May Day Entry
Topsy Turvey
Maid Joy
The High Priest stepped up to the microphone.
"Everyone, please listen up. The Beltane ritual tonight is going to be a bit different. Normally as you know the females are the receptors and the males are the givers in the Great Rite, but this time we are going to reverse it. Tonight, the High Priestess is going to hold the Athame, and I'm going to hold the Chalice.
"Further, the decoration of the Phallus," there was some slight chuckling from the audience, "is also going to be reversed. The men will be going sunwise, and the women anti-sunwise. The steps are the same, but it is going to take some concentration to keep your mind on the parts.
"Other than that the ritual is exactly the same. Thank you."
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