FEMAIL: The Complete Story

FEMAIL.jpgFEMAIL: The Complete Story
by TGTrinity
cover by bela04

///// Chapter One


From: Colton Hughes
Sent: Friday 4/1/16 7:55AM
To: James Riding
Subject: Nano1980 Beta Services


I was told to email you daily regarding my involvement in the Nano1980 Beta, and I just had a few questions.

I want to confirm that I’m to send in a nightly email with information regarding my experience with your product. I have to admit that it was a strange request on the Beta sign up, so I just would like to know what kind of information you’d need from me.

I guess I can fill you in with the basics here just in case you don’t have access to my file. My name is Colton Hughes and I am a 45 year old man living in Houston, TX. I am single and have never been married, weigh 275 pounds and measure 6 feet tall. I’m currently employed at a local community college where I teach some Drama classes.

Is there more that you need to know? There really wasn’t any sort of guidelines given, so I’m just grasping at straws here. I’m sorry if I come across as rambling, but to be honest I’m still a little nervous about this Beta test. I’m really hoping that your product can do all that it says it can, and I just want to be as forthright as possible.

Thanks again for the opportunity and for any help you can give me.

Colton Hughes


From: James Riding
Sent: Friday 4/1/16 8:44AM
To: Colton Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta Services

Mr. Hughes,

My team and I want to thank you for your interest in the Beta, and we are looking forward to hearing about your experiences with Nano1980.

You are one of eleven other beta testers who will be reporting to me, and I want to let you know that you elven are the most important part of my job now. There is no question that I will consider unnecessary, and I’m available at this email address at almost any time. Due to the sensitive nature of our product, there can be no vocal, image or video communication, but I have my phone on me all the time to respond to your emails.

As to what exactly what my team and I are looking for in your daily reports varies by what your experience you choose with Nano1980. We encourage you to try and push the boundaries of what's possible with the Beta, wether that be extreme weight loss or a full body makeover.

From your file I see that you are interested in the capabilities the Nano1980 has in the gender realignment area, and that is a huge area of emphasis for us. A daily update with how smoothly the change progresses would be appreciated, as well as any unexpected mental changes that occur with the use of Nano1980.

However excited we are about the program, remember that the Nano1980 is only in it’s Beta. So while we want you to push the technology to it’s limits, we must insist that you do so carefully. Inform us immediately if there are any unforeseen physical changes, or if the Nano1980 is not functioning properly. We also request that you copy over the user specs from day to day so we can track how the system is progressing.

Thank you again for your interest in the program, and my team and I look forward to hearing about your experiences!

James Riding
Head of SW Beta Testing


From: Colton Hughes
Sent: Friday 4/1/16 9:35PM
To: James Riding
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day One


Thank you for responding to my earlier email so quickly, and I’m happy to inform you that I’ve begun my Beta test with the Nano1980.

The Nano1980 device itself arrived this afternoon, and you should know that it was incredibly easy to set up. I particularly appreciated how streamlined the main system was, and the interface is simple and easy to use. My roommate walked in and thought that the device was just another laptop. I received the seven files of NanoRed that were included and got my first injection right after 6:00 this evening.

The system asked for some general information for the changes, and for the first time I was really nervous about what the program promised. I know that I mentioned that I wished to use the Nano1980 to become a woman, but you also encouraged me to push the limits of what the device could do. So after syncing the NanoRed vials with the Nano1980 (a rather easy endeavour) I set up my changes in the system.

A month ago I simply wanted to become a woman, with no interest in how old or young that woman would be. I won’t go into why I feel this way, as I’m sure you have no interest in hearing why an overweight man in his 40’s wants to change genders. You see, the thing is that after I was accepted into the Beta, I began to really think about what I wanted out of this. As I went to work and taught my classes, I would look at the young women and see how vibrant and hopeful they were. The world is all ahead of them, and that is a feeling I want to feel again.

As such I am setting up the system to transform me into a twenty one year old woman. I know that means that I’m aiming to lose over half my bodyweight, but I’m going for it anyway. I’ve taken the next week off of work, and if all goes well I will be enrolling at HCCC in the week after!

I know that they say that the nanomachines take at least a day to get going, but I’m certain that after just three hours I can feel a tingling sensation in my body. I’ve stepped on my own scale at least once every five minutes (even though I know the Nano1980 is receiving up to the minute info from the nanomachines now in me) and I’ve yet to shed a pound, but that doesn’t mean I’m a non-believer.

Here is my initial user specs:

Gender: Male
Weight: 278
Height: 6’0”
BMI: 36.7
Body Fat: 61%
Body Measurement: 49”- 52”- 47”

Thank you again for the opportunity!

Colton Hughes


From: James Riding
Sent: Friday 4/1/16 9:55PM
To: Colton Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day One

Mr. Hughes,

I am so glad to hear that the system was easy to setup and that you are on your way to the new you! The team designed the Nano1980 to be as inconspicuous as possible, which is why it looks like your standard laptop. Of course, the NanoRed vials are a little more conspicuous, so I’d remind you to take heed of the NDA you signed and keep those out of sight.

You should also know that you are the only Beta tester who is attempting such a drastic body shift. The closest person to you is a gentleman in California who is wanting to lose 50 pounds, and you’re looking at close to 150 at the moment.

Can you please let us know if the injection caused any pain? One of my team members is also curious if the NanoRed’s caused any change with how things taste. I know it’s a strange question, but if you could let us know I think she would appreciate the update.

I also received a call from HQ asking to be kept up to date on your specific Beta, so you should be excited about that. They also wanted to offer the use of an in house Doctor who can answer any questions you have during your transition. If you wish to speak with him, just let me know and I’ll begin CC’ing him on these emails.

