Ladd's Exchange Mall
Book 5 Part B
Monday morning at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY the first class began their second week. During their morning class time the boys were sent to the infirmary one by one. Dr. Make-Shemanski, Dr. McAnnally and Dr. Balkut gave the boys a quick examination. Each boy had changed so much during their first week that they were embarrassed to be seen nude by the three women. Each meekly submitted to the extraction of a sperm sample. First Dr. McAnnally manually stimulated them to erection so Dr. Balkut could make a mold of their genitals. Once the mold was made and removed, Dr. McAnnally brought the embarrassed boys off as she made comments about their manly attributes. For the boys, it was their first ejaculation since their arrival. Little did they know it would also be their last! Dr. McAnnally, the former homosexual male who had been forced to undergo a sex-change, quite enjoyed this aspect of her work. The boys did not see her as she discreetly but eagerly licked the excess juices from her fingers as Dr. Makes-Shemanski led them off for the rest of their examination. When she was done cleaning her fingers, Dr. McAnnally carefully labeled the semen samples before packing them to be sent to the sperm bank.
That evening, their after-supper assembly was changed to a free time period since it was no longer necessary to discipline anyone for misconduct. Once securely in bed and asleep, Stage Two of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES began it's stint over the PA system. Even as these twenty were starting their second week in phase one, another twenty were being selected to take their place.
Brianne's enrollment at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL set off quite a stir in the fifth grade class. The shy girl was quickly accepted by her female classmates but avoided by the boys. The guys all knew about boys being transformed into girls, they had seen several boys switch gender. But Brianne was the first in their class. All were quite upset and naturally fearful, especially Simon Ramsey who had always been ostracized by the other guys. At his widowed, over-protective, domineering mother's insistence, he wore his straight blonde at shoulder length. His intelligence, reflected in his piercingly bright blue eyes, was a mill-stone about his neck when it came to joining the guys in their play. The class work came so easily to him that he blasted away the rest of the class, thus alienating them. Another mill-stone was his size. Not only was he the smallest boy in the class, he was the smallest, period! His fair skin was easily bruised and sun burnt, so physical activities such as sports or even normal play ground games were out of the question for him, which further separated him from his peers. Because of these factors, the guys teased and tormented him incessantly to the point that he even responded when they called him Sissy instead of Simon. Of course, the guys were careful not to overstep the behavioral boundaries the nuns had established so Simon seldom suffered physical abuse. Thus Simon was a loner, ostracized by the guys and afraid to associate with the girls out of dread that he might be transformed into a girl.
The teasing and name calling had dramatically increased since the start of the school year when it became known that Dionne and Diane Franz had been boys. As each new transformed boy/girl appeared in the sixth grade class, the teasing grew worse since the younger fifth grade boys were growing increasingly desperate to prove and maintain their shaky masculinity. Traditional methods that most boys utilized were unusable at ST. FRANCIS since it would surly result in their being Petticoated. Instead they took their frustrations out on the boy least able to defend himself since they felt sure that teasing a boy would not result in Petticoating. The guys laughed and derisively asked poor Simon when he was going to become a girl. The pressure was barely tolerable for the lonely boy who desperately wanted friends. When Brianne showed up in his class, the other boys felt the fear of imminent Petticoating for the first time. As a result, they lashed out at Simon, offering him up as a sacrificial lamb to appease the nuns. By the end of Brianne's first day of school, Simon was a nervous wreck.
Gloria Ramsey immediately saw the greatly increased stress in Simon when he arrived home. Naturally Simon refused to talk, becoming surly when she persisted in questioning him, finally stalking off to his bedroom. Gloria was stunned by her son's belligerence. Never before had he dared refuse to answer her questions, much less snap back and storm off. She knew how the boys at school treated Simon and she wondered what had happened to cause this reaction. Quite concerned and not sure how to handle the situation, she called the school. His teacher was surprised to hear of Simon's unexpected behavior, but told Gloria that there had been quite a stir in the class over the enrollment of a new girl. The boys, she added, had been unusually antsy and might have been giving Simon a rough time. The best she could recommend was to let his unusual behavior pass for the evening and urge Gloria to come to the school to talk with Mother Superior Mary Francis. She also suggested that she not let Simon know that she was going to come to the school.
After Gloria hung up the phone, she headed to Simon's bedroom. Placing her ear to the door, she could hear muffled sobs. Anger flared up, not at Simon, but at the boys in his class who had done this to him. She vowed to go to the school and get this mess straightened out. She was not going to allow her son to be bullied!
Knocking on the door, she called through telling the boy that supper would be ready in half an hour and that she expected him to come down. The crying had stopped when she knocked, but no other sound was forthcoming. Knowing that he had heard her and confident that he would not disobey, she left him alone. Simon did come down for the meal but merely toyed with his food. The days events had destroyed his appetite. As soon as the meal was finished, Simon gloomily headed back to his bedroom.
The next day, Simon morosely ate his breakfast. He wished he could stay home but knew better than to ask. When he had finished eating, he gathered his books and headed off to school. As soon as he was out of the door, Gloria called the school and set up an appointment to see Mother Superior Mary Francis.
Mother Superior Mary Francis had been told of Gloria's call and had spent several hours discussing the class and Simon with his teacher. Then she pulled Simon's records and reviewed them. The picture that developed was of a small lonely boy who was isolated from his peers. That he was being teased did not surprise her. In the morning she watched the class and Simon in particular. It became quite evident that since the arrival of Brianne, the other boys were taking their fear of being Petticoated out on Simon.
When Gloria Arrived for the meeting, she was surprised by all the preparation Mother Superior Mary Francis had done. Gloria was surprised to learn about Petticoating. In all the time Simon had been enrolled, he'd never mentioned it and since he never got into trouble, the staff had never felt the need to bring it up.
Mother Superior Mary Francis saw the gleam in Gloria's eye as she thought about how Petticoating could give her the daughter she'd always dreamed of. "Tell me, Mrs. Ramsey, would you like to have a daughter?"
Blushing furiously at having her thoughts so clearly read, she meekly nodded her head.
"Good," stated Mother Superior Mary Francis with glee. "Let me show you an interesting film." Turning to the computer terminal by her desk, she deftly punched in several codes and in a few moments, the TV in the corner of the office came to life.
On the screen appeared the title BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY presents THE BENEFITS OF PETTICOATING. The half hour infomercial extolled the virtues of Petticoat Discipline and several examples were shown. TWINS DION AND DUANE BECOME DIONNE AND DIANE came next, tracing the transformation of the Franz twins. By the time the films were completed, Gloria was quite beside herself with anticipation. Simon, she was sure, would make a simply lovely dainty little girl!
Mother Superior Mary Francis contacted Dr. Alterson at the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES COUNSELING CLINIC. Fifteen minutes later, Gloria was discussing the medical processes required to complete the transformations. By the time Gloria headed home, she had enrolled in the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. At the request of Mother Superior Mary Francis, she would wait to implement Simon's conversion to Simone. Another meeting had been scheduled for the next day with the core members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY.
The cagey nun was concocting a plan to use Simon's Petticoating as an example to his classmates and their parents. Besides, it irritated her that the boys were so cruel to their peers. The threat of Petticoating served well to keep boys from teasing the girls and from getting too rowdy. But it didn't stop their macho attitudes or their natural tendencies to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel worse. The way the boys treated poor Simon was a prime example of what needed to be changed. Everyone should be treated with polite respect. If things went as the nun planned, the boys and their parents would see that Petticoating wasn't always a punishment but could be quite delightful.
At the meeting the next morning, Mother Superior Mary Francis explained how she felt about the boys behavior. "What I'd like to do is let Simon alone for at least a week or two while we film him and the interactions he has with the other boys in his class. In this way, we can document the abuse, teasing and inconsiderateness that these boys continue to exhibit. As soon as we have a solid case, Simon can become Simone. We'll then document the interactions of the boys with Simone. There should be a distinct difference. Included in this documentation will be the girls treatment and inter-relationship with Simon and Simone. What we should see is a clear difference of behavior and attitudes."
"Once we have everything edited," she continued. "I'd like to have a meeting of the parents of all the boys in the class to show them the film. Refreshments containing BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX should make it fairly easy to convince the parents that universal Petticoating will force the boys from their crude macho behavior into polite, considerate, effeminate interactions. I'm not advocating sex-changes for all the boys, although we wouldn't discourage that. We'll simply advocate requiring all the students to dress and behave alike while in school. Not only will the boys have to wear the girls uniform, they'll have to resemble a girl in appearance and behavior while in school. What they do outside of school is up to the parents. I don't think they should be deprived of their physical manhood, but it should be suppressed while physical feminization should be encouraged."
