Surrounded on Halloween

Copy of The Calendar.jpgSurrounded on Halloween
A Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity

William walked alone through the City Park, the sounds of laughter and cheers in the distance causing him no merriment at all. With each step his hiking boots seemed to drag a little more, with his jeans and jacket becoming more heavy as well. A sudden wind picked up, causing him to pull his jacket closer. It was rather mild for late October, but mild in Timber Grove was cold just about anywhere else.

William nearly jumped as an old homeless man appeared sitting underneath a nearby pinetree. The old man was wearing ragged clothes with three coats, one on top of the other. A long beard hung underneath matted white hair, and William felt sorry for him.

“Happy Halloween,” Will said with as much cheer as he could muster. The old homeless man said nothing, instead choosing to flip William off with a long crooked middle finger.

Not even the old homeless man wanted anything to do with him tonight. He just sighed and walked further into the park, all the while thinking of how miserable he was. Earlier in the day he had mustered up all of his courage to ask Emily Trout to a party near the College campus. She just laughed at him and walked away, he friends all following suit. His roommates told him she was out of his league, and tried their hardest to get him to go to the party with them.

“Will,” his friend Phil had said, “You just show up with us and you’ll get in. There’s plenty of girls there. In fact, you’ll be surrounded by so many hot, horny girls that you’re guaranteed to hook up.”

He finally relented and went with his friends, but he was quickly greeted by Emily’s friends at the front door.

“Holy shit, looked who showed up!”

“Oh my God! I thought you would, like, go home and hang yourself!”

“Hey, leave him alone!” Phil said with a power and authority that William wished he had.

All the girl’s fell quiet, except for one who was dressed up like a cat, and that’s only because she was wearing a pair of cat ears. The rest of her “costume” was nothing more than a black bikini. “Aw, did we make your pet feel angry?”

“He’s not our pet, Renee.”

“Are you sure? It looks like he came dressed up like a dog.”

“Renee, you’re drunk… William?”

“I’m out of here,” Will told him as Phil ran after him.

“Come on, they’re drunk…”

“No, I… I just want to be alone.”

Phil had tried his hardest to make him stay, but it was all too much for him.

Now he was in the middle of City Park, which could be considered a scary place by many, but not for Will. He had often ran off to the park to hike all of its trails and discover anything he could. Even though it was in the middle of the downtown area, the park was big enough that you couldn’t see any of the roads that surrounded it when you were in the middle. The lightposts were all lit with an eerie orange that made the park feel like it was made for Halloween night.

“Boo!!!” William jumped so high at the sound of the shout that he nearly left his boots behind on the ground. When he turned to see where the shout had come from, he saw to chubby young teenage boys laughing at him from the bushes. Both were wearing all black with ski masks that had a skull on it.

“Holy shit, did you see how high he jumped!?” One asked.

“That was fucking perfect!” The other added. William just stood his ground as they ran deeper into the forest laughing at him.

It seems everything tonight was out to get him. After the scare, he was tired of walking and decided to go to the Wishing Well in the middle of the park. It was the place he often went to when he was alone, and tonight he felt more alone than ever. As he rounded a corner, the old well revealed itself. It was a simple stone well, with a little wooden covering over it. Moss covered most of it now, while you could tell it was once painted white a long time ago.

He was relieved to find no one else at the well, and walked right up and looked down inside. He could see all the way down, and there was enough light from a nearby light post that he could see hundreds of coins littering the bottom of the well. Many in Timber Grove were very superstitious, which led to many visits to the well. For all the times that William had come here, he had never once made a wish, although he was feeling low enough right now that he thought he actually might give it a go.

He reached into his jeans and found a quarter. He pulled it up and looked at it for a very long time. As he did, he thought about his life and what he could possibly wish for. In his mind he was average in every way imaginable. He got good grades in High School, but not good enough to get into a good college which left him enrolled at Timber Grove Community. He was tall and thin and even dated a cute girl for a while, but all the girls now just laughed at him and wouldn’t give him the time of day. His friends all told him it was in his mind, that he just had to put himself out there more, but they were all the “cool kids” on campus.

