Audience Rating:
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TG Elements:
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A Voice in College
a Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity
///// Chapter One
The pain on Walter's wrist brought him out of his sleep. He looked down, half expecting to see his hand on fire, but saw nothing different other than a watch that had not been there before. It had a bronze strap with a clear white face. The odd thing about it, other than it's sudden appearance, was that it had no numbers or hands on the face.
"Because it's not really a watch."
The voice made Walter jump and take notice of his surroundings. He was in a classroom in Timber Grove Community College and the sun was out, but as far as he could tell he was all alone. He didn't know how he got in this classroom, but he was still wearing a pair of khaki's and a polo with the Latin letters "TGB" etched on the chest that he had on at the party last night.
"You are all alone, because I'm not really here."
Walter turned to look, feeling as if the voice was coming from right behind him, but nothing. The voice was feminine, but otherworldly at the same time.
"You've been a bad boy, Walter."
"Who are you!? What do you want from me!?"
"I need you pay for what you've done."
Walter lunged to the left, because that last sentence felt as if it was whispered into his right ear. "I've done nothing!" He yelled it into the empty room, but heard no response. He grabbed his backpack and threw it over his shoulder before heading over to the door. The moment his hand touched the doorknob his wrist burned again. He looked down to the watch and saw it flash yellow.
"What is this..." His question was cut short by the sudden pain he felt on his backside. His ass felt like it was on fire, but then the sensation was gone. He looked over his shoulder and saw that his ass had plumped up a little, filling out his typically loose khakis. "What the fuck!"
"Oh, I see you've noticed." The voice now was inside his head, and it giggled before continuing "The watch is set to randomly change you over the course of the afternoon. If you can fulfill my errands before the sunsets, I'll return you to normal."
"Why me?"
"Anna found out about Emily."
"What? What does Anna have to do with this?" Anna was his girlfriend through all of High School and they were still dating in College. The only problem was Anna wanted to save herself for marriage, and Walter grew tired of waiting.
"You broke her heart, so I'm here to make you pay."
"How did she..."
"Does it matter Walter? All I need you to do now is go to the Library and find a boy named Jeff."
"And what if I say no?" Walter asked defiantly before feeling a burn on his wrist again. The face of the watch flashed green and Walter could feel his chest expanding. He looked down in shock at the two small breasts on his chest. "God! What the fuck!"
"Don't defy me or the changes will come faster."
"How am I supposed to walk around the school like this!?"
The voice giggled again, "That's the point, big guy. Now to the Library."
He was in the Schimbare Building, which means he would have to go outside and cross the quad to the Library. Not wanting to waste any more time, Walter was out of the classroom and into the halls, which he was happy to find were empty. He ran as fast as he could to the end of the hall and ran down a flight of stairs.
"Walter?" He froze in his tracks at the sound of someone's voice that had helped him arrive to where he was now. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Emily Trout was standing at the base of the stairs holding some books. She was wearing a pair of tiny white shorts and a blue tank top that did nothing to hide her ample breasts. He immediately stopped running and tried to catch his breath.
"Oh, hi Emily. I'm on my way to the Library."
She lowered her books and used them to raise her tits. "Oh? And what if I told you I finished my last final and was looking to unwind?"
"I..." He was cut off again by the pain from the watch.
"Really? You're actually considering this?" The voiced laughed as he looked down at his wrist seeing a blue flash, and then he felt it: A sudden pain in his groin followed by nothing. At once he knew exactly what had happened... the voice had taken his cock.
"Hello, Walter? Are you okay?"
Walter didn't know what to say. He shifted his legs around to make sure, but it was gone. "I-" He tried to say, but found his voice had changed as well. He coughed thought of what to say. "I... I'm fine. A kid in the Library is doing my homework."
Emily just stared at him. "Are you fucking turning me down?"
"No, but I've really got to go." He brushed past her and he could tell that she was staring after him, seething. When he was far enough away from his girlfriend he stopped. "You took my cock!" He grumbled under his breath.
"Are you kidding me? Of course I did, pig," and there was that giggle again.
He said nothing, choosing instead to focus on getting to the Library. As soon as he exited the doors of the Schimbare Building, he was blinded by sunlight. As his eyes adjusted, he saw that the quad was full of people. It was the end of Finals week, so many students were just lounging around.
Walter looked at his new chest and figured it wouldn't be really noticeable, so he began to walk across the quad. No one was seeming to pay any attention to him, and for the first time he felt like he could get through this. Then he noticed something that stopped him in his tracks. A group of girls from Tau Gamma Delta were walking across the quad in only bikini's. He watched as they bounced and jiggled before a familiar burning pain came again.
"Really, Walter? You think you have time to stop and stare at some tits and ass?"
"I'm sorry, I'll..." The pain stopped him from speaking as she looked down a saw the watch turn purple. Before she could really register what that could mean, she suddenly found herself wearing a tiny pair of low rider jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers. Students were beginning to pay attention to her now, mostly because she was standing in the middle of the quad staring at herself. She noticed all of the attention and quickly made a beeline for the nearest restroom.
She put his hand up to open the men's room when the voice chided in with a laugh. "Really? You think you belong in the men's room?"
Walter looked down and saw what was obviously a pair of tiny breasts straining against the white t-shirt and sidestepped into the ladies room. She was aghast from what she saw in the mirror. An incredibly ugly girl was staring back at her. She had the body of a man with a small pair of tits. The outfit only made her look more ridiculous, as the tiny shirt showed off a tubby midsection. Worse of all was the fact that her head was not changed at all.
"I look terrible..."
'It's not always about looks, Wendy."
She balked at the last comment the voice made. "Wendy? No. My name is Walter!"
Right after her outburst her wrist heated up again. "Oh, Wendy... what did I say about defying me." She looked down and saw the watch flash orange before looking up at the mirror and watching as her short brown hair shimmered into a bright blonde.
"Oh my God..." She wanted to cry, as the short blonde hair made her look even more feminine. "Alright, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have cheated on Anna."
