Letters From College

Letters From College.jpg"Letters From College"
a Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity


Dear Rosie,

Hey Rosie! It's my first day here at Timber Grove Community College and I
must say that this campus is incredible! The only thing that could make it
any better is if you were here with me. I really miss you and can't wait
for you to come here next semester.

Registration went alright, although they spelled my name "Stewart Voss"
instead of "Stuart", but that's happened all my life. It's strange that a
community college has dorms, but I don't really mind. I am living with
another guy whose name is Greg (he has really long black hair, like your
brother), and he is actually fatter than I am! I'm sorry, I know that I
shouldn't be too excited by that, but everyone else here on campus is
really skinny. Maybe all that stuff they said in the brochure about
becoming a new person is really true!

We are really close to the beach, but it has been raining non stop since
I've arrived. I did get a chance to drive around Timber Grove, and it is a
really nice little town. There is a nice hotel, a Native American casino
right on the beach, and the historic downtown has a really nice thrift
shop I'm sure you're going to love.

When I got back from looking around town there was a guy in my dorm room
talking to Greg. He said his name was Ben, and he was looking for recruits
into Tau Gamma Beta! I have absolutely no idea what kind of fraternity
that is, but they wanted Greg and I to join!

So earlier tonight Greg and I went to their open house and met all of the
other guys looking to join. There were only 4 other guys, and I couldn't
help but notice that they were all about the same size as Greg and I.
Typically, this wouldn't be too strange, but all the guys already in TGB
looked like a bunch of jocks.

I know what you're thinking, Rosie, that this was some kind of prank... but
these were some of the nicest guys I've ever met. They invited us
downstairs where they had a party set up and we played Mario Kart 64 and
Goldeneye all night long. There were even some girls from Tau Gamma Delta
that came over and partied with us, and even though they were very pretty...
none were as pretty as you :)

All in all it was one of the best parties I've ever been to, I even won a
few game of quarters!

At the end of the night, the six new pledges had to take part in a
"ceremony", all that meant was the guys dressed up in weird masks and we
had to drink some funky tasting tequila shots. They also made us wear some
bikinis over our clothes, which I thought was a little weird... but

All of the pledges are meeting tomorrow morning to start the TGB program,
which means we'll be running on the beach... yikes! Hopefully this will be a
chance for me to lose all that weight, maybe by the time you come for
classes in the winter I'll be back down to 220! Anyway, gotta get to bed.

I Love You SO MUCH!
Stuart Voss
September 20th, 1998


Dearest Rosie,

I just finished my first week of classes here at TGCC! The week has gone
by so fast that I could not even believe it. My classes are all pretty
easy and I've actually made a lot of good friends already. Another thing
that you will not believe is I've lost 20 pounds this week! I know, I
can't believe it either. That means I am now down to 225, and if I keep
this up you won't even recognize me when you get here!

Last night I went out with the guys and we saw Rush Hour, which was so
funny. You should totally go see it! Later we went back to the TGB house
and partied all night again. We had some more of that funky tasting
tequila, but the taste is really starting to grow on me.

The Delta girls came over again I spent a lot of time talking to Ben's
girlfriend, Amy. Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about as I only
have eyes for you, sweetie. Anyway, she is super out of my league but she
is so nice. She's been helping a lot with our training program, and really
motivates all six of us to keep at it.

And you think my 20 pounds is impressive? This guy named Preston lost 30
pounds this last week alone! It's not all good for him though, because all
that weight loss came off of his stomach, leaving him with a rather big...
well it looks like he has boobs now. The Delta girls jumped right on it
and got him a "Bro", just like on Seinfeld! Again you'd think people would
make fun of him, but they are being super supportive.

Last night the pledges had to put on these french maid costumes and clean
up after the party. It was pretty funny to see these six bigger guys
walking around in little black dresses cleaning and dusting. And do you
want to hear something kinda weird? I found my roommate, Greg, in one of
the bedrooms going down on a guy while he was wearing his maid outfit. I
had no idea that Greg was gay, but we should introduce him to Mike Weasley

Next week, if this Washington rain lets up, we're going to have a combined
Tau Gamma Beta & Delta party on the beach! There is a guy here who knows
how to cook a whole pig in the ground, you know I've always wanted to do

So how are you doing? I know that you wanted to save up some more money
before you moved out here, but I really wish that you were here. I really
miss you! Please send some more pictures of you, so I won't have to go
without seeing your beautiful face!

