A Halloween Possession

POSSESSION-L.jpgA Halloween Possession
written by TGTrinity

The house was abandoned, but it was actually a fairly new house that didn't have a lot of inherent mystery to it. It was secluded in a grove of tall pines, and looked as if it was built sometime in the late 1990's. There was no question that it was a very large house, with three floors and rumors of a basement that had two levels of it's own. Adding to the lack of mystery was the fact that the house still had intact windows, lights throughout and a mat on the front entryway that read "Welcome".

"You've got to be kidding me," Harry said as he followed his three friends up the long walkway. It was a chilly monday night in Portland, and each of the guys was dressed accordingly with a light jacket, a nice warm scarf and fashionable beanie atop their heads. They had passed enough weirdos on their short walk to the house who had decided to not act their age and put on all sorts of costumes, but these four were above such nonsense. Their money and good looks went a lot further than any costume could, even on Halloween night.

"Nope, this is the address that was attached to the email," William said as he pulled his scarf tighter.

"They said the house was haunted? This looks like the most normal house I've ever seen," Ben added as he pushed his way to the door, "so let's get in already."

"Hey, back the fuck up," Thomas said as he pushed Ben back. "We've got to go over the ground rules first," he said as he stood in front of the door. Thomas was the head of their fraternity, and he made it a point to take the lead in whatever activity they set out on. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the light of the moon, and for the first time that night Harry felt a little unease. "Now the rules are fairly simple, and you better not fuck this up. There are four floors, and we each get one floor. Don't you dare fucking leave your floor, because I don't want you walking in on me while I'm fucking one of them! Do it, and I'll fucking tear your arms off."

Ben flinched as Thomas said it, and this made Harry laugh a little.

"You're really just going to fuck a random girl you meet?" It was William chiming in this time, as it was his first Halloween with the frat.

"Look," Thomas said with a great degree of annoyance, "we set this up with the Beta's every year. We leave some guys at a house to hide, and they do the same. You find someone, you get to fuck 'em. Everyone's on the same page, so don't be a fucking pussy."

William looked as if he wanted to say something else, but thought better of it and nodded.

"Alright, so are there any more stupid questions? No? Then let's do this," Thomas added as he opened the door slowly. All four stepped into the house, and found that it was very warm and welcoming. The entry way was very large with a fireplace at one end that had a roaring fire going, while books lined shelves on either wall.

"God, they picked an awful house this year," Ben said as he took off his jacket and tossed it on a larger red chair. The other three took off their outerwear as well, and Thomas spoke as they approached a large staircase.

"The girls said this place was the home of a woman who claimed to be a Witch. Back in 2006 they say the husband found her in bed with a woman on Halloween, and he killed her right in front of her lover. Her last words were said to be a curse on any man who entered the house."

"You've got to be kidding me," Ben said with a large laugh. "The girls want us to believe that we're in a house that's haunted by a man-hating lesbian witch?" The other two joined in with the laugh, but Harry didn't feel like laughing. He felt as if someone, or something, was watching him.

"Hey, I don't care what the fucking story of the house is, I'm just hoping that they have some decent talent here tonight," Thomas said as he began walking up the stairs. "Last year their were some real dogs waiting around the house over on third."

"Yeah, but didn't you end up fucking Kristy Mack in the ass that night?" Ben asked with a smile.

"Oh, I totally did," Thomas said triumphantly. "Okay, I'm taking the top floor, so you three decide on what floor you're taking."

"I'm in the basement," Ben said with a grin as he moved towards a hallway, "all of the girls in the basement are typically down for anything. Later, boners."

That left Harry and William, and Harry could tell that William was a little nervous. "Hey, this is all in good fun. We've had some strange sex parties in the past, but this is fairly straightforward. The girls in Beta are really nice..."

"I'm a virgin," William said quickly.


"I... I've never had sex before," he whispered to Harry.

"You've talked about having sex all the time. You said that you fucked two cheerleaders in your High School at the same time."

William's face was red with shame, "I just said that to fit in. What am I going to do? What if I find a girl and I'm all awkward?"

Harry chuckled a bit and patted William on the shoulder. "Beta girls aren't known for being very picky, and neither are we," he added, not wanting to slut shame the other girls who were participating.

"What if I meet a girl I really like? Can I ask for her number?"

Another chuckle escaped Harry's lips. "Do you really want to get the number of a girl who's hiding in a closet waiting to give some random guy a blowjob? We're just here to have fun, buddy," Harry said as he motioned for William to go up the stairs. "You go ahead and take the second floor, I'll stay on the main level."

"Wish me luck," he said with a nervous grin.

"You don't need luck tonight," Harry said as he motioned him on. He was finally alone, and the smile left his face as soon as William disappeared from sight. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, and he looked around the main entryway to see if he could find the source of his dread.

Then he saw her. A lovely woman with long brown hair was standing in front of the fireplace, and she was dressed in a lovely ball gown. It looked as if she was drinking a glass of red wine, but Harry couldn't tell what was in the glass. Beside the fact that she appeared out of nowhere, Harry was sure that she was too old to be in Beta house.

"Oh, I'm too old for you, am I," the woman said in a very alluring voice.

"What? I didn't say anything," Harry said as he moved closer to her. She was now facing him, and he saw that she was very beautiful, with dark blue eyes and plump red lips. He also couldn't help but notice that she was very well endowed, as her dress seemed made to show off her ample cleavage.

"I know you didn't say anything, but I'm obviously too old for you."

"No," Harry said as he got closer to her, "you're beautiful."

The woman smiled at his words, then turned and took a sip of her drink. "I'm beautiful for a thirty year old woman, you mean."

"No... You're sexier than any woman I've ever met," Harry said suddenly. He didn't know why he was being so forward with this woman, but it was like his mouth was moving faster than his brain at the moment.

"And you're a fairly handsome young man," she said after another sip of wine. "Look at you... Twenty one, sandy blonde hair and a cock in your pants that all the girls love."

"I haven't heard any complaints, if that's what you're asking," Harry said as he got a proud grin on his face. All of his lovers raved about how big his cock was, and most complemented him on his technique as well.

"Well, you're certainly sure of yourself," she added with a smile as she touched him on the shoulder.

"Again, this is what the girls say, not me."

She looked at him for a moment with some curiosity, before a big smile crossed her lips. "Oh, I think that you'll do nicely," she said with a sinister grin that snapped Harry right back into the moment. Why was he being so talkative with this woman who appeared out of nowhere? Why was he talking to her instead of trying to find the horny sorority girls that were hiding in the house?

Why was he only now realizing that she had a knife jammed into her chest?

"What the fuck!?" Harry said as he fell backward on the carpet.

"I'm sorry, but there are no horny sorority girls for you and your friends to find tonight," she said as blood began to flow from the wound in her chest. Harry found that he couldn't move or talk as she advanced on him, and soon she was standing over him as blood poured onto his chest. "No, I sent that message to William, and he brought you all to me."

She got down and straddled him, and even though Harry was terrified he couldn't help but stare at her breasts. "See, that's the problem you men," she said with a laugh as she slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders, revealing her breasts to him. "You see a pair of tits and you can't control yourself. My husband fucked every woman at his law firm, but he finds me in bed with a woman and he freaks out!?" She was laughing maniacally now, and blood was still pouring from her exposed wound.

"That son of a bitch killed me for doing the same thing he did every weekend, and I bet all men would do the same!"

"No, I wouldn't! I would never cheat on you!"

"You will never have me, Harrold Shepard! So how could you ever cheat on me!?" She laughed uncontrollably as she brought her breasts down to Harry's face, and soon Harry found blood filling up his mouth.

"What the fuck!?" Harry shouted as he jumped up off the floor. The fire was still roaring, but all signs of the woman were gone. He looked at himself and expected to see blood everywhere, but there was not a drop on him or anywhere else in the room. His breathing was heavy, and he knew that he needed to get his friends out of that house as soon as possible.

Ben was probably the closest, so Harry ran down the hallway after him. All the lights were on in the house still, and Harry found the stairs to the basement easy enough. Soon he was standing in a large game room with a billiards table in the middle, a bar at one side and a large flat screen television on the wall.

"Ben! Ben, we got to get out of here!" Harry shouted as he ran down the hallway. There were a couple of guest rooms, but Ben was in neither. "Where the fuck are you!?" Harry shouted as he entered a large bathroom. The floor was very nice marble, and a large standing tub sat in the middle of the room.

"Ben?" Harry asked, and then he turned and looked in the large mirror in the room. For a moment he saw his own reflection, a handsome blonde young man with blue eyes wearing a blue long sleeved shirt. He didn't know why he was studying himself in the mirror, and then it hit him.

He wasn't Harry anymore.

The reflection in the mirror showed a very homely girl dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Her face didn't have any makeup on it, and her brown hair was cut very short. In fact, the only way that she was even distinguishable as a woman was the two small breasts budding on her chest.

"What the hell?" She asked in a soft voice. None of this was right, but she was struggling to remember exactly what brought her to the bathroom at the moment. She felt afraid, as if she had just witnessed something truly terrifying, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what it was. There was another feeling, something deeper that throbbed at the back of her mind, but before she could think about what it was she heard a voice.

"So the game begins," Ben said as he entered the room.

The young woman looked at him for a moment and recognized him, but a name couldn't come to her lips. It was if she was meeting him for the first time after knowing him for years.

"What do you want?" She asked as she stepped away from him. She still felt very much afraid, yet she somehow knew that this young man wasn't there to hurt her.

"My name is Ben, what's yours?" He said with a smile as he walked towards her.

She looked over Ben for a moment as she thought about his question. He was a very good looking guy, with short black hair and big brown eyes. He had a fair amount of stubble on his face, but most guys his age had the same look. She felt conflicting emotions when she looked at him, being both drawn to him and repulsed at the same time. It was a confusing situation, and it was only made worse as she struggled to answer his question.

"No names," she said quietly as the area of her mind where such information should be found wasn't giving her anything.

"Oh, I like that," Ben said as he unsipped his pants.

"W-What are you doing," she asked as Ben pulled out his penis.

"The night is young," he looked her over for a moment and looked as if he wasn't too happy with what he saw, "so how about a quick hand job?"

She couldn't believe how forward he was being, but she also couldn't take her eyes off of his thing. "I've never done anything like that before," she said as he stepped closer.

"It's relatively easy," Ben said as he reached for her hand and took it in his own. "Oh, you have really soft hands, that's a plus," he said with a smile as he placed her hand on his cock. "See, you have to bring it life, just like that..."

He was moving her hand up and down his shaft, and after a moment she was surprised to feel the penis growing in her hand. "It's getting bigger!" She said with big eyes as she began to stroke it on her own.

"I don't like to brag, but it will get even bigger than it is now."

She couldn't believe that her hands were making the penis react in such a way. With each stroke it grew warmer and harder, and she could tell that Ben was enjoying it as his breathing was getting harder as well.

"God, you swear you've never done this before?"

"No," she said meekly, but then she remembered times where she would stroke her own cock, but that didn't make a lick of sense. She was a girl, and a virgin at that. Why would such thoughts come into her mind as she stroked a cock like this?

"Well, you're hands a like magic," Ben said as he gave a little moan. "Here, I want you to spit on it," he asked as he moved his hips in rhythm with her hand.

"What?" She asked with some disgust. It was one thing to be performing an act like this on a guy she just met, but what he was asking for was simply disgusting.

"Yeah, it's natural lubricant."

"That's gross," she said with some reluctance as she thought about it.

"It may seem gross, but it's actually very natural. Would you rather I do it?" The thought of him spitting on his penis and having her rub it was even worse, so she quickly spit on her hand and went back to stroking him. "Oh, that's great," he said as he placed his hand behind his head.

She had to admit that the spit made the act of jerking him off a little easier, and now she could feel him throbbing in her hand. It was if she could feel his heart beating simply by holding on to his dick, and she found herself liking the dirty act a little more.

"I didn't know they got so hard," she whispered as she continued to stroke him.

"But you know what comes next, don't you?" Ben asked between shallow breaths.

"What do you mean," she asked with some curiosity, and then she felt his penis convulse in her hand. "What... What's happening!?" White liquid was shooting from the tip of his penis, and it was hitting her pants legs.

"I'm cumming!" Ben moaned as he continued to shoot all over her pants.

Some of it got on her hand, and it was much warmer than she expected. "Is this... Is this your semen?" She asked as she wiped it off on her jeans.

Ben looked at her with a weird look and nodded as if she had just asked the most obvious question ever. "Yeah... I mean, you really didn't know..."

"Oh, of course I did," she answered quickly, not wanting to look stupid in front of the young man. "This is just the first time I-" Her mouth suddenly felt like it was full of peanut butter, and in another moment...

"What the fuck!?" Harry shouted as he jumped up off the floor. The fire was still roaring, but all signs of the woman were gone. He looked at himself and expected to see blood everywhere, but there was not a drop on him or anywhere else in the room. His breathing was heavy, and he knew that he needed to get his friends out of that house as soon as possible.

Ben was probably the closest, but that brought a strange thought to his mind. For some reason he could picture Ben getting a hand job from a plain looking girl, but the thought felt more like a memory. It was a strange enough feeling that he decided to look for William and Thomas instead... They could get Ben on the way out.

Harry was leaping up the stairs two at a time as he searched for William, and once he arrived at the second floor he set off down a long hallway. Black and white photos of nature hung on the walls, while bright electric lamps illuminated the way.

"Will? Will!?"

He had poked his head into a few bedrooms that showed no sign of Will, but there was one room that grabbed his attention. It was a girls bedroom, with pink on everything imaginable. Curtains, bedspread, desk, carpet... They were all pink. He walked in cautiously and looked on the other side of the large bed, thinking William might be there.


She turned and saw a nervous looking young man with a mop of blonde hair on his head, and she smiled. He was very good looking, and the hole nervous thing was a real turn on for her.

"It looks like you found me," she said as she walked over to him, but wasn't she just looking for someone? Wasn't she looking for the guy who just walked in to warn him about a witch?

"Wow, you're prettier than I thought..." William said with a sparkle in his eyes, causing the girl to abandon all strange thoughts.

"Oh, that's sweet," she said as she checked herself out in the large mirror that was against a wall. Her brown hair was falling just over her shoulders, and it framed a very beautiful face. Her body was very petite, but she had enough curves to get the attention of most guys. They would often refer to her as a typical "girl next door", and she didn't mind it at all. To embrace the image she typically wore simple dresses, like the pink one she was wearing now. She liked that guys thought her to be an innocent little girl, because she enjoyed the surprise she witnessed when she showed them how naughty she could be.

"I, um... I don't know what we do now," he said as he looked at his feet. It was strange to see such a handsome boy being so shy, but it also excited her greatly.

"Well first you can tell me your name," she said as she sat on the bed.

"I'm William," he said nervously.

"I'm Harriet," she said before giggling. She didn't know what was so funny, but the name somehow seemed ironic to her.

"Oh," William said as he joined in laughing, "I'm actually here with a good friend named Harry."

This only made Harriet laugh more, but for some reason she was still not really getting the joke. "You found me, William, so what would you have me do?" She was patting the bed next to her, and William took the hint and walked over and sat down.

"Well, I don't want you to do anything that you wouldn't want to do yourself," William said as he held his hands tightly together.

It was a sweet comment, but she fought off the urge to laugh again. For some reason she could tell this guy was a virgin, so she felt she would take it easy on him. "Well, I've never had sex before, so maybe we could just start off with something simple."

William's face lit up when she admitted to being a virgin. "I'm a... Well, I've never had sex either," he said with a bit of shame.

"Really, but you're so good looking," she said, trying her best to play the part of the innocent one.

"It just never really happened."

"Well," she said as she reached over and placed a hand on his thigh, "can you show it to me?" William's face went red, but there was obvious excitement there as well. Without saying a word, he slowly undid his fly, reached in and pulled out his cock that was already rock hard. "Oh my God, it's so big!" Harriet said, but it was a lie. She had seen bigger cocks before many times, particularly every time she showered after working out...

No, that wasn't right. She must have just had sex a lot, as their were no coed showers on campus.

"Is it really?" William asked, and Harriet focused again on the task at hand.

"It is! Oh fuck, I just can't help myself," she feigned as she bent down and took the whole of him in her mouth. She began to twirl her tongue around the tip of his cock as she took him in.

"Holy shit!" William shouted at the suddenness of the act.

"I'm sorry," Harriet said in between long periods of sucking, "but I just couldn't help myself! You make me feel so naughty!" She was bobbing up and down on him with a little more vigor as she felt him tense up.

"Oh shit! You're making me... I'm..."

He was too embarrassed to say that he was about to cum, but that didn't stop him from shooting his cum right down her throat. Harriet was a little annoyed that he had cum so quickly, but he was a virgin and she had expected a showing like this. She took it all with a smile, and didn't let a single drop of cum escape her mouth.

"Wow, you came so much," she said as she sat up on the bed next to him.

"I... I didn't know that sex could be that good," William said through labored breaths.

"That wasn't sex, sweetie," Harriet said with a chuckle as she licked her lips, "but maybe if you find me later we can pop our cherries-"

"What the fuck!?" Harry shouted as he jumped up off the floor. The fire was still roaring, but all signs of the woman were gone. He looked at himself and expected to see blood everywhere, but there was not a drop on him or anywhere else in the room. His breathing was heavy, and he knew that he needed to get his friends out of that house as soon as possible.

Ben was probably the closest, but he felt like he should start upstairs and work his way down. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he didn't really want to see Ben at that moment. After bounding up the stairs, a similar thought entered his head about William, only this thought was accompanied by a strange sensation. The thought of William caused a bitter taste in his mouth, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how many times he licked his lips.

With the strange feeling lingering, he decided it might be best to get Thomas first. So after a few more steps, Harry arrived on the top floor. "Thomas! Thomas, we need to get the fuck out of here!" His words echoed down the hall, but there was no answer. Harry found himself running down the hall, a feeling of dread creeping up inside of him. For a second he tried to calm himself down by thinking he hadn't just seen...

A ghost.

For the first time he actually thought about what had happened. A ghost had appeared to him, and it's blood filled his mouth. And that wasn't the only thing to fill his mouth.

"Hey, that's not hiding!" A man shouted as Harriet stopped running. She walked back to the room she had just passed, and saw a man standing in what was a nice little workout room. "God, I've been looking for the past hour, and you just run right by?" He said as he looked her over.

"I like to get a good bit of cardio in before a good fucking," Harriet said as she entered the room. A little bit of sweat was covering her skin, but she could tell that the guy in the room approved. A mirror against the wall revealed that she was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra, and she looked simply ravishing.

"I'm Thomas, and I like the way you think," he said as he pulled his polo over his head.

"I'm Harriet, and I like the way you look," she said as she pulled the sports bra over her head, causing her ample breasts to bounce freely.

"I'm not typically attracted to brunettes, but you are a fucking smoke show," Thomas said as he pulled off his pants.

"Well, I'm not typically attracted to guys who talk so fucking much before they fuck me, but I'll make an exception for you."

This comment made thomas smile, and after she slipped out of her yoga pants the smile only grew. Soon the two were in each other's arms locked in a deep kiss. Their tongues explored every bit of space in the other's mouth, and Harriet felt as if her skin was on fire. "I like a man of action," she said in between kisses, and Thomas didn't speak as he leaned down to kiss her nipples.

"Oh fuck!" Harriet shouted as he nipples hardened at once. This guy definitely knew his way around a woman, and he was working her up into a stupor. "Don't just lick them, give them a little nibble!" She pleaded, and Thomas did not hesitate. "Yes! Just like that!"

Harriet could feel something long and hard pressing against her thigh, and she looked down to see a large cock whipping between his legs. She wanted to ask him to stick that big cock deep inside of her, but the words caught in her throat. As he continued to show her tits a lot of attention, Harriet thought about what was really going on. She wanted to be filled up with his cock so bad, but she had never wanted that before.

Did she?

Part of her knew that this wasn't the first time she had sex, but something wasn't right. The idea of being penetrated... Of something entering her was a foreign idea, and before she could think more about it, Thomas took the initiative.

"OH FUCK!!!" Harriet yelled as Thomas bent her over and entered her all at once. He still didn't say a word, but his cock was doing all the talking necessary. "You fucking prick!" She shouted between moans, "You don't fuck me unless... Oh fuck, I can't even pretend to be mad! Yes! keep fucking me!" Thomas listened to her, and began to pump into her with more intensity. "You're making me cum!!! That cock is making me cum!!!"

Thomas gave her ass a little smack, and Harriet was pushed over the edge. Her entire body lit up like the Fourth of July, and she found herself clamping down on his dick even harder. "I wanna cum again! Don't you dare stop until you make me cum again!!!"

There was still no talking from Thomas, and Harriet knew a good Sub when she saw one. She loved when men of power and wealth, particularly when they had a cock as nice as Thomas did, would turn over their power to her. He was pushing deeper than any man had before, and it actually felt like the first time for her.

And wasn't it?

"I'm cumming!" Thomas finally shouted as Harriet felt his cock unload deep inside of her. She was so angry that she didn't orgasm again, but she felt so good it was hard to get really mad. "I'm sorry, but you felt so fucking good," Thomas said as he pulled out of her and collapsed to the floor.

"I can't be mad at a man who just fucked me so good," Harriet said as she joined him on the ground. "You should get some cardio in before the next time, as you'll-"

"What the fuck!?" Harry shouted as he jumped up off the floor. The fire was still roaring, but all signs of the woman were gone. He looked at himself and expected to see blood everywhere, but there was not a drop on him or anywhere else in the room. His breathing was heavy, and he knew that he needed to get his friends out of that house as soon as possible.

Ben was the closest, but as Harry walked toward the basement he felt an odd pain. There was a tightness in his balls like he had just came, but it was different. The feeling was so odd that he just focused on finding Ben and getting the hell out of the house. This was a Halloween night that he wanted to end, for so many reasons that he didn't fully understand.

"Ben," he whispered as he arrived in the basement. He wanted to shout for his friend, but a part of him was reluctant to find him. It was almost like he was mad at Ben, but he hadn't done anything to make him mad. "Ben?" Harry asked as he walked past a large billiards table, and a feeling of deja vu filled him.

Hadn't he already been in this room? The pool table, the bar in the corner and the TV on the wall...

"Harry, what the fuck are you doing down here?"

Harry turned and looked at his friend, and for a moment he flinched as if he was going to get hit in the face... But nothing happened. Harry felt as if he had just avoided something awful, then he remembered why he was down there.

"Ben, we have to get out of here!"

"What? There's no way that I'm leaving, I've only been on the receiving end of a hand job from a girl that wasn't too-"

"I don't give a fuck about that, I said we're leaving!" Harry certainly wasn't as imposing as Thomas, but he was bigger and more imposing that Ben and William, so he could usually get them in line.

"Fine," Ben said with some annoyance, "if the girls are anything like the one I met, then I'm not missing out on anything."

"Come on, let's go," Harry said with some annoyance of his own, as he took a little offense to what Ben had just said. He and Ben were running up the stairs when Ben finally spoke again.

"So why do we have to leave? Some ugly bitch try to fuck you?" Ben said with a laugh.

"I'll tell you once we're out of the house," Harry said as they arrived on the first floor. "William! William, let's fucking go!" His voice echoed down the hall again, and Ben came up with an idea.

"This place is fucking huge, so let's split up and look for him."

Harry wanted to tell him that that was the absolute worst idea in a situation like this, but he didn't argue. "Okay, check each room and meet back here." He watched as Ben ran off down the hall, and then she decided to follow him.

"Will, are you in here," Ben said as he entered a bedroom.

"No, but I am," Harriet said as she closed the door behind her.

"What the-" Ben said as he turned to lay eyes on the girl who had just spoke, and he found that he didn't have words. A beautiful brunette was standing at the door, and she was absolutely naked. Her body looked as if it had been sculpted by long hours at the gym, and she had tits that looked like they were fake, but he could somehow tell they were real. Then he noticed something odd about her. She looked a little like the girl from the bathroom, like they could have been sisters.

"You ran into my sister downstairs, didn't you?" Harriet asked as she moved her body closer to him.

"Well, a girl looked a lot like you, only..."

"Only she didn't have a body like mine? Yeah that's my sister alright." She was moving in on him, and Ben was forgetting all about what Harry had said about finding Will and leaving. "So, do you like my body more than hers?"

"Well, yeah," Ben whispered as he stared at her tits. She was easily the sexiest woman he had even seen naked in person, and she had a look on her face that made her intensions clear.

"So I'm guessing that my little sister didn't go all the way with you, and I don't blame you for not wanting to. She's as flat as a surfboard, while I'm a little more curvy." She was standing right in front of him now, and Ben had an uncontrollable erection in his pants. "I love Halloween by the way," she said with a grin, "but I just couldn't find a good costume for tonight."

"Well... I-I think that you look great like you are," Ben said before swallowing hard.

"Oh, that's sweet of you," Harries said as she brushed some of her bangs away from her eyes. "I bet that my sister gave you a hand job, am I right?"


"And I bet you just came all over her, didn't you?"

"I-I did."

"Well, did you save any cum for me?" She asked as she placed her hand on his cock.

"I guess there's only one way to find out," Ben added with as much strength as he could muster, but Harriet knew that he was putty in her hands.

With only a smile, Harriet quickly undid Ben's fly and wrapped her hands around his cock. "Were her hands as soft as mine?"

Ben was about to say that they felt exactly like the younger sister's hands, but wanted to flatter the sexy creature in front of him a bit. "Oh fuck, your hands are way softer and you know how to... Oh shit!" Ben was expecting her to use her hands a little more, but she had just knelt down and swallowed up his cock. She began sucking him off like a pro, and Ben began wishing that Halloween night would never end.

Harriet enjoyed the feeling of sucking on his dick, as it was much larger than the one she had spent some time with earlier in the evening. It still wasn't quite as big as her own, but it was on par with Thomas'.

Wait, she didn't have a cock of her own.

"Slow down! You're going to make me cum!" Ben pleaded, and Harriet knew what he was really asking for.

"Oh, you don't want to spray your cum all down my throat?" She asked as she stood up in front of him.

"I'd love to, but..."

"...you'd rather stick your cock deep into this tight little pussy of mine?" Harriet pushed him down on the bed and watched as he tried to wrap his head around what she was saying. She loved talking dirty like this, and watching men act like little boys was just the icing on the cake.

"I do... I do want to..."

"Say it!" Harriet demanded as she pulled off his jeans.

"I want to... I want to stick it..."

"What? What do you want to stick in me?" She was done pulling off his boxers and was now straddling him on the bed.

"I want to stick my cock in your tight little pussy!" Ben was finally able to say, and Harriet giggled.

"Well, why didn't you say so," she said before rubbing her slit against the head of his cock. She was wetter than she had been all night, and she found that Ben's sock slid in easily enough. "Yes, oh, that's what I'm talking about!" She shouted as she began to bounce up and down on his cock.

"Oh my God! You're so fucking tight!" Ben shouted in between grunts.

"Fuck! Did you think I was lying!?" Harriet asked as she worked her hips around his cock. He wasn't hitting her very deep, but it was still a pleasant enough experience. "Grab my tits!" She pleaded, and Ben reached up and took them in his hands. He began to softly rub them, but that's not what Harriet wanted. "Don't be such a fucking baby! Feel them up!" She begged before giving a high pitch squeel as Ben went to work.

"Your tits are perfect!"

"YES! I know!"

"What the fuck!?" Both Harriet and Ben looked to the door and saw William standing there looking like he had just been shot through the heart. Ben froze in place, but Harriet just kept on grinding. "Harriet, you said..."

"I'm sorry William! Ben's cock was just too good to ignore!"

"Ben, how could you?" William asked as he watched the two fuck on the bed.

"I-I don't know what the fuck either of you are talking about, but you need to get the fuck out of here, William."

"No," Harriet said as she looked to William, "I promised we'd pop our cherries together..."

"What? You're fucking Ben right now! I think your cherry is good and popped," William said as he turned to leave.

"But I've never had a man inside my ass," Harriet said after a short moan.

William froze in place. He felt hurt and betrayed by this girl that he had only met an hour ago, and that rage was beginning to turn into something else. The pain seemed to be overwriting the part of him that would walk away, causing him instead close the door. The hurt was pushing him to punish Harriet for breaking his heart so easily, and with each step towards the bed he removed a piece of clothing.

"Whoa, I didn't sign up for-" Ben started to say, but William shut him down.

"Shut the fuck up, Ben... This is between Harriet and I."

She could see the rage on his face, but she did nothing to stop him. He lifted his naked body onto the bed, shimmied behind her and lined his cock up with her ass. "Do it, William! Punish me for being a naughty girl!"

William didn't need anymore prompting, and soon Harriet was being filled up by two cocks. "Oh my fucking God! Yes! I want to feel both of you deeper!" At first it seemed as if Ben would stop when William joined in, but Harriet swore that his cock actually got bigger when William thrusted himself in. "Yes! Fuck my ass just like that William!"

They both continued to fuck her, and for the first time that night Harriet felt overwhelmed. Her body had never felt as good as it did at that moment, and soon an orgasm shook her body so hard that she passed out from the pleasure.

"What the fuck!?" Harry shouted as he jumped up off the floor. The fire was still roaring, but all signs of the woman were gone. He looked at himself and expected to see blood everywhere, but there was not a drop on him or anywhere else in the room. His breathing was heavy, and he knew that he needed to get his friends out of that house as soon as possible.

"God, what's wrong with you?" Thomas asked as he walked down the stairs.

"I just... I just saw something fucking messed up!" Harry with labored breaths.

"Good for you, but I'm ready to leave this fucking place behind." Thomas said as he walked slowly to the door to gather up his things.

"Yeah, let's get the guys and go... This house isn't right, and I-"

"I only fucked one girl tonight," Thomas said as he put on his jacket, "and that was after an hour of looking. After another hour of nothing I'm good to go."

"What? Two hours?" Harry was confused, because he could have sworn that they just got to the house.

"Yeah, this Halloween game was a fucking bust."

"Not for us," Ben said as he and William walked down the stairs. "William here just popped his first anal cherry!" Harry was about to beckon the two to grab their shit and leave, but Ben's last comment froze him in place. "Not only that, but he did it while I was already fucking her!"

"Do you remember now?" Harry heard the voice of the woman from earlier, but didn't see her anywhere in the room.

"Nice, William," Thomas said with genuine excitement, "I just fucked one girl in the workout room."

"He made you cum, didn't he?" The woman's voice said again, but Harry stopped looking for her as images began to fill his mind. He could see Thomas fucking a girl... Only he was the girl...

"Well I'm walking away with a hand job and a devil's three way," Ben said giddily, "but being with two girls would have been a little better." He punched William in the shoulder, and all William could do is smile.

"They were both so deep inside of you, and you loved it... Didn't you?" Harry couldn't get the woman's voice out of his head, just like he couldn't get the memories of fucking his friends out of his head.

"And the way the girls disappeared after the sex? I mean, these girls really stepped up their game this year." Ben added as he placed his scarf around his neck.

"I know! This girl was sitting right on the bed with me after she gave me a blowjob, and the lights went out and when the came on a second later she was gone!"

"That happened to me too," Thomas said as he walked towards the front door, "it actually creeped me out a little."

"I'm still trying to figure out how that girl got away with both of us inside of her," Ben added.

"It was magic," the woman's voice whispered to Harry. "I told you I was a witch..."

"Shut up!" Harry yelled, and his three friends looked at him like he was crazy.

"No one said anything," William said as he moved over to Harry.

"No! You stay the fuck away from me!" Harry shouted again as he grabbed his head and backed towards the fire.

"Are you afraid you'll fuck him again?" The woman's voice said to him with a laugh.

"I said shut the fuck up!" Harry yelled again.

Thomas and Ben stood silently at the door as William walked closer. "This is a pretty good Halloween trick, Harry, but you're kinda freaking us out."

"Look at him... Don't you want his cock back inside of you?" The voice said in a whisper.

"I-I do... I do want his cock inside of me," Harry said with a whimper. William stopped in his tracks at the strange comment, and no one said a word. "I'm sorry guys, I'm not strong enough," he whispered softly, "I know that this is what she wants, but it's what I want to."

"What who wants?" William finally asked.

"It's what she wants," Harry said with a little giggle. "I just want to feel your cock inside of my ass again," she said with a grin.

"What the fuck!?" William shouted as he backed up. Harriet, the girl that he had just fucked a moment ago, was standing right where Harry was a second ago. She was wearing a silver sequined dress which showed off the curves off her body with an elegant flare. Her makeup was dark, and her eyes looked as black as the night.

"I mean, neither of your cocks were as big as Tommy here, but having you both inside me was certainly a treat." The fire seemed to burn brighter as Harriet spoke, and the three guys finally noticed a large painting hanging above it. It was a portrait of an older looking man posing with Harriet right beside him.

"What the fuck is all of this!?" Ben said as he tried to open the front door, but it was not budging at all.

"She's the witch!" William said as he continued to back up. "She's possessed Harry!"

"Well, I was possessing Harry," she said as she drank from a wine glass that magically appeared in her hand, "but now we're more like partners."

"Open the fucking door," Thomas pleaded with Ben.

"It won't budge!!!" Ben said as tears began to fill his eyes.

"Oh, are you going to cry, Ben?" Harriet said with a laugh. "Some big bad man you turned out to be!" Harriet waved her hand in the air and Ben began to change. His clothes disappeared, and William and Thomas watched in horror as his male body was reshaped into a womans. Long blonde hair fell from her head, and two large breasts grew on her chest. A moment later she was standing with a blank stare on her face as an angel costume wrapped around her sensuous curves.

"What the fuck did you do to B-" William tried to say, but he found that he could no longer speak. His mind was swimming, and horror soon gripped him as he looked down to a body that looked just like Ben's new female body. Across from her Thomas was also a girl, though her hair was red. "What..." William asked, a bit startled by her new womanly voice. "What did you do to us?"

"You are my sister's now," Harriet said with yet another sip of her glass. "You get to lead them, my lovely Willow, and together I think we'll be very happy." Willow looked down at her body, and saw red hair flowing around her face. She was wearing a skimpy devil costume, while Thomas was sporting a revealing cat costume. "Bree and Tammy look to you for guidance," Harriet said as an incredibly sexy school girl outfit replaced the dress she was wearing, "so will you lead them."

Willow wanted to fight the witch's advances, but being a woman simply felt too good. She knew that her sister would make her happier than she ever could be as a man, and the thought of what was to follow excited her greatly.

"I will follow you, sister," Willow said as she walked to Harriet, "but may I ask why we are wearing costumes?"

Harriet smiled at her creations and took Willow by the hand. "You four were not the only young men who will be arriving tonight." As if on queue, there was a knock on the door. "By the end of this Halloween night, you will have many more sisters..."


Author's Note: Thank you for reading this story! If you enjoyed this story I'd encourage you to visit tgtrinity.com to see more of my writings, or visit patreon.com/tgtrinity to support my work in making rendered TG Comics.

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