"Wendy, if I wanted an apology I would have asked for one. No... I told you you needed to pay for what you did." The voice was not giggling as it said this, and Wendy could tell there was no convincing the voice of anything. "Now gather yourself together and get to the Library..."
Not wanting the voice to change her more, she gathered herself together and exited the ladies room. It was a short walk to the Library, but she was still getting some sideways glances from people. She even saw some guys she knew from TGB walk by, but they didn't even look her way. Worse than being ignored though was the TGD girls who walked by and laughed at her.
"Alright, we're here... what do you want me to do- Ow!" A quick pain on her Wendy's wrist told her that the voice was not done with her yet. She looked down and saw a Red screen and she waited for something to change... but nothing did. "Wait... what just happened?"
"That is a little gift for you, to help you along."
Wendy stood at the door and tried to find any changes on her body, "But nothing has changed."
"Oh? Tell me what you think of that girl sitting there."
Wendy looked up and saw a fairly cute girl working at the nearest computer. "She's kinda cute, why?"
"What about the guy next to her?"
"Sure, he's cute... Wait. Why do I think he's cute?"
For a moment the voice did not talk, then in a hushed whisper Wendy heard her begin to sing. "Green makes your little breast jiggle and grow; Your butt grows a handful when you see Yellow. Blue molds you and makes you more feminine with care; Orange lets you know that you'll have longer hair. Purple will clothe you in sexier fashion; Beware Red, as each view will fill you with passion."
"Wait, what was all that?"
"I would really listen to that "Beware Red" part of the song, Wendy. Now get in there."
"What am I supposed to do," Wendy pleaded with the voice.
"Don't worry Wendy... Anna has been pretty clear about her expectations, and I won't leave you until those expectations are met."
Resigned to her fate, Wendy took a deep breath and entered the Library.
///// Chapter Two
The Library was mostly empty, something that made Wendy a little more at ease. What was digging at her still though, was how she looked at the boy sitting at the computer. She had never been attracted to men before in her life, but now she seemed to be seeing them in a different light. She wouldn't go as far as calling it an attraction, but it was different all the same.
As she continued to walk around the Library, she attempted to get a better grip on the changes that had already come. Her tiny breasts were fairly obvious, and for the first time she noticed that she did not have a bra on. This was made obvious to her by the two perky nipples poking against the fabric of her skin tight t-shirt. She brushed her hand over her shirt to try and flatten it, but that just made them perkier still... and it felt really good.
"Already feeling yourself up? Typical."
"No! I was..." The pain came again and Wendy looked down, awaiting the inevitable. For a moment she thought that the voice would allow her a freebie, but the screen of the watch flashed purple and she struggled to remember what that meant.
"Purple will clothe you in sexier fashion..."
Wendy was certainly glad that the Library was mostly empty, because her jeans began to shrink at an alarming rate. As they vanished away leaving only a small remnant behind as shorts, her t shirt began to shrink as well until all that was left was a tiny tank top. For some reason the smaller amount of fabric made her tiny tits seem bigger, and they most certainly made her still male stomach stick out like a sore thumb.
"Holy fuck! I look like a monster now!"
"I'd keep your voice down, Wendy. Now focus on finding Jeff."
"How am I supposed to focus on anything with you constantly changing me?" Wendy hated the way her new voice made that last statement sound, all whiny and girly.
"He should be back in the periodicals."
Wendy sighed and began to move again, before noticing another change. "Whoa, what the fuck are these?"
"Oh, you've noticed the heels? I think they're a lot more sexy than sneakers." Wendy would have typically agreed, but she hand never worn heels before and now she was in a pair of 3 inch pumps.
She tried to walk, but found it to take longer than she would like. The periodicals were in the back of the Library, and even then she didn't know what she would have to do once she got there. She thought of something, then without thinking she bent down and tried to remove the pumps.
"Wow, you think that was a good idea?" The voice asked as the watch flashed yellow. "Your butt grows a handful when you see Yellow."
"No..." Wendy whelped as she felt her ass tingle and grow. Where as it was certainly feminine before, it now filled out her jean shorts a little more and jiggled a little as she stood.
"Can I help you?"
Wendy turned to see a girl standing behind her wearing plain clothes with a "Library Aide" lanyard around her neck.
"Oh... I was just on my way to the periodicals."
The girl looked her up and down for a moment, and Wendy for the first time felt the weight of the changes. The girls eyes stayed on her stomach for a moment before darting up to her face. "Um... your outfit isn't really appropriate for the Library."
"I know, I just need to meet a student in the periodicals then I'm outta here." She was trying to sound nice, but she was also trying to get on with her afternoon of embarrassment.
"Right... well it's just back there." The aide added before rolling her eyes and returning to her work.
As soon as the aide was out of earshot, she slumped against a book shelf. "God, can't you please at least make my stomach match the rest of my body?" She said it rhetorically, but the voice was listening as well.
"Oh, you're asking for changes now?"
Wendy threw up her hands in defense. "No, I was just venting..."
"Alright, but the changes are random." The voice laughed, knowing full and well her victim was not serious.
"I'm sorry... No!" Wendy shrieked as she saw the saw the watch turn a deep red.
The voice giggled, "Oh, honey... I'm so sorry. Beware Red, as each view will fill you with passion."
There was no physical change to witness, but she felt s tingle in the pit of her stomach. That felling began to spread all over her body, and Wendy welcomed it as it did. Her skin felt electric and cold, all at the same time. Without warning, she began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Like, that felt weird." She said to the empty aisle.
"I bet," the voice said, "Now you better find Jeff."
"Jeff, right." Wendy began to walk faster through the Library, finding it much easier to do so in the heels. She couldn't admit it to herself, but she was beginning to picture what this Jeff might look like. Would he be young and lanky, or would he be big and husky. Part of her definitely thought the latter would be more fun.
"Wait, what am I thinking?" Fortunately there was still a part of her brain that was not all on board the man train.
"Red... that'll do you in faster than any other color."