With all my Love,
September 27th, 1998


Dear Rosie,

Wow, Rosie, this has been another amazing week! I've lost another 25
pounds and I'm the worst of the six! I can't remember the last time I
weighed 200, I think I must have been a freshman! Greg is down to 210, but
I think he started at close to 270. I'm really embarassed to admit this,
but all six of us now have to wear some sort of support for our chests.
Preston, that guy I told you about last week, has lost so much weight that
I thought he was one of the Delta girls!

It was raining last night (bummer, no pig) so we had the party at the
Delta house. And you're gonna love this, all the pledges had to dress up
like the TGCC cheerleaders. Thank God they didn't take any pictures! The
Delta girls even put makeup on us and helped style our hair, just like you
did to me when we were 8! Once we were in all of our gear, we had to do
some cheers for the group. I think we did a pretty good job, one of the
Delta girls actually tried to get Preston to try out for the team, can you
believe that!?

Speaking of believing things, I told Greg that I knew he was gay and asked
if he wanted to meet Mike. He freaked out on me! He told me he wasn't gay
and would never do something like that! I couldn't believe it, maybe it
wasn't him I saw in the room last week?

One problem is all of my clothes are hanging off of me now, so I'll
probably have to do some shopping next week. Greg's parents sent him some
more money and he's already replaced his wardrobe, and it looks like I
will have to do the same.

Classes have been alright, I guess... it's getting harder and harder for me
to focus on my studies. All I can think about is getting down to the gym
to work out with the guys. I've never been this motivated before in my
life! I spend about an hour on the treadmill before hitting the pool to do
some laps. It is kinda weird to be in the pool though... well, like I said
we all have to wear sports bras while we work out. I've been talking to
Amy a lot about why the six of us have lost weight everywhere besides our
chest and ass, but she says that's just how the body works.

The Delta girls have also started making us these super smoothies, and
they are so yummy! You would love them, it's all strawberries and mango
with some of the tequila sprinkled in for fun!

Greg has been out all night now, and even as I write this letter I am
worried about the guy. Besides Preston, he has lost the most weight and
guys are starting to mistake him for a girl. I told him he needs to get
his haircut, but he still wears it long. I was going through his closet
earlier and found a lot of cute clothes that you would really like.

There is something I want to tell you... Nevermind. I'm sure that it's

I still miss you a lot!
October 4th, 1998



Whoo! What another great week! Chalk up another 10 pounds of weight loss
and I am now a card carrying member of the "Under 200 Club"! 190 feels so
good, and I know that I can lose more!

I'm sure you're probably curious about Greg. He didn't turn up until after
I mailed you last week's letter. He said that he went home with someone!
Can you believe that? He also totally apologized for yelling at me and we
made up. He is such a good friend, I'm lucky to have him as a roommate.

Amy had a meeting with the pledges today and talked about our routine.
While most of the guys had lost a ton of weight, we still had all of our
weight in our chest. We're going to be starting some exercises to tone our
chests and butts, I can't wait!

We finally got enough of a break in the weather to have that beach party
last night. We only have another 3 weeks before we're made members of TGB
at the Halloween party, but that means we had to do another stunt tonight.
All five of the pledges were kidnapped during school and brought to the
beach to set up the party. The Delta girls came and put us all in grass
skirts and coconut bras and made us be the entertainment. They also
brought along one of their new pledges, this really cute girl named
Presley. So that brings our number up to six for pledges.

We had a really great night! With all of the training we've been doing we
looked like a real group of girls doing the luau. We did a lot of the
serving, but we also got to dance and party with everyone else. While two
of the pledges, Ken and Jeremy, stayed on the stage doing a dance, Greg,
Chris and I got drinks out to everyone. To be honest I don't think I've
ever drank as much as did last night!

Ooooh, do you want to hear something naughty? While I was going back to
the van to get some more drinks I found Presley bent over the hood getting
fucked by one of the frat guys! He had her totally naked and her boobs
were bouncing everywhere... She looked so happy. She also sounded really
happy, I've never heard the word "fuck" shouted so many times.

