, and she spent time on her computer.

And she had her first period.

Fortunately, her body seemed to protect her from the worst of the symptoms, and so while it wasn’t an easy time, afterward she felt like she’d be okay, even during “that time of the month”.`

Got some stuff done, but still have other stuff to do

Well, I sent off my letter to the benefits company, so all I can do is wait and hope its enough to get them to reissue the check in my male name.

Meanwhile, I have a few other things I need to take care of - I have to book a physical with my doctor, and I need to get an appointment to see the PTSD therapist ASAP.

See, between pain and stress, I could really use some one to talk to about what happened to me so I can maybe slow down the number of flashbacks I'm having ...

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2 AM tears

You know how you can tell you have a long way to go in your healing journey?

When it's 2 AM, and you're holding on to a teddy bear and crying.

That was me last night.

I was triggered by a story that featured an idea I call "the magician's force". Basically, it's where you give someone the illusion of choice, but you've rigged the outcome beforehand.

I believe my abuser used something like that with me.

And so I cried for the seven year old child who fell into the hands of such a creature ...

Ah, well. Must carry on, regardless.

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A strange problem to have

I have a bit a problem.

I am kinda blocked on Mercy, to the point I'm willing to ask for suggestions if anybody has one.

But that doesn't mean I'm blocked for story ideas.

I have started what I hope will be a funny take on Alice in Wonderland.

I am noodling an idea called "Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!"

I even have a Jaci and Dottie story peculating,

So its a strange problem, that I'm blocked on the one story I really want to get back to writing ...

Ah, well.

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I might have been showing signs of being autistic very young

As I watched all the little tykes who came into my store today, I found myself thinking about a story my grandmother told me. She told me that when I was a baby, I was a very happy baby, giggling, cooing, and smiling at everybody - until someone tried to pick me up, and then I would do my best to claw their face off.

I couldn't figure out why I would act like that, but now realizing I was perhaps borderline autistic, that behavior would make sense - Autistic people often cant handle being touched.

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How to make a mistake

One of the parts of adulting I'm trying to learn is how to make mistakes.

Now that probably sounds confusing, so let me explain.

For most of my life, any mistake I made became huge, an example of my general unworthiness. I would beat myself up, add the mistake to a list of mistakes that I kept reminding myself of, and generally act like I was in a really bad tragedy.

But adults dont act like that.

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Ghost Gift

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry


Ghost Gift

It’s Christmas eve, and it seems like everybody is rushing around, trying to get the last things done before the stores close.

Except for me.

I’m a ghost.

No, not the house-haunting kind. I actually have a job.

Given to me by The Big Guy Himself.

my gratitude list

As I kinda fell into the "poor me" trap, let's rectify that by me posting my gratitude list.

My job - it isn't glamorous, but it gives me enough to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge.

My family - they all may not agree with my transition, but they all love me.

my church - it means so much to have them in my corner.

My friends, both off line and online. You guys are awesome.

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some provisional good news

Well, I got some provisional good news.

I was able to get a hold of the company that handles Walmart's benefits, and I was told that if I send the check back with a letter saying why I couldn't cash it, I should be able to get one issued in my male name.

I'm calling this "provisional" because honestly, at this point, I'm not going to count this particular chicken until it hatches, as it were, and I have the money in my bank account ...

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I may have cheated myself out of four thousand dollars

Well, thanks to my own bad choices and laziness there is a good possibility that I will cheat myself out of four thousand dollars.

See, way back when I started with Walmart, I got a little bit of Walmart stock given to me by the company. When I stopped working for them I was supposed to get a payout - about 4 thousand dollars.

But due to a mix-up, they sent me a check - in the name of Dorothy.

Which isn't my legal name yet.

Which meant I couldn't cash the check

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new stories, but no new Mercy

As you may have noticed, I've posted a couple of small stories the last couple of days.

That might make you wonder when more Mercy is coming, and I am afraid the answer is ... not for a bit.

See, I'm kinda blocked on Mercy at the moment, which is why I've turned to trying to clear off the table some other ideas, in the hopes that keeping my muse active will eventually help me with Mercy.

Huggles to all!

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