Brothers Tell All 1-3

Brothers Tell All 1 Switching Teams

Hi my name is Hank Aaron James (Hanna Ann James my Girly Girl name) I’m 12 and I live with my mother Sally James, father Stan Allan James Sr. and twin brother Stan Allan James Jr. We live in the state of Colorado we have snow year round in some places, but not in Fountain.

The odd thing is Stan Jr. looks like dad and I look like mom. I know I know that is beside the point. I was the one who got into the most trouble as I was never there when something was broken. Oh I also have a younger sister Alexis Jane James she’s 7. She likes to be called A.J. for short, and boy does she hate it when mom or dad said her full name.

Stan and I are both in the Arrow Scouts and dad is a scout master. A.J is in the local Sunflower Girls Troop and mom’s a den mother. We live in a four bed three bath house that sits at the end of a street. Well one fateful day I got left behind for a camping trip and had to suffer the wrath of mom.

Well mom wasn’t happy that I missed the trip and said I was a bad boy and I should be punished in a way I’d never forget. I was sent to my room to think about what happened and seen something was a miss. I looked at my clock by my bed and saw that the light was out. I went over to it and the cord was plugged in but the wire was cut and my pocket knife was gone. I knew who did this but I couldn’t prove it. So as I sat there thinking.

Mom knocked on my door and came in and set my punishment in to action. I was shocked to see my little sister’s panties and dress she wore to school. I was ready to bolt that’s when I found myself over mom’s lap as she spanked me with a hairbrush the same one she uses on my little sister.

As she spanked me I started to wet myself. I felt like a two year old well maybe six that was the last time I was spanked and I wet myself like a two year old would. Mom was like if you want to act like a two year old I’ll treat you will be treated like one. I was placed on a changing pad and was diapered like I was when I was two.

I was small for my age. I was the same size as my sister well I was taller but not by much. The thing that shocked me the most was my little sister still wore diapers 24/7 everyone says she looks so cute. Her Troop treats her as an equal even though she wears diapers. Now Stan my brother picks on her all the time but says it behind a wall and I’m standing there. A.J knows I’m not the one saying that about her because I sound more like mom and he sounds more like dad.

Dad just turns a blind eye and looks the other way and mom spanks me. So on this day I sit in a diaper, panties and dress that mom dressed me in. That’s when things get worst that they already where. Stan came home from Austin’s and saw me and laughed and laughed until I started to cry. At that point I ended up wetting and messing the diaper I had on. It was bad, and I mean really bad. Stan was still laughing when mom came to see why I was crying. That’s when she told Stan to stop and if he didn’t he would find himself in a diaper. He ran off to his own room still laughing then called a friend of ours.

The best part was my sister came home and needed to be changed. Well about that time I need to be changed as well. My sister and I share a bathroom but she only goes in there to brush her teeth three times a day. Mom had set up a doctor’s appointment for me to see someone what could help me be the girl I needed to be for my punishment. I didn’t know I had to go through this but mom did. The thing was she had a troop meeting that night. I didn’t know it was going to be at Jessie Bell’s house but mom dressed A.J and me into the troop uniform and took us there with two sleeping bags and the diaper bag she uses for my sister.

Well I guess it’s for both of us for now. You see Jessie Bell is the girl I have a crush on but I don’t thing she feels the same as I do. Something was off outside I saw some tent and a campfire and wondered if we would be camping out outside tonight. Austin Bell Jessie’s brother said “Stan and I would like to sleep outside in the tent tonight while the girls sleep in the living room. Jessie’s mom was a talking doctor that helps kids who are Transgendered. I didn’t know it at the time but she got me to open up and I spilled my guts out. Janis Bell was a caring person and helped me out a great deal. I should say Janis Bell was a single mother of two.