That brings me to... well... you know I love you, Rosalyn. But it is getting
really hard to be here without you. While Presley was getting fucked from
behind I started to rub myself, right there by the van! The coconut bra
was rubbing against my tits, and I was getting really turned on. I really
wish you were here!

Yours always,
October 11th, 1998



You are not going to believe me, but I lost another 10 pounds, down to
180! This is the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of! Ken, Greg,
Chris and I are in the best shape of our lives! We can hardly believe that
the four of us weighed as much as we did when we got here only 4 weeks
ago! We only have 2 more weeks until the four of us become members of TGB,
but the guys have told us that we are going to really show that we want

We had a little mixer on Wednesday night to welcome in the newest member
of Tau Gamma Delta, Jenny. We didn't have to dress up at the mixer, but
for some reason a lot of the guys there thought we were girls. Weird,
right? I guess with all of this weight loss I do kind of look a little
more feminine, but Amy says that the next few weeks of training will
really burn off our "boobs". We had a little Tequila drinking contest and
I won!

It looks like Presley, the girl I told you was getting fucked at the luau,
is already dating one of the Betas. Her boyfriend, this guy named Porter,
actually got her to give him a lap dance right there in the middle of the
party. She stripped down all the way to her panties and really put on
quite the show.

I know you've been asking about my grades, and I guess I'm doing alright.
I am really struggling with Physics and Biology, I think I may drop them
and pick up some easier classes. My physics Professor said there was a way
to bring my grade up in class, but I don't think I could do something like

Greg took me shopping the other day to get me some new clothes. I guess
his family is super rich, and he knew that I was not able to fit into
anything. We went to this one shop in the mall and I got the best pair of
jeans I have ever had. Only when I was paying for them did I realize that
they were for girls, but they fit me so well I got them anyway.

We also went by the Lingerie shop to pick up some new bras. I'll tell you
what, this routine we are doing is not really shrinking our boobs at all.
The shop girl thought that we were girls, and actually convinced Greg to
try on some of their sluttier things.

We had had a black tie event at the House, and the four of us had to dress
up in ball gowns. Greg spent all night hanging on Jenny, I even walked in
on them making out! There were a lot of guys who asked me to dance, this
one guy named Zach even kissed me... but don't worry, i'm sure it was all
part of the pledge program.

Hugs and Kisses!
October 18th, 1998



Look, I really think that you need to calm down. A lot of the things you
wrote didn't make any sense. There have always been just the three of us
pledges, and we just dress up like girls for fun. There is absolutely
nothing strange going on.

Not that you really care, but I'm down to 165 pounds. And I know that it
freaks you out, but I have to wear a 36DD bra now, but that is only to
support me until we really lose that last bit of weight. You should see my
stomach, it is super flat now! I'm even starting to get some definition.

It is getting pretty lonely in the dorm. I wish that they would find me a
roommate, but I guess that would give us some privacy... if you ever
actually get here. Ken and Chris come over a lot and we just hang out and
plan out our next run.

I'm staying in that Physics class I told you about, I finally agreed to
perform that extra credit for the Professor. I'm actually doing a lot of
tutor work too, although I really don't know why all these guys are
signing up, I'm not that good at Physics. All my other classes are going
alright, I guess. I think I may have to do some extra credit in some other
classes to keep up.

We met up with the three Delta girls on Thursday so we could plan the
Harvest Festival. It's the last party before Halloween, and that is when
we get to fully join the pledges. For some reason the new girl, Grace,
talked us into having the theme of the party be "Stripclub"! We set up a
little stage with a pole and got a whole lot of that Tequila.

So last night had the party and it went really super! Everyone there, both
Betas and Deltas, had a really good time. Of course you'd think the three
Beta girls made the most money, but Ken and Christy dressed up like
Schoolgirls and stripped together. The house went wild for them. I think
that both of them even taped their dicks down, because they really looked
like girls up there!

I don't want you to get mad, but I got up on stage and stripped for
everyone too. It was such a rush! I decided to dress up like a sexy nurse,
and I ended up making a lot of money! All of the guys were whistling at me
and even the girls were throwing dollars. I guess I kind of got a little
out of control, since I pulled Zach up on stage and gave him a lapdance.
I've got to be honest with you Rosie... I really liked it. I know you'll
probably be mad at me, but you have not come to visit me yet and I'm
getting really horny.