Lastly there is no need to thank us, as you are doing us a great favor by being part of our first Beta test with Nano1980. Have a great night and let me know if there are any changes that happen before the 24 hour mark.

James Riding
Head of SW Beta Testing


///// Chapter Two


From: Colton Hughes
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 8:06AM
To: James Riding
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Two


I just can’t believe it! This morning I woke up in the body of a beautiful young woman! I mean, I thought that you guys said it would take seven days for the NanoRed to do their thing, but in just one night this all happened!

Okay, it’s still pretty early in the morning, but I’ll try and give you some details on what happened. You see, I woke up about an hour ago covered in sweat. At first I thought I was feverish, but that's when I first noticed the long brown hair hanging in my face. When I tried to get up from my bed I found that my legs were really sore, but I had enough strength to get to the bathroom. What I saw in the mirror blew my mind!

I was a woman, and it didn’t even worry me a bit! I have long brown hair with brown eyes and a very adorable face. There were obviously more changes, but I’m not sure how detailed you want this to be. To be honest, I’m still a little embarrassed walking around without a bra on, but it seems like the more time that passes the better I feel about my new chest.

Instead of embarrassing details I’ll just send you the new specs, which seem to be spot on:

Gender: Female
Weight: 112 lbs
Height: 5’3”
BMI: 19.8
Body Fat: 20%
Body Measurement: 36D”- 24”- 36”

Now I just need to find a way to sneak out of the apartment so I can go get some new clothes. An old girlfriend left some clothes here, but even those are far too big for this tiny frame. Oh! I was going to ask you about the service you mentioned in the Beta sign up! You said that your company would be able to hook me up with a new identity, and I just wanted to know how quickly you could make that happen.

I would love to sit here and fill you on more, but I want to get this new life of mine started! Thank you so much for giving me this gift, and I think you’re going to become a very wealthy company!



From: James Riding
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 9:55AM
To: Colton Hughes
Cc: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Two

Mr. Hughes,

We are excited to hear that the program was such a success, but there are a few things that we need to go over.

First, we need more details about the change. My team wants you to know that the sweat is a byproduct of the NanoRed breaking down you cell structure. More than half of your body mass was excreted through your skin last night, so the team would like to know if you are experiencing any unusual sensations.

Next you’ll probably notice that I have cc’d Sarah Kepler on this email. She’s the team's medical doctor, and is available to answer any questions you might have about being a woman. We thought it be best that you talk to a woman about this next question, as it’s a little delicate: What is the current status of your reproductive organs? If you don’t want to let us know, that’s fine, but you’ll need to inform Sarah of anything you’ll need.

As for the service for identification, that is absolutely still available to you. I’ll send an attachment that has an address that you can visit and the people there will set you up with a new Texas State ID as well as a Social Security number. This is all free, of course, so don’t worry about paying.

Lastly we just wanted to know if there was anything else that you can mention. There is nothing that will be considered too small. My team also wants to remind you that you’ll still need to perform your daily injections of NanoRed, because even though the time table has sped up we want to make sure that everything is performing as intended.

Again, we are so excited for you, and look forward to hearing back soon!

James Riding
Head of SW Beta Testing


From: James Riding
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 9:59AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: SW S11 Code Pink


Southwest Subject 11, a man by the name of Colton Hughes, has gone CODE PINK. The nanomachines performed their task in a fraction of the allotted time, expelling over half of Subject 11’s body mass in a night. He claims that he is now a fully functional woman, and his specs seem to show the same. Here is both last night's and this mornings readouts.

Gender: Male
Weight: 278
Height: 6’0”
BMI: 36.7
Body Fat: 61%
Body Measurement: 49”- 52”- 47”

Gender: Female
Weight: 112 lbs
Height: 5’3”
BMI: 19.8
Body Fat: 20%
Body Measurement: 36D”- 24”- 36”

I know I don’t have to tell you this, but the numbers look a lot like NES4’s, and I don’t think the company wants another repeat of that. We’ve told her to keep up with the injections, but the team is only doing that in hopes that there are no further developments.

I hope that this is all for naught, but I thought it best to bring you into the loop early.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 10:05AM
To: James Riding
Subject: RE: SW S11 Code Pink


I’m on it.



From: Colton Hughes
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 3:06 PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Two


Hello, my name is Colton Hughes, although my new ID has the name “Alexis Hughes” on it. I don’t know if I’ll go by Alexis or Lexi, but that’s not really why I’m writing you. James sent me your email address and said I should contact you about my changes. I don’t know if you’ve seen my file, but up to yesterday I was a man and now I’m a young woman.

Before I go on, are you a medical doctor or a psychologist? The reason why I ask is because I really don’t want to get into the “why” of all of this. Suffice it to say that I’ve always felt like a woman even though I was born a male. Of course, that doesn’t mean that I was attracted to men, but that’s neither here nor there.

What I will tell you is that everything “down there” seems to be functioning normally. I’ll admit that it was strange to go to the bathroom the first time, but I figured it out. The same people that gave me my new ID gave me some money, a very generous amount, that I used to buy some new clothes. I was more than a little embarrassed to talk to the shop girl about bras and panties, but she was very helpful. She even mentioned how jealous she was of my new breasts and how perky they were.

I only wound up buying a couple of regular bras and some panties, then just grabbed some jeans and t-shirts. I mean, I feel really comfortable in this body, but it’s still weird to think of myself as a woman.

I… No, nevermind…

Colton (Alexis) Hughes


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 8:06 PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Two


I’m so glad that you’ve taken the time to write me, and I want you to know that there is absolutely no question you should feel uncomfortable asking me.

To answer some of your questions, yes I am a medical Doctor. I got my PhD from Stanford and have been working privately with the Nano1980 team for a few years. There is absolutely no need to explain to me why you wanted to become a woman, but you should know that you are not the first Beta tester to attempt such a drastic change. A little over a dozen participants have switched genders from male to female, with only two females choosing to become male. The process usually took the entire week, but a few participants (like yourself) had a drastic response to the NanoRed.

There is nothing to be worried about having so much change so quickly. You seem to be taking to your new identity, and I just want to offer any help I can. I know that it’s a strange question, but it seemed like you wanted to ask me something at the end of your email. Again, everything you say to me is kept from the Beta team due to doctor patient confidentiality.

I’d like to hear how your first day as a female went, particularly how your emotions are. Being a woman means getting used to new hormones, so it may be a bumpy night. Also I would like to know more about your roommate, and what you’re planning on telling him. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Saturday 4/2/16 8:55 PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Two


Thanks for the email, and I’m feeling alright as of right now. In fact, I’m really tired so I’m going to make this a quick one. My roommate is another teacher from Harris County Community by the name of Gabe Smith. We’ve known each other for a long time, and he divorced last year and asked if I was looking for a roommate. Right now he thinks that I’m my own niece who’s staying for a while as “Colton” has gone on a long overdue vacation. I don’t think he suspects anything, and either way I’ve been keeping my distance.

There was this one time tonight that I caught him staring at me, but that’s normal, right?

Anyway, I am really tired so I’m going to give myself another injection and then head for bed. Thanks again for your willingness to help a new girl out!

Alexis :)


///// Chapter Three


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 8:55 AM
To: Sarah Kepler, James Riding
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


I just wanted to write and let y’all know how I’m feeling this morning. It was great to not wake up in a bed covered in sweat, and even better to still be in this new body of mine. I can already feel myself adapting to being a woman, almost as if my muscles have been moving like this for years. That also means that the arthritis I had in my knees is now gone, a perfectly wonderful side effect that I hadn’t even planned on receiving!

As far as any changes go, I can’t seem to notice any. Part of me wants to say that my breasts are bigger, but the specs are spitting out the same number. I’m still wondering how the tiny machines recognize that I have a 36D bust, but it the bra I got yesterday certainly fits like a glove. I also can’t seem to notice any mental changes, outside of the strange dreams that I had again. I’m not really comfortable going into more details, sorry Mr. Riding.

What I can talk about is my general state of wellbeing. I looked up a thirty minute cardio exercise online, and was able to complete it all! I mean, I worked up one hell of a sweat, but I did it! I’m thinking about going out for a run today, since I got a nice sports bra and bottom yesterday. Gabe is always taking a morning run, so maybe I’ll join him!

Let me know if there is anything else you’d like to hear about!

Alexis Hughes


From: James Riding
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 9:08 AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Cc: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


Again, we are all super excited about the progress you’ve made with the program! That being said, it’s obvious that you are uncomfortable reporting directly to me. So, from here on you’ll be reporting directly to Dr. Kepler. She in turn will keep us up to date on everything that’s happening. Trust me when I tell you that anything you tell Dr. Kepler that has nothing to do with us will be protected by Doctor/Patient confidentiality. I just want you to feel comfortable with the program, and I think this is the best option moving forward.

Thank you again for being brave enough to push Nano1980 to the limits you’ve chosen, and I hope the next four days are as good as these first three.

James Riding
Head of SW Beta Testing


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 9:20 AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


I’m sure that you’ve received James email by now, otherwise give it a quick read. The basic idea is that you’ll be reporting directly to me, so you don’t have to beat around the bush anymore. So moving forward I really need you to be forthcoming with what is happening to you.

The first thing I’d like to know about is your roommate, Gabe? I know that you’ve worked with him for a long time, but some more details would be nice. How old is he? Is he in good shape? Are you beginning to grow attracted to him?

You can probably see what I’m getting at, so I won’t beat around the bush either. If you are thinking of exploring your new sexuality on a more primitive level, I would ask you to proceed with caution. Right now your body is not only being flooded with new hormones, but you still have NanoRed in your blood. Since this is a beta test, we’re not entirely sure what would happen if you had intercourse with someone else. There are some people on James’ team that are curious about what would happen, but I again would recommend caution and only pursue sexual intercourse once the seven injections are complete.

The next thing I’d like to ask you about is the dreams. In previous Beta tests some of the participants had a similar response to the NanoRed. In some cases their dreams would bleed over into real life, such as man who dreamed of being a doctor so much that he got accepted into medical school. There is also a female participant who began to find other women more attractive in her dreams, and this led her to leave her husband of twenty years for a young woman. We’re not entirely certain why this is happening, but most participants admit to thinking on the subject of the dreams before they signed up for the test. Does this mean the NanoRed is bringing deep desires to the forefront of some participants minds? Well, that's what I would like to find out.

So, if there is anything you can share, I'd love to hear it.

Sarah Kepler, PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 5:20PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


Thank you so much for taking over James’ responsibilities! I'm typically not a very private person, but being a woman has made me a little more… I don't know, shy? There's a lot about being a woman that is new to me, and the emotions are just the tip of the iceberg.

Like Gabe. God, I don't even know where to begin with him. As a man, even one who identified as a woman, I was never attracted to other men. I mean, I can appreciate beauty in all it’s forms, but I never wanted to be with a man sexually. Now I've been spending more time with him, and I'm beginning to feel a pull. I can't really explain what I feel, but I can definitely tell you what I was dreaming about… and it was Gabe. I know that all of this must sound so cliche, like some stupid romance story, but that first night I dreamt of Gabe forcefully having his way with me.

It happened in his bedroom, and I wish that I could say that he instigated everything, but I think I seduced him! I entered the room wearing a black piece of lingerie that I purchased at the shop and practically threw myself at him. Now, I've had sex plenty of times when I was a man, but nothing compared to what I felt in that dream. I mean, he did things to me that are making me blush as I think about them.

Is that normal? To be in a new body for a day and immediately start dreaming such erotic dreams? They were so vivid that I couldn't seem to focus around him today. During our morning jog, I think that I was flirting with him a little! I would flex and stretch in front of him, then playfully mock him if I caught him staring. Part of me was thinking that I was just trying to diffuse an odd situation, but the more I think about it the more I recognize what I was doing.

So is it really wrong to pursue anything with him? He's not married, is only eight years older than me now and is a really great guy with a good head on his shoulders. He's also got a nice body with a killer smile, but that's besides the point, right?

God! I don't even know what I'm typing anymore! Part of me wanted to delete that last paragraph, but I feel that would be lying to you. That, and you should know that he invited me out for some drinks tonight. He says that my “uncle” wouldn't want me to stay in the whole time, and I'm thinking about going. Trust me when I say that nothing will happen tonight, and there’s a good chance that I won't even go.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 6:09 PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


I know that I'm not a Psychiatrist, but I think that you going out for drinks with Gabe is a terrible idea. I know that this may not apply to you, but in previous tests we’ve had both men and women express regret over poor decisions. Most of these were cases of participants who considered themselves overweight or undesirable, only to suddenly be in an attractive body that people tend to pursue.

One participant, a woman in Miami, used the Nano1980 to lose over 200 pounds and become a nineteen year old bombshell. She had never been with a man before, yet over the first week in her new body she went home with a different guy each night. She was an incredibly sweet girl before who never got the time of day from guys, so the sudden attention was too much for her to handle.

She gives birth next week and has no idea who the father is.

I'm not telling you this to scare you or imply that you're in the same boat as her, but you should know that our product is very thorough. If you programmed the Nano1980 to make you a woman, then they did the job. So while you have a new perky set of breasts, you also have a fully functional female reproductive system.

Please write me back to let me know you got this.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Sunday 4/3/16 9:30PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Three


I haven't heard back from you. Please email me back as soon as possible.

Sarah Kepler PhD


///// Chapter Four


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Monday 4/4/16 5:20AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


I… I don't even know where to start.

I woke up this morning in Gabe’s bed, naked and covered in sweat. Although my memories are kind of hazy, I'm absolutely certain that we had sex.

God, I feel like such a slut.

I got your email, but I didn't want to hear what you were trying to say. I told myself that I was strong and in control, but I knew the moment I walked out the door with Gabe that I would end up in his bed. All night he made me feel like I never had before, well him and everyone else at the club we ended up at. I danced all night with a rotating group of men, all of whom sought me out. I knew that my new body was a knockout, but apparently my choice of dress made it even better. Guys had their hands all over me, and even some girls tried to feel me up. I feel like I'm rambling, but I need to get all of this out.

We drank at a local bar before heading to the club, but I quickly found out that my new body doesn't have the same tolerance to alcohol as my new one. When Gabe met up with some other teachers from HCCC and introduced me as Colton’s niece, everyone was just so nice to me. They had nothing but good things to say about me, Colton that is, and they also seemed to take a liking to me.

It was the most fun I've had in a long time!

While we were at the club there was one guy I was dancing with that was getting a little too touchy with me, and… Oh my God! I just realized that the guy I was dancing with was a student of mine named Zack! He's going out with… God, I don't even want to think about it. Anyway, he was all over me, not that I was fighting him off, and Gabe stepped in to have him back off. I think that's when I knew that I was going to sleep with him…

What do I do now? As soon as I woke up I gathered my dress and panties and snuck off back here to my room. Do I talk to him about what we did, or do I play it off like nothing happened?

I'm so sorry for not listening to you before, but I really need your help here!



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Monday 4/4/16 5:30AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


I’m not mad at you for not listening to me, as I was a young woman before too, but there are some things you should know.

The way that you’ve described your feelings toward Gabe would fall under more of a longing, not a sheer need to sleep with a man. I think, and again I am no therapist, that your deep friendship with Gabe led to your encounter last night, not some animal lust that you couldn’t overcome. Also, I never like the term “slut” to be thrown around, particularly by a woman who only two days ago was a man. Just because you slept with one man does not make you a slut. Even if you went out tonight and slept with another man it would still not make you a slut, as long as you practice safe sex and make wise choices. I personally am very sexually active, but I never sleep with strangers and always use protection.

That being said, I really need to know if you used protection last night. Yes, I’m worried about you getting pregnant and contracting an STD, but there’s more to it than that. You see, there was a case in Boston during one of our prior Beta’s where a woman had a similar response to the NanoRed and changed overnight. It was also an extreme case where she lost over a hundred pounds in addition to a dramatic increase in height and breast augmentation. We didn’t know what to make of it at the time, so we let things run their course.

The woman in question was married and had sexual relations with her husband, many times in fact. After their encounters the husband fell ill and developed a high fever. Over the next two days the husband slowly changed into an identical copy of his wife. We don’t know why the NanoRed jumped from one host to the next, as that is not in their programming, but the results are hard to argue with. We recorded the incident as a Code Pink, and until then they were the only participants who warranted the extra attention…

Now you are designated Code Pink.

None of this means that Gabe has received some of the NanoRed, especially if you used protection, but you should still keep an eye on him. Talk to him, don’t let the fact that you slept together bother you. You are an attractive young woman now, and there will be more sexual encounters in your future. Maybe they will be with him, and maybe they will be with someone else. I just hope that you listen to me now and forgo any more encounters until the seventh dose shuts down the NanoRed in your system.

Be honest with Gabe, there is no reason to lie about who you are anymore.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Monday 4/4/16 3:28PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


We talked for a little while, and it wasn’t really that awkward… Except that I was the one who initiated everything last night.

He tried to be a gentleman and get me to bed, but I creeped back into his room and threw myself at him. As he talked about it, all of the memories came flooding back to me.He told me that he wasn’t interested in a one night stand and wanted to get to know me better. He also said that it was the most incredible night of sex he’d ever had, and I was the first since his wife. He seemed to put all my fears to rest, but I still haven’t been able to tell him who I really am.

The real problem is I don’t really feel like Colton anymore. That feels like an eternity ago, and thinking about being a man is just so weird now. I mean, I was just with a man last night, and it was wonderful. Every inch of my skin was on fire when he touched me, and as we had sex I felt like I was in heaven. Even today I found that I picked out the tiniest shirt I had and paired with a tiny pair of gym shorts. I think I wore it just for Gabe, and I think that I’m okay with that.

And I know that it was stupid, but we didn’t use protection. I was so caught up in the moment that I just gave wanted to be with him. So does this mean that he’s been dosed with the NanoRed? I’ve been with him all day, and he doesn’t seem to be getting sick or changing. How soon would I know that he’s in trouble, because I don’t think I could bare to lose him already. I know that we just really met for the first time, but I think you’re right.

I think I may have feelings for him.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Monday 4/4/16 4:06PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


I’m glad that you were able to talk with him, but I really wish that you would have made him use a condom. But since you didn’t, you’ll just have to keep an eye on him. You’re only the second Code Pink that we’ve had, so we really don’t know what to look for. Just remember to email me as soon as possible if he develops a fever, or if anything else strange happens. Also, the team wants me to remind you that you need to keep up on your injections, which means after today you should only have three left.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do, and I would recommend going out and buying some modest clothing. I’ve seen the numbers of your readout, and with that body you’ll have a hard time keeping guys at bay. I know that I had a similar issue, but you’ll find a nice balance.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Monday 4/4/16 8:45PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


It’s nice to be able to write this email, because everything is going smooth. I went out shopping today to get some more clothes, and I got some that I’m sure you’d approve of. You’re right about this body though. As I was walking through the mall I was getting all sorts of guys coming up to me and asking for my number, as well as some guys just whistling at my ass. I wore a pair of jeans that I thought weren’t so provocative, but they certainly seemed to appreciate what I was doing.

As a weird side question, is it natural for my hips to sway as much as they do. I find that I consciously have to stop it from happening, but then I think about something and I can feel my ass bouncing from side to side. I know, I shouldn’t be complaining about having a nice ass, but it’s still really weird to get used to all the attention.

On a different note, I’m glad to let you know that Gabe seems to be fine. We’re staying in tonight and watching Series Nine of “Doctor Who”, because I don’t think that will lead to any more funny business :)

I also did the injection for tonight, although I’m sorry to report that there have been no further changes.

Good Night!


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 2:35AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water and found Gabe in the Kitchen getting some aspirin. He says that he’s heating up and took the day off!

Is he infected!? Does this mean he’s going to change!?!?!?!?!?

Please email me back soon!



///// Chapter Five


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 4:06AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Four


I need you to stay calm and know that everything is going to be just fine. We knew that this was a possibility, and now we just have to make sure we keep this in check. Any details you can give me about Gabe would help us a ton over here, such as his personal history or any illnesses that he has had in the past.

I know that this may be hard, but I feel that you should keep him at your apartment and watch over him. I know that you have feelings for him, but you’re going to have to trust me when I say that he’ll be just fine. When NES4 infected their husband, he just experienced a high fever while experiencing gradual changes over a twenty four hour period. NES4 medicated him with simple over the counter aspirin and kept him hydrated.

I know that it’s going to be hard witnessing the changes firsthand, but you must remember that the NanoRed does not have any influence on our minds. You control who you are, not the machines… and the same goes for Gabe. He may end up in a body like yours, but deep down he’ll be the same.

Then again, he may just have a spring cold...

Either way, get back to me as soon as you can with any update.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 8:30AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five

Well, I hope that you’re right and this all turns out to be a cold. As of right now Gabe is resting in his bed, and he is still the man he was last night. His fever is still there, but he seems to be able to sleep soundly.

I know that you probably don’t want to hear this, and possibly don’t approve, but I stayed in bed with him all night. Nothing happened of course, but I just felt this need to be there for him in case anything happened. It feels really good to take care of someone, particularly someone who means so much to me…

Anyway, you wanted to know some more about him, and since he’s still out cold I’ll give you what I know. He was married for a couple of years to a woman named Fiona Engels, but they split amicably about a year ago. They had no children, and he never left the country to the best of my knowledge. Without going into too much detail, he takes very good care of himself with multiple trips to the gym and a fridge full of healthy foods. As a man all of that stuff kind of annoyed me, but now I find it very attractive…

Sorry, getting off of the point again.

Um, the only other thing that I think is important is the fact that he’s thirty years old. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I’ll keep an eye on him and hope for the best.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 8:45AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five


Thanks for keeping me up to date, and I know how you must be feeling right now. All you can do is hope for the best.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 9:59AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five


It’s beginning to happen…

It started with me noticing that he was sweating a lot more, and then I noticed that the hairs on his chest were beginning to fall out. After that I removed his shorts to find that his penis had shrunk considerably. I know that it may be wrong for me to have undressed him, but that was the only way that I could verify that he was actually… God, what have I done?

The man is becoming a woman because of me!!!

Even as I type this I can see his body reshaping himself. It comes it spurts, but there is no denying what’s happening. I never mentioned it before, but the guy who lives next door to us is a nurse. Would it be so wrong for me to got and get him to make sure that everything here is going alright? I mean, it doesn’t look like he’s in any pain, but what if something happens? What if the NanoRed turn on him, or make some kind of mistake that could…

His… His penis just got swallowed up in his pelvis… The man that I made love to only two days ago is…

How could you people not tell me that this may have happened!? I have just ruined Gabe’s life! You and your company can go right to hell.



From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 1:12PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five



You’re not even responding to me anymore!? In the last three hours I’ve watched as Gabe as contorted into different positions as he body reshaped. I could hear his leg bones breaking and reforming as he shrunk about six inches, and that’s nothing compared to what was happening to his chest! As his chest ribs narrowed it sounded like popcorn popping, but it was really his ribs breaking in quick succession.

As I sit here and watch I just can’t believe that this happened to me while I was sleeping. Had I known it was this violent I never would have signed up for this Goddamned Beta Test!

Now Gabe is looking like some misshapen experiment, half woman and half man... His body is all rough edges, like he was just in some sort of accident. Only he wasn’t in an accident…

This is all happening because of me.



From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 4:36PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five


God, I’m so sorry for being a bitch to you! Just respond to me!!!

Gabe now has a modest pair of breasts on his chest, and all the rough edges I talked about have smoothed out. His hair has begun to grow like weeds, while his face has begun to slowly reform. He now looks like a young woman, with the last vestiges of the man I destroyed getting washed away every minute.

Now I’m beginning to think of what I can possibly say to him when he wakes up from all of this…

Please, I really need to hear back from you!


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 8:43PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Five


It’s done…

The last thing to change was his lips, and now Gabe is a complete copy of me. She’s still sleeping, but I have a feeling that she’ll be waking up any moment.

Where are you, Sarah? I can’t believe that you’d abandon me during all of this. You don’t know how many times that I was ready to walk next door and talk to my neighbor about all of this, but I didn’t. I didn’t because you asked me to, and I think that it’s pretty shitty of you to abandon not only me, but your freaking job as well. I’m in an impossible position that you could not even dream of, let alone understand. As I look back over our correspondence you talk about all of this as if you know what I’m going through, but you don’t. You’re probably sitting in your expensive house with your perfect husband waiting on you hand and foot, while I suffer here alone.

I think I loved him, Sarah… And just because I didn’t listen to you once doesn’t mean I won’t ever again…

God, just get back to me…



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 9:15PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: NES4


I’m sorry that I haven’t responded to you all day, but I knew that there was little I could do for you at such an emotional time. Looking back on it I think I made the wrong decision, but I want you to understand my reasoning.

You see, I don’t and can never understand what you’re going through.

But as for your friend? I know exactly what he’s going through...


///// Chapter Six


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Tuesday 4/5/16 9:15PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: NES4

...My wife was NES4 and the first person to go Code Pink, which makes me the first real victim of Nano1980. I had been on the team developing the product since I graduated from Stanford with a degree in Microbiology, with the intent that I could help change lives. I met my wife back in 1972 (Yes, I’m actually 74 years old) and she was this firecracker. While I spent most of the eighties and nineties working on the Nano Technology, I spent less and less time with her. Eventually she fell into a state of depression and eating became her main source of comfort.

When we finally made the breakthrough with Nano1980, I knew that I had to make up for my part in her spiral into obesity… So I got her on the Northeast Beta.

We talked about making the process a slow one, but she was overzealous and set out to lose over two hundred pounds in a weeks time while also making her young again. I guess you can figure out what happened next as I woke up on Day 2 of her Beta next to a young blonde woman.

We didn’t know what to do. She seemed to be perfectly fine, and she was as happy as I had ever seen her. I was reluctant to be with her due to her newfound beauty, but she was just as in love with me as ever. She wanted to thank me, a man who was now biologically fifty years older than her, for giving her such a gift.

I won’t lie and tell you that I did not enjoy myself as we made love, as being with my wife again after so many years without physical contact was a dream.

Then I changed.

It happened just as you explained with Gabe. At first we thought that I was just sick, but after twenty four hours of high fever and muscle pain, I awoke in the body of my wife. There was some solace to be found in the fact that my back and joint pain were gone, though my new breasts proved to be a new source of lower back pain.

I… The company didn’t want me to tell you about all of this, but I felt it best that you knew. I hope that you’re not upset with me for withholding this factor from you, as it is very personal. If you have any questions I would love to answer them, and I promise that I won’t hold anything back.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Wednesday 4/6/16 8:43AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Six


I’m so sorry for the way I was acting yesterday, and I’m especially sorry for trying to make you somehow responsible for what happened to Gabe. I see now why you cautioned me, and even if you told me your story I doubt I would have listened at the time.

Right now Gabe is awake and trying to take the situation in. At first he was pretty freaked out, but after a while he became very understanding, if not excited about what was happening. He… I mean she seems to spend a lot of time in the bedroom getting to know her body a little better. I can’t help but feel a little awkward with the situation, since she has taken to walking around the house naked all morning. I guess it could be worse. She could have freaked out and tried to run or hurt herself… Or hurt me for that matter. I guess I’ll take a girl who’s just doing a little self discovery of her own, not that I can blame her.