Dr. Halteman spoke up. "That should be easy to accomplish. As you know, BELLE VITAMINS suppress masculinity and foster femininity due to the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS they contain. Daily doses over a six to eight week period will make the suppression of testosterone production permanent and the production of estrogen permanent. However, our research has shown that taking it three times a week will suppress testosterone and encourage estrogen production for as long as it is taken, but will not make those changes in production permanent. The effects on a boy would be the same in both cases, but one will reverse when ingestion stops."
Dr. Alterson smiled broadly. "So what that means is that any male can be feminized, to the point of developing breasts and female reactions but still return to masculinity."
"Yes," stated Dr. Halteman. "Those boys who have not past puberty will become and remain girls for as long as they take three doses a week, but revert to masculinity once it stops. In the case of males who are already past puberty, their bodies will feminize while retaining the functions of their male organs. They will look and be females emotionally, but still be able to impregnate a female."
"Once we convince the parents of the fifth grade boys that Petticoating will make their boys nicer," stated Mother Superior Mary Francis. "We can require the entire class to begin attending school as girls as an experiment. With the positive results, we can hold a school wide meeting of the parents, again with the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX in the refreshments, to announce that the entire student body will be required to attend as girls!"
Dr. Alterson thought while the others murmured their approval of the plan. "I'm not sure I like the idea of not forcing the Petticoated boys to complete the sex-change. Of course, I can understand that some parents would definitely refuse to allow their sons to become real girls. Perhaps we can encourage the Petticoated boys to request complete feminization. If we differentiate the uniforms slightly, let the real girls and the transsexuals wear the present uniform, while the Petticoated boys wear the same basic uniform with slight alterations. By changing the color from pink to baby blue for the lace tights and hair ribbons, everyone would know who is still male. The slight difference of treatment that should result, coupled with the effects of the lack of testosterone and influence of estrogen will, in most cases, cause the boy to eventually decide to become a transsexual. I sincerely doubt that any of the elementary age boys will make it through high school without wanting to become a girl. Most likely, the more exposure a boy has had to testosterone, the longer he'll mentally hold out against the estrogen and the desire to change his sex."
Mother Superior Mary Francis nodded her head. "Yes, I can see that. So basically what we'll see, once Petticoating becomes school policy, is no baby blue coming out of the lower grades, with only those who transfer in retaining that color. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL will essentially become exclusively a girls school that enrolls boys. I think all of us would like to see that."
"Indeed," agreed Sister Justine Kane. "It would certainly make it easier for the upperclasses of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY to make the complete transition into girlhood. The lack of males in their school age peer group will do wonders as far as conditioning them in the feminine role. With no males about, no feelings of guilt or betrayal will be engendered."
Gloria Ramsey had sat quietly throughout the meeting and deliberations. Her head was spinning from the matter of fact discussion about Petticoating an entire school. "Do you mean to say that by waiting a week or two to Petticoat Simon, you'll be able to develop all that you need to Petticoat every boy in the school?"
"Yes," replied Lydia Ladd. "That's exactly what we mean."
Gloria shook her head in amazement. "Well, in that case, of course I'll wait! It will be well worth the delay to see his tormentors join him in skirts!"
"Excellent," declared Lydia. "We'll send crews out immediately to begin collecting the footage we'll need. As soon as we have enough, we'll let you know so that you can have your new daughter. Thank you, dear."
After Gloria left, Lydia addressed the core members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. "The planning of this mass Petticoating means that we are nearing a milestone. Large amounts of cash will be needed in the next few months to help us achieve our goals. The BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY must be ready to expand to take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way. We also need a business to front our dealings and efforts. I feel proud to be the sole owner of LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES, which through it's major interests in every business in LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL, already guides them towards our goal. LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES would be the perfect core for our operations except for my sole ownership. What I'd like to do is offer shares of LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES to you, the core of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. Once you have purchased all you want, I'll offer shares to the other members. In this way we can get the money we need to expand, while spreading the financial gains we can expect for our efforts."
The response was immediate acceptance of the offer. LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES would coordinate the business end of their efforts to spread Petticoating. As the meeting broke up, everyone felt wonderful. At last another giant step towards their goal of total Petticoating came nearer. Quite a few were already considering that once the feminine dress, behavior and appearance code proved it's effectiveness in the school, the policy could be implemented in all the businesses associated with LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. The possibilities were astounding!
The only male actively involved in the day to day operation of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, attorney Dave Getzoff, was called in to speak with Lydia Ladd, Victoria Makes-Shemanski, Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski and Dr. Helen Alterson that afternoon. Dave was surprised to see his wife, Barbara Getzoff, mother-in-law, Martha Medlar and partner, Susan Lymaster, sitting at the conference table. Immediately he knew something major was afoot. Warily he took the seat they offered him. Since everyone had a cup of coffee, he took one too, to be polite and pretended to drink. He incorrectly assumed the drink was spiked with BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX and desperately wanted to keep his wits about him.
"Well Dave," Lydia began. "I can see you suspect something big is afoot. The coffee is not spiked with BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX," she stated with a smile. "We wouldn't do that to you. You're smart enough to know that what we tell you is for the best." With that said, she went on to explain their plans for ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL.
Dave listened patiently as she spoke and knew by the expressions on the faces of those around the table that the plan was already going forward. He even managed to keep his face calm when she told them that they were thinking of altering the dress code for the mall. When they finished he leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingertips. "I wondered how long it would be before this happened," he stated seriously. "I assume the policy will be mandatory for any males who work in the mall, but will it be voluntary? Will you let the men quit or sell out if they don't want to go along with the plan?"
"Of course all participation will be voluntary," Lydia stated with a very mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I will personally buy out anyone who does not want to participate. Anyone who wants to quit will receive an excellent job reference."
After intently watching Dave to gauge his reaction she continued. "We don't intend to announce the new feminine dress code just yet. We will announce that we are currently formulating a mall wide dress code. We would like to let it be known that you are on that committee. What we do will depend on you, Dave," Lydia replied candidly. "I have seen your skills in supporting our efforts. Having you on our team will make everything easier for all of us. Are you willing to join us?"
"If you're asking if I'd agree to have a sex-change," Dave answered solemnly after along pause. "The answer is no. I like being a man. If you're asking me if I'd honor a feminine dress code the answer is a reluctant yes. Despite all I know about your efforts and all those I have helped cross the line between masculinity and femininity, my innate manhood still rebels against joining your skirted ranks. However, on a more rational level, I've committed too much of myself to give up what I have. Besides, I know that having Barbara, Martha and Susan here, they have already approved of my crossdressing." Dave paused to collect his thoughts. What he was about to say would not only alter his way of life but that of most of the other men in the mall. "I will insist that my manhood and male sexual functions be unaffected, with the same for all the other males. If you can promise that, I will be on the committee."
"That's what we expected," Lydia stated happily in reply. "We don't anticipate having any of the males quit or sell out. You see, Dave, we are going to begin broadcasting Stage One of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES over the mall PA system today as soon as this meeting is completed. By the end of the week, every male who works here will be indoctrinated. Stages Two, Three and Four will follow. Naturally we will not utilize those portions that will hinder job performance. The later stages of the Neatness portion will be modified to allow construction, remodeling and mechanical repairs to be accomplished as needed. The later stages of the Mode of Dress will be modified to allow workers to wear coveralls, pants, jeans, or other types of appropriate clothing while working. The wearing of feminine apparel will be compulsive behavior but it will not hinder a person's job performance. We will also modify Stage Four since many of us, like Barbara, Victoria and Sandra, have males they want to retain their male sexual functions. You, as well as all of us, will hear the same messages and be forced to obey. All women as well as all men are going to be effected. Since you are so closely involved with us, we thought it only fair to warn you and hope you'd agree. I'm delighted to see that we were correct in our assumptions."
With that the meeting broke up. Susan, Barbara and Martha joined Dave for a drink. Dave nervously joked about how ridiculous he'd feel dressed as a woman. The women assured him that he'd make a beautiful pseudo-woman and that by the time he would have to appear in public, the subliminal tapes would have eliminated any fears, doubts, or embarrassment.
After his luncheon, Dave had unsuccessfully tried to hear or sense the overpowering Stage I of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES as it was repeatedly broadcast over the PA system of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. That night he had gone to bed early, wondering about the wisdom of his decision to assist in the mall wide Petticoating of every male, including himself. His tough, macho side fought a long and bitter fight with his logical attorney side about the benefits of being feminized. The night was long and restless. In the morning, Dave awoke to find Barbara sucking sensuously upon his manhood. With a groan of pleasure he ran his fingers through her long hair while gently bucking his hips as she continued to slurp noisily.