October 25th, 1998


Hey Rosie!

I didn't get a letter from you this week, and I miss hearing from my best
friend! Things here are really going great, I am finally a member of Tau
Gamma Beta! This was the first year that they only had one new pledge, but
the Deltas got all five of their new pledges to join. I'll tell you more
about the Halloween party later, it was a-ma-zing!!!

I'm now down to 155 pounds, and a lot of that is finally from my chest.
I'm down to a 34D bra now, so I don't feel nearly as silly as I normally
do. In fact I spend a lot of time with the new Delta girls, and I just go
in to the girls locker room to shower and change, no one really seems to
mind. Even in as good as shape as I am in now, I'm still single... but I am
getting a lot of numbers from guys that I can throw your way when you get

You know it's funny, but I am actually making a lot of money being a
tutor. I guess my professors were happy with my extra credit, because they
are sending a lot of guys my way. I can't wait for you to get here, we'll
go on a huge shopping spree!

So, this Halloween party we had was incredible. It was closed to only the
Betas and Deltas and we had an amazing time. I had so much fun dressing up
as a cheerleader a couple of weeks ago, that I decided to go as a
cheerleader tonight. I couldn't get the same one from the Betas, so i went
to the costume shop and got one of theirs. But you know that the costume
shop only had "Sexy Cheerleader", but I think I pulled it off. I didn't
even realize how long my hair has gotten since I've been here, but I was
able to pull it back into a big ponytail!

Grace won the contest though, she came dressed like a sexy librarian and
boy did the guys love that. She reminds me a lot of you, I think you'll
really like her. Zach came dressed like a Quarterback, and even though we
didn't go together we won cutest couple! I know, Tau Gamma didn't care
that they were giving an award to two guys... and when I asked about it they
told me not to worry about it.

There was a ton of drinking (again!) and I overdid it a little bit.
Promise not to tell anyone else back home, but I'm pretty sure some guy
was feeling up my boobs. Maybe it was more than one guy, I can't really

Now that I am an actual Beta, I won't have to dress up like a girl
anymore... which to be honest kind of bums me out. You're my best friend,
Rosie, so you know that I really like dressing up like a girl. Maybe I'll
keep doing it anyway, no one here really seems to mind. In fact, that guy
Zach told me I looked really sexy dressed up. We'll see what happens!

November 1st, 1998



I just got your letter and I must admit that I am really confused. I
showed it off to my roommate, Grace, and she says that you are probably
just playing some game. If you are, then I guess it's kind of funny... but
if not, then you are starting to scare me.

Rosie, my name has always been Stacy. The six of us girls were the only
ones looking to join Tau Gamma Delta... there were never any boys. And I
know that we've been friends for a very long time, but I've never been
your boyfriend. Again, I really hope that this is a sick joke because I
would hate to lose you as a friend. I really hope that when you get here
in 4 weeks we can talk it out and get past all this weirdness.

So I'm now 145 pounds, but I'm happy that I'm keeping the 34D bra size.
You'll be amazed at how much bigger my boobs look now that I've lost all
that weight. The six of us girls are still going on runs every day,
wouldn't it be awesome if I could lose more weight!

Presley just told us that she was pregnant, can you believe that! She had
lost the most weight of us by far, and she was actually a little bummed
that she was pregnant. But we all talked it out, and she is super excited

At the rate Grace is going, I think she's going to get pregnant soon too.
She is now down to 115 pounds and has a new guy over every night. Last
night she brought over a guy while I was in the dorm and they had sex
right in front of me! To be perfectly honest, I touched myself while she
rode on top of him. I think that she knew I was watching and actually got
off on it.

Oh, I was going to tell you that we met the new pledges for the Tau Gamma
Betas. They got 4 guys that are really overweight, and they said it was
our job to whip them into shape. This is such a great sorority, the Betas
and Deltas are always trying to help eachother!

Other than that things have been really quiet. Apparently some girl in
school got busted for handing out blowjobs to the guys she was tutoring,
so all of us tutors had to stop. You know that I was only giving handjobs
to my tutors, but is that just as bad? Either way I had to stop.

Oh, I am sending some of that tequila I was telling you about. I talked to
our chapter leader, Amy, about how nervous you are about the sorority so
she gave me some to send to you. Trust me when I say that you are a shoe
in to become a pledge! And please stop this weird joke of yours, I hope
that it really is just that.

