The Princess and the Painting

Princess_0.jpgThe Princess and the Painting
A "Twisted Glen" Story
by TGTrinity

///// 1

Paul was crushed. In all of his life he could not recall a moment where he had felt as bad as he currently did. Even the night where he had caught his younger brother practicing kissing with the dog was nothing compared to this.

"Can I help you?" Paul looked up to see a very pretty girl standing in front of him.

"No... I'm just looking around." He had often frequented the Timber Grove thrift shop when he was feeling down in the dumps, and today definitely fit that bill.

"I think I've seen you in here a couple of times," the girl said as she extended a hand, "my name is Erika."

"Paul," he said as he reluctantly shook her hand. Typically he would love to sit and talk with a pretty girl like Erika, but he just felt disinterested.

"So, you don't look too happy."

In his current state he wanted to yell at the girl and tell her to go away, but her eyes showed him that she really cared about how he was. "I'm... I guess I'm in a little bit of a funk."

"Girl troubles?" He glanced up at her and sheepishly nodded his head. "I'm sorry, girls in this town can be cruel."

"You have no idea," Paul said before trailing off. He was beginning to think that talking about the problem would help, but just thinking about what his girlfriend had done... "I've been dating Helen for the last couple of years, and everything has been great."

"Where did you two meet?"

Paul ran his hand through his long brown hair and thought for a moment. "It was our senior year at Timber Grove Community. We met at this party and just hit it off. She was in the journalism program, and I was finishing up my degree in Accounting." He smiled for a moment, thinking about the first time he saw Helen. She was much shorter than him, with shoulder length brown hair and a cute smile. They had talked all night, and when he found out that she...

"What? What's wrong Paul?"

He was clenching his fists now. "It was so weird. I had never met someone that had enjoyed "Game of Thrones" as much as I did. We talked all night about it all night..." He then shook his head and then rolled his eyes.

"What did she do, Paul?"

"We've lived together for two years, and everything was so good. It was great, even. Then last night I came home to..." He lost his words and tried to hold back his anger.

"Find her with another man?"

"No," Paul said as he began to pace through the aisle, "I found her watching the season finale of Game of Thrones without me. Can you believe that?"

Erika didn't know what to say. She had dealt with so many horrible things in her short life, that she wanted to slap this guy out of principal. "She was watching a television show? Without you?"

"Yeah! And I don't care how many times she tried to apologize, I knew that she would spoil something for me!"

"You're this angry? Over a TV show?"

"It's not just a TV show! It's Game of Thrones!"

Erika was trying to gather her thoughts. She thought of raising her hand and flinging him through the window, something her practice of magic would make quite simple, but then another thought entered her mind. "I'm so sorry, you're right to be angry. There's something in the back corner of the store that I think will help you out."

Paul was regaining his composure, "Yeah? What is it?"

"We have a collection of paintings. I always look through them when I'm feeling... wronged." She choked on the last word, knowing that someone close to her watching a show without her would be nothing for her.

"Okay, I really appreciate you talking with me..."

"It's my pleasure," Erika said with a big as smile as she could muster.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice, too." She just smiled as he turned and walked to the back corner of the shop. Erika had never really used anything in the store maliciously before, but she was hoping that whatever fate the pictures held for Paul would help him change his priorities.

Paul turned a corner and saw an aisle filled with framed art of all kinds. As he walked he saw posters of movies next to pictures of cats hanging from trees. He looked closely at a painting of a waterfall and felt as tho he could see the water flowing over the edge.

The next thing that caught his eye was a poster that showed a girl wearing a string bikini on the beach. It looked just like a poster his friend had on the wall growing up, only this girl looked much more attractive. Her tan skin was only slightly covered by a white bikini, while her ample breasts seemed to explode out of the frame. Paul seemed to get lost in the model's smile, and he found himself bringing his hand up to the painting. His fingers were only inches away when his eyes locked onto a portrait behind the bikini babe.

It was a portrait of a young blonde woman, dressed as if she was a princess. The painting was covered in a layer of dust, which only added to the mysterious image that he saw. Even though the painting looked like it was done hundreds of years ago, the woman was presenting herself rather provocatively.

Her face was very cherubic, with wavy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. And while her face was that of an angel, her body was much more devilishly put together. Her large breasts were practically bursting out of her pink dress, while her tiny waist gave way to sensual curvy hips. What brought it all together was the look she was giving the unseen painter, a pair of bedroom eyes as she bit her lower lip.

Paul was dumbstruck by the image, and he once again felt his hand coming up to the picture. He half expected it to be fake, something put together by his mind, but his fingers made contact with the surface before everything went to black.

He didn't know what was happening, but he didn't feel like he was in any pain. In fact, he felt lighter than air, like there was no worries in the world. Gone was the rage over being betrayed over Game of Thrones, and in it's place a calming wave of sheer nothingness.

As Paul opened her eyes, she could see out the window that the sun was setting in the west over the mountains. She smiled as she watched the sun dance over the trees before looking at the back of a fancy painting easel, when something clicked in her mind.

She lived in Washington, and the sun set over the ocean.

She then found that wibbly wobbly geography was the least of her worries, as she looked down to see a pair of supple breasts hanging from her chest. Somehow she was in the body of the young woman in the painting, and all she wanted to do was scream... but she was in such a state of shock that she couldn't muster anything. She could only look around the room and try to figure out what was happening.

"My Lady, are you alright?" The voice belonged to a young man's head which had appeared from around the easel. The startling sight came as a relief to Paul as she finally found the strength to scream at the top of her lovely new lungs.

///// 2

"My Lady! What is wrong!" The young man asked as Paul finally stopped screaming. She wanted to scream again, but instead her urge to escape took over.

"I need to get out of here!" The words had come from her mouth, but Paul now sounded like some Disney princess. She looked and saw an open door to her left, so without another word she leapt from her seat and entered the room before closing the door behind her.

"My Lady, what is the matter?" She could hear the young man's muffled question through the door, but she was trying to ignore it so she could focus on her current predicament. The walls in the room were white, and everything was very clean. In one corner she saw a golden toilet, and next to it a golden sink with a large mirror above it. She fought the urge to look at herself in the mirror, not wanting to see the full extent of her transformation.

"What's happened to me?" She asked the empty washroom, her voice a soft melodic soprano.

"Well, I think it's rather obvious what's happened." Paul jumped in the air, her new breasts jiggling as she did, and looked around to find the source of the mysterious voice... yet the room was empty. "And you should really stop thinking of yourself as Paul, since you're now obviously a Polly."

The newly christened Polly backed against a wall and frantically looked around. "Who are you!? Show yourself!"

"Goodness, fine..." the mysterious voice said, and suddenly a small woman with a pair of wings appeared in the middle of the room. "My name is Winknip, and I am your Godmother Fairy." Polly was speechless. She was still trying to get over the fact that she was both in an unknown place and in the body of a woman, but now a fairy was hovering in the air right in front of her.

"What... What the fuck is going on?"

Winknip frowned at her and shook her tiny hands. "Young lady, that is not language befitting a Lady in the Kingdom of Twisted Glen."

"Twisted Glen?"

"Well of course, that is where you are now."

"I'm dreaming... I must be dreaming." The little fairy vanished in a puff of pink smoke before reappearing right in front of Polly's face, which she promptly slapped. "Ow, what did you do that for?"

"To prove you're not dreaming." Polly rubbed her face, wincing at the unexpected pain. "Now, I'm here to help you get accustomed to your new state."

"No! I don't want to grow accustomed to this shit! I want to go back to Timber Grove!"

Even though Polly's voice was sweet and lovely, Winknip did not approve of her perceived tone. "Young lady, what did I say about language? Now, let's talk about a woman's body, shall we?" Winknip then waved her hand and Polly's pink dress disappeared along with everything under it.

"What the fuck!" Polly said as she tried to cover up her heaving breasts. She found that as she tried to hold them that they were very perky for their size, but she could still feel a strain on her back.

"Language," Winknip said with a smile as she waved her hands again. Polly then found that she had lost control of her body, which moved of it's own accord to stand in front of the mirror. It was her first real chance to see her body, and it almost took her breath away. Her large breasts looked perfectly suited to her curvy frame, with a narrow waist and hips that flared out in a very flattering way. She could also see that she was completely shaven, something Polly had insisted her former girlfriend to maintain.

The longer Polly looked, the more she found herself growing aroused at the sight.

"No, no, no... that won't do at all. We can't have you glistening at the sight of your own body." Winknip said it so matter-of-factly, that Polly didn't realize what her wave of the hands was intended for. As she stared at her body longer she found that she began to see little imperfections, though there were not many, but her arousal soon subsided.

"Wait, what have you done to me?"

"Just a little tinkering, my dear." Polly wanted to ask more, but Winknip began talking again. "Now, this is a woman's flower," and with another wave, Polly found herself spreading her legs wider. "A woman's flower is a very important..."

"I know what a pussy is, just please tell me what is really going on!"

Winknip gasped as Polly interrupted her. "My goodness! Such rude behavior and such a foul mouth on you! I think it time I teach you a lesson!" Winknip vanished in another puff of pink smoke and for a moment Polly just stood silently in the washroom, waiting for the fairy to reappear. In the prolonged silence she could hear the young man still talking through the door.

"You're not in Timber Grove anymore, Polly. You are now a Lady of Twisted Glen." Polly looked for the fairy, but could not see her.

"I don't want to be a Lady... I want a man. I mean... I want a man." Polly wanted to say "I want to be a man", but she found herself unable.

"You can be happy in Twisted Glen, Polly, if you just listen to me."

As Polly stood naked in the room, she weighed her options. After realizing a fairy had stripped her and caused her to stop moving, she decided to give in. "I'm sorry, Winknip..."

A puff of pink smoke appeared again, revealing her Godmother Fairy. "There, was that so hard? Now, back to your flower..."

"Winknip, I really do know all about a woman's... flower. What I'd really like to know is why I have one?"

"Fair enough," Winknip said as she waved her hands, and Polly found herself clothed again and in control of her body. "Go, look out the window."

Not wanting to anger the little fairy any more, Polly walked over to the window. Outside she could see the sun still hanging above the mountains, only now she could also see a sprawling valley reaching out into the distance. Below she could see the ramparts of the castle she was in, as well as a walled city of wooden houses and shops.

"The Kingdom of Twisted Glen has stood for over a thousand years in this valley. There are also smaller villages that dot the surrounding forest, as well as a vast amount of fairy creatures hiding here and there."

"It's... It's amazing." Polly was awestruck at what she was witnessing.

"But you see, Twisted Glen is experiencing a shortage of women. I hate to say that a lot of that has to do with Dragons, but here we are."

"Dragons?" Polly asked as she sat on the toilet.

"Oh, yes... there are Dragons here. But they are nothing like Daenerys Targaryen's."

Polly was even more surprised at this comment then when she had just suddenly grew tits. "You know about Game of Thrones?"

"Of course I do. We may be in a fantasy kingdom, but we fairies still get HBO."

Polly had so many questions now, but she knew she had to focus. "I... So why me?"

"It's nothing personal. We didn't choose you, per say. It just kind of happened."

"It just kind of happened?" Polly did not like the answer, and she was fighting to stay civil. "Well then, can I go back?"

Winknip fluttered in the air and shrugged. "That's not for me..."

"God! Just answer the fucking question!" The words were out of her lips before she could stop herself.

"Well, and here I thought we were having a great conversation..."

"I'm sorry! I really am!"

"No, it looks like we need to speed up your learning." Winknip said as she waved her hands and vanished into a puff of pink smoke again.

"What are you doing?" Polly asked frantically.

"I'm giving you a crash course in being a woman, if you will."

Polly could feel herself starting to sweat, as though she was standing right next to a fire. She then felt a particularly curious sensation from her new breasts as her nipples hardened against the fabric of her dress.

"What... I'm getting so hot." Polly was waiting for Winknip's retort, but none came. She just felt a growing heat spread across her curves. Feeling like the heat would consume her, she began to rip the dress from her body. In a few moments she was free of the dress, leaving only a very sexy white set of lingerie covering her body.

"Oh!" Polly yelped as she bent over due to a sudden feeling coming from her new "flower". "Oh my God!" She yelled as she dropped her hand to her pussy and began to vigorously rub herself. It wasn't enough to quench the growing need in her, so her fingers soon found their way inside of her.

"Yes! That's it! God, yes!" The feeling of having something inside of her was good, but even that quickly grew tiresome. "No... God, I need... I need..." She was looking at her reflection, seeing the once prim and proper Lady now turned into a wanton tart. Her breasts were heaving as she still feverishly tried to fuck herself, but she knew what her new "flower" needed.

She looked to the closed door and thought of the young man behind it.

"I need a man."

///// 3

Phillip was sitting in a tiny chair, distraught at his current predicament. He was asked by the King to paint the Princess' portrait, and halfway through their session she had barricaded herself in the washroom. After a few minutes he thought of alerting the guard, but he was worried about the possible implications for him.

No. He just sat in his tiny chair and waited for the Princess to gather herself.

The sun was finally disappearing over the mountains outside when the Princess finally exited the room. "My Lady, I am glad..." The rest of the words were stuck in Phillip's throat. The Princess was standing before him, only she was now wearing a very skimpy piece of lingerie.

"I'm glad you're still here!" The Princess exclaimed as she rushed over to him. She quickly got on her knees and began to undo the young painters leather pants.

"Princess! What are you doing!?"

"I need you! Right now!"

Phillip didn't know what to do. He had never been with a woman before, and Princess Polly was the most sought after girl in the kingdom. Then again, the King would surely cut off his head if he found out.

"Wait, my Lady. We should... Oh Gods!"

Polly had made the decision for him when she freed his cock and wrapped her mouth around it. She had never had a cock in her mouth before, but she had been a fan of it as a man and she used those skills to make Phillip completely erect in only a few moments.

"That! That feels so good!" Phillip shouted before covering his mouth. The guards knew they were in here, and they were possibly right outside the door.

After she had sucked his cock for a while, she felt the growing urge inside of her intensify. She got up from her knees and unceremoniously impaled her moist slit on his cock.

Philip didn't have time to register what was happening. In a moment this girl had taken his virginity, and now he just sat back in the chair as she bounced up and down on his cock. Although the sight of her bottom bouncing on his lap was nice, he wished she would turn around so he could see her kingdom renowned breasts. He once even tries to reach around a feel one, but she slapped his hand away.

"No touching!" She laughed as she said it, knowing she was only doing this to fulfill her needs. Each time she took him inside her, it felt better than the last. She had only been a woman for a short while, but she was beginning to think she could easily get used to this.

"My Lady! Something is coming!"

She rolled her eyes, just now realizing that this boy was probably a virgin. She could feel his cock begin to twitch, and soon she could feel a warmth of explosion inside of her. She continued to fuck him, hoping that the boys first orgasm would lead to another, when something strange happened. She could feel the boy's cock shrinking inside of her, not at all strange after a man came, but it continued to shrink even more than she thought.

"My Gods! What's happening!?" Phillip shouted as Polly got off his lap and turned to see what the issue was. She was currently more annoyed than anything, as that itch inside her hadn't been fully scratched, but her attention was quickly captured as she saw the young painters cock suck right up into him. "My Lady! Help me!"

Polly could only back up as she watched the boy begin to change. His short dark hair began to lengthen quickly, while a pair of breasts began to strain against his silky white shirt. His body convulsed as it was reshaped, all the while he continued to plead for help. He then dropped to the floor and tore his shirt open so his new breasts could breath, all the while he continued to shrink and grow in little bursts.

Then he sat motionless. Polly knelt beside him and turned him over, and was shocked by the transformation. She was now a very beautiful young girl, with long raven hair and a great pair of tits.

"My Lady!" Polly jumped back to her feet when the young painter suddenly came to.

"Are... Are you alright?"

"Alright? I feel amazing!" The new girl said as she got to her feet. She was shorter than Polly, but her tits were just as large. "I feel so wonderful," she said as she ran her hands over her body, "I mean, look at these breasts!"

"Yes, you look fucking fantastic... but you're okay with suddenly being a girl?"

"Gods yes! And what was that word you said?"


"No, the one before that... fucking, I think," Phillip asked as she began to shimmy out of her leather pants.

"Oh... Fucking is, well, what we were doing right before you changed."

Phillip was now completely naked, turning around in a circle as she tried to look at her new bottom. "Oh, then I really like fucking. Gods! I can't see my bottom. Tell me, my Lady, do I have a nice bottom?"

Polly didn't know what to say. The young girl was bending over, presenting her plump bottom for her. "It's fantastic."

"Fucking fantastic?" Phillip asked with a giggle.

"Yes. Fucking fantastic."

She then turned to face Polly with a big smile. "Thank you, my Lady, for this wonderful gift. Oh, here I am thanking you when I should really be apologizing."

"Apologize? About what?"

"You were fucking me, but you didn't get to finish like me." She said it as she dropped to her knees in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Polly asked, her anticipation rising.

Philip looked up and grinned. "Fucking!" She then slid two fingers inside of Polly, causing her to almost fall to the ground. "Is that good fucking, my Lady?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Good, then I will continue fucking!" Phillip said, incredibly pleased with herself. This continued for a long time before Phillip got up and retrieved one of her paintbrushes. "I fucking you with this?"

The wooden brush was large, but looked smooth and just big enough... "Yes! Fuck me with the brush!" Phillip then slid it inside of her and Polly felt like she was in Heaven. After being brought to multiple orgasms herself, she went to work on Phillip. Their two bodies intertwined in ways neither had ever know, and after long bouts of fucking Phillip fell asleep in Polly's arms.

"Oh, well isn't that sweet?"

Polly glanced around to see where the voice had come from, and grimaced when she saw Winknip appear in a puff of pink smoke. "You. What did you do to her?"

"Me? Nothing. That was all you?"


"If you had been a little more patient I would have let you know why you were here."

"Then tell me," Polly said as she propped herself up on her shoulders. She wasn't concerned at all about being naked in front of the tiny fairy, on the contrary she actually seemed to be getting more aroused at being seen.

"The real princess was kidnapped by a Dragon weeks ago. When you showed up looking like her, I zapped you up here so I could have some privacy with you."

"What about Phillip?"

Winknip shrugged, "It seemed like a good cover. Getting a portrait of the recently found Princess. As for him being changed into a female, well that's why your here. We need you to help bump up the female population, if you catch my meaning.

Polly knew exactly what she was getting at. "You want me to fuc... sleep with men to change them into women?"

"Good job not saying fuck by the way, but yes... That's what we need you to do. Just remember, you're also Princess of Twisted Glen and have all the benefits..."

"I'll do it." Polly had made her mind up, and she was actually looking forward to what the future held for her.

Winknip looked surprised. "Really?"

"What's not to like? I get to explore a fantasy kingdom, live like a Princess and 'sleep' with numerous men and turn them into something like this?" She felt up her breasts as she said it. "I mean, this body is amazing."

"Well, that's good to hear." Winknip said with a half smile, not seeming to like the way Polly was fondling herself. "I'll be sure to take care of Phillip here, but we need to get you dressed so you can go meet your betrothed."

"Your betrothed... Your fiance? The Prince you're promised to? Your future husband and the future King?"

Polly sighed as the reality of her new adventure began to weigh on her. "My Gods..."

///// The End

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