After a slow and quite delightful orgasm, Barbara sat up and caressed his deflated manhood as she nibbled on his ears. "Darling, " she cooed tantalizingly. "Let me help you slip into a pair of my cute sexy silken panties. That way I know you'll be thinking about how I woke you all day."
With that she slipped out of bed and took a pair of white nylon panties from her lingerie drawer and held them up before his still reclined form. "Just think how nice these will feel hugging your cock all day," she drawled lustily. With little effort she tugged him from the bed.
Once she had him standing, she knelt before him. Not a word was spoken as she leaned forward and took his limp manhood into her mouth. As it swelled she touched one foot with the sexy panties. Instinctively he raised the foot and allowed her to slip the panties up to his ankle. While she continued to orally stimulate him she touched his other foot which he raised to let her slip the silken panties up to that ankle. With slow, long draws on his swollen manhood she slowly and sensuously raised the panties up his legs and about his rear so that the tight lace-edged top elastic snugged atop his tight testicles so the soft nylon teasingly caressed his family jewels.
Dave didn't know how to react. Sex with Barbara had always been good, but up until this morning, he had always been the aggressor. What she had done and was doing felt better than anything he'd ever experienced. The logical lawyer portion of his mind coupled with his anguished masculinity to tell him that she was seducing him to have him submit to his own Petticoating. The fevered emotional portion of his psyche told that logical part to take a hike.
Once she felt that his emotional side had at least temporarily defeated his fearful machismo, Barbara left his manhood plop from her wet lips. "I know how to make you feel even better, darling," she cooed lasciviously as she stroked his legs. Standing, she returned to her lingerie drawer and pulled out a pair of sheer black nylon pantyhose.
Dave stared mesmerized at the silky pantyhose as she slowly approached him with a seductive smile upon her face. His penis, still dampened by her saliva, jumped with every beat of his heart as more blood attempted to engorge his erection. When she reached him, she playfully pushed the soft pantyhose into his sweated face. As a result, he flopped into a sitting position upon the bed. The sudden impact caused his manhood PLOP loudly against his stomach as it bounced.
Once more Barbara knelt before him to place a sensuous kiss upon the bobbing head of his manhood. "This sexy pantyhose will make you super horny all day," she uttered huskily as she slipped them over his unresisting feet. Leaning forward she began licking his rampant manhood as she sensuously rolled the pantyhose up his legs.
Dave was lost in a heady sexual experience. Every time Barbara's hot tongue touched him, his mind lost all ability to think. When she had the pantyhose rolled up as high as they could go, she used her head to nudge him prone. Climbing atop his limp body she continued to attempt to roll the silken pantyhose up his body. Unresisting, Dave could only arch his body to give her the freedom she needed to slip the pantyhose about his legs and butt.
All too soon, the waistband of the pantyhose was resting atop his swollen balls as Barbara began to earnestly suckle his erection. In no time, she was swallowing his seed for the second time that morning. The second draining left him limp, in more ways than one.
Barbara stood, efficiently and effectively tucked his deflated manhood between his thighs deep inside the panties and pantyhose. Taking the waistbands of the first the panties and then the pantyhose, she snugged them in place about his abdomen. "You can wear these in place of your normal male jockey shorts and socks, darling," she giggled teasingly knowing that her sensual efforts had coaxed him to accept her urging. "You'll find them a lot more comfortable and you might as well start getting accustomed to feminine attire. Besides," she tittered teasingly as one hand boldly caressed his still limp manhood inside the sensuous nylon prison. "No one can see what you wear under your business suit. I promise to make any anxiety you develop completely vanish as soon as you arrive home this evening."
Dave knew he was lost. Nothing in his manly upbringing could deny that what Barbara had done was not the most sensual or the best sexual experience in his life. He had known that Petticoating was quite effective, watching Heather be transformed had convinced him of that. Now he understood what a devastating effect Petticoating had on a masculine ego. That understanding enabled him to step forward boldly on the road that would lead to his eventual complete feminization without any regrets or doubts. That evening he eagerly donned the lace trimmed sexy pink nylon babydoll nightie that Barbara handed him as they prepared for bed.
Dr. Helga Halteman had a nagging feeling of guilt about what the products she had developed were doing to the males who, intentionally or unintentionally, were using them. Her four pretty nieces, who were her nephews when they came to live with her, had been altered by her development. They were very happy with the changes, not once even wishing they had remained boys. But Helga's acceptance of their happiness was marred by the incompleteness of the change. Even when the transformations were completed by the surgical creation of female genitalia so that the ability and feelings of normal sexual relations could be enjoyed, they still would not be true females. Their chromosomes would still be XY instead of XX. These feminine creatures had lost their ability to reproduce. They would never know the exquisite joy and pain of carrying a child, of being pregnant, of being a true mother. Sure, most had made donations to the sperm bank, but that meant finding a surrogate mother. In addition, their mate would not be the father. It just didn't seem fair. Even though she was delighted with the changes that had been wrought by her work, she was still not satisfied. She felt as if she was doing only half the job, especially since what she had developed had been built upon the pioneer work done by her grandfather, the Nazi SS Doctor Herman Halteman. The computer disks she had saved from the destruction of the new Reich in Paraguay had served as the basis for her developments. It almost felt as if she were merely completing his work.
The night of the meeting when it was decided to Petticoat the school and mall, Helga had an all too vivid dream/nightmare. She dreamed of her grandfather, Dr. Herman Halteman and how splendid he looked all decked out in his Nazi regalia in their Paraguayan hide-away. The image the stern man projected when he wore his old uniform was one of stark horror to the little girl that Margo had been at the time. In the dream, she recalled the incident when she and her brothers had sneaked into their grandfather's office. They were playing around the big desk in his office when the stern patriarch entered unexpectedly and caught them. Margo had been squatting down in front of the desk beside her oldest brother when he entered. His bellow of rage almost made her wet her panties. Her brother had the sense to push her into the cut out area where a persons legs rest while seated to hide her. Grandfather angrily grabbed the two boys by their ears and hauled the squealing duo off to be soundly whipped. Nine year old Helga had stayed hidden and unnoticed. While she waited to be sure the coast was clear before making her escape, she noticed a secret, finely crafted door that hid a recess. Curious despite her fear, she had fingered about the door until it popped open. She had found a hidden release. A black leather bound notebook was inside, cautiously she opened it. Inside were scrawled notes in German, each page deeply embossed with a Nazi Swastika. As she slowly attempted to decipher the scrawled handwriting of her grandfather, the howls of her brothers being beaten echoed into the room. Hastily she placed the book back in it's hiding spot and scrambled from the room. Helga forgot completely about the book after that until this dream.
Helga awoke sweated. She could still see the welts on her brothers. Quite often over the years she had nightmares about that brutal beating. Never had they ventured into that office again. In all those nightmares, she had never recalled the notebook until tonight. That notebook was important. The antique desk was one of the few things that had been saved when the Nazi compound in Paraguay had been raided which resulted in her Grandfather's suicide. It was also one of the few things she had brought from her fathers home after taking care of the funerals his murder/suicide had necessitated.
Jumping out of bed she rushed downstairs and crawled under the desk. With shaking fingers she groped about the hidden door until once more she triggered the release. Inside was the same black leather bound notebook! Solemnly she took it from it's hiding place. Sitting at the desk she reverently opened the dusty tome.
Inside the cover was a sealed envelope, brown from age, addressed simply with but one word written on the outside... HELGA. For several moments she sat staring at the envelope in shocked wonder. Finally she worked up her courage and carefully opened the envelope, withdrawing the handwritten note folded inside. As she read the heavy handed writing, she felt as if she could hear her grandfather speaking.
"Dearest Helga;" it read. "I'm writing this note to explain what my life work really meant. You alone have the ability to take my work and make it useful. Your father and brothers are brilliant, but are much too stubborn. They do not have the capacity to see beyond their noses. A word of advice, the next time you hide under a desk, make sure your shoes do not show. I know that you found this notebook when you hid under the desk when I caught your brothers playing in my office. There was no need for me to punish you directly since I knew that you would learn your lesson from the punishment that your brothers received. Perhaps that was why I was so harsh with the cane. Again the difference between them and you, they learned by having a lesson beaten into them, you learned by watching."
Helga felt as if the old man were sitting across from her telling her the words she was reading. So the old man knew she'd been under the desk all the time. Again she was thankful he had a soft spot for her.
