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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

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Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

EFTPOS. Chapter 5 of 7

Chapter 5

Ellie called her family first, to let them know that we would pop in when we were in Norfolk. There was a signing session at a bookstore in Norwich, after which we had a day off. It was her mother that brought up the problem with it being written by two women, which allowed Ellie to tell her that she would send a picture of the new me to her phone. She did this when she had finished the call.

Diva in Disguise 20 final

Diva in Disguise Chapter 20

The maid got off the bed and walked purposefully to the door.

I was about to remonstrate further when a light dawned. “This is another wind-up isn’t it? Nice one!”

“How can you be sure?” Consuela glanced back over her shoulder with an arch expression. Then she put her head out of the door and called “Madame!”

Despite her action, I held to my surmise. “I feel sure of you.”

“Well done!” she sighed. “You’re finally joining the human race.”

Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 22


Also, as foolish as it sounds to say it, I felt very exposed out there, naked, in the desert, in the dark.
I'm not talking about being naked. I'm talking about wild animals.
I knew full well that there are no hyenas in the United States, but it didn't stop me from being scared of them.


The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 2

The shuttle train was approaching Faen Shanta, and as we drew closer, my eyes widened in awe. This was the first time I had seen something like it. The tree was gigantic—far larger than I had ever imagined, even bigger than the history books made it seem. Its massive trunk seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, its ancient roots weaving through the land like the veins of the world itself. The tree's sheer size and majesty filled me with a sense of wonder and insignificance, immersing me in the enchantment of this magical world.

The Twilight of the Gods -- A Story of Mantra, Chapter 9

Mantra tries to juggle two problems at the same time. What she finds out is gut-wrenching, but she has an important job to do and can't afford to get emotionally involved with the local problems of an alternate world. Unfortunately, things have a way of going wrong for Mantra.

A Maid For The Mob Part 2

I made my way out to the garage. It smelled of polish and petrol. It was a change from the domestic smells and perfume I have got so used to. I wear perfume every day. Now I am so used to it I don’t even notice it. Luca did though.

“Ahh Tesoro, you have come at last.”

Luca was around 50 years old. He had a slight pot belly, and short greying hair. He had what could be described as a “Dad body”. He was wearing a vest and had just been cleaning the limousine.

“You wanted to see me, Luca. Can I get you anything?” I said hoping that was all he wanted.

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 21: protecting home

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

This Chapter---dealing with life's issues and a hidden danger GROWS!!
dun dun daaaaa!!!!!!

Well its been 4 years since I posted a chapter....so I guess its well past time?

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *5*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 5*
Drop of the Hat

Listening to Jekyllase, chapter 15 of 17

Scott had thought his jacket was unisex enough to suit me, and he wasn’t completely wrong, but I wished he’d bought something that went better with the skirt. And his blue stocking cap wasn’t very flattering, but... I wasn’t trying to impress Dean or even Glenn.

36D - Part 5

The next day we joined up with Tessa's mum, dad and grandmother for breakfast at a local cafe. Whether or not Tessa had told them to be friendlier to me, I don't know, but the atmosphere was definitely less hostile than it had been at the party. I still wasn't comfortable in their presence, and doubted I ever would be again, but at least everything was now a bit more civilised.

Exchanged - Chapters 24 and 25

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 24 and 25
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Statistically Speaking 32

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 32

“It is really beautiful,” I said, looking at the small statuette in my hand. Made of glass, it didn’t resemble anything specific, but was definitely stylish.

We were striding leisurely on the street. The setting sun was illuminating the puffy clouds that took most of the sky, and occasional gusts of wind played with the Carla’s hair.

“Yes,” she nodded. “This crazy adventure came to a happy end…”

“Do I sense a ‘but’ in there?”


To repeat myself, this is a completely true story. I left out details that could be used to hurt me or others in this account.

Set FREE !

Chapter 1
Perhaps there will be more.

I had a long life and was thankfully disowned by my greedy unforgiving children. My mate of 38 years was now my X, and died also. My other relatives had all passed.

It was peaceful alone in a one-bedroom apartment on the 4th floor. Not having drank or smoked, I lived a modest life.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 7 of 10)

Chapter 13

How could this be? She had been holding the lifeless bird statue when I petrified her and some of her life force was now in the bird. How much had been drained from her? The bird had had no life force for over a week.

I looked at the place where she and the bird were in contact and I could see some of the red inside her moving into the bird. I grasped the bird and was able to remove it from her hand. The bird's life lines were still very faint. At least now the essence was no longer flowing from Marie to the bird.

EFTPOS. Chapter 4 of 7

Chapter 4

Of course, our extended trip couldn’t escape the media. One of the French President’s planes, carrying the EU Commission President and a team of diplomats was unlikely to fly under the radar. There were crowds at many of the airports when we landed, especially once we cleared the Indian Ocean.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 59 Chineseium

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 59 Chineseium

“Well, Son, doubtless if you looked the words up in a fancy English ordbok it would tell you that they are the same, but there’s a difference in the way Bearthwaite folk use the words these days. Yance ower they were the same here too, but now a visitor is someone we welcome, even if they’ve never been here before, decent folk are visitors. Tourists are folk we don’t really like, folk we don’t approve of, but as long as they don’t get too far out of line we’ll happily tek their money off ’em. Okay, Son?”

“Yeah. I get that. Visitors good, tourists bad. Simple enough, Granddad. I’ll explain to my brothers. Thanks.”

As Ethan left Alan couldn’t help but smile at the Orwellian simplicity of life as seen by a child. Visitors good, tourists bad. ‘What,’ he wondered, ‘would I give to be eight again?’

A Maid For The Mob

I have not posted a story for over 4 months. I have had a lot going on in my life and have not had the time. This idea popped into my head a few days back. It is a forced fem story, If that upsets you please don't read, It is just a story.

"Fifi! Come to the study now".

The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 8

Knight Group Banquet:
Susan and Sasha pull up in one of Sasha’s old-style Corvettes and turn it over to the valet. Sasha gets out of the car and hands the key to the valet.

“Please be careful with it.” Sasha didn’t want anything to happen to her old Corvette.

“Yes ma’am.” The young valet accepts the keys from Sasha.

“You know, we could have arrived in the BMW, instead.” As Susan and Sasha walk up the steps together.

“I know, but I wanted to drive my Corvette.” Sasha walks side by side with her wife.

The Present, Part 12

(Author’s Note: Moving forward, assume Chris is speaking in his feminine voice unless otherwise noted. I imagine the italics would get old really quickly if I did that for the whole story!)

Part Twelve

Less than an hour ago, Chris would not have remotely entertained what his cousin was suggesting.

The Chosen - Chapter 2

The growl was the same, but the effect it had on me wasn't, even doubled up as this was. Last time it had been full of intimidation and malice; this time it was nothing more than the taunt of a bully, containing little more than hot air. I'd already beaten one of these guys and I’d been almost totally unprepared. This time I had some measure of confidence and, despite the peculiarity of it all, I was properly equipped.

How to Lose 20 cm in 10 Days

Jack was only 171cm tall and his body was slim and hairless. He had delicate facial features. Long, wavy auburn hair reached his shoulders.

He wore women's jeans, sweatshirts, jackets and t-shirts. And a lot of jewelry. He hardly wore skirts and dresses like most of his friends.
When hanging out with them, he was often mistaken for a girl.....one of them....
Jack dreamed that his story would begin... like many such stories on Bigclosetr.us. The perfect body to go through, to make it easy...

Royal Performer - Chapter 6

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 6

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Not For Sale - Part 3

Any worries I might have had about Casey and her weekend trip to the wilds of North Yorkshire were dispelled by her smiling face when she came out of the 'Royal Oak' to begin another day of work towards what I hoped would be the saving of what I'd begun referring to as my company.

Sarah's Salon - Receptionist 1

Before we begin this is my first story so please bear with me. I am not the best writer and my dyslexia doesn’t help with it lol. This may be the start of a series if I continue to enjoy making these. I had fun making this and hope people enjoy reading it. Let me know where you’d like to see this series go

The story follows Sarah opening a salon and needing workers. Brad accepts her offer which comes with a catch of a full feminine makeover.

Themes: TG, Transformation, Makeover, Salon, Hair

A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Cars

Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.


“Damn, this completely spoils my surprise, Jess. I was going to work on a car for you,” I told my sister with a pout.

Statistically Speaking 31

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 31

“Frankly, I feel even closer to panic than before,” Carla whispered while we were entering the elevator. “Maybe all of my future depends on what will happen now. And yours too… and that is important to me.” She blushed slightly.

Mates 40

It was a superb evening, to follow a great day, and as the skies darkened, Chad spotted me looking up.

“You’ll be looking for the Cross, Mike. Won’t see it from here. Too much light pollution”

He laughed ruefully.

“And here’s me, from a place that’s all forest, clouds and bloody rain. Hey, Maz? Think we should take this one out for a night in the bush?”


More DopplerPress

Princess Warrior by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


John was pissed that he died on the beach at Normandy.

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It was June 6, 1944 and to say Private John Burton was unhappy would be an understatement. Even though he had heard General Eisenhower's speech on the radio, he really wanted to be elsewhere. Not that he wasn't a red-blooded American and not that he didn't grasp the importance of the mission. It's just that he was convinced there was a German bullet with his name on it. It was a feeling he just couldn't shake. All the trouble his parents went through to raise him, scolding him into good behavior, getting onto him to make good grades. And then all the money and effort Uncle Sam went through to prepare and train him for this exact moment, everything his life was moving towards would come to a wasted end on a beach in France he'd never heard of. He just knew it. And he was mightily annoyed about it.

Being annoyed couldn't describe how John felt when not even ten feet from the landing craft onto the sands of the beach before being cut down by German machine gun fire. Talk about being angry as he fell onto the sand...

And then even more angry when he woke up in another time and place as a naked teen girl...

Princess Warrior
On Kindle!
by Melanie Brown

The Princess Trap on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Teenage identical twins Allie and Cissy started swapping places just for the fun of it when they were small. It worked better than you might think, considering that Allie is a boy named Alan. Cissy loves sports and Alan loves fashion and the still enjoy playing games and fooling the grown-ups.

But things have turned serious and it looks like someone is setting up a trap....

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