Stacy :)
November 8th, 1998

PS: Zach finally asked me out!!! I'll let you know how the date went next



I was so glad to get your letter, and super glad that you've finally come
around! Isn't that tequilla just the best! Amy swears to me that it really
doesn't help with the weight loss, but I am so psyched to hear you're down
to 150 pounds! I just hit 135, so by the time you get here we could look
like twins!

Thanks for your apology, I'm glad that we're past all of that weird stuff
you were talking about. I'm glad that you're putting so much focus on
losing weight now too, it really makes getting guys a whole lot easier!

Speaking of guys, I went out on that date with Zach this week. It was so
awesome! He took me to this really nice restaurant and then we went
dancing at this club. I know that I've lost 110 pounds, but I still feel a
little self conscience when I go out. All of the other Delta girls I
joined up with look so hot now, but they have lost more weight than me. In
fact, I heard from Grace that Jenny and Christy are working at the strip
club in the Casino!

After the date Zach asked to come into my dorm, and I totally fucked his
brains out! It felt so amazing! I know, I'm such a slut for going all the
way with a guy on the first date, but you should know that I made him pull
out. I guess I got spooked by Presley's pregnancy, or maybe it's something
else? To be honest with you, I've been feeling pretty weird the last
couple of weeks, like something is off...

Anyway! Classes are going great and I've started tutoring again, the money
was just too good to pass up. I've also been putting a lot of time in at
the pool and the head lifeguard there asked if I wanted to become a
lifeguard! Can you believe that? I used to be so nervous about going to
the pool, and now I work there.

We've been running those new Betas crazy! We wake up every morning and go
running on the beach, and we've taken to wearing the skimpiest bikinis to
make the boys push themselves harder. Grace has even taken to fucking the
guy who comes in first place... and with the weight these guys are losing I
may fuck second place next! Amy is so happy with my planning skills that
she gave me a gift, a 10 inch vibrator!!!

I'm so excited for you to get here in two weeks, I think that you're
making the right choice dropping out to get here. Amy assures me that you
are a shoe in to become a Delta, and all of the girls are super excited to
meet you! Keep up with that weight loss, I'm super proud of you!!!

November 15th 1998



Like, holy shit! I got that picture that you sent and I could not even
believe it! You look so hot now! I can't believe that we are both 115
pounds now! I know that I am using a ton of exclamation points, but I just
can't believe it!!! I also got that OTHER picture you sent... and I have to
admit I kinda liked it. I know you asked me how I felt about... well, just
give me some time.

We had another party friday night, and Amy gave us the idea of having a
bachelorette auction. We got there early and had the 4 Beta boys set up
everything for us, you'd be amazed at how much weight they've lost. This
guy named Ralph has lost 60 pounds and looks just like Zach now. I even
found Christy fucking Trent in the bathroom while we were setting up. This
frat does such great things for people!

The party went off without a hitch, and I even brought in the most money!
Zach and this guy named Paul went into a bidding war over me and Paul
ending up winning. Zach was really pissed off, but I went home with Paul.
Yeah, I ended up fucking him, but he was not that great. He just kept
groping my breasts and came in like 2 minutes.

Even though it was a pretty awful night, I was still super horny and tried
to go over to Zach's... when I got there I walked in on him and Jenny going
at it. Zach chased me out of the apartment and apologized to me, and we
talked for a long time and decided we are better off single. To be honest,
I'm really not that mad. When I got back to the dorm I got that vibrator
Amy gave me and finished myself off. I thought about that picture that you
sent me too...

Grace just moved out this morning, she started dating this bartender and
has moved in with him. They only met a couple of days ago, but I met the
guy and can totally see why she is moving in. In fact, last nite they
asked if I wanted to join in... and I totally did! I've never had a three
way before, and it was pretty amazing. I've never been so close to Grace
before, and he body is totally hot. She went down on me and it was like I
was in heaven! Her boyfriend really knew how to work his cock, he was way
better to me than Zach ever was.

It's been a real eye opening week, and it just got a little crazier. Amy
is stepping down as the head of Tau Gamma Delta, and asked if I wanted to
take over! Can you believe that?! I really don't know what I'm going to do
yet. Classes are going pretty well, and I started to get other Delta's to
do my tutoring... I think I may take it on!