She says that we should live as twin sisters and enroll in college, which is a fine idea I guess. She doesn’t… God, I’m probably reading too much into things, but she hasn’t even tried to make a pass at me. Now I’m not saying that I’m attracted to her…

Why am I lying to you? Of course I’m attracted to her, and the fact that it’s Gabe in that spicy young body has gotten me all worked up. What can I do? Do I just ask her if she wants to make out a little and see where it goes? She certainly hasn’t done anything to hide her new body, so maybe she’s sending me a sign.

When you changed, did you and your wife… You know… Maybe that’s too personal.

I’ll keep you up to date on what happens all day, but I think we’re just going to stay in the house.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Wednesday 4/6/16 11:06AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Six


There is no need to apologize, and you don’t need to be afraid to ask any questions.

Yes, when I changed into a copy of my now young wife we made love… a lot. We needed to bring in some extra help, whether it be toys or some handsome young men from a local bar, but we were always together. My wife felt so awful about changing me that she said I could pursue extra lovers on the side, but I had absolutely no intentions of doing that.

I actually felt worse, because I was still a man deep down inside, and being with such a sexy woman like my wife was fantastic. She on the other hand was still attracted to men, which is why I began inviting some boys to join us in our love making.

I’m sorry, I didn’t really want to go into that much detail, but I want you to remember that the NanoRed did nothing to change how we felt about each other. If there was some way to make my wife a complete lesbian, she would take it in a second… but here we are. It’s a struggle sometimes, but we’re in love and we don’t let it get in our way.

Moving on, I’m glad to hear that Gabe has taken to her new form so fluidly. I too was very accepting of the changes, and I did my fair bit of self discovery as well. To answer your question about broaching your attraction, I really don’t know what to say. I was married to my wife for over forty years when we made love, but you’ve only been with Gabe that one time. I don’t think you can expect him to commit to you so fully that quickly, but what do I know.

The team still recommends that you stay indoors until the the NanoRed have been deactivated, and outside of that just keep me abreast of any changes.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Wednesday 4/6/16 8:59PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Six


I don’t really have anything to report for the day, outside of one worrying development.

Gabe, or Penny is what she goes by now, really wants to leave the house and take her new body for a spin. I’ve had to talk her down repeatedly, but she keeps on begging to go out dancing or to a bar. She says that she just wants to have some fun, but after what she’s spent all day doing I’m becoming more and more unsure.

Is there any chance that her libido has somehow been affected? Because she has been horny all day, but has shown zero interest in me. She was even looking out the window and commenting on how good looking the guys were walking by. I laughed and joined in with her, but I was getting very uncomfortable.

I know that I’m probably making a mountain out of a molehill, and she’ll probably calm down in the next day or two. I have to remember that I slept with a guy my second night as a woman, but that’s not the same… Is it?

Anyway, I’ve taken the second to last injection and we’re settling in for another night of Doctor Who… So I don’t expect any sparks to fly :(



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Wednesday 4/6/16 9:10PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Six


Keep your head up, girl. Give her a day to adjust and I’m sure you’ll be able to talk about where you guys are emotionally. A lot has changed, and you can’t hold that against her. Remember that you were mentally prepared for the change, and she wasn’t. Even I had an idea of what was happening with me during my change, but that’s only because I helped design the NanoRed.

Give her some time and all will be well.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Wednesday 4/6/16 11:59PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Penny’s Gone!


She’s gone! I have no idea where she went, but she didn’t leave a note or anything! What should I do!?!? Should I call the Police? Is she… Is she Code Pink too?

Oh shit… Is she fucking Code Pink!?!?!?


///// Chapter Seven


From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 12:10AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Penny's Gone!


I need you to stay calm.

To the best of my knowledge, and I consider myself to be fairly versed in the matter, there is little chance that Penny is Code Pink. After my transformation I dabbled with some lovers along with my wife and nothing happened, but that was well after the seventh dosage of NanoRed shut everything down in my wife. That being said, I don't think the NanoRed are potent enough to cross over from Penny, due to the fact that she had an extended transformation, like me, and not the sudden burst that you and my wife experienced.

I'm also not trying to imply that she left the house with the express intent of having intercourse, because there are any number of reasons why she would leave. Just to be safe I'm sending some of the team from the shop that set you up with your ID's out to locate her. It won't be hard, and we'll let you know what we find.

We'll take care of things, Alexis. Trust me.

Sarah Kepler PhD

From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 2:10AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: Penny’s Gone!


I'm finding it very hard to stay calm right now, but I understand that there is little I can do in this situation. As I lay here awake I keep on thinking of things I could have done to keep her from going. Do you think if I told her how I felt about her that it would have caused her to stay? Maybe if, I don't know, I brought one of those guys in from outside and let her burn off some steam?

God, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

There is a mixture of emotions that I'm feeling here, and I can't seem to make heads and tails of them. There is a responsibility I feel for Penny in the way that I'm the cause for everything that's happened to her. I know that she claims to be grateful for the change, but how can I trust anything that's going on in that head of hers right now? This thing is in Beta, right? Doesn't that mean that it could be affecting her differently? That her new libido is just cause by a sudden onslaught of...

Then there's the fact that I'm her friend, or was until a couple of days ago. Colton and Gabe were really close, and in the space of two days I completely dismantled our friendship and erected what ever the hell this is between us now.

Lastly, I feel hurt. You're right that there is no commitment between Penny and I, but I can't help the way I feel about her... Or at least how I feel about Gabe. I wonder how someone can change so quickly without even recognizing it.

I know that she's right next door, so you don't have to send anyone.

I can hear her moaning through the walls so I'm going to sleep on the couch.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 2:19AM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: RE: Penny's Gone!


I'm so sorry...

I'm here.



From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 10:45AM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: Nano1980 Beta: Day Seven


Penny strolled in around nine this morning with a huge smile plastered to her face. She then proceeded to tell me about everything that her and the guy next door did all night as if I was just a stupid girlfriend of hers. I sat there and tried to smile as she talked about how many times they did it, and how she loved the feeling of being with a man. She even gave me a big hug and thanked me again for changing her.

I spent the next hour alone in my room in tears.

God, why do I feel this way!? It was just stupid old Gabe a few days ago, and now I'm crying over one night of passion we shared? What feels worse is the fact that she can't seem to see how I'm feeling, and if she does then she is simply being cruel... And how could I fall so hard for someone who would do such a thing?

Now she's talking about going to the mall to get a new wardrobe together and having lunch at some fancy place like nothing's happened. Am I just to forget how betrayed I feel and go along with her? How do I do that? Do I go next door and...

How did everything become so complicated.



From: Sarah Kepler
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 12:11PM
To: Alexis Hughes
Subject: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Seven


I'm going to say something that may sound a little harsh, but I want you to remember that I'm really a seventy something year old man in a twenty five year old woman's body...

You complicated things, just like everyone else does.

You made a choice to pursue a night with Gabe, but that's all it was. A night. You might find it hard to believe, but not that much has changed in the last seventy years. We were just as young and stupid as "Millennials" these days are, because we were young. You made a choice that a forty five year old man would never make, because you're not that man anymore. You're Alexis, and you have your whole life ahead of you again. It has nothing to do with the NanoRed, but has everything to do with the fact that your new age and beauty gives you a different perspective on life.

And that's fine.

But don't get hung on this situation, because you are young, healthy and can have real connections with people still. Not all men and women are like Penny, but some are. Does that mean you should lock yourself up?


On the other hand, should you go out and sleep with some random guy just to get back at Penny?


Just remember that all of these decisions don't need to be made today. You're one night with Gabe shouldn't define who you are. You've only been a woman for a couple of days, and it takes some time. It took me about a year to finally feel like an actual woman, but I still have days where I wake up wondering why I have a pair of perfectly shaped breasts.

You'll be fine. Who knows what the future holds for you, but you have a future! That's why I helped make the Nano1980, to give people a new hope.

Sarah Kepler PhD


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Thursday 4/7/16 8:09PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Subject: RE: RE: Nano1980 Beta: Day Seven


I apprecate everything that you've said, and I agree with all of it.

That being said, I just took the last injection of NanoRed and I'm going out to get laid.

Lexi :)


///// Epilouge


From: Alexis Hughes
Sent: Friday 4/8/16 4:15PM
To: Sarah Kepler
Cc: James Riding
Subject: My New Life: Day One


I know why you haven't responded to that last email of mine yet. Don't think that you're being clever or playing some kind of game that I'm unaware of. I know exactly what you're doing, because my dear mother, God rest her soul, did the exact same thing. You're just doing all of this to make me break down and open my heart to you. This is some poorly conceived plot by you to make me come to some sort of realization. You think just because I'm young that I'm dumb? My young mind is every bit as sharp as my young female body is sexy...

That last sentence made me laugh out loud, so I hope that you're happy.

No, I didn't go out and get laid last night... Not that there wasn't any interest, mind you. In fact I took a gentleman to the back of the bar and we made out for a little while. He was very forward with me and asked if I wanted to go to his place, but I just couldn't do it. The thought of having sex again was thrilling, but without any kind of emotion tied to it...

Penny and I actually spent most of the night sitting in a booth and talking over some beers. I talked to her about how I felt, and she had absolutely no idea. She felt terrible and apologized for being so aloof about everything she had done with our neighbor. Of course that didn't stop her from going home with a young man that she had taught in HCCC, but I gave her my blessing and told her to use protection.

It actually felt good to see her out dancing with other men, not that I'm a man anymore, but it was cathartic. You were so right, and I know that you love hearing that. It was just one night, and that's not who I am. I can blame it on the NanoRed or the incredible influx of hormones, but really it was curiosity mixed with an incredible amount of attention I never had before. I was a virgin who was suddenly presented with opportunity, and I took it.

But I've found that I'm not a one night kinda girl, but it certainly looks like my new sister is. Oh, we've agreed to live together as Alexis and Penny Hughes, twin sisters who both attent HCCC. She had no problem taking my name, mostly because she thinks that some rich oil baron down here is going to whisk her up and marry her. It's still funny to me that she can say such things after being a woman for only a couple of days, because I'm certainly not ready for marriage.

Actually, I don't know what I'm ready for right now, but I like what you said about hope. I've found myself laughing more today than I have in years. Penny and I went to a local boutique and took turns trying on racy lingerie, and there wasn't an ounce of sexuality involved. We were just two girls trying to one up the other, and each new look only made us giggle more. I have no idea what the shop girl thought about us, but we were certainly enjoying each others company.

I think about this week, and even though there were some really scary moments mingled with stretches of depression, I wouldn't change a thing. I fulfilled a lifelong dream of being a woman, and a little heartache has helped me grasp who I am... Or really who I want to be.

Thank you, Sarah. If there is anything your company ever needs to help get the word out about Nano1980, I would love to help. It was everything you said it would be (and then some), and I hope that it gives others the same chance at a new life that I got.

Forever Thankful,
Alexis Hughes

///// THE END

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