Art Project – 4 Dreams Coming True

Art Project – 4
Dreams Coming True

By Jessica C

Andrew’s attention deficit, being a little spoiled and getting his way, caught up with him… Bearing unexpected fruit when his designs surface in his Advanced Art class… Making a prom dress and work helps to bring out another part of him… His mother and others help dreams come true. Andrea is about to attend her first prom…


The Prom was three weeks away and you’d think I had become a giddy girl in preparing for it. So often I’d be daydreaming: Thinking what I’d look like and wondering if I thought like a regular girl. Several girls were jealous J.C. Harper had been there and I didn’t tell them. Brenda was perturbed, “I can’t believe she’d waste her time coming to see you. How much did it cost to get Harper to come here?” She was hoping I'd give her an excuse to get worse.

Two weeks before the prom Leah was home from college for the summer. She talked me into wearing a pair of panties as well as a camisole under my shirt to school. She told me other students wouldn’t know. I believed her; it wasn’t until art class that Jennifer and Linda told me a lot of the girls at school knew about the camisole at least.

Since the Spring Spectacular, I have continued my studies and my work at Carrie’s store. More importantly to me, I’ve been getting ready for my prom and working on more teen outfits. I sent one into JC Harper for younger teens of bright color tutus that fasten to one of two styles of shorts or to one of two styles of skirts. I had also sent information with a rough drawing on three other outfits. Harper was excited about two of the outfits and the ways they could go with other fashions. She loved the idea of an upscale tutu for what she called serious fun. But she would not sign off on it until I did an older teen/college version. That needed to be done pronto.


Mom doesn’t like the hours I’ve been putting into getting all this done. I was glad to finally fed-x it to JC. I enjoy watching other girls in a whole new way and visiting girls in the cafeteria, ‘tween classes and at the store. I’ve actually gone to two dances as part of a group of girls. The things I learn and hear just visiting is fabulous.

I haven’t dressed as Andrea at school as I’ve been warned not to. I have worn some unisex sandals and painted my toes and fingers. I also have sweaters and tops that look good for Andrew or Andrea. Apart from sandals, a little jewelry, and nail polish; I put off cross-dressing unless I do so completely.

My first dinner date with Terra was a lot of fun and a little funny. Heidi and her boyfriend Jake double dated. Jake was happy we used two cars as he said being together for dinner had too much estrogen for him. I took that to mean I pass really well as Andrea and not only my clothing. He literally was the odd man out as we got caught up on looking for the shoes I should wear with my gown to the prom. The four of us were going to quickly shop for those shoes after dinner. Terra and I had the fun of doing it together and sending the results to Heidi, Leah and anyone else interested.

Andrea now has her own FB account; would you believe I had thirty likes on my shoes before I got home. I had been fearing Terra would see me as her little brother or sister when we went to the prom. It was okay as she made sure I could wear my gown to the prom. Once when she drove me home and walked me to the door, her kiss did not feel like a sister’s kiss.


Time in Art class is now like a Jekyll and Hyde production, I get along fantastically with classmates. However, Mr. Murphy says my artwork shows immaturity to it while giving me Bs and B-pluses. His demeanor is cool. He tells others I went out of my way to make him look bad. This was despite getting three blue ribbons at the Spring Spectacular and high praise from JC Harper and the university professor.

Ms. Miller, Carrie, and Harper are all telling me to keep a portfolio of all my artwork and designs. Mom even got a storage box for my stuff to fit under my bed. Mom told me the high school art teacher at Central High near Leah's University likes what she’s seen of my artwork.


I laughed the time I came home after a dance. I was wiped out from having so much fun as I was not used to dancing so much. Without turning on the lights to my room, I jumped tiredly onto a bed. I quickly could tell things were different so I got up and turned on the lights. My room was different, my worn out bed had been replaced. The room wasn’t totally a girl, but the mattress and comforter were fluffy soft. The print designs on the comforter were mine, of domestic kittens climbing on tigers and puppies climbing over wolves. JC had refined my images and set them into production as bedroom stuff.

It was midnight when she, JC, called and asked my permission to set the designs into production. I stayed awake another two hours talking to her. The comforters, sheets and pillow cases were the only non-clothes items to be marketed under my name. She told me the outfits I designed were being released in three test markets and via websites linked to her pages.