I knew Austin liked boys he kinda looks like a girl but I’ve seen him in the showers at the camp we go to every year. Austin is 13 and is a rank above my brother and myself. Well my brother now. He looked right at me and said “I always knew you where to much of a girl to be a boy”. I knew I was small for my age but I had HEART. I had more heart than any other boy in the group. King of dares they’d make a dare and I’d do it. One dare was to sneak over to the girl’s camp and steel their flag. Well it was the war games flag who ever captured the flag of the other team won that year. I knew the game was coming up so I would get the inside scoop of who would be guarding it this year. Stan and Austin score.

I was shocked when they wanted me to join their side this year and asked me if I had a plan to win this year. I knew where they put the flag last year and the year before but knowing my brother he would make it hard to get. I knew dad would ask where it was so if we forgot where it was he could find it. It was one year I didn’t go because I had a nasty bug. I was messing my pants and couldn’t get to the bathroom every time.
So I was diapered until I was fully over it. Stan made fun of me and paid the price the following year when he got the same bug I had the year before. Mom had him diapered 24/7 she even dressed him like a baby girl. She dressed him in some of our cousin’s clothes that somehow showed up the next day. He never picked on me ever again.

It was that year I was told to find a good place for the flag. I was so smart that I hid the flag on the girl side of the lake. The really funny part was they saw it everyday all day long. The best part was the girls found out after their flag was taken to the boy’s camp and returned the next day. I was the one who got the flag two years in a row.

My plan was to take the girls flag and hide it on the boys side. Well it was going to be a decoy flag so if the boys get it they would win in away. My plan was to go and get their flag and place our decoy in its place. Then come morning I’ll raise our war games flag with there flag.

It was going to be my first time on the girl’s team and they welcomed me with open arms. Jessie saw me and kissed me with a passion like no one has ever seen before. She said “my aunt is a doctor that can help you look like a girl but still function as a male. I like my boyfriend to share my clothes. I don’t care if people call me or you names”.

I was shocked to find out that she had felling for me the same I had for her. The cabin we where staying in was not the same as the normal cabins you see at camp. NO they where the type a family would stay in. Girls got to pick who they wanted to room with and Jessie picked my sister, me and a girl named Lu-Lu Ho.
Yes she was born in Japan. Her dad works in a car plant in the US now but he started in Tokyo Japan.

Jessie knew Lu-Lu was in love with my sister. I thought I knew my sister but didn’t know that side of her.
I knew she liked boys, but I didn’t know she liked girls as well.

The group was in the main dining hall for lunch and asked who is going to get the boys flag this year. I stood up and said “me Hanna Ann James will set their flag and I’ll place our flag in the one place they would never think of looking.

One of the den mothers said “why is there a boy sitting in the same room as us”. My mother said “he is being punished for missing the boys meeting last month and this is the only way for him to learn. Plus he knows the key places the boys hide their flag”. The den mother that was against me being with them said we don’t want freaks any where near the rest of the girls.”

So the game was on, and the girls would win. And for what the right to say we bested the boys. OH YEAH!

So once I was handed the flag I asked if they had another one like it. They wanted to know why. I said “a decoy flag”. That’s what got the girls thinking out side the box. I knew the year I hid the boy’s flag I hid it so good the girls saw it every day they got the decoy one the same time I got theirs. I laughed when they tried to give it back on the boy’s flag as I had already had our flag and had returned theirs. The girls ask what was so funny. I said “you had walked by our flag like six times a day and never saw it. Plus the flag you have is a decoy flag”.

I was so good I hid the pink flag in our cabin and placed the decoy on a pole meant for the flag. The other girls said “that was sneaky and they could never think of doing that”. I was shocked to know the den mother that wasn’t in favor of me being on their side was impressed at what I did.

I knew the boys had seen what I had done in the past but couldn’t do the same thing. Their one and only trickster had switched teams on them. Their trickster was now known as Hanna.

I knew trouble was coming our way when school started as well. We would be called freaks and be the out castes of the whole school. Even our beloved doctor would catch some major heat from the town we live in. So we only have four places we can go. Connecticut. Charleston SC. Maine. Winnisimmet Mass. Either way it’s a win, win, win, win choice.

Brothers Tell All 2 Girls Win

Hank known now as Hanna by the girls pulls one over on the boys in a big way.

(Before the Trip)

Things changed for Hank that day at the all girl sleepover he became a girl unofficially that night. Hank was given a new name and was told that Hanna was the name he would be going by for the summer and maybe longer. All depends on how he behaves as a girl.

(At the Camp Grounds Girls vs. Boys) Last week of summer

It was the morning that the two teams set up their flags. The girls was smart and hid the real flag where the boys would see is. It was a smart move on their part. Hank/Hanna dressed the part of a boy and placed the flag while the second group of girls raised the decoy flag. The funniest part was the flag was a pair of panties. That was to set up the boy’s camp big time. Hank finished his mission. He crossed the little creek in the woods that fed the pond from the river. Hank/Hanna changed from his arrow scouts uniform back to Hanna’s troop uniform. It was a good plan and they had to wait until the horn sounded.

The boys thought they had the game already won. They set the flag on a branch of a tree that Hank/Hanna knew well. The tree in question was near a stump that was carved out in the center so if you had to go that’s’ where you went. When Hank was a boy he only pooped there once and paid the price with red-bug bites. It was getting close to the time for the game to start.

Both the Arrow Scouts and Sunflower Girls Troop had the same color uniforms. So getting the boy’s flag was going to be Hank’s job. By wearing the Scout pants with the Sunflowers shirt he could slip over and nab the flag with out anyone knowing it. He wanted to do it solo because he knew the boys liked to put booby traps out to stop the girls. The head mother said take the three you trust the most and you lead the way. With that said he took his sister and his crush and the girl that liked his sister.

As the day went on seven groups of boys three boys in each group tried to get the flag but failed. Coming back to the boy’s side dressed like girls with the works. It had gotten down the Stan Jr. and Austin and an unknown boy to try their luck. Stan and Austin set out to get the flag only to get caught with it. Stan bolted and left Austin behind to get the same as the others had. Stan showed the boys that they had the girl’s flag or so they thought.

It was Hank/Hanna, A.J, Jessie and Lu-Lu that had the job to get the boy’s real flag and showed the other girls as they where finishing Austin. The plan was to go back in awhile and get the real girl’s flag. When the time came to show who won the boys went first and showed the flag or so they thought it was. One of the boy’s sisters screamed and yelled those are my panties. After all it was her brother the unknown boy holding them he then looked at them and sent them flying to her.

It was the girl’s turn and the flag they had was in the shape of the flag they both had. Hank/Hanna had gone back to the boy’s side to get the flag so it was proven the boys lost. The boys asked Hank/Hanna how come you’re a girl that was good and pull a stunt that only a boy could pull off. Hank/Hanna laughed and said “go ask my brother Stan because it’s his fault”.

Wanting to know more Stan Sr. asked Hank/Hanna are you talking about your brother. Hank/Hanna said in a sweet girly voice “yes daddy I am”. He’s the one always making fun of A.J and getting me into trouble and A.J can back it up. Stan Sr. looked to his only natural daughter with a look asking if what Hank says is true. A.J nods her head. Hank asks his dad to check Stan’s pants to see if he has a pocket knife that has Hank on it. Sure enough Stan had Hank’s knife and it had a bit of wire sticking out of it. Stan knew he was in trouble at that point and had to face the music dad would dish out. As luck would have it he was already on probation at school for sneaking into the girl’s locker room and steeling some clothes on a dare to replace mine. I wore the clothes and the girl had to wear mine. She was lucky to have an extra pair of panties to wear.

(Back at Home)

Things got worse for Stan at that point when Hank says his alarm clock’s wire was cut. Causing him to wake up late and miss the Scout meeting for the trip. So he had to face the music with mom but had a better understanding for his sisters needs. It was Stan that needed the lesson but he was to big to fit into her diapers and mom and dad didn’t want to fork out the money to punish Stan that way. Where I was small like A.J was.

