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Quick Cuts - Recent Content

Mates 67 Sun Cyclist
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30* Sun Maddy Bell
Eidolon Nexus: The Shattered Realm: Chapter 25 Sat LightBringer
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 7 of 7 Sat Marianne G
The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 11 Sat Su Shi
Space Queen Chapter 16 Sat Su Shi
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3474 Sat Angharad
The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 19 Sat SammyC
Ethertravelers 04.1: Centaur World, Part 1/3 Sat samquick
Pete's Vagina -64- Shift Sat Erin Halfelven
Clark Kent goes to Hogwarts Fri KateElizabethSuhr13
Kaden and Christy Were Close 2 Thu Jessica C
The Seamstress and Her Moth Part 8 Thu Flyingmonkey
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: chapter 29 Thu Amethyst
Altered: Chapter 29 Thu Amethyst
Southern Sunlight -6 Thu Natasa Jacobs
Demon Queened - Chapter 65 - Dinner and a Show Wed princesskay
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart part 3 Wed Morpheus
What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 1 Wed cemma2035
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 42 Mon Amethyst
Kern - 7 - Scar Tissue Mon Emma Anne Tate
JAMIESTORY Sun Natasa Jacobs
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *29* Sun Maddy Bell
Don't Forget The Glitter Part-1 Sat Enemyoffun
Josette's Story: The Prequel to "The Dark of the Moon" Sat Christopher Leeson
Magic Shoppe - Romp Sat magicshoppe
GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch15 Sat simkin452
Memories Part 6 Fri LadyDragon623
The Coven Chapter 2 Fri Su Shi
Stuck in the Middle -80 Fri Natasa Jacobs
Dragon's Fire Chapter 13 Fri Su Shi
Payback's a Bitch - 3 of 3(ish) - Follow through Fri Maeryn
Dawning... Plane Crash, Alternate Take Thu samquick
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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

People used to laugh when I said that I played competitive underwater hockey. They thought I was joking, like there was no such thing. But there are hundreds of clubs in North America and regional competitions as well. There are regional teams that play off for a state title and even international teams that compete against other nations.

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This story is 65 words long.

Mates 67


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Life took a turn for the bloody busy after that evening. We were both working full time, of course, and there were our combination recreation and social sessions at music nights and at the climbing wall, but there was so much else to deal with. Australia has a very relaxed approach to marriage, in its own way, barring a few slightly irksome formalities. We could indeed marry just about anywhere, but that choice had been sneakily covered by Murdo. We could always say no, of course, but given what he was offering to us a refusal would have been more than rude.

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This story is 103 words long.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30*


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book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 30*
And now, the Mainz Attraction

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This story is 156 words long.

They Aren't Mine



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They Aren't Mine

by Karen Page

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This story is 6 words long.

Strange Romances by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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Lonely people can be strange, and so can their stories. Archaeologists, secret agents, cutting-edge scientists, supposed witches, thieves, castaways, orphans, imperialists, athletes and others, all have their quirky little tales to tell.

Strange Romances
by Maryanne Peters
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 40 words long.

Footprints In The Sea 19 and 20


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Footprints In The Sea – Chapters 19 and 20

By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015

Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental.

This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X

I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so.

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This story is 66 words long.

Princess and the Plague: Erika's next Chapter 4


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Princess and the Plague:
Erika's Next Chapter

by Anistasia Allread
Rally practice was, well, how can one practice rally if one is not allowed to rally?


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This story is 26 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3082


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3082
by Angharad

Copyright© 2016 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Bian -20- Nut Oil and Cabbage

What's so funny about sauerkraut juice?


by Erin Halfelven

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This story is 11 words long.

Mercy Chapter 15

Mercy Chapter 15.

Faith arrived at the flying building, and nervously went in. Once inside, she saw Vantier practicing her flying. After watching for a while, she approached Vantier, and took her back outside to where there was a couch that had been turned into a swing, and the two of them sat and looked at the stars for a while.

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This story is 60 words long.

Shadowsblade: Dead ringer part 2

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

In this chapter...We find out what happened to Rohanna!

To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there!

This is the chapter some of you have been waiting for! But it's in three parts to keep it easier to read

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This story is 93 words long.

Big Sister Epilogue


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Big Sister Epilogue

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This story is 3 words long.

The Station's Late Nite Princess -chapter 19


The Stations Late Nite Princess cover art.png
Chapter 19 of
  The Station's
 Late Nite


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This story is 7 words long.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 23

"The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 22"
By = Fayanora

Chapter Twenty-three: Paranoia and New Friends

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there.

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This story is 41 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3081


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3081
by Angharad

Copyright© 2016 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Lucky Charm Chapter 4



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The Lucky Charm

Chapter Four: A Journey Started

Dinner passed quickly, and for the most part quietly. They each made comments about how assertive I had been and how
atypical it was for me. Though my new eating habits seemed to be gathering approval.

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This story is 44 words long.

Big Sister Chapter 6

Big Sister Chapter 6

“Mom says to come down for breakfast.” A young voice calls out and echoes through my room.

“Mmmm five more minutes… Just give me five more minutes…” I smile gathering the comforter up closer to me stopping it just below my chin.

“Okay, then I’m going to eat your french toast.” The smell of maple syrup is in the air as the steam hits my face. My eyes open as the plate is pulled away from me and my eyes focus their way up the hand, arm, shoulder then the face of someone who looks so familiar to me but I can’t place him.

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This story is 109 words long.

Secondhand Life - Part 45

When I got back to my suite, Dennis informed me that Matt wanted me to call him.

“No need. We just met in the coffee shop.” I smiled.

Denis grinned. “I just got off the phone with him. He seemed a little embarrassed.”

I rolled my eyes and called Matt.

“I'm still fine.” I smiled as he picked up the phone.

He laughed. “Jeez, I'm not that worried. No.... it's just... you sort of derailed me at the coffee shop. That wasn't what I wanted to talk about.”

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This story is 88 words long.

You Could Go Home Again, part 07 of 16

“Look,” I said, “I know this is a shock to you, and maybe I’m expecting too much for you to get over it in a day or so. God knows it’s taken me several months to get used to the idea of being a girl... But what about if we pause the game, and you just stare at me for as long as it takes for you to get it out of your system? Instead of, you know, glancing at me out of the corner of your eye and then trying to pretend you weren’t looking.”

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This story is 99 words long.

It Wasn't A Mistake - 06


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It Wasn't a Mistake
by Tiffany B. Quinn

How bad can things get? In his darkest hour, Jerry finds out that his life has been one big character test... And he passed!

The changes are becoming apparent prompting actions on several fronts.

Chapter Six: More Changes

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This story is 46 words long.

The Choice



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Dan and Ash are two college frat boys who have the misfortune of insulting a witch. They're now faced with the choice of either becoming women or choosing to live as gay men, their gender or their sexuality in the balance. Ash has no choice but to play the witch's game for the sake of his girlfriend, April. The question is: how long can he keep it up?

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This story is 68 words long.

Home Is Where The Heart Is: Part 1


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December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

Here is part 1 of the story. Seanna's life is turning in a whole new direction, one that leads to many wonderful possibilities.


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This story is 29 words long.


----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

When a family goes into hiding within the FBI's witness protection program while
awaiting to testify at the trial of a dangerous criminal, they soon find out that
this criminal's friends are desperate and have a long reach. An equally desperate
measure was undertaken to ensure that their family becomes untraceable.

So to complete their new identities and family image,
one of Steve Wilson's two young boys had to become a girl!

Part One

by Arecee

Copyright © 2013 Arecee
All Rights Reserved.

I dedicate this Retro Classic to the author of this story - my close friend and surrogate father, Arecee, who passed away at the beginning of 2016. May your soul find a new and much more enriched and fulfilling life, just the way you would like it. With all of my heart and love...and until we meet again... Sephrena.

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This story is 146 words long.

What Milsy Did -17-


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The King asks Milsy to discover what Fulvin is doing - he is neglecting his work as palace jeweler and Their Majesties have become concerned. An unexpected outing into an industrial part of the city follows and Milsy accidentally triggers a social revolution!

What Milsy Did

by Penny Lane

17 - Fulvin's Obsession

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This story is 52 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3080


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3080
by Angharad

Copyright© 2016 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

A Summer's Odyssey IV Chapter 9


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A Summer's Odyssey
Chapter 9

Over the next few days the newest family of the Clan Wells Point melded into loving kindred. Since the women wanted to contribute to the CWP they thought of what they might do. They also took Becky to the CWP Daycare so she could get used to being around other children. Before the heart transplant she’d been too weak to mingle. Afterward she was too fragile due to her compromised immune system. Since recovering from her hospitalization thanks to the angelic intervention that seemed to be a thing of the past. Becky would join clan members Wanda Scott and Karen Harris in the pre kindergarten program at St. Michaels Elementary school which adjoined the middle/high school when school reopened in the new year.

On December 27 Wendy reached a decision. “Mom, can I ask a favor?”

“Of course, Wendy,” Helen smiled.

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This story is 146 words long.

Secondhand Life - Part 44

While Dennis and his crew were rounding up the supplies and going over the logistics for tonight's performance, Matt texted me asking if I had a few minutes to join him in the coffee shop.

This time I had the presence of mind to dress more modestly, and only received the usual amount of head turns as I made my way to the coffee shop.

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This story is 65 words long.

Wardrobe Malfunction


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Wardrobe Malfunction

“Say Uncle!” The side of my face was pressed against the dirt of the sand box. Billy’s thumb dug into my wrists. The pressure sending the sharp pain radiating up my arm through my elbow. I shrieked like a wounded animal. “That’s not ‘Uncle’… If you want me to let go… All you have to say is ‘Uncle’.” Rex taunts me as he plants his knee in to my back.

“Rex, Billy, you let Brett go this instant!” One of the teachers comes to my aid.

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This story is 90 words long.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 21



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Thanks for posting those comments!

Synopsis; Aunty Cath takes over the diaper-discipline and potty-training duties concerning Baby Jennie. She decides to punish baby in a manner designed to discourage further nappy-soiling episodes. Caution! This chapter contains B&D and forced scat themes.

Chapter 21. Rubbing Baby's Nose In It

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This story is 49 words long.

Tell Me How Can I Sing Like a Girl - A TG Mixed Tape

A costume party to remember, a young man in need of his family and a smartphone app that changes one person's life. Hit play on the latest TG Mixed Tape and enjoy nine enthralling tales from six unique authors, which also includes MrMarvel, Pepper and Susy.

Tell Me How Can I Sing Like a Girl
A TG Mixed Tape

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This story is 59 words long.

Jem…Chapter 185

Jem… Chapter 185

Jem…Chapter 185

by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2013 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Old friend, New love - 5

The morning after, another big surprise from Kate, and a meeting with Kevin.

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This story is 13 words long.

Gokachuu - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Luka sat lounging on the sofa on board Seri's Flanker, wearing a t-shirt and panties. She whined to Seri, who was in the cockpit, "Are we there yet?"

"Half an hour. Quit asking, you have a watch." Seri said cynically. They had slowed from trans-light speed to cruising, nearly in the bounds of the system which Rathit belonged to. Soon, a communication channel from Rathit opened.

"You have entered the Rathit system, state your business." said a man over the radio.

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This story is 83 words long.

The Lucky Charm Chapter 3

The Lucky Charm

Chapter Three: As American as Apple Pie

Feeling better than I had in ages, I stretched again, twisting and popping muscles, feeling them loosen and ease. Reaching
high overhead, my shorts fell down. Well that hasn't happened in a long time now. I pulled them back up and retied the
string on them tighter than before, noticing as I did so that my little pudge belly was gone. I was liking this more and
more all the time.

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This story is 81 words long.

An Unexpected Pastime — Chapter 5

Now with something to do these holidays, Sam and his sisters were going to require a few more leotards.

Once again, I'm sorry about the long delay on this. Along with personal matters, I had felt that I had written myself into a corner for a large length of time. I was previously writing this story as it flowed out from my fingertips, not really having an overall goal for it in mind.

However, I'm pleased to say that I've now planned ahead for the next several chapters. With this, I aim to produce chapters at a much faster pace. Thanks to anyone who stayed with me.

Please let me know of any feedback, be it positive or negative. It's very much appreciated.

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This story is 123 words long.


More DopplerPress

Valor by Melanie Brown on DopplerPress


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Melanie Brown brings us one of her sexy sci-fi romps in Valor, the story of a hapless lieutenant who keeps saving the day by being turned into a bimbo by the enemy.

by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

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This story is 39 words long.

Basketball Is Life


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The formerly co-ed basketball team could clinch a trophy if they had one more star-quality player, now that they've gone all-girl. The league office thinks that 'Harper' is a girl's name. The coach has a marvelous idea. It would require a little roleplaying, but Harper's not convinced. Someone might find out his secret....

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This story is 59 words long.

Headlights Girl on Amazon Kindle


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A hightech bodysuit allows Jimmy to experience being a Headlights Girl! It's fun, it's profitable and it's a complete change of lifestyle that anyone could enjoy - even you!


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This story is 29 words long.

Frills by Snowfall at Amazon


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Larry Bekins has problems, but maybe he can cook up a way to have things better.

Now available on Kindle through Snowfall's Amazon page:


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This story is 25 words long.
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