Art Project – 14 Andrew Needs to Grow

Art Project – 14
Andrew Needs to Grow

By Jessica C

Andrew’s attention deficit and getting away with things caught up with him… Designing a gown instead of a suit, unknowingly Andrew had the responsibility to model it… Andrea is now more visible; Andrew is set on being himself or Andrea as he chooses…


I text Debbie Higgins after the next class, “Are you sure you want me going to the dance with you? I don’t want Josh upset with dating a trans-girl.”

“He’s a senior from University High; I’m sure who you are will be no surprise to him. So are you willing to come with me?”

I’m dressed as Andrew and had hoped to be me throughout the weekend. It is the last class of the day when I ask to use the restroom. I work up my nerve and send a text as Andrew, “Megan (Stuart), this is Andrew Stephens from science class. I missed class this afternoon because of a meeting. I wanted to ask if you would go out with me either tomorrow or Sunday. I am able to use a car and would like to take you out?”

It was near the end of math class and we are not doing anything special. Despite that Mr. Morrow, our teacher is upset that my phone did not get switched to vibrate and rang during class. He asks out loud, “Andrew do you have a hot date for tonight?”

I look at my phone and not thinking, I respond, “No, hopefully, tomorrow.” I now need to meet Mr. Morrow after class. He accuses me of being a rude ‘smart-aleck’. He is nice enough asking me to apologize and to cooperate in not using my smartphone during the school day. He wanted to make sure I was not being rude in thinking I could get away with things. The truth is the school is very lax, especially with the gifted students.

Once out of class, I need to quickly get to east doors or call Megan. Megan too is a gifted student, but in her case, she is crazy smart academically. She is only in my chemistry class because Chemistry is the only class she needs to work a little to maintain an A. Physics and Micro-Biology come much easier. She had commiserated with me over the fact that relating to other students our age is her biggest problem.

Truthfully, I hadn’t thought she’d be back in touch with me, but I’m an optimist so I tried. Megan Stuart may be intellectually the most intelligent student at our entire school.

She sees me coming, “Andrew, what’s your problem couldn’t Andrea get a date?” I laugh.

“She’s going to a dance tonight, but my mom wants me going out as well.”

Megan says, “Where are you wanting to take me?”

“We could go out to eat and to the Cove Coffee House afterward. I hear they have good musicians on Saturday nights.”

Megan says, “I have been there and you’re right it’s a great night to be there. You are planning on taking me as Andrew?”

We are talking, until her brother texts, he’s waiting for her. I agree to see her the next day. I am to plan time to meet her family.


I hurry home, back to the apartments, and knock on the door to Leah’s apartment and fortunately, she’s there. I ask, “Sis are you using the car tomorrow evening?”

She asks, “Is Andrea needing to pick-up her date or are you going out with a bunch of girls?”

“Neither smarty; it’s me, I have a date with a very intelligent girl, I’ll have you know.”

Leah decides to give me some grief for fun. “How smart can she be if she’s going out with you?”

“Megan Stuart is probably the most intelligent person in our school. I suspect there might be one or two people at the University who have an IQ as high as hers.” I say, “Let’s change the subject. I need to have the car tomorrow afternoon and evening.”

Leah says, “I was planning on using it. I will need to call around and see if someone else has use of a car. Does Mom know about your date? She was talking about you needing to get out. Maybe one of us can use her car as Dan’s coming for the football game.”

“If you want to come to my apartment, we can tell her together. Dan’s pickup isn’t here yet.”

I let us into my apartment and we can hear Mom talking to someone. I begin to change out of my clothes and put on a pair of shorts to run around in. I use the attaching doorway to my apartment for getting to Andrea’s stuff and begin some water for a bubble bath.

Next, I seek to chat with Debbie Higgins to confirm Randy and her giving me a ride to the dance. I look up and Mom and Leah are now with me. Mom says, “I did not mean you had to hurry and schedule everything. You haven’t even asked if it’s okay.”

“Sorry Mom, but I’m usually on my own and don’t need too. But in this case, it might be helpful if Leah or I can use your car tomorrow.”

There’s a knock on one of the doors, its Samantha Harden another of the university students who live in our apartment buildings. She lives in the one next to this one. I answer and Samantha asks if I know where Leah is. I call to Leah, then I look back and ask Samantha if they’re going out with others tonight. The expression on her face and her response, “Something like that,” Says there’s more to it. I already knew Sam had come over to our building quite often, but I hadn’t known for whom.

I look at Leah and remember a nice outfit she was getting out. Turning back to me, Leah says, “You might as well hear it from us. Sam and I date sometimes.” I look to Mom and know it is not new news with her.

Leah says, “Samantha and I did a few things together last year before…” I stop her, “Leah, you don’t owe me an explanation.”

Samantha, “I think she was going to say we enjoy being with each other but we’re not exclusive. She’s not even sure she wants to be in a lesbian relationship.” She gives Leah a hug and kisses. I can tell there’s a chemistry between the two.

They make their way to the door and Mom says, “Leah, when we make a decision about my car, one of us will let you know via text.”


I have fun changing over to Andrea and visiting with Mom. Mom asks, “So what do I hear about a possible date for tomorrow? Leah says, ‘Her name is Megan and she’s very intelligent.’ What else can you tell me?”

“I had been wanting to ask her out, but I was afraid. But we had talked in Chemistry class before and I knew she has trouble relating to people socially as I do. I plan to take her to dinner and then to a neat coffee house at the university. Various gifted musicians play there on Saturdays. I’ve heard it’s a good place. We can talk with each other along with listening and getting involved in the interchange there.”

Mom asks, “Is she older or younger than you?”

“I think she might only be fifteen.” She might be fourteen, but I can tell mom that once I find out for sure. “I need to meet with her folks tomorrow before we can go out. Megan says her parents are kind of serious, but she expects things will be okay.” “She said, she is happy it’s with me as Andrew, because she likes fashion and likes wearing some clothes from our line.”

Mom says, “You know you need to fit in some time both for your studies and your designing. JC sent me a note. Saying she has some work news that she wasn’t able to share. It was something about Tamara from Chicago coming out here and wanting to see you.”

“Mom too much for now. I need to concentrate on getting ready for tonight. I’d like to know for sure I have a car for tomorrow. I can’t tell you when or how but I’ll get some studying done and the designs are already in my head. I just need to get them down on paper or drawn out on the program JC’s set up for me.”

When I am up out of the bubble bath and toweling myself off. I enjoy the feeling of water running off my body and the towel as it pats my chest and my nipples. A towel now around my chest, now has a little more to rest upon and to snuggle within the towel. Even as Andrew I am happy because Andrea is me and like Andrew, I am very sensitive as well.

My mother calls in, “Are you alright? You know you are a little too big for me to be checking on you.”

“Mama,” it is Andrea’s voice, “I forgot to grab a fresh pair of panties and I’d like my light blue bra. It is in my second drawer.” I have my harvest gold skirt with a fresh white ruffled blouse.

I am fully dressed and I am eating a chicken salad sandwich, when my step-father Dan arrives. “It is good to see you, Daddy.”

I am growing in my love for my new father. He is good to my mother and has been supportive of me since I’ve moved back here with Mom.

I am paying him for the apartments. While he says, it isn’t needed, for me, it is the investing of the money I am making. Andrew/Andrea Stephens Investments has become the incorporating of my own funds. I can’t believe, last year’s attention deficit has blossomed into Andrea’s Threads and now Designs By Andrea.


I tell Dan I have a date as Andrew, but he looks at me strangely, until I reply. “But that date is tomorrow. Debbie Higgins wants me to go out with her and her boyfriend tonight.

Dad says, “I take it that your date tonight is as Andrea?” I look to Dad, “Dah.” He says, “Well with you the obvious isn’t always true.”

Debbie is soon coming to the door, I ring her in and my Dad answers. He’s soon asking, “Is Andrea going out with a nice guy?”

“Wow, Mr. Stephens that is good of you to ask. Yes, she’s going out with Josh Davis. Josh is a nice guy and he knows who Andrea is. …He’s not sure however if he believes it.”

Dan says, “I’m Dan Johnson, Andrea’s step-dad. What do you mean by, ‘he’s not sure he believes it’?

“Mr. J look at Andrea and tell me if there is much sign of a boy there?”

I say, “Debbie, you know if I go out as Andrea, I try to look my best as a girl.”

“We’re not questioning who you are,” Debbie says. “I was just explaining to your Dad why Josh has trouble believing that we told him Andrea is really a boy.” That is often the case more and more.

I give my mom a kiss and my dad a hug as I leave with Debbie. Josh is standing out near the car with Randy.

“We’re going over to the concert at the University, it’s a change of plans. I hope you don’t mind.” Two of the groups became popular via the internet. The third group has been popular and co-opted the other groups to package a good concert to make it popular.

Once at the concert I can tell Josh is closely watching me. We have seats but are often standing, moving to the music. Josh puts his hand around my waist. I casually smile as he looks over to me. I am clapping and swaying with the music. Debbie whispers, “He’s going to believe you’re a girl even more.”

I ask, “What are you suggesting for me to do? I’m not flipping my skirt or dropping my panties to prove a point!”

“Just don’t be surprised when he kisses you.”

We applaud loudly as the first groups finish. it’s set and Josh picks me up off my feet giving me a hug. I smile and thank him with a kiss as he sets me back down. He says, “I was going to apologize for that but I guess I don’t have too.”

Josh enjoys our talking, he knows a lot about music and the groups we’re hearing. He asks, “Have you ever played in a band or anything?” I tell him I got a keyboard that I’ve just started lessons on. It’s a Rolland and he’s even pretty sure what model I have. “That’s a pretty good keyboard. If you ever want I could bring over my guitar and we can play a little together.”

“I don’t think I’m good enough to do that.”

Josh says, “Randy and Deb will tell you that’s the way to learn if you really want to enjoy your keyboard. I’m not usually too social, but when it comes to music I relax and it’s easy to talk.”

“You’ve been doing okay tonight. I don’t often know what to talk about with boys.” I’m saved from explaining myself further as the second group begins singing.

Seemingly they’ve chosen the order of the bands by their popularity. More people are getting into this group. Our seats are up and we’re dancing a bit in the small space we have. One song the guys weren’t into as much as Deb and I. We’re bumping hips, singing like we’re in the group. We’re near the end of a row and are caught by surprise when a band member brings his mic and makes his way passed Randy to sing and dance with us. Deke asks at the end of the song if I’m Andrea and he escorts me up on stage. “A bird named JC said you might be here. Folks this young chick doesn’t know it, but she’s helped design two of our outfits. We band guys like to play on the wild side and push some boundaries.” There is more than a little noise of approval from the crowd. I am pretty sure Deke’s and Dan’s slacks are my design put into leather. Deke has a satin blouse under a rough looking vest.

He asks if I know their song, “Travelin’ in Rain”. I’m invited to jump in on a live mic as I know the words and tune. There is no option of backing away as they begin playing. It is easy enough to follow but I’m sure I’m not adding much. Deke calls for a round of applause for me as I return to my seat.

Randy says, “That explains why we got great seats. Tell your friend JC she can set up all our dates together.” Deb hugs me, “Way to go, girl, you sounded pretty good.”

I said, “It wasn’t me you heard.”

Deb, “Did you hear anyone in the band with a girl’s voice.” My phone indicates a text. It is Leah and friends; they too are here and heard me. Leah, “Nice voice Andrea, but don’t quit your day job, ha.”

Leah asks, “Was Deke’s outfit your design?” I reply, “I think so; the tight jeans and blouse. I guess I’m doing leather now.”

I enjoy the rest of the concert, as Josh puts a squeeze on me now and then. The Renegade is the last band. They too are trying to make a name for themselves and put on quite a performance. An usher waves us over as we’re exiting after the concert; he’s waving tickets for backstage. He says, “Nan from the Renegade wants to meet you.” Since none of us had ever been backstage we’re excited.

Nan and Caryn want to talk about performing outfits. I am more than happy but only take measurements, contact info and glossy promo pictures for now.

I enjoy my night with Josh, Debbie, and Randy.

I do have a publicity promo to do in the morning. A store is using the University’s homecoming as an opportunity to attract a broader group of shoppers. Thankfully JC will be there ‘tween 9-11 a.m. and I’ll be there from 10 to noon.


I get to Laurel’s Boutique a little after 9:30 and there’s a bit of a group crowding JC. She’s happy to see me. I suggest we take two moveable racks out into the mall area. It both attracts shoppers and give breathing room inside the store. The store manager was hoping to have a relaxing time with JC and then me. She is now overwhelmed with the rush of customers.

I become nervous when Megan comes up saying she saw me and needed to introduce me to her mother, Mrs. Stuart. I am not sure how to read her mother, when she asks, “I heard Andrew can dress up. Are you sure he will be ready to take my daughter out to dinner?”

I ask Meg, “Is there anything I can show you as we talk? Maybe, you can show me what you already have.”

“Mrs. Stuart, yes I’ll be there as Andrew. With the exception of my long hair, I won’t be showing any signs of me now.”

She says, “Don’t worry about that now, though I’ll be surprised if you’ll alter your eyebrows by then… I’m sure Megan here won’t mind having a designer giving her personal interest.” Megan knows the store and takes me, showing both what she has and what she likes.

She pulls an outfit off the clearance rack. I show her a similar style for the coming colder weather. “Mrs. Stuart, I’m not trying to bribe for your approval. But I’d be happy to give Megan and yourself my own discount for today…

She laughs, “You think, I’d look good in your designs, please.”

“Yes, I can think of two outfits and a dress and that’s without thinking. There are even more in JCountry, that’s JC’s line.” I first encourage Megan to try on her two outfits. Then a show Mrs. Stuart, for now, Karen to me, first the dress and a sweater/skirt outfit. Karen is soon taking both to a changing room.

I am anxious as Andrea being around Megan and her Mom. I can only wait and hope all is well. I don’t want our date to be called off.

Megan is out from the changing room wearing the outfit I picked out for her. She already discarded the other one. Liking her outfit, she looks around for her mother and is surprised to hear her mom is in a changing room trying on a dress and a skirt outfit. She says, “You know she really does not like skirts.”

But her mother is soon out showing off her dress and Megan is stunned. “Mom what are you doing. You look great, but you don’t like dresses.”

Megan’s older sister and brother are only sixteen and seventeen respectively. Karen Stuart is a young looking 37. Her legs and figure show a woman who takes care of herself. It is now paying rewards. “I’m sorry Ms. Stuart but I’d rather suggest an evening dinner dress. You look fabulous.”

She smiles and Laurel is over asking to take mother/daughter publicity pictures. My big question would be if customers would believe it is truly a mother-daughter picture.

Laurel invites them to try on another outfit and if its picture worthy one outfit is free for each of them. I am sure NY-Express would also be interested, though they’d be after a professional picture with better makeup and hair.

I turn them over to Laurel with my suggestions of outfits. I am back with visiting with other customers and now wanting to get home and to change over to Andrew.


I am away from the store by 12:30 and soon home concentrating on my transformation. It used to be easier to change over to Andrew, but between my skin developing a nice complexion, my hair being wavy and glistening, there are things like Mrs. Stuart pointed out. My eyebrows are shaped, though not drastically. The wrong undershirt/shirt combo chances my budding nipples showing. I can remove the nail polish but the care the nails have been given are open to close scrutiny.

Leah teases me as she comes to my apartment. “Andrea, why aren’t you changing in your apartment?” Mom and Dan are back from the homecoming football game as I’m to prepare to go to Megan’s.


Mr. Logan Stuart introduces himself and he indeed wants to visit me about taking out his daughter. He tries joking, “My daughter was hoping it would be you coming, Andrew. She’s afraid of Andrea upstaging the date.” I don’t take him seriously, but it comes close to discounting his daughter.

Mrs. Stuart is happy and can’t help but tell me she got three things for herself as well as two outfits for Megan. One for Megan and one outfit for her were free as a second set of pictures were taken. “She should actually be giving you more.”

We change our choice of restaurants to a Thai restaurant. It is a nice change as I the food is very good and I’m not yet known there. We eat in peace and have an enjoyable time visiting. It is confusing to me, when someone like Megan asks, “Doesn’t it ever bother you to be designing for women and being seen as having the soft fine features you do?”

“I relate easier to women and women’s fashions are much more creative to work with. Maybe if more men would relax and enjoy color and their creative side. Until then, it would be harder for Andrea seeing myself more masculine.”

We’re done early enough from eating and talking that we walk around the area of university village before going to the Cove Coffee House. It cost me, but I had a table reserved at the coffee house. They want a photo taken, fortunately, it will be posted only after the evening is over. We use the two seated chair at our table.

Once the house fills we allow a college duo to sit at our table as well. The others with us are both women out for a casual night. It is after ten when Debra begins visiting with Megan. They both enjoy the sciences and Megan visits about a project Debra’s group is working on. The concepts are hard for me to follow, but I’m impressed.

When Debra compliments her outfit, Megan confides who I am and that she likes my clothes. I am amazed that Debra’s sorority is recruiting Megan both for Alpha Sigma Kapa as well as to attend the university here.

Meg asks, “Would the sorority have trouble accepting Andrea Stephens into their sorority?”

Debra says, “It would be an interesting dilemma about whether they accept fashion design as an applied technology career group.” She asks me, “Are you interested in transitioning or applying as Andrea/Andrew?”

“I wasn’t considering to apply as I see my studies are more in art, fashions, and textiles. I am interested in continuing as Meg’s friend.”

Geri, the other u student, asks, “Would the two of you at least consider visiting over a weekend as future sorority members. I think we could enjoy Andrea being part of us for a weekend.”

Megan asks me, “Would you be willing to go to their gathering if I agree to help you study for chemistry class?”

I say, “That means I’d need to be Andrea for a whole weekend around women whose smarts are out of my league.”

Megan says, “I’m still asking, plus you’re very good in an area many could use help. I for one would enjoy being around a guy in touch with his feminine side.” Megan scoots over and plants a hot moist kiss on me. She wraps her arms around me with a hand in my hair and kisses again.”

“Megan, you’re younger than me, what will your parents say?”

She smiles, “I’m not telling them and you better not either. My intellect has me hungry for a number of things that others might not expect.”

Debra and Geri leave us to be alone, only asking Megan to let them know if she gets Andrea to agree to come for the weekend.

The closing hour of our time there is mellowing out with the large group in discussions over the philosophies of life. Megan asks, “Can we leave so we have time to ourselves before you take me home?”

“Won’t your folks be expecting you home very soon?”

She says, “My Dad might but Mom can handle him. She told me, “You’re the one who needs protection and that I’m not to be too much trouble for you.” I’m pretty sure she’s just trying to have fun joking with me.

A few blocks from her home she acts like she dropped something onto the floor. She asks, “Could you turn at this corner and drive a block and help me look for my earring?”

I do as she suggests, asking, “Why are we getting off this street it has more light?”

“I don’t want any neighbors driving by getting the wrong idea as we look for the earring.”

Come, the end of the street we begin to drive into a park. I wait to find a place to pull over. I get out of the car and come around to her side of the car. She’s out of the car waiting for me. She looks to me saying “Thanks.” She’s the one whose passions take over. She steps up to me. We’re close in height as I’m barely an inch taller though we’re about two years different in age. She wraps her arms around me and uses her hands on my buns to scoot us closer. I look in surprise and not sure what to do. If she were a guy and I was dressed as Andrea I’d get aggressive and loudly say stop.

She hugs and kisses me and then pushes away. Her right hand comes around and touches me. She says, “Is this soft bump what I think it might be? I already told you, I like you being in touch with your feminine side.” Her hand slides over my nipple and she presses and moves her hand. “You feel nice Andrew, I hope you are not embarrassed that I like you and found out. I like your soft spots.” We kiss one more time before we agree to get back to her place.

We are in the car and she uses the visor mirror to fix her lipstick and complexion. She turns to me, using a tissue to get off the traces of lip gloss.

Once we’re to her house, I walk her to the front door. She whispers, “You should kiss me on the cheek or my Mom will suspect more. I kiss her and as she goes through the door, she loudly says, “So I will expect you here at 3:00 o’clock tomorrow afternoon for studying Chemistry.”

I’m again caught by surprise but happily agree. I’m walking back to my car and her door opens, “Mom says, you’re invited for dinner, but you should be here by two”…

Story to be continued…

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