General Audience (pg)

Proofreaders Editors and the likes are needed

OK so I just finished writing the first story I am going to publish and I need some help in the profing deprtment . I am in desprate need of the fallowing :

1X Editor
1X proofreader

And a whole lot of end audience :).

The story isn't that long ( 2,400 words or so) but I want to do it right.

So please feel free to P.M me or response here.


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Health Update On Stanman63

Currently, I am recovering and getting stronger. A nurse comes by once a day to check out the leg. She unwraps the cast ans cleans the leg and then rewraps it. I am currently taking several meds to help with the healing and am going to see a fw other docs about the leg. I am feeling better and I hope to be able to start writing again soon.

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Darla Raspberry anniversary

This month was the anniversary of Darla Raspberry's death. Not sure what to say, just that I still think of her/him just about every day. (I am her ex-wife.) Just that I am changed forever, and so is her son. That we have learned first hand the terrible mental and physical effects that were caused, most likely, from a lifetime of living in denial.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 394.

Easy As Going Shopping.
by Angharad (shopaholic)
part: 394

Bike 394.

I often find that after a stimulating evening, I am too wound up to sleep. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case and despite the storm that raged half the night, I slept like the proverbial log.

Gift Of The Red Planet - Part 6


"You're very beautiful," said Yuki, suddenly and surprisingly.

"Thank you, even though that is such a strange comment to hear," I whispered back.

Her hand slowly moved from my face to gently touch my neck. I shivered a little with her caress.

Gift Of The Red Planet - Part 6

by Alys



By Melissa Tawn
Sometimes I can feel him entering me ... How can I feel what I have never experienced and am not equipped physically to ever experience? … Perhaps this is what the monks mean, when they pose their riddle about the sound of one hand clapping?

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 393.

Easy As Killing Bambi.*
by Angharad
part: 393

*Might not be suitable for vegetarians or people of taste.

I opened the front door, and accepted the flowers and wine presented to me, I also accepted the peck on the cheek. I showed him into the lounge where Stella was sitting. “I believe you two know each other,” I said.

“Hello, Stella.” Des held out his arms to give her a hug.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 15

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

On December 21, young Steven Brooks got in trouble with his parents and looked at his Christmas presents early. He made a deal with his parents to dress and act as a girl until school started in order to keep his new Nintendo Wii. Due to an accident, the school opening was delayed. It’s now Sunday, January 20, and Stephanie has been a girl for almost a month, and it really doesn’t seem like a punishment anymore. She’s got a boyfriend; she’s made some friends; she’s volunteered to be a junior bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding; she’s interested in becoming a babysitter. And for the past two weeks she’s been trying to grow breasts. The school is supposed to be opening on Tuesday — will Steven be back? But first, Stephanie gets to celebrate her recent twelfth birthday with a party at her grandmother’s, on top of the other three parties she’s already had.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 392.

Easy As Trawling For A Pike.
by Angharad

“What are we having for dinner?” asked Stella.

“You’ve only just eaten,” I said smirking.

“I know but something smells wonderful.”

“It’s my new deodorant,” I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease her.

“I can smell food, Cathy Watts.”

“Can you now?”

Over the hill - conclusion.

I'm sure I'm boring you all stiff, but I have just completed another ride up the ridgeway, this time on my race bike - something a few days ago, I wouldn't have believed I could do. This bike is higher geared than the others, with only a compact chainset instead of the triple. It goes faster but takes more effort.

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Some, if not many of you, don't know Scotty, but he has been an unofficial ambassador to many of the 'girls'. In the past year or two, Scotty has traveled to several of the girls homes to visit and, in a few cases, to get them out of their houses or wherever they live, and out into public for a meal, or just a drive. Some of them had never ventured out of their places of residence en femme.

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Eyewitness Part 1


"What is it?" I asked, curious about her gift.

She rummaged inside her bag for a few seconds before taking out a beautiful blue denim bikini top.

"Here, I found it this morning I used to wear it last year, it's very comfortable, but it's a bit small for me now," she said, indicating her well developed boobs.

Eyewitness Part 1

by Alys

TG Anime and Manga.5

HOUROU MUSUKO: I followed up on Calei Esprit's suggestion and have read as much of Hourou as is available - four volumes at present. I had a hard time using the address she gave and used instead It's much easier as the manga is already downloaded . All one has to do is click on a button to turn the page.


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 391.

Easy As Making Mud Pies - Hard as eating them!
by Angharad
part: 391

I did some shopping on the way home, if Stella was due to arrive tomorrow, some more food would be useful, although we could eat out once or twice. I had some work to do, so she'd have to talk to Spike or go out on her own.

Stand and Deliver - Part 7 - Conclusion

"One....Two....Three....." slowly counted Genevieve, cocking her pistols, " Four....Five....Six...."
She stood perfectly balanced, took aim and continued counting," Seven....Eight....."
Suddenly Captain Wilcox shouted out," Please don't shoot! I'll do it! Please don't shoot!"
Stand And Deliver - Part 7 - Conclusion

by Alys

I know what you did

I Know What You Did

By Christine

Chapter: one

It is always a traumatic thing when a mother looses a child and this case is especially traumatic. Ms. Jasmine Moore’s child, Jason committed suicide and less than four weeks later she had to be admitted to a psychiatric facility for severe schizophrenia. It was the worst case I had ever encountered. She said her dead son was trying to kill her and her daughters newborn baby. She had to be admitted before she harmed the baby

Psychiatric report on examination of patient Jasmine Moore, page five.

Boys of Summer 11-15

Boys of Summer 11-15

Melanie E.


One summer never ends,
One summer never begins,
It keeps me standing still,
It takes all my will,
Then suddenly, last summer,
Then suddenly, last summer...

The Motels- Suddenly Last Summer


Please forgive the delay....

I know I've been remiss in posting a new Amazon chapter, and nearly as bad on Ma'at.

All I can say is that Real-Life has been ridiculously busy for both immediate and extended family, and Changes (capital 'C' deliberate) seem to be under way for me, personally. (Not bad things, but the stress level is 25 on a scale of 1 to 10)

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 390.

Easy As Finding More Work.
by Angharad
part 390.

As I rode home the rain started–some summer this was proving to be. I was quite wet before I got back to the house and by the time I’d wiped the bike down, was feeling cold. I know the bikes are carbon framed, but they still have metal components that can rust.

I Am Calling The ACLU About Bellsouth

I am going to contact the ACLU about Bellsouth and see if they can put their legal muscle in play and force them to allow full access. We pay for full access and if we are not getting it, then they are in breach of contract. It is also not their place to say what we can and cannot access online as a moral issue. It is a violation of free speech.

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Easy As Falling Asleep

Sorry, can't do an episode tonight - too tired, just had a friend on the phone for an hour and am absolutely knackered. Discovered I can't save the universe and write at the same time. Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow.


Angharad & >^^< (the one who kept me awake last night!)

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Need a little help

Hi Everyone, I'm hoping some of you would be kind enough to check these links for me and tell me if they work, My internet went down yesterday afternoon and only came back on this evening, It's still painfully slow at times and I can't get these two sites to load at all. :(

Thanks in advance everyone,



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One more letter from Sky

I was just going to post this as a comment on the story, but I got worried that many of the very, very important people it was intended for would miss it, so I decided to put it over here too and increase the chances it would reach most of them.

I got this letter last night and am just passing it along to everyone.

>>Monday, August 25th (night)

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The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.08 - Bras!

I was suddenly aware that I had company.

"Hey not bad for a girl!" said a male voice.

I turned to see a boy of about my own age, if slightly taller, smiling at me.

"What do you mean not bad for girl?" I responded, slightly irritated by the comment," I'd say not bad for anyone."

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.08 - Bras!

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 389.

Easy As Catching A Cold.
by Angharad.

I snuggled down with Simon, I had missed his warm muscular body and his strong arms which were currently holding me against him. “This is nice,” I said.

“Erm, what?” he said sleepily.

“You’d nodded off. Am I that boring?”

“No, but neither were you up at five o’clock this morning.”

“Oh poor Simon,” I cooed.

Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! Final Chapter

‘I jumped out of bed, going over to the port hole thingie and looked out. It was going to be another hot day and the sea looked calm and not sick making… a good omen!
Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! Final Chapter
By Susan Brown


TG Anime and Manga.4

HAPPINESS! A twelve part anime about teenagers in an imaginary co-ed high school. Part of their curriculum is magic which dominates the plot of each episode. One of the supporting characters is a boy named Jun Watarase who lives openly as a crossdressed boy going to school in a girls' uniform. His explanation is simple - girls' clothes fit him the best and besides that he likes them!


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Having Problems Loading Stories On Fictionmania

I have been trying to get stories to load on Fictionmania, but al I get is frustration. The graphics for Glamour Boutique and the main story page will not even load up. I have been trying to read "Lasting Impressions, The Pregnancy" I have even tried other stories and they all refuse to load. Does anyone know why this could be?



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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 388.

Easy As
by Angharad

I was in the middle of eating my sandwich when the phone rang. I was a little apprehensive about answering it, because no one was supposed to know I was here. At the same time, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to make an informed guess.

I picked up the receiver, "Hello?"

"Hello, Cathy," said Simon.

Gift Of The Red Planet - Part 5


I looked at the countdown clock in the corner of the Driver's screen, showing the time until the nuclear blast.

It read twelve fifteen, next to it was another clock labelled 'Blast Zone Exit Time'. Alarmingly it was reading fifteen thirty.

I noticed Christine following my gaze.

"Shit Brenda, we're not going to make it!" she yelled," What's happened?"

Gift Of The Red Planet - Part 5

by Alys

Competition Backwash?

I submitted a story to the 2008 Summer Romance competition. I don't know why. I have never entered a contest here before and I certainly did not expect to win. If I bought all the tickets in a chook raffle I think I could manage to lose. However, as the days rolled by I was surprised and delighted by the reception my story got,not spectacular but respectable (by my lights, anyway).

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