One moment can make a difference

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Blog About: 

I have a story to tell, and an encouragement to make to all those who read this little blog.

First, the story.

Back when I was still fighting against my feminine side, there was at least one part of her that slipped through - the part that noticed girls. Not in the "she's hot" kind of way, but paying attention to details like shoes, makeup, and jewelry. Sometimes, if I happened to get into a conversation with these girls, I would even slip up and compliment them on whatever it was that caught my eye about what they were wearing - which may have seemed strange coming from a guy.

And since my transition has begun, I have continued to notice those details, and I am even more free about complimenting the girl in question in regards to them.

But I never, ever, ever imagined I would be on the receiving end of such a compliment - until it happened yesterday.

I had gone to a mall to meet my friend Ruth, and as I was early, I went and got a taco and a drink. While ringing me up, the young lady at the till practally gushed how pretty she thought my glasses were.

I blushed, stammered a "thank you", and went on with my day.

Now for the encouragement. That young lady will probably never know how much her compliment meant to me. It took what had been a pretty down day for me, and turned it completely around.

Which is why I want to encourage everyone who reads this blog to take the time to say or do something nice for someone they don't know, as you might just lift the spirits of a depressed soul back up, and give them the strength to fight another day.

Can I count on you to try this?


it can be a good game

I to find myself giving compliments to ladies and commenting on fashions etc. my twenty something daughter gives me the quizzical looks! but as I am firmly stuck in the male side of life she will just have be suspicious and I do find it fun when the surprised replies come from my comments! Perhaps I am just plain old wicked inside

Given that I am active

Wendy Jean's picture

as a volunteer for the transgender community, I do it routinely. So do most of my friends, thinking about it. I also like to give and receive hugs, go figure.


Fits right in with the Random Acts Of Kindness theme. You never know how much difference the "little" things can make.


I can attest to that,

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I know what you mean about complements making your day. I have had such compliments three times in recent history. Twice from employees at Bi-mart (one, "I like your skirt," and one "You look really nice today," from two different people at two different times) and once from a Safeway employee. (She stepped back from her register into the lane I was checking out of to say, "I really like your dress.")

I'm not sure about the Bi-mart employees, but the Safeway checker that complimented me has seen me in male mode and makes no bones about letting me know she's aware of my duality. (That is in a nice way. She's just made mention of the fact that I'm not wearing my work uniform and asking if it's my day off.) All of the women checkers at Safeway are really friendly to me and seem to want to chat with me as I check out regardless of how I'm dressed. The men seem to not be sure how to act, but have been pleasant without being overly talkative.

You're right about it really lifting your spirits. I know the women at work kind of fumble for a response when I compliment their skirt or the way they've done their hair, but I still pass out the compliments... kind of paying it forward, as it were.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann