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The last crossdresser in the world

The sound of a car driving away, caused by a smile on Jack's face.
e waited another 10 minutes to be safe. The treasure chest was hidden behind the drawer.
A plaid skirt, a low-cut blouse, tights, panties, a bra and mary-jane shoes.
A beautiful set, created over a year.
It fits Jack perfectly. Everything fits well. He looks like a regular girl.
Excitement when he sneaks out of the house dressed like that. I've never forgotten it.
The thrill of being caught or laughed at.
Now it's all over. He can only change secretly at home.

Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle


Audience Rating: 


High School Honors Student Shannon has a new psychology teacher with a plan that might get Shannon in trouble - and change his life forever!

Is it going to be good or bad for the reluctant Shannon to pose as a girl for a semester? And what about Shannon's friends and family?

Teenage angst is not always this confusing! With a murder mystery, too!

Mercy Chapter 6

Mercy Chapter 6

The next day was as busy as Talia told her it would be.

She spent the morning taking tests in mundane subjects like Math and English so they could place her in the proper classes. Then they sent her to the campus store to pick up textbooks and other supplies with a line of credit given to her by Mrs. Carson.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 15 The Reaping

Chapter 15: The Reaping


Two days before New Years Eve, all over the earth, every commercial broadcast was suddenly and simultaneously interrupted. The avenging angel Petra appeared on every TV screen and radio speaking in the language of that station.

“I am Petra, the avenging angel,” Petra declared as she stared at those watching her after five seconds.

“I have been sent by God to put the fear of the Lord into evil doers. This message will repeat every four hours through 8pm Greenwich mean time New Years Eve. No power on earth can prevent my interruption of these broadcasts. I invite you to try to find how I’m simultaneously doing this on every commercial broadcast channel in the language normally used on that broadcast. You will fail.”

After another five second dramatic pause she continued. “I started my mission by confronting pedophiles. So far fifteen have been sent to Hell. When those abusers of childhood innocence attempt to act on their perversion, I will strike them down. The only way they can avoid going to hell is to confess their evilness and accept their earthly punishment. They must then confess their sin before God and beg HER forgiveness. Their eternal fate will depend upon God’s judgement of the sincerity of their repentance. Dealing with pedophiles was simply a warm up for my main task which is to eliminate terrorism.”

“God is furious that HER message of love and peace has been perverted into condoning and supporting hatred and terrorism,” Petra sneered after a ten second pause. “Those who practice or support terrorism will pay for their evil actions. Even worse is the fact there are pastors, imams, mullahs, ayatollahs and others in leadership within their individual faith intentionally misinterpreting the Bible or Koran, perverting the message of God’s love and peace. There will be no forgiveness from God for their betrayal. Because they have led innocent believers astray, they will suffer unspeakable horrors while in eternal damnation in Hell!”

Spark - 03 - We're in this


We're in this

SALAMANDER, n. Originally a reptile inhabiting fire; later, an anthropomorphous immortal, but still a pyrophile. Salamanders are now believed to be extinct, the last one of which we have an account having been seen in Carcassonne by the Abbe Belloc, who exorcised it with a bucket of holy water.
~ The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

Synergy - Chapter Three


I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Freya's Gift Chapter 35 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 35: Christmas

Mom answers, "No, child, and don't ever say that out loud, my cousin has no humor when it comes to our comparison. But
thank you for the thought. Now daughter, you and your's must look after Seraphina until she can get a chance to find

Nikki, part 21

“Don’t see why you’re moaning,” dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. “You’re the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties… There’s no ducking out of it now just because it’s your turn to organise one!”

“Give me a break,” I sigh. “I’ve been at work every day this week…”

“Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living,” Beverly laughs, making me sigh. “Thanks for helping out today, Chris.”

“My pleasure,” dad says. “She’s my future daughter-in-law, that makes her family, right?”

Little Boy-Girl/Girl-Boy the Flash Backs

The stories in the segment are from the kids lives before and while in the group home.
Then how they fell and how happy they are now.

I know this is odd but this is my outlook on things

Christmas Calamity Part 3

christmas calamity cover.jpg  
*Part 3*

Gab looked out of the Dormer, no snow but the sky looked pretty full of something, oh well, no escaping the training schedule. Sports bra, thermal bibs, merino socks, jersey, phone – everything else is downstairs. Mum was already in the kitchen similarly attired when she got there, coffee already dripping into the jug.
“I thought you were going out later?”

Somewhere Else Entirely -137-

In Dekarran, Garia struggles with her feelings concerning her forthcoming journey. Despite this, she still finds time to discuss the castle's drains, attend Merizel's wedding, visit the King's Tower again and find Eriana a new job. The deliberations of the rulers reaches a successful conclusion and finally, Garia has an entirely unexpected encounter.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

137 - The Empty Road

Guardian of Future Days, Pt. 3

Author's Note: I thought I would try my hand at writing again by going back to the beginning: my first story here. It didn't garner much of a response but there wasn't much to it. I'm trying to write again and if I can kindle my creative juices and get over the apathy and issues caused by my illnesses then maybe I can return to some of my other stories.

The Bridge

Copyright © 2015 Heather M. All Rights Reserved.

Author's Note: I originally wrote this at Susan's Place last year. This is the first piece of fiction I have managed to write in a very long time but, it's not completely fiction. This was my suicide note. The Bridge is allegorical - referencing the place my mind was in when I wrote the story. I'm still in a dark place and still think about the Bridge, almost daily.

Under my Nose

[2001] Aged 10

Our new Neighbours moved in two days before Christmas. Mother, Father and a 10 year old girl named Jocasta. I thought that was a cool name because she is a superhero from ‘The Avengers’.

Her family were invited round to our place on Christmas Day because the Gas people hadn’t connected up their oven in time. Our families became firm friends from that day onward.

Freya's Gift Chapter 34 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 34: When is a Trap, Not a Trap?

Friday 11 December

Tomorrow is the big day, when all our plans either fly or fall. Well, actually Sunday, we plan to take Deathe down after
the shoot, after all it is a benefit shoot.

Little Boy-Girl 2

This story looks at the other Trans-Girls and brings their new life to light. Riley and Mackenzie start things and we'll look back at some of the others in the story. Then look at how they get along with the other Trans-Girls. Then we show what happens to a new bully that has to go to the new school and has to wear the girls uniform.

Little Boy-Girl/Girl-Boy Tales

The stories in this segment are mainly about the kids. The problems they have dealt with and the aftermath. Then the Happy Family they become in the end. It starts with Jamie and will end with Kayla Ray. Flash Backs will finish with Kayla Ray.

Guts and Lingerie 3 & 4

Sorry for not posting after a long time. So here are the next two chapters, Hope you enjoy!
To read the previous chapter Click Here
Chapter 3
Jenny woke up this time having the same dream again of Marge and him. He took a pic and

stuck it in its place. Today was the day he was waiting for! He went down prepared his

breakfast and had it quickly to enjoy the day. He went up to Marge's bathroom and took a

Nowhere To Run: Chapter 15


Isisraxtosa: Nowhere To Run

Chapter 15

No one knows what the future holds. Everyone has a prediction. It doesn't mean it will come true. That's what one child learn in this futuristic story.

Copyright © Natasa Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.


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Home, Alone & Home, Alone 2 by Susan Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


After a family tragedy, young David decides to live by himself in his home where he can be his true self, Katie. It's almost like a dream as Katie explores her new life.

But it's not easy. Where will she get money? How can an eleven-year-old deal with something as mundane as shopping when at any moment some adult may decide she needs help from police, doctors, teachers or lawyers?

It's lonely, too. Katie needs a friend, but who can she trust with her secret? That she's just a child living in her home, alone?



Home, Alone
by Susan Brown
Buy on KIndle & Buy Book 2 on Kindle

Cheer's the Thing: Becoming Robin Book 3 on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

Cheerleading? Piano? Basketball? How does a girl fit so much into so few hours in a day? Will Robin's over-achieving and perfectionism come back to bite her, or will she learn when enough is enough?

All-girl metal band Heedless Despair embark on their first U.S. tour, will Robin and her friends be content to watch their musical mentors from the front row or will they strive for more? On top of this there's a family wedding and a growing love of her own. Robin Smith, now fully immersed in her new life — will her secret remain a secret forever?

Bobbi McGee by Chris Leeson on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Rob Wescott was unlucky when it came to love. That harmless statue that his ex sent him and he left by his bed turned out to be not so harmless when he woke the next day.

Rob, now Bobbi had to make a new life for herself. But would she continue to be unlucky in love?

Bobbi McGee

by Christopher Leeson

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


Audience Rating: 


George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover
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