Yes she was the baby of the family but she was treated like a normal seven year old would be treated. With the exception of sucking on a pacifier when upset or being changed. Sometimes she’ll come in to my room and cuddle with me and sticks a pacifier in my mouth. That morning I woke up the next to her with a diaper on. Plus I had to pee once I got up so I let go. Then I felt pressure around my bottom so I pushed and I felt a warm mass fill the back of my now wet diaper. A.J just looks at me and giggles around the pacifier she was sucking. Mom then walks in to find A.J not in her room but mine with an equally wet and messy diaper.

A.J is my shadow from what mom says because every where I went she wanted to go. If I went to the park to play with the other boys she wanted to go. If it was to see a few classmates that I helped out she wanted to go. The times I did that it was a few girls that need help with their school work and I’d let her tag along. I knew how to change her but the girls wanted to do the dirty work and A.J loved it. It was one day it was raining and I had to go to this girls house that was new to the school and help her get caught up because she was kicked out of her old school for some odd reason. I never asked her mom or dad why.

It was one day that I was there and I Had A.J with me. A.J was in a cute dress she had her pacifier pinned to her dress. I had her diaper bag that I also had my books in at the time as I pulled out my books my sister grabbed the pacifier I had a week earlier and placed it in my mouth. She then grabbed a second one and tried to do the same to the new girl. That’s when the girl reached into her shirt and pulled the one pinned to her shirt out. She moved closer to me and sat on my lap like a three year old and started to pee. I was shocked I mean really shocked as her diaper had leaked and it looked like I had peed myself. That’s when her mom came into the room and saw my pants wet and had me change them. The only problem was I didn’t have extra clothes with me except for my sister.

Mrs. Saxton said I think Genna’s close will fit you nice but first you’ll need a diaper on. I was diapered for the second time in two weeks. I loved the attention I was getting. Little did I know A.J had messed herself while I was getting diapered. Genna was changed soon after I was diapered. I went to work cleaning A.J when I was stopped by Mrs. Saxton. She said “babies don’t change other babies” then finished what I started. I was put in a dress so changing me would be easier. I didn’t fight it at all just sat there like a good baby and helped Genna get up to speed in school.

I later found out she was kicked out at the age of four. The reason was she wasn’t potty trained. She had a medical reason that prevented her from holding it like the other girls. She had heard about a school here in Colorado but the state was going to close it down because it was taking more money to run than the other schools in the state. We’re the ones that need the extra help. So we had to start looking for a new school to go to. Genna has an older brother and sister that are in special classes as well.

Three places stuck out but one really stuck out and was all over the news. The school had called in outside help. They rocked the local government to its core. The state law makers wanted to stop the school from being built but with the BS that went on a judge from the highest court in the land upheld the order for the school to be finished. Maine stuck out for a reason it was by a lake that would be fun in the summer time. The one in Massachusetts stuck out because the schools name was a town that is now under water. The forth and final spot was somewhere in Connecticut. All would be nice and would give other schools a run for their money. Special Need Schools for Special Children was all the rage on the east coast if only in four states.

(Stan Junior’s Punishment)

Stan Jr. was sent to his room to think about the dirty trick he played on Hank/Hanna. What they had in store for Stan was going to be far worse than what Hank got. Hank/Hanna saw it as away to bond with his/her sister. Don’t get me wrong Hank was happy as a boy. Did the things boys did when dressed as on. Yes he still had to wear diapers do to past accidents that he has had. It all started with bed wetting then messing his pants. Pampers size 7s wouldn’t fit Stan so another method had to come into play.

It was one day Sally James was in the store and saw a girl with her mother looking at the good-nights. That’s when she got the idea just how to teach Stan a lesson for picking on his sister A.J. Sally knew his weight and saw that the boy’s good-nights were too small for his weight. So she got the girl’s good-nights and to add to the punishment she got a few cute nightdresses for him to wear for the next few days.

Stan was saying how sorry he was for getting Hank into trouble and making fun of his sister. He said “he wouldn’t do it no more”. The worst part of the punishment was yet to come. He was to go to Austin’s house for a sleep over. Stan’s mom gave him a bath with that hair remover stuff in the bath water. She also washed his hair with a girly shampoo. Once out he saw his hair he had down there was gone.
Sally held open the goodnight and told him to step in or he wasn’t going to the sleepover at Austin’s.

Stan did as he was told then he was placed in a girl’s nightdress and told to get his slippers and robe.
Once he had done that she packed a bag with the extra good-nights that he was to wear and use for the whole weekend. It would be a long weekend for Stan Jr. and he would finally understand his baby sister A.J and what she deals with everyday.

(Back at the James house)

Hank was having a fun time with his sister. They where playing in her room with a tea set. A doll and a teddy bear and was sitting at the table with them. The teddy bear was hers along with the doll but she wanted Hank/Hanna to have the teddy bear so he’s not so lonely. She tells her dolly all her secrets. She wanted Hank/Hanna to have something he can share his secrets with. So it was a win, win for both A.J and Hank/Hanna.

Jessie was planning a sleepover that next week with just A.J and Hanna. Hank knew he had to be in Hanna mode to go. The surprise was the Genna was going to be there as well. So it was a must go now because he had to study for a test as well. A.J knew to take her books to study as well so she could pass the next test. Hank was able to go to school as a boy but once he got home he had to be a girl.

(At School) New school year

A.J and Hank sat outside of the school with their friends Lu-Lu, Genna and Jessie. When eight girls and two boys came up to them and said this isn’t your spot anymore. The five of them said this spot is for who ever gets here first and we where here first. That’s when Austin, Stan Jr., T.J and C.J Saxton. Their names are Teddy James and Casey Jane Saxton. They saw what was going on and walked over to tell the older kids to leave their sibling alone. Lu-Lu brother saw it and walked over to he was friends with Austin and Stan Jr. and he had just meet T.C and C.J just a few day ago. So he was waiting to help his little sister and her friends. That’s when the kids trying to take a spot bolted saying we will get the freaks one by one and we will get our sibling on you as well.

The bell rang to start the school day. Lu-Lu was struck first as Genna was pulled into the boy’s restroom. Teddy tried to go in but was struck from behind. Casey was scared stiff. They then went after Hank and that’s when the real trouble started.

Brothers Tell All 3 the Move

After the hate letters start the kids are attacked.

(The Aftermath at School)

As Hank walked in to the building he was shoved by one of the boys that he had fooled at the camp games. A.J filmed it but had her cell phone smashed by the bully that pushed her brother. Stan had filmed it as well but the bully grabbed his cell phone smashed to. Jessie had a pin cam and caught the whole thing only to have it smashed by the principal.

All four got ex-spelled from school. Austin decked the bully later that morning getting the same along with Lu-Lu, and Genna. Their siblings would also be ex-spelled form school for their part of the event. Shit was about to hit the fan with the School Board and the parents would come at them full force. Lu-Lu’s father was a big shot lawyer with the biggest law firm in the state. Her aunt is an A.D.A with the county. Lawsuits to the school followed but got stalled with the judge ruling in favor of the school and the county school board.

They had to force their hand and take it to a higher court but were shot down when the judge ordered to files sealed and locked away so no other court can change the ruling. Judge Winrox then ordered them to leave the town and state never to return again. Lu-Lu’s aunt keep the original files so she can have another A.D.A look at it and see if they where wronged. They had to know if the school board knew that a hate crime had happened and Judge Winrox just didn’t care that a federal law was broken. Plus if he had a personal issue with Trans-kids. Then he shouldn’t have taken the case to start with. Someone was going to pay for the crimes against their kids.

The odd thing was no one really cared the law was being broken. The schools didn’t care one bit. The city, the county or the state could care less. Other doctors tried to discredit Dr. Janis Bell’s findings about me and a few other kids. I was told to bulk up by our family doctor almost every time I went to him. He was one of the one who tried to discredit Dr. Janis Bell.

Janis Bell had a twin brother that was in the same field as she was but was also a family doctor. He lived in South Carolina and was doing well for himself. Janis saw a news story of a school out east and his name came up in the story and was amazed that a few members of Finn family help save the school.

She did some research into the family and found out that they had cleaned up at least two towns. It was a surprise that they had nothing to do with the town in South Carolina. A Brenda Rowland was the one who helped the Davis family clean up the town their school was in. Plus dealt with three bad men that were after the land the neighborhood and school sat on.

With all the dirty deeds going on in the Colorado and there was not much she or her friends could do. She was going to find a way to help her friends. So with all that said they all chose to move to a safer haven. The kids where happy with the decision to move and started to pack their things. The parents tried to say it will be two weeks before we can start to pack but the kids said well leave that amount of clothes out so we will have it ready.

(Two weeks later)

The families where in the process of moving when their doors where kicked in and forced out of their homes. They didn’t even get all their things as their houses where set on fire. The police told the fire department to let the houses burn. The fire marshal was outraged that four houses to burn down without any effort to save them. What if someone was in the house then what? They could care less if someone was in the house. Death by fire wouldn’t be good enough for them. They would be in the clear because they knew how to make it look like someone else did it. No prints no nothing left to link them to the crime.

Brent Rowland the fire marshal was known as (L.G.B.T.C) lesbians, Gay, Bi-sexual, and transgendered cross-dresser supporter. He was next on the list. His job was the top one in the city within the fire department. They knew the house he lived in. It went with the job and was spared. He was fired by the mayor and told to get out of town and never come back, and if he did he would be thrown in jail. The town was dirty to dirty for his liking so he packed up and left.

He was smart enough to cause a fire that looked like it was an electrical fire. That was the fun part and he had the town by the balls now. The house fire was the end of his career. So it was five families that had to move east.

Two families chose to go to South Carolina. The James family chose to go to Winnisimmet Mass. It was the Ho and Saxton families chose Maine. So with all the issues that happened in Colorado would be in the news and a major shakeup was coming to their town.

The reason the Bell family chose South Carolina was Janis has a twin brother there and wants to help him expand. And as for Brent Rowland’s family it was to see his twin sister. Well they where really triplets. The third one will be known about in a later story.

The reason the James family chose Winnisimmet Mass. was to be with long lost family. It was more likely to be western Mass. They never knew they had a governor in the family. He was one that didn’t play around one bit.

The Saxton and Ho families chose to go to Maine because they heard about a school by a pond that was in the works. It was going to be a big school. Not like the one in South Carolina that would also have collage classes.

It would be a good way for the kids to care for themselves as they get older. Depending on what your needs that was the class you went into. If you dress like a girl and are a boy you where placed in a room of girls. If you had to wear a diaper twenty-four seven no matter if you’re a boy or a girl you were in that class. Plus if you sucked on a pacifier you could, but you also had to have a bottle of warn milk at lunch time. Then if you are in diapers and dresses you where in that class the same applied if you only wore diapers.

The Trans-kids had a class of their own. The trans-kids in diapers where in another class and this class would be the same as the class that wore diapers. A pacifier was part of the uniform and had to be in the mouth if a bottle wasn’t.

The girls that are boys on the inside had a class as well but was smaller that the others. The schools that had an issue with boys or girls that didn’t fit in at their school would be sent to the right school that had the classes that fit the student’s needs.

That’s where the Special Needs Classes came into play. There are the boys and girls that needed extra help with school work. Then there are the boys that dressed as girls and in diapers as well. So the school covered every thing that a student needs.

News about the dirty judge in Colorado got to Federal Judge Kelly Winrox Wapser. She was ready to over turn the ruling. She saw the name and backed down and turned it over to someone that wasn’t linked to the dirty judge (her father).

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