"As I write this note, the new Reich is being destroyed. I can hear the gunfire and explosions moving closer. I also know that your efforts brought the destruction of the new Reich. Do not be surprised. I would have done the same if I had been treated by my father and brothers the way they treated you. As a matter of fact, I covered for your many absences to deliver the vital information the Jews needed to destroy us. One of the reasons I pushed for the computerization of our files and records was because I knew that you would save a copy for yourself, thus saving the years of horrible work that we had engaged in so that it would never be necessary to duplicate our fecund efforts. I was never proud of my work, but I have always felt the results were worth the cost. The people we used as human guinea pigs were going to be exterminated, nothing I or my colleagues could do would have stopped that. Few of us agreed with the policy and those that did were ostracized by the rest of us. What we did was to try to make their sacrifice not a total waste of human life by salvaging information that would help others. I understand that this sounds cold, it is. I have not had a good nights sleep since I became involved in it. My cooperation with the Nazis has forever condemned my soul to eternal hell. I never had your courage to do something about it. I thank you for forever destroying the Reich. I hope that you use the records you copied to aid humanity."
Helga had to stop to wipe the tears from her eyes. The tough old man had been human, simply caught up in the circumstances of the times and unable to extricate himself. Once more the love she had always felt for him came to her mind.
"This journal contains information I did not want the Party to know. It is quite significant and could have sent the madmen on an abusive frenzy that would have paled the Holocaust. To you, my dear granddaughter, I bequest this information."
"I am finished, my life is now over, once I have this sealed in the envelope and placed the notebook back in it's hiding spot, I will end my life. I want you to know that I have had this luger since I joined the SS. I have never fired it in combat or anger, I only fired it during my training in 1939. I'm not even sure the bullets are any good. I sincerely hope so, as I am a coward at heart and want a quick and painless death. The destruction of the new Reich and all it stood for was the only thing I looked forward to seeing. The fact that you will preserve my work satisfies my corrupted soul. I feel confident that my eternity in Hell will be deserved. I have regrets, but what I did I did knowingly. I am not proud of that fact. My only wish is for you to do what is right with this information, just as you did in giving the Jews the information they needed to destroy the new Reich."
"Now Helga, for me it is finished. For you, it is a new start! Remember, to the best of my ability, I love you!"
The letter was signed "Grandpa Herman."
Helga hugged the letter to her breast. The old man had killed himself because she had destroyed the new Reich, yet that was what he wanted. Even in death the man was an enigma. Fresh tears of both joy and sorrow flowed down her cheeks.
Sitting at the desk, once she recovered from the emotional distress the letter had created, she opened the dusty tome. It was an unofficial record of the gruesome experiments Dr. Herman Halteman had conducted on the inmates of the concentration camps. As she read, she began to understand why he didn't want the results to fall into the hands of the Nazi hierarchy.
The experiments centered on the attempts to convert non-Aryans into Aryans. The Nazis felt that if the sub-humans could be made human, they could serve the fatherland. The experiments had failed to change the race of the guinea pigs and many died painfully, although Herman had tranquilized any he could. But a related experiment did bear fruit. The initial idea was to remove the ovaries of a Jewish woman and replace them with a single ovary from an Aryan woman. In those where the primitive transplants were successful, the Jewish women were made pregnant by the SS guards and the offspring were of true Aryan descent. In this manner, Aryan women could donate one ovary while keeping the other and use Jewish women as sows after the transplant was completed.
Of even greater interest, however, were the attempts at sex-changes. The skillful doctors were able to transform men into surrogate women to be used in the field brothels. These sex-changed whores never had a period and thus never had to worry about pregnancy. An older SS guard, aware of the successful sex-changes, asked if women could be transformed into men. Upon questioning, it was discovered that he had four daughters and no sons. One of the girls was built like a man and was quite a tomboy. Would it be possible to change her into a man so she could join the SS? Herman felt the transformation could be done, utilizing the external genitalia of a prisoner who was being transformed into a female. As he thought about the switch, another thought occurred. If the prisoners male parts could be transplanted to the Aryan female, could the Aryan female's organs be transplanted to the prisoner? If so, Aryan women could turn the burden of child-bearing over to the cows that had once been normal males! The intriguing idea would not go away. Eventually, Herman actually did several hundred transplants as he attempted to perfect the technique. Many Jewish men had their male organs transplanted into Jewish women who had their female organs transplanted into the men, several of whom were impregnated! The war ended before any could give birth and all the human guinea pigs were liquidated.
The information gained from those experiments was contained in this handwritten volume. The war ended before Grandfather Halteman was able to carry out the experiment on the guard's daughter. He understood that his experiments would mean that the Reich could use it's women as men once their reproductive organs were transplanted into someone of a sub-human race, whether that someone was male or female was immaterial. Massive herds of sub-human cattle could be surgically created to rapidly increase the birth rate of the superior Aryans. The native population of Paraguay would have been subjugated and turned into breeding cattle for the new Reich. Helga understood the reasons he kept this knowledge hidden from the Nazi hierarchy.
As she reviewed the data, new avenues and vistas were opened. With her knowledge of genetic engineering and gene transplanting, coupled with the data from her grandfathers concentration camp experiments, she just might be able to create fully functional females from all the males she had helped to transform into pseudo-women! The prospect left her breathless!
Unable to sleep, she began making notes of her ideas about a new synthesis of current genetic engineering, transplant technology and the data from the past. If things worked out, it might be possible for her nieces to become mothers, both physically and genetically!
When Margo Spayd finally came downstairs in the morning, she found her lesbian lover hard at work at their home computer. When Ramona, Wendy, Marcia and Erica came down for breakfast, they saw their Aunt Helga still typing away. All realized that her deep concentration meant that until she was satisfied that she had solved whatever puzzle she was working on, it would be up to them to see that she ate, bathed and slept. They all knew from past experience that once a target had been established by Helga, everything else became insignificant. In every case, however, the results had been well worth the disruption and discomfort her single-mindedness created. All wondered what new development she was working on. The four nieces might have considered interrupting her if they knew that she was planning to give them complete femininity.
While Helga plugged away on her problem, the nuns at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL began the film documentation of the fifth grade class. The boys were totally unaware that their constant harassment of poor Simon was being so carefully recorded. Simon spent all his spare time and energy attempting to avoid his tormentors. He did his best to maintain a low profile, but the frustrated boys felt they had a safe scapegoat and went out of their way to torment their small classmate. Little did they realize that they were digging a grave for the masculinity of every boy in the school.
During the second week of their stay the pupils of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY went about their daily activities without complaint. They had been firmly indoctrinated into obeying instantly any command. They also were responding to the demand for one hundred percent effort in every activity that they engaged. The week of listening to the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES Stage II had made the expected changes to each lad. He now found himself feeling uneasy when anything violent happened and would not even watch when something violent occurred.
Exposure to clutter or a mess caused him to feel uneasy and created a strong urge to clean. Exposure to boorishness also created feelings of unease. By this time he was starting to be considerate of others, blush at a faux pas and learning to show respect to his elders and women by opening doors, holding chairs and rising when someone entered a room. He felt uneasy and uncomfortable wearing sweaty, grungy clothes. He was observing others, judging their outfits and developing an interest in fashions. Overtly masculine styles and harsh fabrics were now repulsive to him. He found himself yearning for soft silky clothes; ruffles and frills were attractive and enticing. The uniform he had felt to be extremely humiliating because it was so sissyish in appearance when he'd first worn it he now found quite comfortable. Whenever he looked in a mirror he would make sure that he appeared neat and perky. Such reflected images now quite pleased him. Great feelings of distress whelmed over him when he was not physically neat, clean and well groomed. When walking his steps were now smoother and shorter; he'd tug and smooth his short overalls when sitting; he sat properly with no slouching or sprawling; and his speech was softer while his enunciation was clearer. Feelings of anger and hatred made him feel uncomfortable and he avoided confrontations. He was easily embarrassed, more empathetic and laughed or cried easier.
In addition, the teaching computers had by now ingrained proper study habits and learning techniques into the boys. They went to their classroom looking forward to learning new material simply for the sake of learning! Anyone hearing them talk would never have suspected that just two short weeks before they had been jive talking, cursing, abusive delinquents. Their speech was filled with please's, thank you's, excuse me's and compliments. Proper grammar had become their standard language, not only in speech, but in thought as well.
Their aerobics class had also changed. While still demanding and strenuous, their bodies had adapted to the stretches. They could now do dainty pirouettes, leaps and turns. They even realized that by the end of the week they were doing aerobics only as a fifteen minute preliminary warm-up for ballet dancing lessons! Yet the changes in their physical activities during the aerobics sessions had been so subtle and so enjoyable that they didn't mind learning ballet.