Wendy tried to push the thoughts of big hunky men out of her mind, but felt it was a battle she would lose. Fortunately she arrived in the periodicals and all thoughts of "Hunks" were washed from her mind. In front of her stood a boy that she somehow recognized. He was short with glasses on under a mop of brown hair. Some would have called him a hipster, but Wendy felt he was not trying to be ironic at all.
The question caught Wendy off guard, and she realized she was caught staring. "Oh, Jeff?"
"Um, yeah...." When she said his name, he immediately blushed and looked down. Wendy was caught off guard, as she felt no boy would find her in her current state worth blushing over.
"Hi, my names Wendy."
"Hi Wendy... can I help you with something?"
Wendy didn't know what to say. She was so distracted with thinking about men on the way over that she didn't get to ask the voice what she was supposed to do. For a moment she just thought really hard for the voice to tell her something, but it never came.
"Like, um..." Wendy said as she thought about what she could possibly be doing, and then she saw the magazine that he was trying to hide behind his back. It was the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, and that's also when she noticed he was sporting a tiny woody. For a moment she just stared at his erection, wondering...
"Oh my God!" Jeff said again as he brought the magazine up to cover the front of his pants, his face going a bright red. She realized that she was caught staring again, but she thought of something to do to break the awkwardness. In a moment of perceived clarity, she reached her hands up and pulled up her tank top.
Jeff's jaw fell to the ground. Wendy just let him stare at her tiny tits, thinking this must be the embarrassment the voice had wanted. She wondered how long her tiny tits would hold his attention, knowing that if she were still a man she would have laughed and pointed at such a pathetic rack... but not Jeff.
"Can I touch them?"
Everything froze, and Wendy didn't know what to say. She felt that familiar tickle in the pit of her stomach again... "Sure, but just one." She no harm in letting this boy feel up one of her tits, but she quickly regretted the decision as he began to paw on her left tit like a kid playing with play dough. Wendy rolled her eyes and looked around hoping no one would stumble upon her little show, all the while waiting for Jeff to get his fill.
"Oh... shit!" Jeff said as he squeezed hard. She could tell that he had cum in his pants, and he could see he wasn't hiding anything. In what seemed like a moment he was gone.
Wendy lowered her shirt and smirked.
"Well, that was unexpected..."
"You! Where were you?"
The voice only laughed. "You were only supposed to kiss him on the cheek. Oh, that Red really is a killer."
"What? You cunt!" The words had again come out too easily, and she knew the voice was not going to let that one fly.
The voice said nothing, but the pain Wendy felt on her wrist said more than enough. She fell to the floor and felt as thought the watch would burn her hand clean off, but then the pain subsided and she saw a yellow flash on the screen.
"Your butt grows a handful when you see Yellow, Wendy my dear." The voice said it with such venom that for the first time, Wendy was actually scared. The fear subsided as she felt her ass expand to fill her shorts perfectly. Whereas before there was some flab on her backside, it was now firm and taught.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."
"Again, Wendy, the time for apologies has past. You've sent more time here than you should have... and we need to get you to 4K."
She stood up and wiggled her hips, feeling her shorts squeeze a little more than they did before. "Okay... The 4K..." As quickly as she could she moved back through the Library, passing the aide who scowled at her like she was a common whore. As she exited the Library she was dismayed to see it full of people still. As she walked past guys they would snicker at her, but the would begin to whistle as her tight little ass came into view. At first the whistles were annoying, but the more she got the better it made her feel.
"You see, Wendy... this doesn't have to be bad."
Wendy ignored the voice and moved as fast as her heeled feet would allow to The 4K.
///// Chapter Three
The 4K was where most of the performing arts building were located, and Wendy only knew that because Anna was often there for her Dance squad. When she opened the doors into the lobby, she was relieved to find it empty of most students.
"Okay, what now... oh!" Out of nowhere Wendy felt the watch heat up and she looked down to see green appear on the watch.
"Green makes your little breasts jiggle and grow, Wendy."
And grow they did, but not dramatically. After a small tingle that began at her nipples seemed to pull ever so slightly, she was now sporting a modest pair of tits. They were still nothing to stare at, but they fit her frame better and made her stomach not look as manly and out of place.
"Why? I'm doing what you say!"
"I know you are, sweetie, but the watch is still tied to time. Tic-toc-tic-toc...."
Wendy was annoyed, but she tried not to voice in fear of more reprisal. "Okay, so why am I here? To kiss another boys cheek?"
"No, but you do need to get to the Black Box."
"Wait... that's where..."
"I wouldn't think too hard about it, Wendy. Remember: Tic-toc-tic-toc."
Wendy rolled her eyes and began down a long hallway. As she hustled down the hallway, she wondered what fresh new hell would be awaiting her. The closer she got to the Black Box, the more girls she passed. Many were wearing tights and sports bras, sweating from some unseen activity. What surprised her was how she looked at the girls, admiring their bodies more in a way of longing to have what they had. One girl in particular had a pair of tits that Wendy knew guys would love if she had them.
"Oh, wanting more changes are we?"
Wendy again was caught off guard. "I didn't say anything!"
"The heart wants what the heart wants," the voice said playfully. She soon felt the familiar burn on her wrist, only this time the heat was more bearable. "Purple will clothe you in sexier fashion."
For the third time Wendy felt her clothing shift and move. Her shorts seemed to grow a little longer, before the seemed to flower out into a pleated mini skirt. The fabric then began to change from jeans to a white cloth, before a red and black plaid pattern appeared. She recognized the skirt immediately, it was one he had Anna try on at the mall and she called him a pervert. Having seen the skirt, he knew what was coming as her tank top expanded slightly before changing into a white button up blouse, only it wasn't done. The fabric moved on it's own accord and brought the sides of the shirt up and tied them in a knot, making her moderate breasts look much larger.
"Anna said you would like this get up... I'm glad you've gotten so many purples!" The voice sounded happy, but Wendy was anything but. The shorts were one thing, but now she would stand out wherever she went... her chance at getting around campus unnoticed was gone.
"Please tell me what I'm supposed to do at the Black Box?"
"Oh, that will be pretty obvious once you get there."