“...You’ll be surrounded by so many hot, horny girls…”

On a whim, Will held the coin tight in his fingers and said aloud: “I wish I was surrounded by hot, horny girls.” He then flipped the coin into the well and waited to hear a splash… only one never came. He leaned over and saw the waters of the well perfectly still. Instead of trying to figure out why there was no splash, he rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself.

“So stupid,” he said as he walked away from the well. He glanced around him, not at all shocked to find that he was not surrounded by hot, horny girls ready to hook up. He simply laughed it off and walked back towards his apartment. He figured his roommates would be gone for the night, and he could get some quality gaming time in.

It felt more quiet than it did before he was at the well, and every footstep he made echoed through the forest. He was still on high alert, knowing those two little assholes were still out here somewhere looking for people to scare.

He neared the tree where the old homeless man had flipped him off, and he thought about taking another path to keep his distance. After a few moments he shrugged and decided to give the old man another holiday greeting.

He began walking and saw the old man still under the tree. As he approached he smiled, only to have the old man flip him off once again. Not only that, but the old man also coughed before adding “Fucker!”

William shook his head, and continued past. He took another two steps before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and found a beautiful brunette standing there. She was much shorter than him, and was wearing a very strange costume.

“Hi,” she said cheerfully, “what’s your name?” William was still looking at her costume, trying to put two and two together. Why would such a hot girl dress up like a hobo?

Then it dawned on him. This little hottie was wearing the exact same thing the hobo under the tree was wearing. He looked past her and saw the hobo was no longer under the tree, and before he could do anything else the girl before him was removing her coats.

“What’s happening?”

She simply bit her lip and smiled, “I don’t know, but I’m so fucking horny right now!” By the time she had finished her thought she was topless and pulling William over to the clearing under the tree.

Everything was happening fast.

Before William could even blink, the cute brunette had his zipper undone and his cock in her mouth.

“What the hell is going on!?” William shouted, though it was hard to sound angry when the girl was going down on him. She looked up at him and smiled, big blue eyes beaming as if sucking on his dick was the best thing in the entire world. He tried to push her away, but she wanted it too bad. “Please... oh God! What is happening?”

She finally removed her mouth, but continued to work his shaft with her hands. “I don’t know. My name is Mitch and I’ve been living in these woods for years.”

“How… Why are you a girl, and why are you giving me a hand job?”

“No idea, but doesn’t it feel good?” She said as she began to suck him off again.

There was no doubt that it felt good, but this was not natural. This girl was an old hobo only moments before she started going down on him, and William was beginning to care less and less. All he could focus on now was the hot girl going down on him, and he was beginning to want more.

As if reading his mind, the girl stood up and lowered her jeans. “What are you doing!?” William asked, knowing full and well what she intended.

“I need to get fucked, right now!”

William couldn’t argue with her. She was the best looking girl he had ever seen naked, blowing his High School girlfriend out of the water. Her tits were like apples, perky and round, but her ass was something else entirely. She was looking up at him now, and there was a longing in her eyes that made him melt.

A few moments later her hands were pressed against the tree and William was behind her, fucking her as best he could. He was no virgin, but he never had sex standing up, let alone in the woods where anyone could see him. “Oh my God! You’re cock is so deep!!!” He didn’t feel like he was that deep in her yet, but she was moaning and screaming as if he was twice as big. “Fuck! Fuck my pussy!”

He did so, and it felt more amazing after every thrust. Not in a million years did he think he would get laid tonight, nor did he think he would be nailing a hot chick who was an old hobo moments ago.

“I’m cumming! Fuck! I’m cumming!!!” She pressed herself hard against him, and he responded by fondling her perky tits. He was close to cumming too, but she suddenly collapsed to the ground.

