You guys may recall a while ago I challenged our authors to come up with a story starring a "mature" trans person.
Well, I decided to take myself up on my challenge, and I'm working on the story right now.
No idea when it will be done, as I am splitting my writing time between this story, Mercy, and another new piece called "Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!"
So all I can say for now is, stay tuned ...
I already did Alice....
yes, you did. and I loved her
I wrote "Children know" as a tribute to her.
Wait a second... I'm 44 and transitioning, nobody ever told me I was supposed to be "mature"... lol
Looking forward to it.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
Elderly Transition
I was 57 when I did it, 70 now. Of course no one I know will say that I am any older than 17. Sheesh, not even drinking age.
Check Me Out
My credentials are "D-Day", "D-Day Plus" and "All In A Day's Work". Dorothy, I took your challenge seriously.
glad my challenge led to such great stories!
loved all three stories!
I do Recall
I do recall you posting that "challenge" and have an outline for a story
only filling this out is not so easy.
So watch this space just dont hold your breath for long lol
Would the mature transitioning person need to be the main character in a story or could it be a secondary character?
The reason I'm asking is I'm about to write the second piece for The Power Of Trust story, and as the story continues, I plan to have at least three, possibly four, trans people in it, including one FTM. I was thinking the mature one could be one of the MtFs.
that sounds fun!
remember, this challenge isn't about winning something, just a goad to try and get more awesome stories from more awesome authors!