Wendy continued on her way, still thinking that there was something she was missing about all of this. What was obvious was a lot of girls she saw were now giving her some very dirty looks, one even coughed the word "Slut" as she passed. She couldn't understand why the girls were throwing shade her way, as far as she could tell she was still pretty hideous looking. Her legs and stomach were still pretty thick, while her face and hair had barely changed at all.
"Okay, here you go." The voice said, and Wendy looked up to see a sign that said "Ms. TGCC Auditions." Wendy knew she was missing something, and here it was. Last week he was bragging to Anna about how he was going to go help judge the auditions, and she was none to impressed. "Yep, only you're not here to judge."
"What? I'm supposed to audition?"
"Got it."
Wendy didn't know if she could do it. It was one thing to anonymously walk the halls, but it was something else entirely to get up on a small stage to be judged. Not wanting to upset the voice, she stepped through a pair of double doors and into the Black Box. The room was so named because it was painted entirely black, with a small stage at one end with a few rows of chairs. It was meant to be a smaller more intimate venue, and at this point Wendy didn't like that at all.
"Name?" An older woman sitting at a table asked her.
"Um... Wendy."
The older woman rolled her eyes,"Full name, dear."
"Wendy Smith." She didn't want to use her real name, and Smith was the first thing that popped in there.
"Here's your number take a seat," the woman said dismissively. Wendy took it then shuffled over to the seats where a small handful of girls were waiting. Some were wearing dresses, while others were wearing swimsuits. One thing they all had in common was the look they gave her as she sat down.
Wendy wanted to curl up in a ball a disappear, but then something took her mind off that as well. A small burn radiated on her wrist and she glanced down to see a flash of red...
"Oh shit..." Wendy said to herself as she felt that tickle in her stomach again.
"Beware Red, as each view will fill you with passion," the voice whispered.
The tickle spread just like before, only this time it all came back and seemed to focus right under her skirt. She began to squirm in her seat as the feeling intensified, and she could feel herself loosing control. The girls had all noticed her strange behavior, and as soon as a moan had escaped her lips she knew she had to get out of there.
"Excuse me!" Wendy said as she sprung from her chair and ran into the hallway. She looked left and right, and finally saw a sign for the women's room. She ran as fast as she could and pushed the doors open. There were two girls inside in various states of undress, but she paid them no mind. She barged into an empty stall and pulled her skirt down in one fast motion. She saw that she was wearing black lace panties, and the sight of that only drove her more over the edge.
As she sat down she pulled the panties aside and came face to face with her new pussy for the first time. Not wasting anytime, she brought a hand down and slid one finger over opening. "Fuck!" She yelled as she almost doubled over in pleasure.
"Are you okay in there?" One of the girls outside asked as Wendy slid one finger inside.
"Yes!" Wendy yelled, both as an answer and as a way to goad herself on. It was like nothing she had ever felt as a man. There was something actually inside of her, and she wanted to feel more. A second finger elicited another loud moan, and she could see both girls were standing right outside her stall.
"Is she?"
"I think she is!" The other girl giggled.
Wendy knew she couldn't hide what she was doing, so she just continued to finger herself. The pleasure outweighed any embarrassment she may have felt, and soon she found a spot inside that felt even better.
"Fuck!" She cried as she saw more feet gather outside her stall. Apparently word was getting around that a girl was pleasuring herself in the bathroom. Wendy didn't care because she could feel herself getting close to orgasm, or at least she thought she did.
"Well," the voice said as she continued, "Red is certainly not helping you today, is it?" Wendy felt the pain on her wrist and the stall lit up green. Wendy didn't pay that much attention, but then she was shocked to see it also flash blue and orange.
"No!" Wendy shouted as she was rocked by her first female orgasm. As she felt a wave of pleasure crash over her she arched her back and felt her tits expand into the tied up shirt. Next she could feel a tickling on her scalp a she assumed her hair was growing. "Oh fuck!" She exclaimed as her face went numb, then burned and finally cooled.
Once everything was over, she was panting uncontrollably. Sweat covered most of her body, and absentmindedly grabbed some toilet paper to clean herself up. After replacing her panties and pulling up her skirt, she reached a hand up to feel her hair, which was noticeably longer. Then she looked down and saw a perky pair of tits pushed together under her shirt.
Green makes your little breast jiggle and grow. Blue molds you and makes you more feminine with care. Orange lets you know that you'll have longer hair... and now you know what happens if you don't stick to the plan, Wendy."
"But you..."
"I didn't make you leave the theater to come and pleasure yourself."
"But the watch..."
"Didn't force you to do anything. You chose to give into your need... You really are a pig."
Wendy was confused, as her body was still recovering from the height of pleasure, yet anger was filling her mind. She pushed open the stall and at least 7 girls jumped back in surprise. Wendy ignored them and walked to the sink where she ran some cold water and splashed some in her face. After blinking a few times she looked in the mirror and saw a new face looking back at her.
Behind her some girls were laughing and saying things, but Wendy was transfixed by the beauty she saw. Sharp blue eyes with a button nose, full lips and high cheekbones made her look stunning. She brought up her hand and touched her face, just to verify that it was really her.
"Are you listening, skank?" Wendy finally turned and looked at the girls who were gathered. "Get the fuck out of her, slut!" Some girls egged her on, while others backed away. Wendy finally had all the pleasure knocked out of her and shame flooded in its place.
"I'm... I'm sorry." She whispered as she ran from the bathroom. Behind her she could hear laughing, but she just tried to put as much distance between her and what she had just done. She only stopped once she had exited The 4K and was back outside. "What... what's happening..."
"Don't you remember, Wendy? You're being punished... although you seemed to enjoy that last part."
"No... I mean I did... I just can't think straight," Wendy said as she brought her hands up to her face.
"Red... I've never seen someone this unlucky."
Wendy lowered her hands and blinked as she looked at the sun.
"Hey, I'm Trent." She suddenly looked down and saw some guy standing right in front of her. "What's your name?" He was looking her up and down like she was a piece of candy. Wendy wanted to walk away from him immediately, but part of her liked the way he looked at her.
"No!" She finally yelled as Trent jumped back in shock. Wendy then ran down a nearby path as Trent looked on.
"Wendy? You're going the wrong way."
She stopped in a huff and tried to gather herself.
"Fine, where do I need to go?"
There was silence, then the voice whispered, "Only two more stops... now get to the gym." Wendy nodded and stared up at the sky. The sun was still up, but it was definitely going to be setting within the next couple of hours. She knew that if she finished whatever game Anna and the voice had set up for her before sundown, she was free.
She held onto that thought as she raced to the gym.
A Voice in College
a Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity
///// Chapter Four
As a man, Wendy had spent a lot of time at the Timber Grove Community College Gym. She was proud of her masculine body, and wanted to show it off as much as possible. Anna had hated it anytime she went, as she knew the girls there typically dressed like skanks and looking to show off themselves.
"Wait, do I have to wear this in the Gym?" Wendy asked as she walked along a path.
"Hmmm... we could always see if the watch dresses you in something else?"
"No, I'm fine..."
The voice giggled and Wendy knew she was fucked. Even though she really appreciate a different pair of clothing she knew that the clothing would be more sexy than the schoolgirl outfit she was in now, and that she only had a one in sex chance of clothing even coming up. She had become so desensitized to the burn on her wrist that she didn't notice it until the watch flashed orange.
"Orange lets you know that you'll have longer hair, but unfortunately not clothes."
Wendy could feel her new blonde hair lengthening as it fell over her ears, and she was okay with that as long as red didn't show again. For a second she thought about stopping to see what her hair looked like in a window, but she thought there would be plenty of mirrors in the Gym.
A short walk after that and Wendy was in the Lobby for the Gym, and she stood out like a sore thumb. With finals done the Gym was packed with guys and girls alike, and every girl looked like they were only wearing their underwear. Wendy was wishing that she was the strange mash up of boy and girl that she was earlier because now she was getting nothing but glares from girls and smiles from boys... and some girls. In fact, the cute brunette behind the front desk looked like she was checking her out.
Before she approached the front desk, Wendy took an opportunity to have a chat with the voice in her head. "So, what am I supposed to do here?"
"Oh, that's easy... you're supposed to work out for 45 minutes."
"What," Wendy said in a raised voice, causing the girl at the front desk to look at her weird, "The sun is going to set in like, 2 hours."
"Yeah, but you took up a lot of time going two fingers deep on yourself."
"Fine... but what if they won't let me in?"
"Remember what happened last time you didn't follow instructions?" Wendy did remember, and she didn't want to get hit with three changes at once again. "Do whatever it takes to get to the Gym floor..."
"Okay..." Wendy whispered as she smiled and approached the front desk, while the girl working smiled up at her in turn.
"Hi, I'm Amber. Can I help you?" Amber was wearing a pair of black gym shorts with a pink "TGCC Gym Staff" shirt, and she looked great in it.
"Yeah, I left my stuff back in my dorm. Is there any chance..."
"It's the last day of finals so you don't need your I.D."
"Oh thanks," Wendy said as she moved past Amber.
"But," Amber said as she stood to block her way, "You will need to change." Wendy was afraid of that, but she was not willing to risk another change with the watch. "And since you left your stuff, I'll take you in back and get you something you can borrow for today, okay?"
Wendy smiled, but she knew there was no way the voice would allow her to change on her own. "Sure, that would be great," she said as she followed Amber to the back, thinking of how she was going to make this work. As she followed her, she couldn't help but admire Amber's ass and how good it looked in those shorts, but again it was a mix of wanting to rfeel it and wanting for herself still.
The back room was filled with shelves, a few lockers and a bench to one side. Amber began rummaging through a bag, but as Wendy stepped in she felt a tingle and looked down to see a red flash on the watch.
"No way," the voice said in between laughing, "Beware Red, as each view will fill you with passion."
Wendy immediately fell to her knees as the tickling feeling rolled over her. "Oh my God! Are you okay," Amber asked as she rushed to her side.
"Yes..." Wendy said in between labored breaths. Her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was noticeably wet, but she was trying to fight it this time as apposed to giving in.
"Are you sure? Maybe I should get Mike, he's running this shift."
Wendy impulsively grabbed Amber by her shirt and brought her in for a kiss. At first Amber tried to fight it, but she quickly relented and pushed her tongue into Wendy's mouth. It felt good to kiss another girl, but Wendy was not really into it. Amber was doing amazing things with her tongue, but Wendy was passively going through the motions.
"Oh my God! I can't believe we just did that..." Amber said as she pulled herself away. "I'm... I'm not into girls..."
"Neither am I," Wendy said, and she felt a piece of herself break as she knew as of that moment it was true.
"Well," Amber said getting up and straightening herself, "just some some fun between strangers, right?" She extended a hand and helped Wendy up.
"Yeah," Wendy said with a forced smile.
"Anyway, I don't think I have anything your size," she said with a shy smile, "Your tits are a little bigger than mine. Maybe you should just go out in your bra and panties, they look close enough to gym clothes." Wendy was shocked to hear this, but felt it was better than the alternative. "Here, let's see." Amber undid her her shirt and helped her shimmy out of her skirt, leaving Wendy wearing nothing but a black bra and matching panties. "You'll probably get a lot of guys flocking to you, but you should be fine."
Wendy looked at herself in the full size mirror against the was and was speechless. She hadn't gotten a good look at herself in a couple of hours, and the changes were many. There was no mistaking she was a girl, although her stomach and legs seemed disproportionate to the rest of her body. There was also no way anyone would recognize her as Walter, since her face, tits and ass had changed so dramatically. She particularly liked her new tits, which were as big as Anna's so probably a C cup.
"Are you okay? It's like you're looking at yourself for the first time."
Wendy forgot that Amber was still in the room with her. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better."
"Tic-toc, Wendy..." The voice said as Amber smiled and led her out of the room, but not before Wendy noticed the watch light up orange again.
Amber led her over to the cardio area then turned to look at her and grimaced. "Oh, your hair looked shorter in the office." Wendy just shrugged as she stepped past her and got on an elliptical far from anyone else.
As Amber walked back to the office, the voice chimed in. "Good thinking back there..."
"What do you mean?"
"Kissing the girl, am I right? If she brought a guy back there you would have jumped him right then and there." Wendy said nothing, but the voice was right. Earlier in the day she never would have thought about taking a guys cock in her mouth (or other places), but it was all she could think about in the backroom. "Fine, don't talk to me... but you should know that two more changes are going to happen while your here." This got Wendy's attention, but she still did not answer. She knew the watch was also on a timer, so she just focused on making it through the next 45 minutes.
As she spent more time on the elliptical, she could feel sweat running down her body. She could also see that with each passing moment, more and more guys were picking cardio machines right next to her. They would all nod with a smile, and she would nod back but then turn her attention back to the TV's.
She had been working out for about 20 minutes when one guy in particular caught her attention, since he had a body like Captain America. He smiled at her, and she couldn't help it... a giggle escaped her lips. This just made him smile, but Wendy wanted to crawl inside herself and die. As she felt like wanting to disappear, another feeling caught her attention.
It was the watch. She braced herself as she looked down and waited before a green flash appeared. "Green makes your little breast jiggle and grow, and it's time to change machines my dear."
Wendy got off the elliptical and tried to get away from all of those male eyes before her breasts enlarged, but as she walked away she looked down and saw them expand at least another cup size. She swore one of the guys had noticed, as he had fallen on his treadmill and got thrown off. This was a real break for her, as everyone had turned their attention to him.
She just walked over to the free weight area, picking it since no one seemed to be using them at the moment. After picking up to 5lb hand weights, she went about her typical routine. She watched in the mirror as people had helped the fallen guy back up, glad that no one else seemed to notice she had slipped away. For a few blissful minutes she just lost herself in her routine, feeling the best she had all afternoon.
"Excuse me?" Wendy was so lost in the moment that she didn't notice the guy she giggled at approach her.
"Oh, hi."
"Hi... I'm sorry but you didn't wipe down your elliptical." In her rush to get away, she had forgotten rule one of most gyms.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry,"
He smiled at her and laughed, "Don't worry, I took care of it for you. I'm Mike, and I'm running the Gym tonight."
Wendy had never been more happy she kissed a girl, since if this was the guy that showed up in the back office she would have let him do anything to here. He was wearing the same outfit as Amber, black shorts with the pink t-shirt. As she looked him over, and if she was being honest with herself, she probably still would let him do anything.
"Hi, Wendy. Is there anything I can help you with?" She giggled again. "I mean, your form is pretty good, but when you do your curls be sure and keep your arm as close to your body so you isolate you bicep." As he said this he stepped in and pressed his body against hers, and as he did she could feel the bulge of his cock against her back. She closed her eyes as he held her arm in tight, feeling herself grow more and more aroused. "There, see how that helps."
"God, yes," she said absentmindedly. Even worse than that, she had begun to rub her ass back against him, and she could feel him getting harder.
"Here, spread your legs," he said as he took the weights from her hands. She felt compelled do as he said, and widened her stance a bit. After he leaned down to drop the weights he ran his hand over her ass and bent her over, "This stretch will help loosed you up". He now had both hands on her hips as she continued to press her ass into his crotch. She could feel that he was completely erect now, and he was doing little to try and hide it. The moment he brought his hand down to her clothed pussy was the same moment the watch flashed.
A moan escaped her lips as he ran his finger over her slit, the flash of purple being more of an after thought. She only wanted him to continue, but he suddenly stopped.
"What the fuck?" Wendy snapped up at his exclamation and saw why he was freaking out. While he was trying to finger her, she had suddenly been clothed in a pair of tight black yoga pants and a tiny, bright blue sports bra. "How did... I mean I was..."
His exclamation had brought on more attention, and Wendy took that as an invitation to get out of there. As she moved across the Gym she was glad to find she was wearing a pair of sneakers again, which made her exodus much easier. "Hey, didn't you..." Amber had tried to ask her a question as she bolted out the front doors, but Wendy was done. After rounding a corner, she stopped and tried to catch her breath.
"Ah, that's no fair," the voice said in mock contempt, "any other color and he would probably be balls deep inside of you by now." Wendy wanted to argue her point, but again she was probably right. "And look, you got your Gym clothes... but you left a little earlier than I would have liked."
"What, but..." Wendy tried to ask, but her wrist burned again. She looked down and awaited her punishment and saw a flash of yellow followed by... nothing. In a nearby window she watched as her reflection's ass began to expand into the already tight yoga pants, but they held firm as her perfect new bubble butt was displayed for all to see.
"That's it? Just one?"
The voice laughed, "What? You want more?"
"No... Just tell me where the last place is."
There was silence for a long time, then the voice finally spoke. "Alright, now you just have to make it back to where all of this started."
"The Schimbare Building?" Wendy asked as a group of guys passed her, all of whom eyeballed her the entire time.
"No... Why are you here? Why is this happening to you."
All at once Wendy knew, and as she looked up to the setting sun she knew she would have to run fast.
///// Chapter Five
Wendy's dorm room was all the way across campus, but if she kept up her pace she should get there soon enough. Her best guess gave her about an hour before the sun set, but she had no idea what the voice and Anna had cooked up for her.
As she ran, she noticed how her breasts bounced back and forth. Even the new sports bra she had was struggling to keep her D's in check. Of course, her new tits also made sure she had the attention of everyone that she jogged pass. She tried to ignore them the best she could, because she knew another change could come at any second. As she rounded a corner and her dorm came into view, the watch struck. A flash of purple was the last thing she saw before she tumbled to the grass below.
After she shook off the fall, she was surrounded by at least a three guys wanting to help her up. She took the nearest hand she could and got on her feet. All of the guys were asking if she was okay, but she didn't answer them as she saw the reason for her collapse. Her sneakers had been replaced with a pair of strapped high heels, and the yoga pants and sports bra had been replaced with a tiny, white string bikini.
"I'm fine, really," Wendy repeated as she tried to walk away. The men were persistent but could see she was not interested. As she pushed the door of her dorm building open, she was relieved to find they had stopped trying to help, and she was free to get to her dorm on the fifth floor. As she walked across the tiled entryway, her new hills clicked with each step making the entry way sound like a drum line was moving through.
She arrived at the Elevator and jammed on the button, and as she did she looked at her reflection from a nearby mirror. Her new bikini did nothing to hider her ample breasts, and combined with the heels her ass looked like it was an invitation for all attention to be on it. Then in the mirror she saw a student approach her from behind. It was a guy that was living on the same floor as her, and he was only wearing some swim trunks.
"Hi," he said pleasantly as he stood beside her, obviously waiting for the door.
"Hi," Wendy repeated as she stared at his chest. It looks like he had just gotten out of the pool, and he was still a little wet. As she began to count the muscles on his abs, she felt a twinge on her wrist. "Oh, not now..."
"Excuse me?" The man asked, looking surprised.
"Nothing," she said as she held her wrist and stared.
A blue flash was followed by the voice whispering, "Blue molds you and makes you more feminine with care."
Wendy watched as her stomach, which was by far the most out of place part of her female body, began to contract in on itself. Muscle melted away, leaving a thin, firm tummy in it's place. While this happened she bent over, and the man next to her asked "Are you okay?"
"God, I wish guys would stop asking that," she snapped.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help..."
"No, you're trying to fuck me! Everyone on campus is trying to fuck me!"
"Whatever, bitch." The man said as he walked over to the stairs and began to walk up.
"Interesting... you're really catching on," The voice said as he exited view.
The doors of the elevator opened and Wendy jumped in and began pushing the "Close Doors" button as hard as she could. As soon as the doors were closed she shot a hand down her bikini bottoms. As she felt her moist slit, she actually got mad at her plan to scare the boy away. She thought it would feel so good to have a cock inside of her instead of her finger.
Her breathing intensified as she brought up her other hand and freed her left tit. She rubbed her nipple and pinched it, causing her to feel innumerably better. As the elevator beeped its arrival to the fifth floor, she steadied her bikini and tried to catch her breath. The doors opened and a guy with acne and a backpack stood in front of her. His eyes nearly jumped out of his head as he looked her over.
Wendy simply smiled and stepped past him on her way to her apartment. Behind her she could hear the sound of a phones camera being used, but she had wasted all of her anger on the man downstairs. If she tried to tell off the nerd, she would probably fuck him instead.
When she arrived at her dorm room she was glad to find the door open and she walked inside before the watch burned so bad she fell to the floor.
"God dammit!" She yelled as she noticed someone else was in her entry way. Her eyes were blurry from the pain, but she saw the figure step over her and close the door.
"Well... here we are at last." Wendy was confused. It sounded like the voice in her head and the mystery person in her room were speaking at the same time. "Oh, here comes another change..."
She still couldn't see right, but she saw the flash of yellow well enough. "Your butt grows a handful when you see Yellow... Walter."
As the voice said it Wendy could here the two distinct voices become one, and she suddenly knew who the stranger was in her room.
"Yep," Anna said with a giggle.
"You..." Wendy couldn't speak as she felt her already bubbly butt grow larger.
"Good God, Walter, your ass is as big as Kim Kardashian's now." She was laughing uncontrollably.
"It was you the entire time?" Wendy asked as she got to her knees.
"Yeah," Anna added before sitting in a large comfy chair in the corner of the living area. "I found these watches at the Thrift Shop in town, and I just had to try them out." She then showed him her wrist which was wearing a watch identical to hers. "And here we are, the place that started it all." The place that had started it all. The place where Walter had fucked Emily Trout a few nights earlier. "Yep, you're right..."
"I'm sorry..."
"For the last time, Walter, I don't want an apology... I want you to pay for what you did."
"Anything... I'll do anything..."
"Really? We'll see soon enough." Anna said as she stood up and walked over to her. Wendy could now see that Anna, who had a very nice body, was wearing a set of white lingerie. It was perfectly suited for her dancer's body, showing off her perky tits and firm ass. Her blonde hair was also dolled up in curls. All in all she looked like she could walk right onto the cover of any Men's Magazine she wanted.
"Ah, that's really sweet of you to think, Walter... but I have other things in mind." There was a knock at the door and Anna got a big smile on her face. "Oh good, the man of the hour is here."
"What? Who?" Wendy asked, knowing she wouldn't like the answer.
"Walter... Honey... You have, I'd guess, around fifteen minutes to make our guest cum.
"I'll even help you along... maybe..." Anna laughed as she walked to the door while pressing her watch. Wendy immediately felt it's effects and saw her copy light up purple and as Anna welcomed their guest in, she watched as a duplicate piece of lingerie wrapped her body. "Paul, this is Wendy."
She froze in horror, as the only Paul she knew was a guy that had made her life a living hell in High School. She looked up and her suspicions were realized, Paul the giant towered over Anna and looked down on her with a smirk. He was six foot six and played every sport imaginable in High School. His skin was tanned and his head was shaved completely bald.
"Fuck, Anna, you weren't kidding," Paul said as he entered the room.
Then Anna did something that made Wendy's blood boil, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. "You know I don't lie, baby. Now go sit on the couch while I talk to Wendy."
"No... I can't do it..." Wendy pleaded as Anna came over to her. Paul had picked on him everyday of High School, and he never knew why. What he did know was Anna had dated Paul right before he starting dating her, which made this all the worse.
"Now, you know what happens if you defy me..." Anna touched her watch and watched as Wendy lurched in pain, before her watch flashed red... "Wait, no..." Anna said as she watched a big smile appear on Wendy's face.
Wendy felt incredible as she stood to walk over to a Paul she saw not as an asshole that had made her previous life hell, but as a man she wanted to fuck more than anything.
"Fuck me, you're hot as hell..."
"And wet as hell, too," Wendy added as she knelt before him. With one swift motion she freed his cock from his pants and looked it over. It was much bigger than the one she had as a man, and she wondered if she could fit it all in her mouth.
"You're so fucking bigger than I am..."