“Holy shit! Are you okay?” She was still breathing, and there was a big smile on her face. For a second he thought of what he should do. He looked down at the naked brunette on the forest floor, and wondered if he should wait for her to wake up. Even more pressing to his mind was the massive erection he was still sporting, and the growing need for release.

“Holy shit!” William jumped again, as he spun to see the two fat kids from before. “What the fuck,” the bigger one asked as the drew closer.

“It’s not what it looks like!” William shouted, knowing how bad the situation looked.

“Look, he’s gonna fuck a dead chick!” The smaller one added.

“She’s not dead, we just…” William said before the two fat kids seemed to change right in front of him. Their fat got redistributed as they grew a couple of inches. Their stocking caps began to bulge as one began to grow long red hair, while the other grew curly blonde hair. Soon each was growing breasts, both much larger than the brunette. As they grew their shirts stretched, tightened and rose to reveal firm stomachs. Seconds later the transformation was done, and William was standing in front of two hot girls wearing clothes much too small for them. “Holy shit.”

“Fuck! I’m a girl, and so are you Ralph!”

“I know, Spence! That’s awesome!” They high fived each other and pulled off their stocking caps. The one called Ralph was a beautiful blonde, while Spence was incredibly cute with green eyes and freckles.

William was at a loss. The two girls did nothing to show they realized he was standing there, as they ripped all clothes from their bodies and began to explore. They were both the same height, but Ralph had more curves while Spence was smaller and more toned.

“My tits are awesome, come feel!” Ralph demanded as Spence walked over and weighed them in her hands.

“Fuck, they are awesome! I wish mine were as big as yours!”

“No way! Yours are great too!” Soon they were rubbing each others breasts, big smiles plastered on their faces. “You know what,” Ralph said to Spence as they felt each other up, “I really need to get fucked.”

“Oh my God! Me too!” As if on queue, both girls turned to stare at William. They moved so quickly that William could nothing as they tumbled with him to the ground and began to fight over who could wrap their mouth around his cock. “Bitch, it’s mine!”

“Fuck you it is!”

They took turns sucking him off, still fighting as they did so. William could do nothing but lie there as they sucked his cock, the feeling too good to deny. Ralph finally fought off Spence, so she moved around and lowered her tits onto William’s face. Her tits were the smallest of the three girls tonight, but they were still soft and a handful. They were so nice in fact, that William did not notice Ralph had finished sucking him off and was now lowering herself onto his cock.

“Oh, shit!” She yelled as she began to bounce up and down on him. “This feels so fucking good!”

“Oh my God,” Spence said as she spun around, “You’re fucking a guy!”

“I know, and it’s awesome!”

Spence then sat on William’s chest and began to kiss Ralph passionately, she then moved her hips back so her moist pussy was right on his face. William had never gone down on a girl, but this seemed as good as time as any. He began licking her slit, which caused her to begin giggling.

“Holy shit! He’s licking my pussy!”

“How does it feel?”

“It’s fucking awesome! Being a chick is the best!”

“I know, right!”

Ralph continued to bounce on his cock as he licked away at Spence. Soon they switched spots so Spence was fucking him and Ralph was sitting on his face. William had no idea how long this continued, but he soon found himself tensing up.

“I’m gonna cum!” William yelled, and Ralph scrambled around to push Spence off.

“He’s cumming in me!”

“Fuck you! He’s cumming inside me!”

Both girls were now rubbing his cock, trying to position their heads over him. When he finally did cum, it was Spence who took it all. “You fucking cunt!” Ralph yelled with mock discontent.

“What the hell is going on here!?” All three looked up to see an officer standing near them. He had his flashlight out and was shining it on them, before shining it on Mitch, who was still passed out. “Everyone on your feet, now!”

William was terrified. He was half naked with three completely naked girls in the middle of City Park. He was going to be arrested and spend some time in jail. All of these thoughts ran through his head as the office in front of him quickly changed into a tall, imposing, raven haired beauty.

“Well... let’s continue on with this party, shall we?” The officers voice was laced with desire, and she moved quickly over to the three of them. She was taller than William, and as she stood before him she took his limp cock into her hands. Her breasts had grown so much that her shirt was slowly ripping, and she soon raised her other hand to free them.

“You two, fuck each other.” Spence and Ralph quickly complied and began to explore each others bodies in earnest. Her hand was now slowly bringing his cock back to life, “So... can you tell me why I’m a woman and why I want you inside me?”

“I… I don’t know.” William was still terrified from before, and it was making his mind clearer than it had been all night.

“Hmmm, well I guess the ‘why’ doesn’t matter, I’m now more curious in the ‘how’.” She then leaned in and kissed him hard. William did not return the kiss, but it really didn’t matter as she was suddenly pushed aside and on the ground.

“You bitch! He’s mine!” It was Mitch, who was awake and apparently unwilling to share William with the Officer. They struggled on the ground for a moment, before William realized he had a chance to get out of there. A moment later he was running through the woods, struggling to zip up his pants and button them. The sex with the girls was amazing, but they were growing more aggressive and he was worried about how far they were willing to go to have him.

He was about a hundred yards away before he heard the girls scream, finally realizing he was gone. It was pretty late, so there was no one on Main Street as he came out of the park in a sprint. He was relieved at this, not wanting to know if he could still transform men outside of the park.

“Stop! Come back!” Without stopping, William turned his head to see three naked girls and the topless officer running after him. “Fuck us! I want you inside me!!!”

His legs were giving out, and he knew he was going to have to stop and find somewhere to hide. He saw an alley nearby and ducked down it. As he ran he came to a fence that was too high to climb, so he opened and ran through the first door he could find.

He soon realized this was a mistake, as he was now in a bar filled with two dozen people. He was in the Too Good Saloon, and all eyes were on him. As the music continued to play, he looked for a way out and saw a flight of stairs leading up.

“Son, are you okay?” Asked a nearby man who appeared to be in his 50’s.

“No… I need to get out of here…”

But it was already too late as William saw the old man turn into the sexiest little blonde he’d ever seen. She shrunk about a foot and a half, but her breasts just grew and grew. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you need a good fuck.”

As she moved closer, the lights in the bar flickered and everyone seemed to change all at once. They were all different shapes and sizes, but all of them looked good… and all of them looked like they wanted him.

Hands were reaching for him as he lunged for the stairs and ran up. He looked down long enough to see a dozen beautiful girls pushing eachother out of the way, and the door slam open as the four girls from the forest entered. “There he is!” The officer yelled, causing William to climb the stairs even faster. At the top of the stairs was a single door, which to his good fortune was open. He quickly slammed it behind him and locked it as fast as he could. Moments later there was banging on the door, followed by calls of every kind.

“Fuck me! I want you so bad!”

“I’ll do anything!”

“I need you inside me!”

“I’m so fucking wet!”

William was ignoring the pleas from outside, instead choosing to take stock of his position. He was in a small office, and unfortunately the only door out was the one now swarming with two dozen horny girls. He sat down at the desk and thought about his options.

He could always open the door and let them in, but he had a feeling that there was a good chance they would literally fuck him to death. He laughed at how bizarre it all was, as many would claim being fucked to death probably the best way to go. Then he looked at the one window in the room and knew that was his way out… but where would he go?

A loud crack brought his attention back to the door, and the girls were getting ready to break it down. He got up and moved to the window, but not before rummaging through the desk. He soon found what he wanted and opened the window and stepped out. Another loud crack heralded the end of the door and a stream of girls in various states of undress began to flood in.

William found himself quickly climbing down a fire escape ladder, before a misstep caused him to drop the last few feet to the hard ground below. He got up glad to find he hadn’t hurt himself too bad.

“Oh my God! There he is!” It was the cute little blonde looking out the window. “I want to suck your cock!”

“Go away!” William yelled, but she didn’t listen, nor did the others following her onto the fire escape. He turned his attention back to running and got on his way. He turned on first, all the while looking behind him as often as he could. For a moment he thought he had lost them, but soon that cute little blonde turned the corner in a dead sprint.

“Fuck me!” With each step she was removing clothes, and soon she was followed by the others from the bar, all stripping as they ran. Some even fell over as they did so, but they quickly bounced back up and continued after him.

William just pressed on, and quickly darted into another alley separating the old diner from the Thrift Shop. He ran about half way down the alley, before crouching behind a dumpster. He sat in silence as he heard the girls pass the alley, still screaming and pleading to be pleased. After a few moments had passed, he found the strength to get up and get back on Main Street. It was completely deserted, and there was not a naked girl to be seen.

“Finally!” William said at his good luck right before he got hit by a car.

William was lying on his bed, looking up at his ceiling. It was light outside and the clock on his wall read 4:30. He rubbed his eyes and got up, though he was confused as to what exactly was going on. He rolled his neck and tried to think of what happened. There was a wishing well, then all these guys turned into girls who fucked him…

“No…” He shook the thought from his head, the absurdity of it too much. Soon the thoughts faded into the haze that all dreams eventually fall into and he got up. He could hear the shower running, and assumed Phil was getting ready for the party tonight. He walked over to his computer and booted it up, when the shower stopped and Phil walked through the door wrapped in a towel.

“Hey, you’re finally awake.”

“Yeah… but I just had the weirdest dream.”

“You have weird dreams all the time.” Phil said as he rummaged through his closet.

William swiveled in his chair to look at him, “I don’t know, this one was pretty weird. I was at the wishing well and made a wish to be surrounded by hot, horny girls.”

“Yeah, who hasn’t made that wish…” Phil said with a laugh.

“But it happened. This hobo turned into this cute brunette… then these two little fat kids turned into a pair of hotties.”


“And what?”

“Did you fuck?”

“What?” William said with some embarrassment.

“Come on, don’t tell me that if I turned into a cute little hottie that you wouldn’t fuck me.”

“Wait…” William was terrified to see his friend shrinking in front of him.

“No, really. If I grew some tits,” which he did as said it, “you would totally fuck me.” He was now almost two feet shorter than before, and his tits were still ballooning out.


“Fine, what if I had a nice round ass?” Phil dropped the towel and turned to show William her nice round bottom. She gave it a nice smack. “No come on, you’d totally hit this, right?” Her hair was growing a bit, and turning a light brown.

“No… it was a dream…”

“No? Well what if I had a nice, wet pussy for you to fuck?” She asked as she bent over and spread her legs wide. “What if I let you fuck me all night,” her voice was now soft and sweet, “then let you fuck my ass?”


“No. Be honest, you would totally fuck me.” She was now inching herself closer to him.


“Come, on. Fuck me.” Her tits were right in his face.

“I don’t!”

“Please? Won’t you fuck my tight, virgin pussy?”

“I don’t know!!!”

“You don’t know? I’m just asking if you’re okay?” William lurched forward, and felt a sharp pain in his leg. He was back on Main Street, and there was an old couple crouching over him. The old woman looked worried, and the old man was trying to help him. “Son, you shouldn’t be out on the road like this.”

“You scared us half to death.” The old woman added with a frown.

William was breathing hard, still trying to recover from the hit. He was right by the forest, and tried to get up.

“No, son. You just lie down and wait for the paramedics.”

“No… I have to get back to the well…”

“No. You just lay here.”

“But…” William was going to tell them about the changes, until he realized that this couple was not affected. Maybe the wish was done, maybe everything was…

“Dear?” The old man said as he looked to his wife. She was standing a few feet away, clasping her chest. “Are you okay?”

To William’s horror the wrinkles on her face began to disappear, and her breasts began to swell in her hands. “Okay? I feel fantastic!” All the grey was washed from her hair, leaving a deep brown color behind. Her ass also swelled up as her hips flared out. “Honey! I’m young again!”

“Dear, you look like…” the old man said before coughing deeply. He then hunched over as black hair began to grow from his head.

“Oh my God! You’re changing too!” The now lovely young woman said. She then turned her attention back to William, but he was already limping into the forest. He turned to see the once old woman strip away her clothes and help the new sexy woman next to her do the same. He then almost froze as she waved to her left, shouting “He’s over here!”

William then heard the calling of all the girls he had lost earlier, and turned to back to the forest. With every step, the pain grew in his leg. He passed the tree where he had fucked the girls, their clothes all still spread out, and made his way back to the well. The screams were getting closer, and he knew that he would not be able to fend them off.

Then it happened, the well appeared before him. He ran as fast as his leg would allow and reached for the coin in his pocket. He turned his head to see over thirty naked girls coming for him, and for a split second he thought of how good it would feel to just give up and let them have their way with him.

He quickly shook that thought from his head and held up the coin. “I wish everyone around me was back to normal!”

The wind picked up as he threw the coin in the well, he then dropped and covered his head as the group of girls approached him. The wind grew even stronger, but William just sat with his eyes closed, waiting for the inevitable.

“What the fuck!?”

“Dude, you’re naked!”

“You are too!”

It was the chubby guys from before, and William finally opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by a bunch of confused naked people. Most ran off immediately, trying to cover themselves, while others fell to the ground from shock. None seemed to take notice of William, the only clothed person among them, and as soon as he heard sirens and the paramedics William decided he better leave.

William walked with a limp all the way back to his apartment, but was glad to find no one around him was changing. He even stopped by a party that was happening, just to see if it was indeed over. Outside of a couple of guys dressed up like cheerleaders, there was no transformations.

Soon he was back in his apartment looking for some aspirin before crashing on his bed. Sleep came quickly to William, but it was broken by the return of his roommate.


“Oh my God, is that you Will?”

William shot up at the sound of the voice, as it was not Phil but a girl in his room. He quickly hit the lights and was shocked to see a half naked girl standing before him. She was short with short brown hair and a killer body that was only covered by a large football jersey.

“Who are you!? What are you doing…”

“Will… it’s me… Jill.”

“Jill?” Then suddenly it all came back to him. Jill was his best friend growing up, and they did everything together. It was Jill and him who had spent all that time in the forest, hiding and looking for secrets. “But…”

“When we were 12 you were going away to camp… and I didn’t want to spend a summer without you. So I went to the forest…”

“And you made a wish?”

“Yeah… wait? How did you know?”

“And that wish turned you into Phil…”

“So you know. But how?”

William then went on to tell her everything about the night, from the first wish all the way to the last. “I made a wish that everyone around me would be back to normal.” He then looked up to lock eyes with Jill.

“Oh my God… that’s why…”

“That’s why I know… that… and I had a dream.”


“I… When I got hit by the car I dreamt about you. I watched Phil transform into a girl… I mean… I saw you, Jill, in my dream. How is any of that possible?”

Jill sat quietly on her bed, thinking hard. William just stared at her, wondering how the skinny little girl he once knew had transformed into the beautiful young woman in front of him. “I don’t know… but I’m glad it did.” She got up and came and sat next to William on his bed. “I… I love you, Will. I tried to turn back to ‘me’ so many times, I even made wishes back at the well. Nothing worked, so I figured I would stay as close to you as possible.” Her hand was now resting on his knee, and William took notice.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What? That I had magically been turned into a boy?”

“Right,” William said with a laugh. He then lowered his hand onto hers and looked her deep in the eyes. “What now?”

Jill smiled at him as she raised the Jersey over her head. “Happy Halloween, Will.”


Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! I've recently begun to accept commissions, so if you like what you read and have a story you'd like to see written then I'd love to create something for you. Contact me at [email protected] with any questions.

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