While we were visiting I went to one of her sites; I saw there her encouragement to try the new fashion of Andrea’s Threads. JC says, “You haven’t been to this site in the past three days. We have gotten thousands of hits. Our retailers are excited and we’re getting orders over the internet. One sorority has even agreed to post pictures from a night out the weekend of your prom.” JC tempered it all saying, “Don’t get too excited, we need to recoup our expenses and evaluate what it means for business. You will get credit and royalties for each design.” She said, “X-Press International is not too happy with me, the way I’m individualizing each design, but it’s what I do with my own work. It forces them to value you and the fashions you are designing. Don’t cry for them, they’ll enjoy the profits they make not only in sales but with others wanting to reproduce your stuff legally.”

“Just know the marketplace and us girls can be pretty fickle in loving something today and change tomorrow. Producing what they like this coming year and the next will be important to your future.”

“I talked to your Mom, pertaining my show and sites and others. We’ll let them be guessing about you Andrea for a while. But they’ll find and want to see you as Andrew as well. Andrew’s Threads or Andre’s, either could work well if you decide to go with your male persona. I do think you chose wisely in how to introduce them.”

Mom got me to agree to 80% of my royalties and initial earnings had to go into the bank for my schooling.

The next day I was surprised as my step-dad took me out for breakfast. We had placed our orders before we turned to what he wanted to visit about. “Andy, I am very happy for you and I don’t want to push you one way or another. I do want you to know my support of you and your Mom.”

I hadn’t been too excited about Dan marrying my Mom, but over the past year, he had become more of a dad than I had for the past 3-5 years. It was three years ago, my Dad had walked out on us, I guess Mom knew he was already cheating. I was invited to go with him, but when I learned Jeannette was pregnant with my little brother, I opted out. His new love interest, Jeannette being twenty-seven wasn’t as much of a problem for me as it had been for my sisters.

I can giggle now that I can imagine Jeannette in some of the clothes I was designing. Dad, on the other hand, had sent a scathing email as well as two phone text messages warning me against sissifying myself. He threatened to disown me when JC Harper walked into the picture. He still didn’t like what I was doing. He did petition the courts for him to have the power in decisions for my financial wellbeing. Unfortunately for him, his petition was thrown out.


I asked Terra out for our second date. There was an art show in our state capital and a symposium on the environment pertaining to rivers and forests, farms and communities. Terra would drive one way, Leah and her friend Brie were responsible for driving me home. We were invited to stay the night with Terra’s Aunt and Uncle if we got very tired. Terra’s Uncle Sid laughed at my being separated out. He said, “I guess you’re not girly enough to stop our niece from getting pregnant.” Terra was embarrassed and her Aunt was furious. But we had a beautiful day at the symposium. Leah and Brie had a good time shopping and the four of us enjoyed the art show together. Several emerging artist had given presentations during the day and were enjoying the art show when we walked around.

Leah checked a message board mostly as a lark but came back saying Janice Richards wanted me to contact her. She had a display of artwork in the art and media exhibit area. I asked Terra if it would be alright to visit and then text Janice. We soon were meeting with her.

Jan said, “Our mutual friend JC Harper, says we should get together.” Janice gave us a short show on how she could bring a girl walking out of the artwork and then walking into a landscape scene.” She had worked it so models wearing my outfits were walking and wearing three different outfits in one short presentation. Janice said, “It would be more powerful on your web-page in a fifteen-minute presentation. JC is sure it would catch the eyes of visitors to your sites.”

I told her, “I don’t have enough of a reputation to get them to watch a fifteen-minute presentation.”

Janice said and Brie agreed, “You can begin with a minute or thirty-second eye-catcher and give them three options to continue. I suspect the majority of female viewers will watch the whole thing and share it with others.” She says, “JC says I could do myself a favor connecting to you now. I told her if one of the people modeling your outfits is you, I’ll do it at scale rate.”

I turn to Terra and Leah, “Most of the clothes aren’t to the market sites yet; how am I to know if it’s worth it or my site will be worth it?”

Terra says, “They’re anticipating it will be. You could even use it as an advertisement at the mall or shops where your clothes will be as well.”

I say, “I couldn’t get it all together in time to do that!” Janice smiles, “I have one of your pink tutus and two different tops and a skirt and a pair of shorts if you’re game. Tomorrow morning we can do it here at 9:00 a.m. The exhibit opens at 10:00 and we’d need to be done and out of there before then. What do you say? JC says your royalties will more than cover it.”

I tell her, “My Mom already deposited the checks; 80% is tucked away.”

Janice Richards, “Check and see if you have a message from Harper?” I do and the message says that was the first part of your royalty check.

I look to Leah, “What do you think Mom will say?” Leah hands me her phone, “The phone’s ringing ask her.”

Somehow Janice streamed her presentation to Mom. It was not hard to gain Mom’s approval. Like me, Mom’s head is spinning with how fast things are going. “Honey, after the photo shoot tomorrow, your focus is on your prom and school. JC and X-Press can handle things. You’re Andrew/Andrea doing exams and papers until they are done. I will ground you if I have too. If your head gets too big, I’ll nail your bottom to a chair with nail polish.”

“But Momma.” Leah and Terra broke out laughing. Leah asked, “Where did Momma come from?”

Without hesitation, I said, “That’s what I’ve always called her in my head.”


Monday I was working back at Carrie’s store and a shy girl from my grade at school came in. She’s petite and was usually in the background. More than once I heard a classmate say upon noticing her, “Are you still here, I thought you had moved away.” It always hurt Lisa, though you wouldn’t know it. Douglas a senior boy, had finally worked up the nerve to ask someone to the prom. Lisa was happy until she began looking through the prom dresses. Either they were too expensive or not right for her, but I knew of one.

“Lisa hi! Why are you looking so down?”

I let her explain, “My Dad says, I’m too plain to spend money on. He said I could spend a hundred dollars and with Grandpa’s birthday gift I have fifty more. There are shoes, my hair and more. I was hoping something good might be on clearance. I’d get a simple dress but I don’t want to embarrass Doug Martin.”

I knew a white linen and lace dress that was deemed an old fashion prom dress. We had one of medium size but I quickly put out a search for one that was petite. I had an idea. “Lisa, I want you to look at one we have. I share an idea to fancy up one like it. It might not look it, but I get some good ideas at times and can design nice clothes. I know I don’t look like someone who could do that.”

Lisa Jenkins gruffly said, “Andrew, I’m shy, but I am a student here and I do know things. I even checked out JC Harper’s site. Do you think I can be your Cinderella or Eliza Doolittle?”

I giggle back, changing to Andrea though I’m still dressed as Andrew, “I’m Cinderella too unless one shares the gift, it can be lost.”

“I was thinking where lacework could go fully around the dress and also around the top and sleeves. If we’d weave some ribbon through there it would look very pretty and make it special.”

Lisa says, “Is there a way I could sew in some beads or bling onto it? I’m pretty good at hand sewing.”

“That would be a great help in making it special.” I asked, “Might you be open to helping me with some of my designs? I would like to be able to make some outfits up before I submit them.” Lisa’s face looks like I offered her something special. “Yes, yes, I would love to help you.” It was really a chance to be part of something and to show off a little.

While we’re talking, my phone receives a message a store, at Waterloo has two of the dresses and neither sold. They won’t exchange with Carrie, she needs to pay above wholesale and the shipping. Carrie dickers with them and it is to be here tomorrow.

I take my break to go with Lisa to pick out the ribbon and to see whether it will be beads, rhinestones or whatever to go with it. I learn in our time together that Lisa is also a whiz at doing embroidery work on her sewing machine. She’s now planning a stylized 'L' and a rose on each sleeve. She picks beads to compliment the ribbon. They will go under her breasts as well as near the bottom of the skirt. We agree to work on it tomorrow night and Wednesday.


I was excited when I got home to quickly tell my mother about Lisa and her dress. I’m surprised when mom is not pleased. “What about no more things to do, don’t you understand? Your own gown could use a little extra attention.”

“Momma, I thought you’d be happy I’m able to help Lisa?”

Mom gave me a hug, “It is nice to see the nice, warmer part of you blossoming. It is not that. You need to pace yourself; you are like a candle burning at both ends.” She took me by the hand and walked me to my room, I could tell she had more to share.

“Honey, I talked to my doctor, I have an appointment Thursday morning. I shared with her about you being Andrea. She suggested that you take my appointment and that I reschedule my own. She’d like to meet Andrea and hopefully be your doctor.”

“Momma, did Leah mention to you about me? I’m afraid my voice is going to start changing and I’d be growing the wrong way. I like being Andrea as well as a boy. I’m just concerned because I want to be able to continue to dress up and present myself as Andrea or Andrew. If I begin to fill out like dad or most guys, that would be hard.”

I walk behind my mother and change into some panties and a designer pair of jeans that are snug for me. I don’t change into a bra, but I do put on a girl’s top that I like to lounge in. I come back around taking out my ponytail and brushing it out. Mom has me scoot in front of her as she takes my brush and Andrea’s hairstyle begins to show more intentionally.

I show Mom my prom shoes again and ask, “What stockings should I wear with these and my dress?”

Mom tells me, “Look in your top drawer, I bought three different pairs thinking you’d pick out the right one for the prom.”

“Thanks, Mom, nice selection! I thought after the fashion show, it would be Prom and done! The Prom should be over and Andrew back to being himself. I now know things aren’t going back to that. I have my own girl/doctor appointment. I get my second pedicure. Can you believe I’m going to take half a day to go to a salon for the prom? Andy doesn’t do that it’s me.”

Momma says, “I am glad to hear you being happy about all of this. I like you being in touch with your new self.”

“Thanks, Momma for helping me to take my time. I’m going to help Lisa but I understand why you want me to slow down. I guess everything doesn’t matter if I don’t take time to delight in it.”


I awoke a little later than I would if I was going to school. I put on a robe and walked to the kitchen. Mom, Leah, and Dan were waiting for me. I got a cup of tea and yogurt blended with fresh berries. Andrew would have sprinkled on the berries and added sugar; Andrea is more mindful of how she’ll look in her gown.

Dad shares baseball scores while Leah reminds me to take a shower before my appointment. Leah and I talk about what I should wear, including sandals with no stockings for my pedicure afterward. I ask, “Momma, why do I listen to Leah when I usually argue with Heidi about the same things?”

Mom says, “You never saw yourself competing with Leah; she’s always been a big sister or like a mom that helped you. You’ve always been competing with Heidi. You were always unhappy if she could throw a ball further than you. Seemingly a younger brother’s ego doesn’t take to competing against his sister.”

I left to shower and get dressed, as Heidi was coming into the kitchen. I quickly gave her a hug and said, “I love you” and walked on. Heidi asked, “What just happened?” I guess that was the laughter I heard behind me.

Showering today, I don’t especially appreciate my boyhood, but I do wash enough to not have it stink. Leah lets me use her body wash and I love the fragrance. More importantly, is the feel of my skin afterward. While I’m still damp I spread two dots of skin lotion all over before getting dry.

Panties, a padded bra, skirt, and blouse, it is all simple enough but I take the time to make it look nice. My makeup is light, I change my earrings to simple hoops. I am comfortable up until I walk into the women’s clinic. Then I become nervous like I shouldn’t be here. I thought, being the bigger town next to us, I wouldn’t see people I knew. Rita and Bridgette are both here with their moms. Rita has a grin as she points me out to Bri. An empty chair is next to me and Rita is soon over and Bri follows. Rita lifts the edge of my skirt, “Everyday wear now?” She takes my hand, “What brings you here; becoming one of us?” I take a noticeable breath, she says, “Relax what happens here… kind of stays here.”

“Very comforting, this is my initial visit. Nothing’s planned, my Mom just thought Dr. Higgins should see me and give me a health check.”

Bri says, “I like Michele Higgins; she’s good in giving exams.” Conversation changes, Bri says, “I’m glad I don’t have to worry about showing off my prom dress. I bet you’ll be happy to have Mr. Murphy off your back. But are you happy to be going to the prom as one of us?”

I say, “I think, I’ve got everything ready. Terra and I are going to the same salon and this time I’m getting a perm.”

Bri and Rita get talking about what they’re wearing and their salon appointments. Rita’s the first to get called for her appointment, Bri’s next, but she says before she leaves, “Several of us have ordered one of your tutu outfits; would you go with us to a dance here?” Her smile brightens when I say, yes.

It is only a few minutes before the nurse who called for Bri comes out to get me. “Hello, young lady. Is it all right if I call you a young woman when you’re here like this?” I agree as she takes me into an exam room. “Before Dr. Higgins sees you, I have the standard questions for a first-time girl… patience.” Some are funny like, ‘Am I using anything for birth control. Have I had a period yet?’ She did take my vital signs and everything is good. She has me change into an exam garment. My bra is off, but I’m still wearing my panties.

She asks, “Can you tell me why you are here and wanting Dr. Michele to be your doctor?”

My Mom is sitting next to me and I squeeze her hand gently. “I’m becoming a designer for teen fashions and I want to be able to continue looking like a girl when I want to.” It took a lot to say that but it is like a weight is off when I’m done. Nurse Jane didn’t laugh that too was a plus.

“Well, you have no trouble looking like an attractive girl at this point. I had heard there was someone designing clothes, but I wasn’t sure it was true. Now I know, do you have any pictures of you and your work?” I got my purse and then my phone and showed her three, including me in my prom dress. “Is this young lady you?” I think she was delightfully surprised.

Dr. Michele is very nice to meet but she’s old. I’m suspecting forty. Thankfully she acts younger. I’m really embarrassed as she examines my penis and it gets aroused. “The quick blood lab indicates your testosterone has not fully elevated yet. If we’re to introduce a testosterone blocker, now is probably a good time. I will also expect you to see a clinical psychologist if we do this. Agreed?”

I ask, “You surprise me, you act like you do this stuff at times.”

Michele tells me, “It is more common with boys than as people think. Many boys are inquisitive and some go further in their exploration than others. It seems boys like you are more comfortable talking to me. I do like that you are taking a step at a time. You seem comfortable with yourself being in both gender worlds for now. I have two teen girls. They don’t know you’re my patient, but they both know about Andrea the designer. Debbie says you’re somewhere between everything cheap to break the credit card limit.”

I’m surprised while we were in that town my Mom stops at this grand old house that she says is an important business as well as a home. Mom has me go in with her. This section is immaculately clean and models of women’s breasts and various products are discretely visible. I can’t see them but I know at least one other customer is being talked with. Irene is a good looking older woman who comes out to see me. Mom tells her our name and she smiles in recognition, “Yes, you said she’d be coming but you said you’d bring a son.”

Mom says, “Andrea is my son and we’d like to get some breast forms for him, he’s going to a prom, soon.” We are taken back to another room where Irene has measuring tapes, boxes and a laptop ready to show what they do and have. I am asked to take off my blouse and bra. Irene is like a young grandma in her care of me. She has been in nursing. I agree that a teardrop shaped breast form would be good. It takes a time to get them well-fitted and nipples securely sealed onto them. Along with the breasts, Irene shows us a vagina gaff. “This is not in my usual area of expertise, but I can put it on now and show you how to put it on with someone’s help and how to take it off. …It appears you took your medication before coming.” It is my guess that is why I am not responding to her touching me.

I will be able to go to the bathroom while wearing the gaff, however, it will be as a woman until it comes back off. It is strangely nice to look down the front of my clothes and know I am safely tucked away. I’m excited by how much I look like a normal teen girl my age.


This time the pedicure is something to die for. I’m relaxed and enjoying it from the very beginning. My fingernails are done though they’ll be redone Saturday before the prom. Leah says my toenails may need to be redone if I don’t behave. I never liked doing individual things with someone before, but as Andrea, that has changed. I have a date with Terra tonight so she’ll be the first beside family to see my feet.

We go to a Chinese restaurant and eat light but share one another’s dishes. We went to Carrie’s first and then window shopped at a mall. I am a little surprised as our relationship seems to be changing. I always had a crush on her, and I felt like I was a young boy or girl next to her. Her hugs have changed that.

Friday, Mom has Heidi and me doing easy chores around the house. Mom went to work but calls home to check on us. Heidi, Leah and I have a girl’s time. We did an aerobic workout, surf sites on our smartphones. Heidi wants me to make a skirt and tutu for her. I decided it is now simpler to order it. I had gotten one special request to hand make on but she’s a ballet dancer and she wants a colorful change for fun nights out. She knew what she wanted and ordered two special tutu outfits. The design for that went into one of my special folders.


Saturday morning is special and having a restless night sleep was nerves and nothing more. I take a shower despite a bubble bath last night. It has been since Wednesday that Andrew saw himself dressed and looking back in a mirror. I wear an old but clean sweat-suit to the salon. I thought the appointment was at 10:00, but find I’m a half hour early. No problem I browse the hair and fashion magazines. Two hair magazines are current but the fashion stuff is older.

We’re at Terra’s salon and I get Christine as my beautician. Terra jokes, I did really good but got second best. Chrissy seems to go out of her way to spoil me. I have split-ends cut, some areas cut to style as we continue through what was to take an hour and a half. It goes too fast and I’m enjoying every minute. I love watching the curlers taken off and my hair brushed and styled. I swear it only took an hour but the clock says noon. I stayed to have my nails redone.

My parents rented a limousine for Heidi and me and our dates. Everywhere we go people are looking expecting two more guys to step out of the limo. Two times someone shows us a little disdain. One couple who had complimented on our gowns came back and took their compliments back after they realized we were a couple. I teased them asking, “Does it make any difference if we’re really a guy and a girl?”

The promenade starts at 5:00 p.m. and with Terra being a senior we are let out at the red carpet after 5:30 p.m. Lisa and Douglas are two cars behind us. I focus on enjoying this time with Terra. She has no shortage of family, friends, and admirers. It is the first time I have so many cameras clicking and flashing around me. Terra’s Mom and grandma ask for kiss photos. We both give air kisses that look very realistic I’m told.

We’re dropped off at Michael’s for our dinner, and Heidi and Greg go to rendezvous and eat with friends. I could have imagined sitting across a candlelit table with someone as beautiful as Terra tonight. I would never have imagined me as a girl beautifully adorned sitting across from her. She is complimentary of my dress and delicate appearance. She is more content with our being together than I am. She’s helping me to relax and enjoy our evening.

I tell her, “I’m taken with how beautiful you are. I’m glad, but I don’t understand why you settled for being with me. I am very thankful though.”

Terra says, “You still don’t get it, do you? You came in as a pain in the butt underclassman and a boy to boot. You were kind of raw in art and naïve when it came to being around a bunch of older girls. But when it came to drawing us and sketching clothes for us; it was like something in you clicked. You didn’t know tweed from silk, nice lace from boy scouts knots. You were like a little brother getting caught being where you shouldn’t be. You were even a snot-nosed, spoiled brat trying to get away with too much, but somehow you became loveable.”

“Once I saw you with Ms. Miller working on your gown, I knew I wanted to see you in it. I actually hoped you’d be your stubborn self and all this would happen. Did you know Ms. Miller invited JC and the professor? Wow, girl, you were at the right place at the right time.”

“When I decided I was letting go of Brad and not inviting him to my prom. I kind of laughed the first time I thought of inviting you. Jennifer joked I wanted to steal you from the cradle. But we both liked the idea of seeing you in panties and your gown.”

I didn’t eat half my meal as we talked, I was sure she didn’t know or care how excited she was making me. We did go to the women’s room there and she urged me to be a good girl so the rest of the night was just us and the prom.

I didn’t know four girls from our class plus me, who would make up a table of eight. Terra thought it was cute when another girl or two wanted to dance with me. She even initially said yes to Paul asking me for a dance, but it stopped there. I wasn’t comfortable with Paul and Terra had become tired of sharing me.

We found a small women’s lounge and we talked. “Hey Andrea, I really want it to be you and me the rest of the night. I’m even wanting to take you down to the shore and extend our time through this weekend. I don’t want to disappoint your parents, but I’m not always a good girl.”

I lightly giggle, “I think my mom won’t be angry if we don’t go too far.”

Terra whispers in my ear, others not to hear, “I want the girl in your dress. I want to make you a big girl. You’ve been a little flirty as a girl and I want to see if I can heat up your panties.”

I was now aroused in a whole new way and it went off the charts when she said. “Leah even packed a small overnight bag for you with one of her swimsuits and some lounging clothes. She thinks if I call your parents and promise to take care of you that it will be okay. That you’ll get to go with me.”

“It’s eleven and I told her I would call before midnight. Are you willing to grow up tonight? I won’t force you to do anything.” I couldn’t imagine what she was asking, but she had been exciting me since the beginning of the night.

I said, “Wow, Cinderella didn’t have this problem?”

Terra said, “Are you ready to discover Andrea; I think there’s a lot of girl in you?”

“I want to go with you, but I’m still Andrew too.”

Terra called my home, “Mrs. Stephens, I’d like to take Andrea to the shore. Several from the class are planning to share a place there. The other guys aren’t to be staying with us, but I’d like Andrea to if you trust me. …I’m glad Leah told you and prepared a bag for her brother. …We’ll call in the morning and let you know we are alright.”

After Jennifer joked with us, I felt bad that Terra wasn’t voted Prom Queen, Jennifer said it was because her prince looked like a princess. Jennifer and Linda were both happy I would be sharing the place at the beach with them.

Making out with Terra late that night into the morning was beautiful but confined to me as Andrea. Leah had not packed my bottle to remove my gaff. Leah did include a note: “You and Terra will have an equal chance of becoming pregnant tonight.”

Sunday two guys met Terra and I on the boardwalk, Terra introduced them as guys from the University. It took me the best part of an hour to warm up to the thought of being a foursome for a while. I was sure Terra was kind of teasing me until we went to a matinee movie. Lance and I sat away from Terra and Matt. The movie theater’s A/C was a bit cold and I physically warmed up with Lance. It’s the first time I kissed and snuggled with a guy.

Terra had saved a surprise for me after Lance and Matt had left…

To continue…

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