How to Screw Yourself

SCREW YOURSELF.jpgHow to Screw Yourself
a Timber Grove Story
by TGTrinity

Adam Wright sat at his desk grading papers during his only free period of the day. He was the newest, and youngest, member of the faculty at TGH and always strived to make sure he took care of all of his work in an expeditious manner. He had made it through his first year of teaching without any problems and was quite pleased with himself, and all of that would have been true if Harriet Spring had not entered his classroom.

"Hello, Mr. Wright."

Adam did not have to look up to recognize her voice, Harriet spoke in a very direct and frank manner. "Sorry, Harriet, I have to grade some papers and can't talk right now."

Harriet seemed undeterred and continued closer to him. There was another reason Adam did not want to look up, and that was because Harriet was well developed past her 18 years of age and was not afraid to flaunt it. She had long black hair she kept straight, and an hourglass figure that made the male staff at T.G.H. quiver with fear.

"Well, that's too bad... guess I'll have to forward this picture to Ms. Muller." This grabbed Adam's attention and he looked up to see Harriet holding up her smart phone that currently had a picture of Adam apparently ogling a students ass as she wrote on the chalkboard. "What do you think of that?"

"What do you want?" Adam was now taking in the student body in front of him. She was wearing some denim shorts with a very tight black tank top. Her blue eyes had a playful glow to them as she mock pouted and crossed her arms, making her already sizeable breasts seem that much bigger.

"You don't have to be mad, Mr. Wright... All I need is my final to become a B, I'm not greedy."

"And you're getting me to do this by blackmailing me?"

"Well, you can look at it anyway you want."

Adam was only one year removed from college, and such only 5 years older than most of his students. This had given many of them the idea that he would be easily manipulated, but he was a hard nut to crack. Ms. Muller had told him specifically when he interviewed that the students in Timber Grove were "different" and she needed strong willed male teachers. When he arrived he realized that different meant "sexually developed", as he could not distinguish the freshman girls from their senior counterparts.

"That picture is not what it looks like, and you know it." Adam had fought the urges to admire his female students bodies all year long, knowing it was a minefield of problems. Many of the girls had openly propositioned him, not for grades or anything like that, only because he himself was rather attractive.

"Oh, I know..." the playful glow was still in her eyes, "but Ms. Muller won't agree, and you will soon be moving on."

Even with Harriet's looks, she was still an outcast in the school. Adam was amazed by the oddities of Timber Grove, that this girl in front of him was considered weird and odd yet in any other school she would be the most popular girl.

"I won't be blackmailed by some..."

"By what, Mr. Wright? You think that you are so much better than me."

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is! You think I'm as dumb as the other bimbos in class."

"You're wrong... you are quite talented." Adam was lying, as her writing had been some of the worst he had read all year.

"See, you should be more careful, Adam," the fact that she used his first name gave him an odd sense of foreboding, "I know you're lying. You must know by now that Timber Grove is different, and I'm about to show you how."

"What do you mean, 'different'?"

"You'll find out if you don't raise my grade."

"And if I refuse?

"I hit send and your days teaching are over."

Adam thought about it for a second and knew he had no choice. Ms. Muller had made it very clear that she would not allow anything like what the picture apparently showed.


"No, you know what? I don't like that you lied to me." She took his hand and led him to the door of the book closet.

"I said I would change your grade!"

"Oh, you're going to change it alright, but not before we play a little game."

Soon they were both inside the small closet, which would only be able to hold maybe four people as it was, and their bodies were pressed uncomfortably close.

"So what do you want from me?"

"You'll see," Harriet said as she raised her eyebrows and her eyes had a little flash of purple.

"See what?"

"See that." She motioned out the window and Adam looked and was amazed by the sight of seeing himself sitting behind the desk.

"What the fuck!?"

"Now, now... there is no need for language."

"How is this possible!?" Adam was now breathing very hard, possibly heading for a panic attack.

"Well, let's just say that I work for someone who has no problem sending us... somewhere else."

"Is that me? I look sick," he said as he stared out the tiny window as his double looked around and then quickly dry heaved in the wastebasket by him.

"Yes and no, I'm not really sure."

"Then what are we..." Adam began to say until he was distracted by Harriet's hand grasping his cock. "We can't..."

"Oh please, this is just part of the spell..." she said as she began kneading it slowly.

"Spell?" Adam was fighting it, but the feeling of having this girl rubbing his cock was hard to ignore.

"Yes... Spell!" And with one quick motion his cock had disappeared.

"What the fuck!? Where's my dick!!!"

"Ah, ah, ah... what did I say about language? Now you won't be able to say anything until I'm done." And sure enough, Adam could not open his mouth to say anything. He was locked in horror as Harriet worked her hands over his legs.

"I bet you're curious what kind of game we're playing?" He felt his legs lengthen slightly and soon felt her hands directly on his skin as his slacks had dissolved into nothing. She began massaging his feet as he looked down and saw two very shapely legs ending in a pair of high heels.

"You see, my "friend" lets me mess around with what makes you "You." She was now pressing her tits against his chest as she ran her hands over his ass, it expanding into her hands as she did so.

"So, today you are going to be put in your place..." she said before kissing him deeply and sucking on his lips, plumping them slightly. Her hands had moved from his ass up his stomach and to his chest. "You're a tit man, am I right?" She laughed as his polo faded away and a pair of tits began to grow from his chest. She kissed him again, this time blowing into him making his breasts expand until they were the same size as her own.

He was shocked by the fact that he was using his own tongue to probe into her mouth. "Oh, I see you are starting to like this." They locked in a deeper kiss as she ran her hands over his head, his brown hair quickly lightening to blonde and falling over his shoulders.

Then as sudden as it began it was all over and she removed her tongue from his mouth and took a step back. "There, not what I had in mind when we started, but I think it will be just fine." Harriet gestured to the wall where a mirror appeared and Adam saw himself.

In front of him was a body that yelled trouble. He was now wearing the same outfit as Harriet, with the only difference being his tank top was white, but it was still just as tight against his massive tits. He turned and saw a plump ass wrapped in jean shorts which looked amazing due to the black high heels he was now wearing. His blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, with inch long bangs falling into his face. He was so busy admiring the body, that he missed the fact that it was his own and the smile on the girls face quickly turned to a look of shock.

"Wait! What's happening!?" His voice had turned into a very girly one.

"Well, my 'friend' thought the best way to chastise you for lying to me was having you... well... fuck yourself."

"What, there's no fucking way I'm doing that!"

"Look... either you go out there and fuck yourself or I'll make sure you stay this way forever!"

Adam was in shock. In a matter of minutes the situation had moved from Harriet getting a B to him being trapped as a woman for the rest of his life.

"I... I don't know if I can..."

"Look, Adam, or let's call you Ada for the time being,I know things have moved pretty fast, but you should know my friend is not so bad."

"Then you'll let me go."

"No, there is no coming back from this. But we can help you along... give you a personal nudge if you will."

Adam, or Ada now, had no idea what any of this meant. All she knew was there was a resolve growing inside her that she would go out there and fuck herself and be done with Harriet, TGH and this whole goddamn city.

"Fine, do what you have to do." Ada said the words and she swore she heard giggling coming from behind Harriet, but it didn't matter as Harriet was once again kissing her. Ada's mind became filled with images moving about quickly. Where once breasts were in his mind, now the a strong man's chest resided. Plump asses were quickly replaced by firm, rock hard asses and the allure of pussy's quickly became long, hard cocks.

"Oh, my God!" Ada said as she broke the kiss with Harriet, "I'm attracted to men now! Is this permanent?"

"No, like I said we just gave you a mental nudge... you go out there and perform and you will be put back together." It was Harriet who heard the laughing this time and knew why and from where it was coming from.

Ada's resolve was now fixed, not only was she going to go fuck herself she now felt as if she wanted to. "Okay, I'm ready." She was looking in the mirror only now her reflection did little to arouse her, it only made her feel desirable.

"Alright, let me go talk to this 'Adam' and I'll wave you out."

"Okay, let's get this over with." Ada stood there and watched through the tiny window as Harriet spoke to this other Adam for quite a while. He looked angry at Harriet, probably asking why she was in the closet. The talked for a couple of minutes before Harriet waved at her and she entered the classroom. She could immediately see the response she herself would give if a girl with this body stepped out when she was a man. Adam blushed and looked back down at his papers, which Ada felt was very cute.

"This is my friend, Ada. She was helping me organize the books." Adam reached out and Ada shook his hand. The experience was bonkers for Ada, as she was shaking her own hand only now she was in the body of an eighteen year old wet dream.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Adam said as he shook Ada's hand.

Suddenly Harriet's phone chimed and she read a text. "Crap, I have to get over to meet Mandy in the cafeteria... will you be okay finishing up the books?" She winked at Ada as she made her way to the door.

"Um... yeah, sure," Ada responded timidly, looking at Adam thinking he would disapprove of being alone with a student.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Great, thanks Mr. Wright, I owe you one." And with that Harriet was gone. "Oh, well... I guess you should finish up your work..." Adam shifted in his chair slightly as he looked at Ada, waiting for her to go back to work.

For a moment Ada thought about running from the room and getting as far away from the situation as possible, but she knew deep down that would only make things worse. She had to find a way to seduce this other Adam and get it done quick. She thought quickly about all of the things she knew would turn her on as a man and got to work.

"Okay, Mr. Wright, I'll get right to work," she said as she turned to the door and began swaying her ass as she walked away. She felt a shiver go up her spine as she did so, the situation was really beginning to turn her on. She stepped into the room and thought of the best way to get Adam's attention. There was a fantasy she, as a man, had always dreamed about. She smiled to herself as the plan formed in her mind. "Ahhhhhh! Mr Wright!!!"

Adam jumped up from his seat and raced to the closet, "What? What's happening!?"

"There's a rat in here!"

"What? Where?" Adam was looking around the small closet trying to look for a rat that wasn't there.

"It's behind the door!" shrieked Ada, trying hard not to laugh or giggle. Adam closed the door of the closet leaving them alone in the closet.

"I don't see any rat," Adam said as he moved some books around on the shelf by the door. As he continued to look, Ada took the opportunity to slip out of her tank top and allowed her tits to breathe freely. She was somewhat surprised that this body of hers was not wearing a bra, and figured Harriet must not have been either.

"Well, I must of been wrong."

"It's okay... shit!" he yelled as he turned around and saw Ada wearing only her jean shorts. "What are you doing!"

"Oh, come on Adam... I know you want me." She closed the gap between them quickly and pressed her chest against his body. She felt very strange looking up into her old face, but that sense of strangeness was being overwhelmed by her arousal.

"No... I can't do this... you're a student..."

"I'm 18," she said as she turned around and pressed her ass into his crotch.


"No buts, I want you to take me right here." Then Ada turned and kissed Adam hard on the mouth, the last resistances in her mind being blown away. Soon Adam was giving as good as she gave and they locked their bodies together in a tangle of groping hands.

"You are so beautiful," Adam said as Ada got on her knees and unzipped his pants freeing his cock. Her mouth was already around it before she realized Harriet had said nothing about blowing herself, yet here she was working her old cock. She could not believe how amazing it felt giving head to herself, she felt amazing and there was nothing even happening to her.

This soon changed as Adam stood her up and began fiddling with her shorts. Soon they were off and he pushed her against the wall and began to lick her moist slit.

"God! Fuck, that feels so good!" Ada was amazed at how good Adam was at eating pussy, she had only done it once before with an old girlfriend and she didn't really get into it. "Ohhhhh, shit... keep going! Yes! God, YES!" He continued to work her over until Ada was forced to the limit and achieved her first female orgasm. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!!!"

"God, you taste so good," is all he said as he leapt up and kissed her hard on the mouth. Ada was awash with feelings that she wasn't even aware that he was lining his cock up for penetration and began thrusting in and out of her as they stood in the small closet.

"Oh, my God! I never knew it could feel this, AHHH, good!" she screamed as the feelings of her first orgasm were overridden by this new sensation.

"Fuck, are you a virgin?"

"Yeah, you're my first... but keep going!"

Adam only smiled and took this new information as a decree to go faster. He pumped in and out of her as fast as he could, sending Ada over the top as she was rocked by another orgasm. They soon found themselves on the floor with Ada on all fours and Adam taking her from behind. "Fuck!
Fuck me harder!" He lifted her up so he could fondle her tits as he continued fucking her. With each pinch of her nipples, Ada shrieked with pleasure and grinded her hips harder into him.

"I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum in me! Fucking give me all of it!!" Ada braced herself as he came inside of her as she experienced her last of so many orgasms she had lost count. They fell to the floor in a heap and she leaned over and kissed him on the mouth again. He kissed her back and quickly got on his feet and pulled on his clothes. "Where do you think you're going?" Ada asked as she bit her lower lip.

"This was amazing, but the next class is starting soon and we need to get out of here." He was now fully dressed and opening the door.

"Come on... it's only my first time and I want more!" Ada was lost in her own mind. She knew that she had fulfilled her side of the deal and only needed to find Harriet to make this all go away. Yet the words she said were true, she did want more. She quickly jumped on her feet and hurried past Adam into the classroom. "Fuck me in the class, Mr. Wright," she said as she bent over a desk and shook her ass at him, "you know you want to."

"I... fuck!" Adam quickly closed the door of the closet leaving Ada alone in the classroom as Ms. Muller entered in and gasped.

"What on earth are you doing young lady!" Ms. Muller was old, but she was coming for her faster than she had ever seen her move. Ada responded quickly by running around the desks and making a beeline for the door. "Get back here, young lady!"

In the hallway Ada was horrified to find it packed with students, and she quickly had the attention of them all. There were hoots and hollers from the boys as she sprinted past them, her tits bouncing too and fro as she went. Ms. Muller was close behind her and Ada had the bright idea to run to the Teachers Lounge. She passed more students who were whistling and shouting their approval, while many fumbled for their phone to capture the incident.

"What the... you can't go in there!" Was all the secretary could yell as she opened the door and rushed for the Lounge. When she arrived she found it completely empty, but there was nowhere for her to go. She looked around for anywhere to hide, but that is when Ms. Muller entered the room.

"What is your name, young lady!? You are going to be thrown out of this school," was the last thing Ada heard when everything went black and she found herself sitting at her desk once again a man.

"What the fuck!" Was all Adam could think to say as he thought of what had just transpired for the last hour. He was transformed into a girl and then both blew and fucked himself. The thought of sucking a dick now made him want to vomit, and he almost did. He reached for the waste basket and dry heaved when everything that was happening snapped into place.

He had seen this moment before. Realization washed over him as he looked over to the closet door just in time to see Harriet open it and step out before closing it.

"Well, well, well... Hello Mr. Wright."

"What's happening? Am I..."

"Well, you aren't behind that door... but Ada is."

Adam was dumb struck. He was reliving the last hour of his life, only this time he was just plain ole Adam. "I did what you asked."

"I know, and my friend was surprised by your enthusiasm so he's giving you a treat."

"And by treat, you mean me as a 18 year old girl?"

"You can say no..."


Harriet sighed deeply and buried her face in her hands. "No one says no to my friend. He's not one for giving, so this is a big deal."

"I don't care, I did my part so destroy that picture!"

"Oh, Mr. Wright, the photo was destroyed the second Adam came inside of you. My friend is a..." she thought for a moment, "let's say 'man' of his word..."

"Then we're done here!"

"Well, you are and you aren't, Mr. Wright... you still have a job to do." Another wave of realization washed over him. Harriet looked at him and knew he understood, "There it is."

"I have to fuck Ada, or none of this..."

"...ever happened, correct Mr Wright."

"Some gift."

"Come on, Mr. Wright, none of this means you can't enjoy it. You know how it felt to be in that body, imagine what it will feel like to come inside of that body." And with one wave of Harriet's hand Ada stepped out and Adam's reluctance was washed away. Ada was a dream, walking over to him like she was stepping out of a Victoria Secret's add.

"This is my friend, Ada. She was helping me organize the books," Harriet smirked as Adam reached out and Ada shook his hand. The experience was bonkers for Adam, as he was shaking his own hand only now it belonged to a gorgeous 18 year old girl.

The next half hour was filled with the same passion as before and soon enough Adam was standing in the closet alone as Ms. Muller chased Ada into the hallway. He stepped silently into the room and sat at his desk.

"Hello, Mr. Wright!" It was Harriet, back to torment him again.

"We're done," he managed to say between breaths. He was still a little exhausted by the second round of lovemaking.

"Yes, we are. And it wasn't so bad, was it?" Adam wanted to yell and scream at her, yet he couldn't. "Wait, oh my God... you've got to be kidding me!"

"What!? I fucked Ada!"

"Yeah, but you wanted to be her getting fucked, didn't you!"

"What!" Adam was shocked at the accusation.

"Don't lie to me, Adam... you wanted to be receiving, not giving. My friend said this might happen."

"You're wrong!"

"Well, then let me ask you this... What if my friend could put you back in that body?" Adam didn't know what to say, yet Harriet looked convinced. She sashayed over to the desk and bent over right in front of him, allowing him to see all the way down her tank top. "Just tell me no, Adam. You tell me you don't want to have access to all of this."

While Harriet was showing off her assets to Adam, Ms. Muller was entering the teachers lounge in and found the naked student finally trapped. "What is your name, young lady!? You are going to be thrown out of this school!" The young woman looked for a way to escape, and then something strange happened. A bright purple light enveloped the room and when it was gone, so was the young naked girl.

"Hey! Get out here!" Ms. Muller yelled as she looked everywhere in the lounge, yet the girl was gone. She then began to retrace her steps to see if she had come back out. While many in the hallway were still looking around wondering what they had witnessed, she walked over to a group of freshmen who were looking at one students phone.

"'You, young man. Did that girl come back out here?" The freshmen tried to put away his phone, but she snatched it from his hand only to see a looping video of the naked girl racing past the camera. "Ah! My goodness! I'm confiscating your phone!"

The young man tried to talk his way out of it, yet the damage was done. Ms. Muller then asked as many students as she could about the young woman's whereabouts, but no one had any answers for her. Finding she was running out of options, she walked out to the school parking lot to see if she could be found.

"I just don't understand..." She mused to herself as she scanned the lot. It was then that she spotted two girls standing on the other side of the road, outside of the school. One was a known trouble maker named Harriet, but there was a blonde girl in a white tank top standing right next to her. Ms. Muller thought the other girl looked familiar, and when the blonde flashed her tits and blew her a kiss she knew it was the naked girl from before.

"Hey! You get..." Only three words into her sentence and the two girls had disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. The suddenness of it all caused Ms. Muller to grab her heart, as she had never experienced anything like that before.

Across the street Harriet stood next to Ada and laughed. "So, she can't see us?" Ada asked, her blood still pumping from the thrill of being back in a girl's body.

"Nope, and it looks like it almost gave her a heart attack!" They laughed some more before she turned to look at Ada. "Alright, are you ready to go meet the boss?" No words were said, but Ada smiled wickedly and took Harriet's hand.

///// THE END

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