"What?" Paul asked confusedly before she opened her mouth and took him in. The tickle that she had felt all day drove her as she swirled her tongue around his shaft. "Fuck me!" Paul shouted as he arched his back. His cock seemed to get bigger in her mouth, but that just made her more excited.
Anna just watched from the corner, all of the joy of the moment mostly sucked out by that flash of red. She had wanted this to be the apex of his humiliation, but she still had a wicked grin on her face.
Wendy was beginning to gag as she tried to take all of Paul in her at once, but that didn't stop her. She just tried and tried again. "God, Anna... where did you find this slut... Then without any warning, Paul began to unload directly down her throat. Wendy held him all in and took every drop. "Fuuuuuck! Fuck!"
After he was done, Wendy removed his cock from her mouth and fell to the floor exhausted. As she did, she looked outside to see the sun still shining through the trees.
She had done it.
"Well done, Wendy, well done..." Anna said with an accompanying slow clap.
Wendy just smiled at her, wiping some cum from her lips. "You bitch... I won."
"Sure... but now it's time for my fun..." Anna said as she stepped over her and over to Paul. "Are you ready, Paul?"
"I've been fucking ready for years!" Paul said as Anna took his cock in her hands. Wendy was frozen with horror. The sweet girl who had wanted to save herself for marriage was giving a hand job to the guy who made Wendy's life hell. Soon his cock was completely erect again, and Anna wasted no time.
"You wanna fuck me, baby?"
"So bad..."
"Tell me you want to fuck my virgin slit."
"I'm want to tear your virgin cunt apart."
Wendy had never heard her talk like that before, and as she straddled him Anna turned so Wendy could see everything. Anna began to slowly lower herself onto his massive cock, all the while saying the dirtiest things Wendy had ever heard.
"Oh, you're gonna fuck me so good. You're gonna fill my pussy up with your hot cum. Oh! Oh fuck, you're so much bigger than Walter! Fuck me like Walter never could!"
Wendy then watched as Paul took his girlfriends virginity right in front of her. As Anna bounced up and down on Paul's cock, Wendy slowly began to change back into himself. It started with his tits slowly shrinking a his hair falling away. Soon he could feel his cock coming back, as well as his ass shrinking back down. All of this happened as Anna screamed ever obscenity known to man, and Paul was too busy kissing her neck and groping her tits too notice anything else.
When Walter was back to normal the watch fell from his wrist. At that very same moment the watch fell off of Anna's wrist, but she didn't care. She just looked down at Walter and laughed between moans. Walter slowly got up and walked over into his room, before shutting the door. He could hear Anna and Paul fucking for at least another hour and a half, and he fell asleep not knowing if they would fuck all night or grow tired of each other.
The next morning Walter awoke to find the living area was empty. He walked over and opened the little mini fridge and grabbed a bottle of OJ. He cracked it open then walked over and sat on the couch. As he sipped on his juice, he thought about the day before. He thought of the changes he went through, the embarrassment he felt and the many times he almost...
His body shuddered at the last thought. It was Saturday so he had nowhere he had to be, so he got dressed, tidied up his room and walked down to his car. The sun was already out, and he just got in his car and drove away. He really didn't drive anywhere in particular, just here and there. He passed the Coho Casino resort, then drove inland to Horseshoe Lake. A few minutes later he was on main street and park in front of an old shop.
He walked in the doors and heard a bell jingle above him. The shop was empty, but he soon saw an overweight man walking up an isle to greet him. "Good Day to you sir!"
"Hi... I really don't know why I'm here..."
"Of course you do, Walter."
"I... did I say my name?"
"Of course you did." The fat man then laughed in a way that put Walter at ease. "Now, tell me everything."
"Well, my girlfriend turned me into a girl that had to go around campus doing crazy shit. I let a guy feel me up, I fingered myself in a restroom, one guy dry humped me at the gym and I sucked another guy off." Walter was amazed by how easy it was to talk to this man.
"Right, I hear exactly what you're saying... You never got proper fucked, am I right?"
"Yeah... I mean, I was in that body all afternoon and I scared away a guy that definitely would have fucked me."
"So," the fat man asked with a wicked grin, "why are you here?"
Walter shifted where he was for a moment and put his hands in his pockets. "I, um..."
"Louder, my boy. I can't hear you."
"I want to be a girl again and get fucked."
The fat man smiled and ringed his hands together. "Well you're in luck, Walter. I just so happen to have something that will help." He then put a hand a Walter's back and directed him to the back of the store. "By the way, you may call me Levi... Levi Schimbare."
Walter smiled at the fat man as he was led to the back of the store, and into his uncertain future.
///// THE END
Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed reading this story, please visit my personal site at The site has exclusive stories that have been commissioned, as well as info on how you can commission me to bring your ideas to life. I'd also invite you to visit to see my new work with captions.
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not sure why she was so
not sure why she was so vengeful, she was obviously no angel as she claimed to be. more like she was stringing him along she obviously wasn't as chaste as she claims she was probably wasn't even a virgin, i seriously doubt if she had decided that she wasn't going to have sex until marriage that she would suddenly change her mind and lose it to someone she didn't care about just to get revenge on someone else.
kind of like the saying. cutting off your nose to spite your face
I wrote this so long ago that I was wondering the same thing, until I remembered that I left out a crucial point. I meant to imply more fully that the watches were tied together more than his girlfriend knew, and that her rage and desire to see him become a slut were mirrored on her. But yeah, as it stands right now it comes out of left field for sure.
Would love to see
I would love to see the story edited to include that TG, it would really push the story to the next level. Especially if you could show it happening to her over time as the changes are happening to him.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Alternative story
I think I prefer your alternative story/ending but just as Walter returns to "normal" she has to realise that revenge has a price and is not always sweet; if it ever was. Two people as guilty as each other and indeed perhaps they deserve their fate.
The ex-girlfriend
Got her revenge but at what cost? She had sex & I agree I think she had sex before with this guy that made Walter life a living hell in high school. Considering how Anna dated this joch in high school before Walter & she got together I think there is more to this then meets the eye.
Love Samantha Renee Heart