I promise to think about what you said, and I'll let you know when you get
here. Either way you are totally moving in with me, and our place will be
party central!!! See you next week!!!

November 22nd



I know that you get here in 3 days, but I just wanted to write you and
tell you how much I am looking forward to you being here! I have the dorm
room all set up and I know that you are going to love it!

Amy and her boyfriend Ben just got engaged and are leaving Timber Grove
Community College, and I'm so super sad! They have been so good to me and
all the girls since we got here. I agreed to take over for Amy and we'll
have a party next week to crown the new heads of both Tau Gamma Beta and
Tau Gamma Delta, so that means my favorite gal will be there with me!

We finished the workout routine this week, and I finished out at 105
pounds!!! All of the Beta guys hit their goal weights too! In fact one of
the new Beta's, Ralph, is going to be the new head of the Betas. It was so
great to have all six of us girls on the beach driving all the boys wild,
when they wouldn't have given us a second look 10 weeks ago. Presley was
even there, and still looks great even though she is kind of starting to

We had a little party on the beach yesterday to celebrate our weight loss,
and one of the new Betas tried to hook up with me. He was dancing really
close to me, and you know that I was leading im on (I'm such a tease!) but
I finally had to tell him that I really don't swing that way. He took it
pretty well, I saw him fucking Jenny a couple of minutes later and she
definitely plays for his team.

I've stopped tutoring all together now, which to be honest had caused many
of the girls around here to be quite heartbroken. I even had one of my
professors ask me to stay after class so I could help her with some

I've been putting a lot of time in at the pool, with the weather getting
colder we have a lot more people coming in and swimming. After we closed
up, I was in the showers and this new girl Paige came in and joined me. I
watched her take off her suit and was so turned on. Her tits were perfect
(outside of yours, of course) and when she came and showered with me she
had me wash her back. I know that we have an open-ish policy, and I almost
went crazy from washing her hiney. We did make out for a little while in
the showers, but I swear that's as far as I went!

Oh, Rosie, I can't wait for you to get here!!! I know we've been having
fun, but I just want to have fun with you! All of the pictures you've sent
have me so horny, and I know you must feel the same! Monday can't come
soon enough!

Stacy Voss
November 26th 1998


Dear Amy,

I just wanted to write you and thank you for all you've done for me! My
head is still reeling a little bit from our last meeting, but I know that
this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

I did what you told me and gave the gold liquor to Rosie, and she
remembered everything as it was just like I did. We talked for a long
time, then we made love! She doesn't seem to care at all that the tequila
"changed" her, and with the way she made me cum I know she approves of my
new body. I know that we are the better for it and I just wish I would
have mentioned I had a girlfriend before you chose me to join.

She also understands that we can never tell the other 5 girls about the
changes. Speaking of which, they are all doing great! Jenny and Christy
are still working down at the casino, and Presley is super excited about
becoming a mother. Kendal is now working fulltime at that lingerie store
in the mall and Grace is bartending with her boyfriend. We all still get
together every chance we get and talk about how good our lives are, and
now I know why!

I'm glad Ben let me tell Ralph about the "Delta" program. He was in
complete shock when he found out I used to be a 250 pound guy. We also
have our eyes on some new Beta and Delta recruits!

Lilly came and visited with me for the first time last night. I was
expecting an actual "Pixie", you could have told me that she would look
just like a regular girl. She gave us some more of the special tequila and
a bottle of the gold liquor. She was so nice, I can see why you two became
such good friends.

All in all things here at Timber Grove Community College are pretty
normal. I wake up every morning and stare at my new body in disbelief, but
I am waking up next to the love of my life so that makes things okay. I do
kinda miss my dick, but I still have the "gift" you gave me, and that
seems to work just fine for Rosie and I!

Amy, I really can't thank you enough for all you've done for me and the
girls. I hope that you and Ben have all the happiness in the world!
Anytime you want to come back and visit the house, just let me know and we
will throw the biggest party ever!

Stacy Voss
December 5th 1998




Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! I've recently begun to accept commissions, so if you like what you read and have a story you'd like to see written then I'd love to create something for you. Contact me at [email protected] with any questions.

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