The techniques being used to change these formerly tough punks into polite, caring people were quite effective, bordering on sinister. Any inappropriate actions, whether verbal or physical, were quickly and harshly punished. This quickly conditioned them to avoid such actions to the point of even excluding them from their thought process. At the same time, acceptable and proper alternatives were provided which easily slipped into their everyday thoughts and actions to fill the void left by the harsh expulsion of the unacceptable. After the bad feelings punishment for nasty habits caused, praise for the new good skills they were learning quickly ingrained them in their minds. Never were they punished for improper usage of their new life-skills, they were simply shown the proper usage. Thus, no negative feelings concerning their new habits were ever engendered.
Sister Justine Kane still remained an object of fear, but the rest of the staff had become like big sisters protecting their younger siblings. Thus the lack of love and affection these boys had lived with all their lives was now being supplied at every turn. The staff also quietly informed the boys that Sister Justine was in reality a pussycat when it came to well-behaved youths and adults. It was only disrespect and rebelliousness that made her angry which resulted in her harsh punishments and actions.
These techniques worked so well that by the middle of the week, no disciplinary shocks had to be administered to any of the boys. At the end of the week when the video tapes were edited and the results were viewed by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, the BORNAMAN COUNTY JUVENILE ALTERNATIVE REFORMATION PROGRAM and the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, none could believe that the polite, neat, well-mannered boys were the same belligerent tough punks that had arrived in the facility just two short weeks before. Maxwell Bentley and Kendal Wainwright, representing the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS were delighted with the astounding change the former tough guys had undergone.
Dr. Helga Halteman had also made a great deal of progress in her research. Utilizing the data from her grandfather's journal as a base, she incorporated the latest in genetic engineering. With this dynamic combination she hoped to succeed in manipulating an XY chromosome mouse using the reproductive organs of an embryo to enable the male mouse to become a mother.
The first step was to separate X and Y sperm cells from a mouse. This was accomplished by chemical additives that effect one type of the sex determining sperm but not the other. Then taking a single X sperm, she cloned it until she had a supply that would be adequate for her needs. In a Petri dish she then fertilized an ovum from mother of the sperm donor with one of the cloned X sperm. When the resultant embryo, growing in a nutrient rich placenta like liquid, neared the end of the organogenesis period of development; she stopped the development and removed the minuscule incipient gonadal organ tissue. Placing the undeveloped gonads in another nutrient rich solution she added gonadotropin to stimulate the gonads into renewing development. Just as the gonads reached the point of differentiation into ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes, she temporarily suspended the growth by removing the gonadotropin.
Utilizing an electron microscope, she carefully inserted gametotropin into the nuclei of the ovary bud. This caused the cells of the ovary bud to divide once more, only this time they divided by meiosis instead of mitosis. The result was that instead of the daughter cells having the normal compliment of 44 chromosomes, they had a 22 chromosome count, the same as an ovum or sperm. The timing to limit the growth to one cell division was extremely difficult. Using more of the cloned X sperm, she expertly inserted one into the nucleus of each cell of the ovary bud. Immediately the cloned sperm mated with the ovum-like nucleus of the ovary bud cells to once more form the normal cell compliment of 44 chromosomes. The gametotropin was replaced by gonadotropin. The development of the gonadal tissue was then allowed to proceed.
The female gonads proceeded to develop into the precursors of normal ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Once they reached the stage of viability, they were ready for implantation. The male mouse from whom the sperm had been taken had been prepared by total castration to stop all male hormone production and had been receiving treatment with female hormones until it's body resembled that of a female. The developing gonads were then implanted into the proper location inside the formerly male mouse's now feminine body. Gonadotropin and female hormones were administered in proper proportions to insure the growth and development of the female reproductive organs inside the body of a former male.
Since the original egg had come from the male's mother, it carried 50 percent of the same chromosomes as the male. The male's sperm was then used to fertilize the egg which meant that the embryo had 75 percent of the same chromosomes as the male. Thus when the gene manipulation of the ovary bud cells took place utilizing meiosis instead of mitosis, the chromosome count of the resulting cells was halved (half of 75 percent is 37 1/2 percent). The resultant ovary bud cells, once the cloned sperm were added, created cells with complete chromosome counts that were 87 1/2 percent identical with the chromosome count of the former male! Chances of rejection of the implanted organs were virtually non-existent!
In addition, any ovum the transplanted ovaries would produce inside the formerly male body would have chromosomes which would be 87 1/2 percent identical to that of the ex-male! What this meant was that any offspring produced from a successful fertilization would genetically be very closely related to the ex-male mother! If the pseudo-female mated with a normal male and produced offspring, the ex-male would genetically be the mother!
Helga was delighted with the preliminary results. By Saturday morning November 3 she had two dozen male mice implanted with such genetically engineered female reproductive organs. Now she had to see how the organs developed and attached themselves to the ex-male's abdomen. If everything went as she hoped, once fully developed, a surgically created vagina would connect to the uterus to allow the formerly male mouse to menstruate and engage in normal intercourse as a female with the possibility of becoming pregnant and carrying offspring to birth!
Dr. Halteman understood that any such birth would almost certainly have to be by Caesarian section, but the offspring would be genetically related to the pseudo-mother! However, if the implantation could be done before the patient reached full sexual maturity as a male, the influence of the natural female hormones produced by the ovaries could possibly alter the prepubescent bone structure and musculature of the pelvic region so that the surgically created birth canal could open so that a natural birth could be a possibility.
As the videos of the fifth grade class were being reviewed and edited the pattern of abuse that Simon Ramsey was suffering became abundantly clear. What also became clear was the evidence of abuse that emerged between the rest of the boys. There was a definite pecking order. The top of the heap picked on all below him. The second picked on all below him but never the one above. The third picked on all below him but never those above. The order continued down to the bottom which was Simon. What was interesting was how the top boy could cause a shift in the pecking order simply by telling a boy not to pick on another. This immediately dropped the chastised lad beneath the boy he had been picking upon. There were daily shifts in the lower positions of the hierarchy.
Since the filming had began on Wednesday, there had been a great deal of footage accumulated. During the review by the steering committee of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY on Saturday morning, it was decide that enough footage had been obtained to prove their point that the rest of the boys in the class were definitely abusing poor Simon. They decided to have Mrs. Ramsey contacted to inform her that she could have Simon Petticoated whenever she deemed fit. They felt quite confident that she would bring the unsuspecting boy in immediately. While a secretary was notified to make the call, they continued their review of the videos.
They reached a consensus opinion that not enough evidence had accumulated to justify the Petticoating of all the boys. It was decided to continue filming for the following week to see the reaction to Simon's transformation into Simone. The three boys who had been the lowest above Simone had exchanged positions each day during the filming. It would be interesting to document the resultant alteration in the pecking order to see who would come out on the bottom.
Further discussion brought up the possible ramifications that Petticoating the fifth grade class would have amongst the un-Petticoated male students in the other classes. It was feared that they would become so apprehensive about being Petticoated en-mass as had the fifth grade class that they would beg their parents to withdraw them from the school before their classes could be Petticoated. Quite a bit of discussion went on about this very real situation and it was finally decided that a new set of Subliminal Hypnotic messages would be created for school-wide broadcast that would prevent the boys from talking about Petticoating and make them feel nauseous if they even thought about it for too long. BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX would be administered in all the drinks at the cafeteria each day. In the afternoons, for an hour each day after the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX had a chance to take effect, the new tapes would be broadcast school-wide to condition all the students to accept the mass Petticoating. The effort would begin on Monday.
When Gloria Ramsey received the message that she could Petticoat Simon at her discretion she whooped for joy. As soon as the line was disconnected she called the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE MEDICAL CENTER to make arrangements to bring Simon in that afternoon. Dr. Michelle McAnnally and Dr. Sarah Balkut were placed on call to perform the required procedures. Gloria gathered her coat and as she was slipping it on she went into the living room where Simon sat before the TV, entranced by the broadcast of WWE RAW WRESTLING.
Gloria sighed heavily and shook her head sadly. Professional wrestling was as farcical a show as any carton, yet Simon was an avid fan. The more she had objected to his fascination with the macho pro wrestling stars, the more adamant he became about watching them. That poor Simon passionately wished he could be exactly like those over-muscled, garrulous men was clearly evident in his fervent eyes. Well, she thought happily, today would be the last time he would have such thoughts.
"Simon," she called firmly when a commercial appeared on the screen. "We have an appointment at the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER. We have to leave now."
"Awww Mommm...," Simon whined petulantly. "Can't it wait until the matches are over?"
"No, dear," she stated as she scooped the remote control off the arm of the sofa. As she clicked the TV set off she continued speaking. "Get your coat and scarf now. I'll pull the car up to the front door so you can hop right inside without getting too cold.
