Kip the Elf's Christmas Mistletoe

TG023 Kip The Elf's Christmas Mistletoe.jpgKip the Elf's Christmas Mistletoe
A Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity

////// 1
////// "Kip Forgets"

Not many people like to think about it, but Christmas Elves love to fuck.

They do it as often as they can, and are well known to do if for hours at a time. Rumors even suggest that some Elves are capable of fucking for the whole of January, but there is no hard evidence to suggest this occurs on a regular basis. Even the great Elf philosopher Tingle Jingle suggested that male Elves had developed the ability to fuck two or even three female Elves at the same time, but again there is no proof to support this theory.

It was this strong love of fucking that was causing Kip the Elf his problems this Christmas Eve. You see, Kip the Elf was now a Gold-3, which meant he worked directly for Santa, in addition to getting all the Elf trim he could. It had made the last two years a never ending smorgasbord of Elves throwing themselves at him, and he had every shape and size of Elf imaginable.

Which leads to another misconception about Christmas Elves in that either they are small and childlike, or something akin to a typical garden gnome. This is not the case. In fact, Christmas Elves are proportionally identical to humans, only at a smaller scale.

It was these thoughts that flooded Kip's mind as he slowly pounded his cock into Jilly, the hottest Elf in the north pole. She was so hot, that she had taken some photos of herself in some Christmas lingerie, and they had posted them on Instagram. Of course, she had to photo shop her pointy ears off, but she now had over a million followers that thought she was a five foot six lingerie model. She was, in fact, a one foot eight beauty with the best pair of tits in the North Pole, but that didn't stop Victoria's Secret from sending modeling requests.

"Oh, that feels so jolly!" Jilly yelled as Kip thrust into her from behind. Kip had both of his hand on her perfectly round tits, and was loving the way they filled his Hands. "Oh, that feels so elfing good! Oh! Push your candy cane deeper!"

Some would laugh at the way Elves spoke during sex, but rest assured that it had the desired effect on their mate.

"Oh, I'm gonna tinsel!"

"Yes! Shoot your tinsel deep in me," Jilly begged.

"I'm gonna! I'm gonna shoot my tinsel so deep!" And Kip did shoot his tinsel deep inside of her, and she took it all. He had no idea if she was able to tinsel on her own, but Kip was not really concerned with such things.

As Kip cleaned himself up, Jilly leaned against the wall and panted. "That was so elfing good," she said as she reached for her red lacy bra.

"You're as hot as a cup of cocoa," Kip said with a smirk.
"You are too," she replied as she put her traditional Elf dress back on. "I'm so glad you talked me into coming with you on this mission, it was so elfing exciting! And think, Santa will be passing over us shortly!" They were currently in a small house in Timber Grove, a small town on the southwest coast of Washington. The last hour was spent fucking at the top of the stairwell, but Christmas Elves could not be seen by humans unless the Elves wanted to be seen..

"Yeah," Kip said, not really listening to what Jilly was saying. He was looking through his Elf-Phone , when he noticed that he had put it on silent before he put the moves on Jilly. "Oh fuck," he whispered as he saw that he had 30 missed calls from the North Pole.

"What did you say?" Jilly asked, not knowing any human swearing.

"Nothing," he replied, and as he returned the call he braced himself for what was coming.

"Is this Kip?"

"Yeah, who is this?"

"This is, um, Zippy at the Norhtern Christmas Institute of Spirit..."

"And?" Kip asked, a little annoyed that he was obviously was talking to a rookie.

"Well, we seem to be picking up a D45 in your vicinity."

Kip had been working with the NCIS for the last two years, but he had never heard the term before. "What the elf is a D45?"

"Oh Santa! A D45?" Jilly asked from behind him.

"You know what that is?"

"Of course! A D45 means that there is a insufficient amount of spirit to keep Santa's sleigh afloat!"

"Hey, Zippy?" Kip asked, turning his attention back to the phone. "Is that true? How the elf did this happen?"

The line was quiet for a moment, before a timid voice came back on. "Well, um, sir... It's, um, the young man in that house. It was your job to make him feel Christmas cheer."

It indeed was his job to make people feel the Christmas Spirit. The NCIS existed to ensure Santa's sleigh had enough power to get from town to town. With Christmas cheer wavering in recent years, they had a new plan to focus on particular homes to get a good enough bump to keep the sleigh going. As a Gold-3, Kip was assigned one of those houses.

The house he was currently in.

"I elfing sprinkled this place with enough elf dust to make Rudolph OD." Kip yelled into the phone, and as he did he looked down and saw the door to the house they were in open.

"Hello, fucknut!" Said a large, muscular man as he entered the home.

"Who the fuck is that?" Kip asked to no one in particular.

"You've got to..." He hung up on Zippy and searched through his Elf-Phone, looking at his assignments. The house he was in was home to two human men, both aged twenty two. One, a John Rainer, was out at a party while the other, a Clay Smith, stayed home and played online. This was supposed to be an easy assignment, which is why he had brought Jilly along. Nothing was supposed to happen, yet here was a new variable which was causing the D45.

"Oh my Santa, how did this happen?" Jilly asked, looking rather concerned.

"I have no elfing... Oh shit," Kip whispered as he looked at his Elf-Mail and saw a message showing that a step brother of the one called John had changed plans at the last minute. He was now staying the night, and had a history of making the one called Clay's life a living hell.

"What are you going to do?" Jilly asked.

"Give me a second," Kip asked as politely as he could manage. He certainly didn't want to make Jilly more upset, as he was looking to get another good fucking in after Santa flew over. Well, that would require Santa getting enough Christmas spirit and actually making it out of Timber Grove without crashing into the Pacific. "How much time until Santa's flyover?"

"We've got about an hour," she said as she bounced up and down on her heels.

Kip watched as Jilly's breasts jiggled in her dress, and then he got an idea. "Okay, do you have any mistletoe in you bag?"

She laughed, "Kip, what self respecting Elf woman would not have some mistletoe in her bag?"

"Great, just give me it and..."

"And what? Neither of those two humans is gay, so what good will mistletoe do?"

Kip thought about what he had done two years ago in the same town he was in. A present got mixed up, so he changed a young man into a woman who waned the gift more than anything. It was the catalyst for him making it to Gold-3, and now he was going to have to work some of that magic again.

"I know neither is gay, so we're going to have to mix things up a bit," he said with a playful grin.

////// 2
////// "Mistletoe"

"I'm trying to focus here, Reggie" Clay said, obviously annoyed by his roommates step brother.

"God, you are such a fucking nerd," Reggie said as he grabbed the controller from Clay's hands.

"What the fuck are you doing! Give that back!" Clay ran after Reggie, who was moving about the tiny house laughing like he was in Middle School again. "We're in the middle of a fucking match, asshole!"

This comment made Reggie stop in his tracks. "What did you call me?"

Clay was only a few steps away from Reggie, and he knew that he had made a mistake. The man in front of him was a muscle bound freak, and could easily rip Clay in two if he wanted to. Clay was on the other side of the spectrum: short, skinny and not threatening at all. It was the perfect dynamic for bullying growing up, although John had done a good job of keeping Reggie in line all of these years.

But John was not there.

"What did you call me, you fucking piece of shit?" Reggie said as he advanced on Clay.

"Nothing, you can have the controller."

"No, I want you to repeat what you said."

Clay tripped on his feet as he backed up, and fell to the ground in a heap. He watched as Reggie threw the controller at the wall, causing a button to go bouncing off down the entryway, and then Clay noticed something else. Time seemed to freeze as he stared at the mistletoe that was hanging right above Reggie. John and Clay had put up a small tree with some other decorations their families had sent, but neither had put up a mistletoe. John never brought any of his many girls over, and Clay never had much luck with girls to worry about such a thing.

The moment Reggie stood underneath the mistletoe, something magical happened. A shower of red sparkles froze him in place, and soon he was bathed in a soft green light. "What the fuck is happening!?" Reggie asked, but Clay was blinded by the light and was not able to see exactly what, if anything, was actually happening. It only lasted for a moment longer, and once the light was gone Clay was shocked by what he saw.

"I... God, I'm so sorry for yelling at you Clay!" A girl who was standing right where Reggie was a moment ago says, and Clay doesn't know how to respond. She's wearing a red dress with white fur that reveals an ample amount of cleavage. Long brown curly hair falls past her shoulders, and she has the cutest face Clay had ever seen. Her eyes were a deep brown, lips as red as the dress she was wearing and a cute button nose. "Clay? Are you okay?"

"Who are you!? Where did Reggie go!?" Clay said as he scurried back from the girl. He was always awkward around pretty girls, and this was the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid eyes on.

"I'm right here, Clay. It's me, Reggie." She said as she approached him and tried to help him up.

"What!? How is that even possible!?"

"I don't know, Clay, but I'm so sorry for breaking your controller. I mean, I've been so mean to you for so long."

Clay brushed her hands aside and stood up, while still cautiously trying to back peddle. "I don't know if this is some kind of joke, but you should leave."

"Clay, it's really me." The way she said was so honest and sincere that it caused Clay to stop right where he was.

"Prove it."

The lovely girl in front of Clay pouted a little, causing her breasts to jiggle in her dress, and she thought for a moment. "I... I hate to say this, but remember that time you and John were sleeping out in the tree house in our backyard? Well, I put a bunch of our dog's poop in your sleeping bag."

"Holy shit, that was you? I mean, Reggie... I mean..."

"I was a total jerk," she said with warm apologetic eyes, "and here I was about to ruin your Christmas Eve."

"It's... How is this happening?" Clay sat onto the couch behind him, and Reggie walked over and sat beside him.

"I really don't know."

"I mean, if it's really you... Aren't you freaking out?"

She sat and pondered the question, and as she did Clay couldn't help but stare at her heaving breasts. "No, I'm not freaking out at all. The only thing that's really on my mind is the awful feeling of regret. I mean, I've treated you like poop for the last fifteen years, ever since you came home with John from school. To be honest, I was always jealous of the friendship you too had."


"Yeah, I always had a bunch of friends, but nothing like you and John have." They sat in quiet after that, each taking in the strangeness of what was happening.

"I think I know how this happened, Reggie," Clay said looking away from her.

"Wow, you're still really awkward around girls, aren't you?" She said with a laugh that made Clay's heart beat faster. "And I think you should call me something other than Reggie for the time being."

"What? Then what should I call you?"

She thought about it for a moment, "What about Jill?"

"Um, sure, I guess," Clay said as he stood up and walked over to the entryway. "So, does it feel weird being in a girl's body?"

"Not really," Jill said as she followed him, "everything feels right, you know what I mean?"

"No, I don't," Clay said with a little chuckle. She also laughed, then gasped as Clay extended his arm to stop her, and placed his hand firmly on her breast. "Whoa, don't take another step," he said cautiously. The thought never entered his mind that he was feeling his first boob, instead he felt an overwhelming urge to protect the lovely girl at his side.

"Um, Clay?"

"What?" He looked over at her and saw that she was grinning and looking down. His eyes followed hers and he saw that he was holding her breast. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," she said with a smile, "but why did you stop me?"

"Look," Clay said, still rater embarrassed from before.

"Oh," She said with a laugh, "alright." She then quickly stepped under the mistletoe and pulled Clay in for a kiss.

Clay had kissed a few girls before, but it was nothing like this. Her lips were moist and warn, and her tongue quickly shot into his mouth and began dancing with his own. "No," Clay said as he gently pushed her away, "I was just pointing out that you changed under the mistletoe."

"Oh," Jill said with a grin, "I misread the situation."

"But I don't understand..."

"Why I kissed you? I don't know, I mean..."

"God, it's strange enough that you're suddenly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," she blushed a crimson shade when he said that, "but you're still the guy who bullied me for the last fifteen years."

"I know, and I'm so sorry!"

"I know you are. I don't know why, but I believe everything you're saying. It's just," She took the moment of him pausing and pulled him in for another kiss. This time he didn't pull away, instead he felt emboldened and began to run his hands over her body.

"God, yes! Touch me, Clay!" She pushed him against the wall and reached her hand behind her. In one fell movement her dress fell to the floor, revealing a red corset with a fur lining on the bottom and a tiny white bow in between her two breasts. She looked like a present waiting to be opened, and Clay moved closer.

"You are so beautiful," he said as he kissed the tops of her breasts.

"And you are so handsome," she replied, as soft giggles escaped her lips. "God, that tickles!" They continued to make out for a few minutes, before she gave him a deep kiss and got on her knees.

////// 3
////// "Giving is Better than Receiving"

"Oh my Santa! She's sucking on his candy cane!" Jilly said with glee as they watched from a few feet away.

"Wow, that took shorter than I thought," Kip said, obviously proud of himself. His magic had worked perfectly, and now they just needed to see if they had worked fast enough to save Christmas.

They watched as Jill went down on Clay, with her taking the time to massage his balls and taking his modest cock in as far as she could. It didn't take too long before Clay was ready to cum, and Jill had taken it all like a pro.

"Oh, Santa, that was hot," Jilly said as she bounced on her heels behind Kip. The feeling of her breasts pressing against him was getting Kip all excited, band he was excited to finally get another run at her.

"Did watching a big human male get your body turn you on?"

"Oh Santa, yes! Did you see how big my boobies were on her!?"

He did, and he had to agree. Seeing Jilly's beautiful elf body blown up to that size was the hottest thing he had ever seen. He turned around and kissed her hard on the mouth, before he heard his Elf-Phone going off.

"Shit, a blow job may not be enough to wipe the D45," Kip said as he looked at his Elf-Phone again. He swiped through some pages and looked at some readings. "We've pulled it up to a decent level, but we're going to need more. This was a target house for Santa..."

"Then what can we do?"

He thought back to his Gold-3 training and tried to remember anything that could help in this situation. There were a lot of boring classes, with a ton of terrible elf puns, but nothing came to mind that would help. "I... I don't know what to do..." Kip watched as Clay and Kill cuddled, and then it finally occurred to him what needed to happen. "Giving is better than receiving," he whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Jilly asked.

"Giving is better than receiving," Kips said, getting excited, "it's what one of my instructors from NCIS said. He told us that giving is always a better way of generating Christmas cheer..."

"So what does that mean?"

Kip grimaced and peeked over at the couple. "It means we need Clay to step up and give it to Jill, but he's going to have to do it on his own..."

"Why? Can't you use your magic?"

"I used the last of it on the mistletoe. It's still enchanted, but I made it to where it could not work on Clay..."

"How much time do we have," Jilly asked with great concern.

Kip looked down at his Elf-Phone, "Fifteen minutes, tops."

A few feet from where the elves stood hidden by magic, Clay sat against the wall with Jill in his arms. "That was incredible," he said with a big smile.

"It was," Jill said with a smile.

"Have you ever..."

"Sucked a guys dick? No, not before now," she said with a chuckle. "In fact, I never even went down on a girl before."

"So why now, I mean, is it..."

She leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, as she could see where his mind was going. "I don't know if it's the magic, or whatever changed me... But you should know that I've never felt as good as I do right now, with you."

There was a look in her eyes that told Clay something, but he was reluctant to see it. He could tell that she was offering herself to him, but he was just to shy to make a move. She was the one that had gone down on him, and however good it was he knew he couldn't ask it of her again.

"What are you thinking?" Jill asked.

"To be honest, I'm looking at that tiny bow on your corset and thinking how much it looks like a gift."

A smile crossed her lips, "Well, don't you want to open your present?" She was on her knees in front of him, with her arms squeezing her breasts together. It was the most enticing thing he had ever seen, but he was still so unsure.

"Fuck her, for Santa's sake!!!"

"What was that," Jill said as she looked behind her, and just like earlier time froze. Clay stared at the girl in front of her, and as she looked behind her the air pulled back from her ears and he was astonished to see that they were long and pointed like an elves. He had always been buried in fantasy games growing up, and had often fantasized about elf women. Seeing those ears wiped all doubt away, and he reached forward and lowered the corset. "Oh!' Jill shrieked with delight at Clay began to rub her exposed breasts.

"They're perfect," Clay said in wonder.

"Wait until you unwrap all of your gift," she said as she got to her feet. Slowly she removed the corset, and then shook her hips as she pulled her red panties down. Now she was standing in front of Clay completely naked, and she held out her hand to him. "Come with me," she said in a voice that gave him absolutely no choice to say no. She walked him over to the couch and sat him down.

"I... I've never..."

"Shhhh," she whispered as she straddled him, "I'll do all the work." With her hand on his cock, she slowly lined it up with her new slit and slowly took it in.

"Oh my God!" Clay yelled as he held her hips. She then began to bounce up and down on him, causing her breasts to bounce joyfully in Clay's face. "Shit! Oh, that feels so good!"

"It's still not enough," Kip whispered as he watched the couple fuck on the couch.

"Why isn't it enough?" Jilly asked with worry all over her face.

"She's still giving... He needs to own up and..." Right as he said it he saw Clay flip Jill onto the couch and began to thrust his cock into her with vigor. Jill shouted out a string of expletives and moans as Clay continually pressed deeper and deeper.

"Oh my Santa, it's working!" Jilly said as she looked down at the Elf-Phone. Kip also looked down and saw the warning from his phone disappear, and for the first time in an hour he finally felt relief. "Oh, Santa, he's really giving it to her. I think she's already tinseled twice."

"Are you interested in joining her," Kip said with a smile as he ran his hand up her side.

"Oh, I thought you would never ask!" Jilly said as she stripped out of her dress fasted than Kip thought was possible. He was not at all shocked to find that she was completely soaked, and it made entering her a dream. "Oh, Santa!!!"

Yes, Christmas was saved and Kip was again balls deep in Jilly, but that is not where our story ends. You see, while Clay was giving it to Jill with all of his might, he had his back to the door and didn't notice his friend John had returned from partying. John was dumbstruck by what he saw before him, so much so that he didn't say a word as he approached Clay and his mystery lover. It wasn't until he was under the mistletoe that the two couples realized what had happened.

////// Epilogue
////// "A Christmas Miracle"

Santa's trip around the world went off without a hitch, and after all of the celebrations had ended Kip found himself in a familiar situation. He sat at a desk with his hands folded in his lap, as a disgruntled elf sat across from him.

"...and you have nothing else to add to the report?" Perry asked, looking at Kip as if he wouldn't trust anything that came out of his mouth.

"No, Sir."

"And about this D45?"

"I took care of it, Sir."

"And how exactly did you take care of it?"

"You know, just little bit of this and that."

"Right," Perry said as he sipped on his hot cocoa, "this and that..." Kip just smiled at him, not wanting to give away anything. "Well, this house that you were assigned turned out to be something rather odd."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Well," Perry said as he flipped through the file in front of him, "it appears the house contains a man and set of twin sisters who are... What is it... ah, in a 'Poly-amorous' relationship."

"Well," Kip said after a cough, "that's becoming more and more accepted in the human world." Of course he couldn't tell Perry that two step brothers had been enchanted to become duplicates of Jilly, or that the magic would lead the three to seek out their "Poly-amorous" relationship.

"Yes, well I guess congratulations are in order then," Perry said dryly.

"For what, sir?"

"Your D45 got changed to a D64, which gave Santa enough Christmas Spirit to last the rest of the night. I'm surprised you didn't hear, the Elves are all calling it a Christmas Miracle..."

Kip had heard all about it, but he knew the truth. He knew that the "Christmas Miracle" was really just caused by a geeky nineteen year old kid having a threesome with two incredibly sexy twin sisters. Jilly had helped fudge the paperwork to make it look like they were always twins, and it looked like everyone had bought it.

" such, the big man is knocking you up to a Gold-2."

Kip figured this was coming, but he still tried to look surprised. "What? Oh my, what an honor."

"Yes... an honor. That is all, Kip," Perry said as he motioned for the door.

"Thank you, Sir!" Kip said with a smile. He was then walking the halls of the North Pole like he owned the place. Gold-2, that was the "Naughty or Nice" division. He could have his pick of any Elf girl out there now, but Jilly had said yes and the two of them were getting married. It would be a big change for Kip, but upon finding Jilly naked on his bed covered only by a big red bow he figured he could live with it.

////// THE END

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