"A scarf? Come on Mom, only sissies where scarves," he pleaded. "If any of the guys sees me wearing a scarf they'll hound me all week!"
"Yes, a scarf! You know better than to question me," she replied indignantly causing him to meekly lower his eyes and blush. He really is a sissy, she thought to herself as she glared at his audacity in questioning her judgement. She knew it was due to the effect of the wrestling show. What she was going to do him would be for the best, of that she had no doubt. "Now move," she ordered curtly as she picked up her purse and walked out to get the car.
As she pulled up before the front door, Simon ran out to the car. Clutched about him for warmth was his coat, unbuttoned naturally, while the scarf dangled from one hand. Anger flared in her as she clenched the steering wheel. Leaning over she flung the passenger door open so he could slip inside to escape the harsh fall wind.
"I thought I told you to put on your scarf! Why isn't your coat buttoned? Don't you have any sense?" Gloria scolded her son as she did almost every day. She supposed his resistance to her demands that he bundle up was a relatively safe way of relieving his need for rebelliousness.
"But Mom," he explained sheepishly in an effort to diffuse her anger. "You only said to GET my coat and scarf. You didn't say I had to button the coat or wear the scarf."
Gloria opened her mouth to respond but thought better of the idea. It would only be an exercise in frustration. Besides, she thought as a sinister smile crept upon her face, by the time they came home, Simon would no longer have any need to establish his masculinity.
Simon looked out the side window as he felt his heart beating rapidly while he waited for his mother to scold him for not having the sense to properly wear the coat and scarf. As the seconds stretched on, he began to worry that she was really going to let him have it. Apprehensively he slowly turned his head until he could see her face. The satanic grin upon her face coupled with her white knuckled two handed grasp upon the steering wheel left him with no doubts that she was indeed angry with his behavior. The anxiety he had felt before glancing at her turned to out-right fear. Silently he turned his head to look out the door as he first buttoned his coat and then wrapped the scarf about his neck hoping to appease her. An empty feeling in the pit of his stomach began to create a sour taste in his throat as his nerves worked overtime to handle the stress. Suddenly he gasped and jumped, then clenched his legs together as he wiggled uncomfortably in his seat before tensing his entire body into rigidity. His face paled to pearly white then turned a bright crimson as he felt the wetness spreading from his crotch. Hanging his head in shame he began to cry softly at the shame he felt for wetting his pants.
Gloria was keeping an eye on her son as she drove. Her silence was having a greater effect upon him that any scolding she'd ever given him. The fact that he meekly buttoned his coat and placed the scarf about his neck pleased her. The gasp and movement puzzled her at first, as did the tears. Then it struck her. "SIMON! Don't tell me you wet yourself," she stated in obvious shock.
Simon buried his face in his hands and began to cry furiously. No other response was required as they continued the short trip in silence.
When they arrived at LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL she pulled up to the nearest entrance to the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER. "How bad did you wet yourself," she asked as she pulled him upright to survey the damage.
Simon continued to cry as he numbly allowed her to examine his degradation. "Front and back," she stated after completing her check. "Well there's nothing that can be done to hide it and we don't have time to go back home and clean you up. You made the mess, now you'll just have to live with it. Get out and go right up to the doctor's office. They're waiting for you. I'll be in as soon as I park the car."
"But Mom," Simon sputtered helplessly between sobs. "I can't go in like this!"
"You most certainly can and will go in like that," Gloria stated angrily. "You're the one who wet yourself. Let everyone see just how big a baby you are. You're nothing but a big sissy! Now get going!" With that she leaned across his sobbing form and popped the passenger door open.
Despite his fears and tears, Simon forlornly scrambled out of the car. Slamming the door behind him, he ran into the building keeping his head lowered in a fruitless attempt to hide his identity. The people he passed immediately saw his shame and tittering followed him as he made his way through the mid-day Saturday crowd of shoppers.
Condemning words of SISSY, BABY, SISSY, echoed in his mind as he almost ran to the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER on the second floor. By the time Simon burst into the office he was out of breath and heaving from the exertion of his ordeal. Huge tears flowed down his crimson cheeks as he hunched over in an attempt to hide his shame while drawing in huge gulps of air between his body-shaking sobs.
Startled by the commotion the boy created by his dramatic entrance, the receptionist looked up to see the sobbing, breathless, huddled form before her window. The pained eyes that gazed imploringly up at her pierced into her heart. Immediately she recognized him and his dilemma. This boy definitely needed to be Petticoated she thought. Activating the intercom she notified Dr. McAnnally that Simon Ramsey had arrived and needed immediate attention.
Poor Simon felt light headed from the combined effects of the emotional trauma he felt and the physical fatigue from running through the mall and his crying. The room started to spin and he began to wobble. The sourness in his throat grew stronger as his churning stomach began to force the bitter bile up his throat. Suddenly the heaves started, staggering to the wall before the receptionists window he placed one hand to support himself while the other clutched his spasming stomach. The contents of his stomach burst forth from his groaning mouth at the same time his bladder let loose completely. The vile vomit volcanoed to the floor where it mixed with the growing yellow pond flowing from his overflowing shoes.
Dr. Michelle McAnnally hurried from her office to help Simon. Even before she entered the waiting room, the sounds and odors let her understand the boy's problem. The wet stain on his trousers, the dry heaves, the bit of phlegm dribbling from his mouth and the noxious pool on the floor in which he stood gave no doubt what had happened.
It was fortunate that no one was in the waiting room. Dr. McAnnally helped Simon stagger to an examination room. The receptionist called for the mall sanitation department to come clean the near-toxic mess.
When Gloria arrived in the office, the sanitation staff was busily sprinkling an absorbent compound on the smelly mess.
Glancing at the receptionist with a questioning expression, she was rewarded with a nod and pointed towards the examination room where her son waited. Smiling weakly she mouthed a "Thank you," to the receptionist as she stepped gingerly around the repulsive mess.
In the examination room, Gloria found Dr. Michelle McAnnally and Dr. Sarah Balkut helping a shivering Simon out of his wet clothes. Once they had the sobbing lad nude they washed his wet flesh and helped him slip into one of the pink satin knee-length kimono type robes that both they and TRANSFORMATIONS STYLING provided for their clientele.
Simon blinked back the tears and attempted to apologize for his accidents but Dr. McAnnally merely hushed him as she deftly injected a rather powerful relaxant into his trembling body. In seconds the tears stopped as the lad slumped jelly-like on the examining table. Since Gloria had already signed all the permission for treatment forms, the doctors began to set up for the procedure that would eliminate Simon's masculinity.
Gloria watched with avid fascination as they went about their task with cold efficiency. Dr. Balkut made her standard mold of the boy's genitals before deftly milking him of his juvenile sperm for deposit into the sperm bank. Once those procedures were completed, Dr. McAnnally tied off the penis and scrotum before injecting the BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER. Even though Gloria had been briefed on how the solution destroyed a males genitals, she was utterly fascinated to actually watch the procedure.
By the time Simon had been emasculated, the sedative that he had received was starting to wear off. As he regained his wits, the boy understood that something very drastic had been done to him while he was in the dream-like state the medication had created. "Wh... what did you do," he asked timidly.
Dr. McAnnally smiled warmly and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well, we've just seen to it that no one will ever tease or torment you for being a sissy."
Simon was terribly confused. The anguish that he had undergone before they gave him the sedative coupled with the after-effects of that injection left him befuddled. "How can that be? I've always been a sissy and I always will..."
"Not any more, darling," Dr. McAnnally laughed reassuringly. "You know that only boys can be sissies, right?"
Simon was really confused now, but meekly nodded his head.
"Well, you can never again be a sissy. What we just did made sure of that," Dr. McAnnally stated as she placed a reassuring hand on Simon's shoulder.
"But... How...," Simon queried not understanding what was happening.
"It's really very simple, darling," the smiling doctor stated. "You're not a boy anymore. We just eliminated your masculinity! From this moment on, for the rest of your life, you're a girl!"
Simon's eyes grew as big as saucers as the import of what she had told him sank into his befuddled mind. When he finally understood he blanched. "Y... you mean I'm like Brianne," he forced out in a high, squeaky voice that bordered on the edge of panic.
"That's exactly what we mean," Dr. McAnnally replied with a broad smile. "From now on, you're going to be a cute, loveable girl!"
Simon opened and closed his mouth wordlessly several times as he simply stared at Dr. McAnnally in sheer disbelief. Turning to his mother, his panic-stricken eyes begged to tell him that the doctor was joking with him. What he saw were tears trickling down his mother's cheeks, not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. Simon understood that he had indeed been transformed from a boy into a girl. A shiver of dread engulfed him as he realized he had become the ultimate sissy. That understanding left him in a daze.
Gloria slipped her arms about Simon in a warm, reassuring hug. "Oh Simone," she cooed as she kissed his sweated forehead. "You're going to be such a lovely girl! This is all for the best, you'll see! Now there is no use arguing or trying to fight it, the job has already been done. You are not and never will be, a male. You have no other option but to become the sweet girl you should have been since your birth. It's taken me all these years to understand that you should have been my daughter. Now that I have my darling girl, I'm never going to let you go!"
Simon shivered as his mother lovingly embraced him. All the years of suffering under the torment of the other boys for his small size and fair skin came back in a horrible flash. The experiences he had at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL with the Petticoating of other boys had shown him that every one was happier and better off after they had been transformed. Even though becoming a girl had never been something he had ever wanted to do or for that matter would have ever volunteered to do, now that it was done, what choice did he have? The submissiveness and years of yielding to the expectations and demands of others had conditioned him to meekly accept whatever others decided. If they told him that he was now a girl and that he would be happy, then that was what would happen. For him, his natural sissy acquiescence enabled him not to fight the loss of his manhood.
"M... Mother," Simon stammered. "You want me to be a girl, don't you." What the timid boy expressed was a statement rather than a question. Simon had already made up his mind that if his mother wanted him to become a girl, that was what he would do. There were two ways Simon could face a dilemma, one was to run away from it and hope it would go away, the other was to acquiesce and make the best out of whatever situation he found himself ensnared.
"Yes, my darling Simone, you are now my daughter," Gloria stated in a soft, motherly voice. "Now, after you thank the doctors for changing you into a girl we'll go down to TRANSFORMATIONS STYLING to have your hair done and ears pierced."
Simone, for she instantly accepted her changed status, looked up at the doctors through demurely lidded eyes and smiled weakly. "Thank you for changing me into a girl," she stated in a soft, already very girlish voice as she began to slip into her new role.
Dr. McAnnally and Dr. Balkut were quite pleased with the easy submission with which Simon had accepted his transformation. None of the other boys they had treated had ever so meekly allowed themselves to be altered or so meekly slipped into an appropriate mode of behavior. Both told the pretty girl that she was very welcome and that they were delighted to have been of assistance.
With that, Gloria helped Simone slide off the examination table and smoothed out the dress-like pink satin kimono gown. Everyone smiled as they noted that even without make-up or restyled hair Simone already appeared to be an authentic girl. The mother and daughter left the room tenderly holding hands while the doctors threw the messy clothes that Simon had worn into the trash.
Susan Bangs was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newest girl. Even she who had helped in so many transformations was impressed by Simone's inherent girlishness and her demure acceptance of her fate. Simone blushed deeply as she drank in the effusive compliments she received for her innate girlishness.
"Well," Susan stated gaily. "There really isn't too much I can do to make you prettier, Simone. Other than piercing your ears and trimming your hair, you don't need any help to be naturally feminine."
Gloria beamed proudly while Simone blushed sweetly. Thirty minutes later, Gloria and Simone waltzed from the beauty shop. The mother and daughter literally beamed their happiness throughout the mall. Simone was even giggling with girlish apprehension as they headed to THE CLOTHING EXPERIENCE to buy her new wardrobe. From each ear lobe a small golden hoop earring dangled pertly while a diamond stud reflected light in dancing patterns. From it's beribboned perch high atop the back of her head her golden ponytail bounced with her every step. Big, innocent blue eyes sparkled beneath her softly curled bangs. Anyone who saw the girl could tell that she was quite excited and happy.
Olivia and Tammy Endress greeted Gloria and Simone as soon as they entered the store. Once more Simone was overwhelmed by the compliments. For the first time in her life, Simone didn't have to worry about someone teasing her. Going through the various racks of soft pretty clothes she was all smiles and excited giggles. As they entered the dressing room, her dainty tiny hands were quivering with excitement and anticipation of slipping into the soft, silken, lace and ruffle trimmed delights that they had chosen.
An hour after they entered the store, Gloria and Simone, both beaming radiantly, headed for home. Their arms were barely able to carry the many bags crammed full of soft, pretty girlish outfits and lingerie. Simone was thrilled by the prickly/ticklish feel of the stiff scalloped lace that trimmed the two inch wide ruffled hem of her flaring pink denim mini-skirt as it brushed gently across her exposed thighs with each step. The soft, billowy, pink floral printed peasant blouse made her feel soft and delicate. Delicate lace topped pink anklets, snugged girlishly about her ankles, made her feel deliciously feminine. Of course, she had insisted upon a darling pair of black patent leather mary jane style shoes to complete her first girlish outfit. As they prepared to leave the mall, Gloria reminded her lovely daughter to slip on the pink fake rabbit fur car coat they had purchased. It was quite awkward to cross the parking lot with all the bags while bundled up in the soft, warm coat, but Simone loved all the new, delicious sensations the new clothes created in her formerly repressed sissy boy body.
After loading all the packages in the back of the car, Gloria smiled as Simone tried to enter the front seat. "Simone, darling," she corrected gently. "When entering a car, lady always turns her derriere to the seat, carefully smooths her skirt, then places her bottom upon the seat. Then keeping her knees together she daintily swings her legs inside. That insures that no one can see up her skirt."
Simone blushed at the gentle reprimand and dutifully followed her mother's instructions. Looking up, she smiled tentatively at her mother hoping for approval.
"That was very good, darling," Mrs. Ramsey stated with a smile. "But I never said we were leaving. Now you do just the opposite to get out of the car."
Simone blushed deeply as she carefully swung her legs back out of the car and stood, making sure her skirts were hanging properly before she stepped away from the door. Taking her mother's hand the walked back into the mall. Soon they were entering TRANSITIONS HOUSEWARES where they spent half an hour selecting new sheets, bedspreads, drapes and curtains to change Simone's bedroom into a pink girlish dreamscape.
Once more they made their way to the car with their arms laden with purchases. This time Simone looked sweetly at her mother and asked, "Do we need anything else?"
Gloria smiled and hugged her new daughter. "Well, Simone, that's up to you. I thought you might like to get some toys and games that are suitable for a girl since most of the things you have are not very feminine. You might even like to get a few dolls and stuffed animals."
Simone's eyes lit up as she bit her lip in anticipation of more shopping. Eagerly she nodded her head and place her hand in her mother's hand as they headed back into the mall once more. This time Simone led the way to HARMONY TOYS where she eagerly picked out several pre-teen girl games featuring BARBIE or the BABYSITTER CLUB characters. But it thrilled Gloria to no end when Simone squealed with delight upon discovering the AMERICAN GIRLS collection of dolls, books, paper dolls and other girlish accessories.
Gloria kept quiet as to suggesting any selections. As they slowly walked through the dolls, Simone blushed and licked her lips. Several times she stopped and admired one of the cute dolls and read the brief biography of the character. Each time she tentatively peered at her mother to see what she thought. Gloria was careful to maintain a cheerful appearance while neither encouraging her to pick a particular doll nor discouraging her from doing so.
After several minutes and numerous trips back and forth through the AMERICAN GIRL selections, Simone halted and looked at her in exasperation. "I really like all of these dolls but I don't think I'd like to play with them. I know most of the other girls my age don't play with dolls and I think I'd feel silly if I did," she stated softly in a mildly confused voice.
"Well, Simone," Gloria replied. "Playing with dolls is generally done by younger girls but since you never had the opportunity to do so, it wouldn't hurt anything if you played with them now. However, I also understand your apprehension. You want to be a big girl like your classmates and they don't play with dolls. Even if they never found out that you were playing with dolls, you would probably feel guilty. There is another option, however. Instead of buying dolls to play with them, you can buy them as a hobby. A lot of girls and women collect dolls as a hobby. As a matter of fact, I've always thought about starting a collection of dolls. I just never managed to get started. I think it might be a good hobby that both of us can enjoy! The AMERICAN GIRL characters are an excellent place to begin a collection."
Simone's eyes once more lit up as she enthusiastically nodded her head. "That sounds great, Mother. Let's get started!"
The two giggling females pointed and talked about the various characters who portrayed typical girls from the founding of our country up to the 1940s. Simone was entranced by FELICITY, the character from the colonial period. Kate Harmony, the owner saw the two avidly checking out the display and came over to offer assistance. "May I help you ladies," she asked with a warm smile. "I can answer any questions you may have."
Gloria returned the smile and slipped her arm about Simone. "My daughter and I would like to begin collecting dolls," she stated. "I've read several articles about collectable dolls but I'm certainly no expert. What would be a good line with which to begin a collection?"
"Well," Kate replied with a smile as she looked at Simone. "The AMERICAN GIRL dolls are a perfect beginning. Every girl should have at least one. Another good product line is EFFENBEE's Fairy Tale Series." Opening a nearby display case she took out an adorable doll dressed up as Little Bo Peep which she handed to Simone. "As you can see, all the dolls in this series are the same size and each is just as adorable as this one."
Simone took the doll and handled it as if it were made of fragile glass. The doll wore an old fashioned dress of blue gingham. The overskirt was puffed out to three times the size of the doll by the voluminous ruffled lace and taffeta petticoats. Turning it almost reverently to peer at it from several angles, it was clear that Simone was quite taken with the doll. "Oh mother," she whispered in awe. "It's absolutely beautiful! Can we please get it?"
Gloria was equally impressed by the doll's quality and costume. "Of course, darling," she replied lovingly as touched the dainty doll. "I'm sure this will be a wonderful start for our collection."
"An excellent choice," replied Kate with a sincere smile. "If you'll let me have it, I'll put it in it's box so you can carry it without having to worry about soiling the costume."
"Mother," Simone stated with a glowing blush. "Can I please get FELICITY too?"
"Of course," Gloria replied. "We'll get her books too."
In a few moments, they headed down the aisle with Simone clinging to the packages as if they were gold. It was only when they reached the aisle that had the stuffed animals that Simone handed the bag to her mother as she touched and hugged all the cutest furry creations. Simone finally decided on a 20 inch cuddly pink teddy bear and an eleven inch stuffed Snoopy and Belle that were dressed as a bide and groom. Snoopy looked quite dapper in his black velvet tuxedo while Belle appeared to be the epitome of femininity in her full white lace wedding dress. Beside them were numerous other dress-up costumes for the two cartoon characters. Gloria allowed Simone to purchase the WWI flying ace outfit for Snoopy and a dainty pink ballerina outfit, complete with tulle tutu, for Belle.
Kate was quite surprised when Gloria handed her the BELLE CARD (A discount credit card that the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY gives to members that allows a fifteen percent discount on all in mall purchases plus an additional fifteen percent discount off the first month after a Petticoating.) Kate smiled and complimented both Simone and Gloria. "I never would have suspected that Simone had ever been a boy! She is a natural beauty," Kate told them. "Letting her become a girl is the best thing that you could ever do for her."
Once more the mother and daughter left the mall with their arms filled by their many purchases. It didn't take long for Gloria to drive home where they immediately removed and packed every item of male clothes and any male games and toys. All the new purchases were either placed away or put into position for display or use.
The rest of the weekend passed swiftly for the mother and daughter. Soon it was Monday morning and Simone eagerly donned the cute girl's school uniform. Posing before the mirror, she delighted in her soft, girlish appearance. What she saw was a demure and quite lovely ten year old girl clad in the school's cute uniform. The snug sleeveless scoop necked hot pink velveteen jumper fit snugly about her slender torso while the gently flaring pleated skirt swung saucily about her smooth creamy white thighs two inches above her knees. The soft pale pink nylon blouse had a wide Peter Pan collar of delicate lace that lay atop the wide shoulder straps of the jumper. The flaring two inch cuffs of the blouse's long sleeves were made of the same fragile lace. The pale pink nylon kneesox and T-strap hot pink patent leather shoes matched the colors of the jumper and blouse. Her bouncy blonde ponytail was secured by intertwined ribbons, one of pale pink and the other of hot pink, formed into a bow to complete the matching outfit and add to her fragile girlishness.
Although she was a bit apprehensive about going to school as a girl, she knew from past experience that most of the girls in her class would readily accept her Petticoating. The boys would simply leave her alone, afraid that they might be Petticoated if they created any type of disturbance.
Simone couldn't have been happier to note that there was no sign what so ever that she had ever been a boy! Gloria hugged her lovely daughter before they headed downstairs for breakfast. Soon they were heading to the car for the short trip to school.
As Mother Superior Mary Francis had instructed, they arrived five minutes after the classes began. The stern matriarch made Simone blush and smile as she praised her for her obvious girlishness before she led the new girl to her class.
When the door to the fifth grade class opened and Mother Superior Mary Francis entered, the class instinctively fell silent. All the students, especially the boys, always felt apprehensive whenever the austere Nun entered a room. She enjoyed peering intently about the room for a few moments to watch the students begin to squirm in their seats.
"Class," she announced in a gentle voice that the students had learned to recognize as non-threatening. "I'd like to introduce a new student." Reaching her hand out toward the door she waited for Simone to enter. ""This is Simone Ramsey. I'm sure all of you will welcome her."
All eyes were wide as they recognized the pretty girl who proudly stepped into the room to stop in the center before the teachers desk and perform a perfect curtsey. The girls were delighted and began to giggle excitedly. The boys slumped in their seats and a barely audible groan filled the room. They knew that their favorite scapegoat had changed sides in their one sided war of the sexes. Now they would have to extremely nice and polite to the pretty girl who just last Friday had been a sissy boy. They all understood that the chances of their being Petticoated increased every time another boy stepped across the line into girlhood. Little did they suspect that all of them would soon be making that trip!
Simone slipped right into place amongst the girls. All accepted her for her natural femininity. The boys avoided her as if she had the plague. The jockeying for position in the masculine pecking order began as soon as Simone was recognized as the former Simon. When such a drastic change occurred, all positions switched.
During lunch it became quite evident that the boys had splintered into three main groups with a few boys left outside. Those three groups were vying for supremacy. The jibes and snide comments, the ridicule and condemning of their opponents masculinity cut to the very core of their need to prove they were still tough guys even though trapped against their will in a suffocating, sissy environment. Any boy who grew angry at the barbs lost position while any boy who forced another boy to lose control gained position. The same applied to any remark that was particularly witty versus one that was lame. In this manner, by chopping down their opposition, they sadistically realigned the brutal pecking order. All twelve of the remaining lads would have done a lot less swaggering and chest beating if they had known that their every word and action was being filmed and collated into a devastating and condemning documentary that would end every bit of their virile boyhood.
End of Book 5 Part B
To Be Continued...
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About the LEM genetic females -
Selfish women:
** Thus Simon was a loner, ostracized by the guys and afraid to associate with the girls out of dread that he might be transformed into a girl. ... Gloria was surprised to learn about Petticoating. In all the time Simon had been enrolled, he'd never mentioned it and since he never got into trouble, the staff had never felt the need to bring it up. ... she would wait to implement Simon's conversion to Simone. **
It obviously does no good for a boy living in the LEM environment to be well behaved and follow the rules. If his mom wants a daughter, she'll have him changed no matter what.
dishonorable women:
** "I assume the policy will be mandatory for any males who work in the mall, but will it be voluntary? Will you let the men quit or sell out if they don't want to go along with the plan?"
"Of course all participation will be voluntary," Lydia stated ... "We don't anticipate having any of the males quit or sell out. You see, Dave, we are going to begin broadcasting Stage One of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES over the mall PA system today as soon as this meeting is completed. By the end of the week, every male who works here will be indoctrinated. **
Lydia flatly states that all participation will be voluntary, and then turns around and flatly tells him it won't. Agreement is not voluntary if one is secretly brainwashed into agreeing.
UberNazi women:
Helga considers herself anti-Nazi but doesn't see that what the LEM women do is worse than what the Nazi's did. Instead of racial genocide, they are engaged in gender and sexual genocide.
BE a lady!
You forget this is a fictional story!
In these stories I have only seen happy endings, with no deaths or pain, that's a big difference to the Nazi's?
Whilst extrapolating on your summation of fictional stories, I suppose you would have a problem with Star Wars, & Science Fiction in general where whole Galaxy's of living beings are wiped out by USA Enterprise's or similar?
Maybe changing them all into the fairer Sex would have been more appropriate?
In Real life, do you have a problem with dropping Atom Bombs on innocent children and mothers and fathers? I.E. do it again and we will drop another bomb until you accept the American way, is a really harsh form of brainwashing!
A gender changing bomb would have been more appropriate - Is this dishonourable or UberNazi?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Ladd S exchange Mall
The title explains the story.
While there is a lot of narrow minded anti-male sentiments by several of the women, and a few had pay-back issues, all eventully succumbed to helping the transformed males have a happy life.
The women are bigotted but feel their life experiences justify what they are doing and as soon as the males yield to the inevitability of their new lives, things go well.
The Nazi's wanted to destroy everything non-Germanic. These women simply want to convert that which they see as bad into good. I tend to think of them like some ardent Christians who let their religion run rampant over their faith. They're not evil, simply misguided.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue