Petticoating to the Max Ladd's Exchange Mall Book 5 Part C (End)

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Petticoating to the Max
Ladd's Exchange Mall
Book 5 Part C

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright © 2010 Jennifer Sue.
All Rights Reserved.

The students at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY started their third week in the institution. At this point everyone who came into contact with the students were under strict orders to refer to them as students and not as inmates. The difference in status was very important in the effort to have them abandon their illegal past. They had to completely divorce themselves from the memories of those times. Sister Justine Kane still appeared as a strong authority figure who had to be obeyed without delay or question. However, the image of harsh cruelty was steadily changing to an impression of tough love. What they needed was a mother who would always be there to tell them right from wrong and who would keep them on the road to correct behavior at any cost. Justine would become their pseudo-mother.

Monday evening after supper, Sister Justine Kane addressed the apprehensive students. "I'm proud to see that all of you are learning to behave. Since it has proved unnecessary to discipline you, I will allow some magazines and books to made available for your use during free time. If this week sees your behavior continue to improve, next week more privileges will be granted and restrictions eased. It is my hope that by the end of the fourth week of your stay, we will be able to remove the BELLE DISCIPLINE COLLARS."

The eyes of the students lit up with delighted anticipation of that eventuality. Not one of them any longer harbored the idea of attempting to escape. They understood that they had found a home where they were wanted and even loved. None of them wanted to return to what their lives had been before they arrived at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. Everyone, students, staff and teachers, knew that all the students would try their best to be good.


Over at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL it was clear by the end of the school day on Tuesday that there would be ample evidence to support Petticoating all the boys in the fifth grade. The BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY was delighted with the footage they were accumulating as they tracked the rise and fall of the various boys. The damning footage they had accrued while filming the boys when Simon was at the bottom of the heap was good, but the heartless pecking system had already been in place. Once Simone was yanked out of that cruel pile, it completely collapsed and another underdog had to be created. The harsh, vicious reality of the verbal in-fighting made the monitors wince.

Mother Superior Mary Francis personally telephoned the parents of each boy in the fifth grade class to announce an important meeting concerning their sons deportment in school at 8:00am Saturday morning. The filming continued all week as the editing crews made sure the damning documentary would be ready by Saturday.

As word of the proposed Petticoating of all male students and changing ST. FRANCES OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL to an all girls school spread through the members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, it caused quite a stir amongst those familiar with the school. Furthermore, the certainty that a new strict dress code would become policy for LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL made most of the males who owned businesses or who worked there to become quite concerned. Not one, however, made any attempt to relocate or sell their business or to find another job. The rumblings and muttering that rumor evoked were carefully documented by LADD'S SECURITY.

During that long week from the initial meeting while Stage I of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES played, Dave Getzoff had met with each and every male who either worked or owned a business in the mall to relieve their fears and apprehensions about the proposed new mall wide dress code that was being formulated. It had taken all of his skills and experience as a top rated attorney to assure them that Lydia Ladd had promised that anyone who did not wish to comply with the new code could sell their business or seek employment elsewhere with a good recommendation. When asked specifically if the new dress code would require feminine dress, Dave diplomatically avoided giving a straight answer. No one, he assured them with a virtuous face, would be forced to dress in any manner that would make them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. After each meeting he wondered how reassured they would feel if they knew he was wearing pantyhose and matching lace edged white nylon panties and camisole under his boring suit.

No one, male or female, even those who knew the tapes were being played continuously over the mall PA system, realized they were being insidiously changed. All those who knew tried to pick out the subliminal messages, to sense what was being irreversibly drilled into their minds. No one succeeded and no one even noticed the subtle changes in the ways they reacted and thought. On Tuesday November 6, Stage II of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES began it's one week tour of undetectable duty on the airwaves of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL.


Dr. Helga Halteman proudly addressed the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY on Friday evening November 10 after the discussion and finalization of the preparations for Petticoating the boys of the fifth grade class at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. All were enthused about the potential her research held for enabling the many former males they had created to become fully female. Even though her experiments were not completed since none of the sex-changed mice that had received the transplants had reached sexual maturity, many of the members felt confident that her efforts would be successful. As the meeting broke up, virtually all of the members personally congratulated Helga for her outstanding work. Among the last were Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski and Victoria Makes-Shemanski.

Sandra, her bright eyes betraying her excitement about the potential of Helga's experimentation, literally propelled an obviously shy Victoria before the brilliant researcher. "Helga," Sandra enthused. "We'd like to volunteer Victoria to be your first human guinea pig. We'd like to surprise our boyfriends by becoming pregnant at the same time."

Helga smiled warmly. "I'd be delighted to utilize Victoria, but I'm afraid that in her case creating a suitable gonadal transplant might not be possible."

Victoria blushed deeply, aware that Helga was referring to the fact that she had so long ago lost her masculinity. Sandra giggled to see her ex-husband fidgeting. "There's nothing to worry about," Sandra assured Helga. "Before Victor left for his tour as an advisor, I took precautions. I wasn't afraid he'd be killed and I certainly never dreamed that he'd be emasculated by a land mine, but I knew that many tropic infections could cause sterility or birth defects so I convinced him to make a sizeable donation to a sperm bank. I'm quite sure that his mother would be delighted to let you remove several ovum to use as the basis for creation of the transplant gonads. I can hardly wait to see my dear Victoria waddling about with a bloated belly!"

Once more Victoria blushed deeply and lidded her eyes demurely. Not once did she object to what Sandra was saying.

Helga understood that Victoria was eager to become a mother, but retained enough of her former masculinity to be unable to state so verbally. "Excellent," she stated enthusiastically as she hugged Victoria. "I will be delighted to have you become the first former male to become a true mother!"

Poor Victoria was so overcome by the mixed emotions coursing through her that she fainted.


Saturday morning attorneys Susan Lymaster and Dave Getzoff, doctors Helen Alterson, Sandra Makes-Shemanski, Sarah Balkut and Michelle McAnnally were on hand to greet the anxious fifth grade boys and their concerned parents as they nervously entered LADD'S EXCHANGE THEATER for the meeting with the staff of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. The boys were quite subdued and quite frankly terrified. The parents were not in much better shape. The free coffee, tea, milk and soda were eagerly scarfed up by all. None of them even suspected that something as diabolical as BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX even existed much less that their drinks were spiked with the pervading substance. Preliminary speeches and informal lectures filled the first hour to give the fiendish potion time to reach full effect with all attenders.

When the time was judged to be ripe for exploitation, Mother Superior Mary Francis took the podium and quite bluntly told the stunned boys and parents what had been discovered about the cruel behavior of the boys before and after the Petticoating of Brianne Horner and Simone Ramsey. The guilt-ridden boys squirmed in their seats while the parents tensed, waiting to be told that their sons were to be Petticoated, something most did not want. Not once, however, during her monologue, did Mother Superior Mary Francis mention that the boys were to be Petticoated. When her message was completed, Mother Superior Mary Francis explained that the video they were about to see would make the situation crystal clear for all of them.

Subliminal hypnotic messages urging full cooperation in the Petticoating of all the boys and reinforcing the need for such drastic action had been carefully dubbed into the soundtrack. While the persuasive film played for the rapt audience, the mind-altering properties of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX did it's job quite effectively. In the end, everyone, including the boys themselves, had to admit their behavior and treatment of their peers had been, to say the least, atrocious. No one in the theater could object to the recommendation that all the fifth grade boys be Petticoated!

One thing that was allowed as a carrot to make the bitter pill of Petticoating easier to swallow was that the boys, even though Petticoated, could retain their basic physical masculinity. Once the damning film finished, Dr. Alterson explained to the still entranced audience that the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES RESEARCH CENTER had developed BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS, T-BLOCK would stop the production of testosterone, thus emasculating a male while E-BLOCK would feminize a male by increasing the body's natural estrogen production to the level of a normal female. By only administering the E-BLOCK, the estrogen in the male's body would eliminate all secondary male sexual characteristics and cause all secondary female characteristics to develop while it would be possible to maintain the ability to function of the penis and testicles.

The female hormones would cause the testicles to withdraw into the body cavity where they would not disrupt the smooth shape of a feminine crotch. In addition the size and endurance of the penis would be reduced by at least fifty percent and possibly as high as eighty percent depending upon the development of the organ when treatment with E-Block was instituted. In effect what this meant was that boys who had not yet entered puberty would very likely have erections of between one to two inches in length and about one-half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter. When not erect, their manly organs would probably be only a half inch long! There would not even be a noticeable bulge in their panties. As for their endurance, well most likely it would take at least half an hour to achieve a complete erection but only one to two minutes to reach orgasm after that. The amount of seminal fluid and their sperm counts would be reduced by approximately the same percentage as their penile development.

Susan Lymaster and Dave Getzoff distributed the various forms that would legally allow the boys to be Petticoated. Permission slips for the school to do so, legal forms for name changes, legal forms for change of sex (Those parents who did not want their sons to be completely transformed were told not to fill out the forms for the change of sex.) and medical forms for permission of treatment. Also distributed were membership forms for the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY.

By 10:00am all the forms were signed and collected. Dave Getzoff invited the fathers to join him at the ADAM TO EVE CONNECTION for an early morning brew. Due to the mental conditioning of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX, all twelve fathers followed Dave. As they enjoyed their drinks, Dave guided the discussion about how to handle their new daughters and explained the joys they would have as a result of the Petticoating. They listened with rapt attention as Dave introduced his smiling step-daughter Heather before proceeding to describe his experiences with his former son. In addition, the soft music that played so inconspicuously over the PA system was replete with additional subliminal hypnotic conditioning to reinforce their acceptance and encouragement of their new daughters.

While the men were kept occupied, the mothers took their sons for their transformations. They were divided into groups of four boys and their mothers. Each group consisted of two boys who were to be completely feminized and two who were to retain their basic manhood while Petticoated. An hour was allotted for each stage of the transformations. The boys, near tears about the prospect of becoming girls but unable to protest or resist due to the effects of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX and subliminal hypnotic messages they had received all week at school and that very morning, meekly accompanied their mothers on their one-way trips into girlhood. Olivia Endress and Susan Bangs were prepared for the influx of ten year old boys for Petticoating.

At the CLOTHING EXPERIENCE Olivia and daughter Tammy helped to fit the reluctant lads for their new school uniforms. None were very happy about the additional clothes that were purchased which would keep them in skirts even when not in school. Of course their conditioning left them unable to object. Meekly they had to submit to living full time as girls.

Susan Bangs and her efficient staff at TRANSFORMATIONS STYLING double pierced the ears of the sniveling boys. Each tearfully endured watching in the mirror as their hair was fashioned into a girlish style. All winced as they endured the electrolysis that thinned their eyebrows into delicate feminine lines. Manicures and pedicures completed that stage of their ordeal.

At the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER the doctors waited to take sperm samples for deposit in the sperm bank before administering the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER, E-BLOCK to each of the boys. Those boys whose parents had signed the change of sex forms were also given T-BLOCK and BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER. As the four were treated in the same room as a group, all knew who had been totally emasculated. In addition, those who retained their manhood saw that the technique used to eliminate masculinity was not in the least painful.

By 1:00pm all the boys had been successfully Petticoated. The BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY cassette and video tapes had been given to each family. These contained helpful hints and ideas on how to make the transition easier as well as providing tutorial lessons to teach the boys how to behave like a proper young lady. There was no doubt that the families would utilize the appropriate tapes since they had been programmed to do so during the meeting. The insidious subliminal messages on the hand-out tapes would reinforce the desire and will to keep the boys Petticoated. The remainder of the weekend was filled with activity as the homes adjusted to the changed status of the boys. First came packing away all toys, clothes, books, posters and other typical boyhood paraphernalia that the now Petticoated lads had accumulated. After that came the redecoration of the bedrooms into visions of femininity. Last came the decorous arrangement of the ex-boys new girl clothes, games and toys. While they worked, they listened to the cassette tapes, the rest breaks which interspersed the work were spent watching the video tapes that the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY had provided. As a result of all the activities and subliminal hypnotic suggestions, all twelve families were totally immersed in the absolute girlishness of the boys by the end of the hectic weekend. The boys were no longer boys, either in the eyes of their families or their own.

Monday morning saw the fifth grade class full of pretty, giggling pre-teen girls. Most of the girls wore the standard uniform, but a few wore a slight variation. For the Petticoated boys who were retaining their male sex organs the basic uniform had been slightly altered by changing the color of the lace tights and hair ribbons from pink to baby blue. In this way everyone would know who was still male.


Also on Monday, November 12, the Stage III of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES took to the airwaves of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. By this time all the employees and business owners were aware of the mass Petticoating of the fifth grade class at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. The rumor mill was rife with rumors that the upcoming dress code for the mall would involve the mass Petticoating of every male who worked in the mall. Despite the persistent gossip about the impending Petticoating, the men were not upset. They had already been lulled into accepting whatever dress code came forth by the two weeks of subliminal conditioning and the constant reassurance by Dave Getzoff that no one would be compelled to remain working at the mall. No one, male or female, was even aware that their tastes and preferences in clothing and fashions were slowly but steadily changing from whatever standard they adhered to a stylish feminine norm. Starting today, the love of frills and sissy tastes would be slowly implanted into their subconscious this week.


Over at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY, the fourth week began for the students. During the preceding week, Stage III of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES had slowly changed them from their previous modification of polite, caring boys. Now each lad had become a quite prissy, mincing sissy. As Sister Justine Kane had promised at the beginning of the previous week, books and magazines had been provided for their use during free time. The books were about hair styling, make-up, fashions, baby-sitting and other decidedly girlish interests. The magazines were those suitable for a fluffy headed pre-teen or teenage girl! At first, the boys felt cheated by the selections made available. But as the week progressed and the tapes began to effect them, they began to look through the books and magazines. By the end of the week they had been discussing different styles and topics as if they were girls!

The videos of the week's activities were edited and the results were viewed by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, the BORNAMAN COUNTY JUVENILE ALTERNATIVE REFORMATION PROGRAM and the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, none could believe that the mincing, swishy, sissy boys were the same belligerent tough punks that had arrived in the facility just three short weeks before. Maxwell Bentley and Kendal Wainwright, representing the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS were delighted with the continuing astounding changes the former tough guys were undergoing.

After supper on this day, the start of STAGE IV of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES, Sister Justine Kane again addressed the sissy boys. "Once more I'm pleased with your continued improvement. If you continue, next Sunday will be a holiday during which you will complete Stage One of your stay here at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. You will be promoted to Stage Two. Your BELLE DISCIPLINE COLLARS will be removed, you will receive more freedom, get a new uniform and will be allowed to attend ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL."

"This week," she continued in a pleasant voice. "You will be allowed to watch selected movies and videos that we feel are appropriate for you. In addition, a few extras will be made available for your use to individualize yourself and your appearance. As you leave tonight, you will each receive a complete make-up kit as well as a wide selection of hair clips, ribbons and jewelry. Ear piercing will be available upon request. I know that each of you will enjoy this week!"

Instead of being appalled by the offer of the make-up kit, hair clips, ribbons, jewelry and pierced ears, the sissy lads were delighted and applauded the new concessions they had earned. Not one was aware of how drastically they had changed.

These boys, just three weeks before absolute terrors to all they met, had been utterly and permanently changed by the unyielding combination of the staff of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY, the BELLE CONTROL COLLAR, the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS T and E and the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES. When they arrived, each had a similar background. While the details were different, the results were the same. In order for them to survive and function they had to become the toughest, meanest and most uncaring people they could. It had been a simple fact of life that they could be attacked, either verbally or physically, at any time. They had learned to strike first, to constantly prove they were tough and not a person with which to be trifled. They had to prove they were men and never let anyone think they might be a sissy. Their entire lives had revolved about that need. Any males they had as role models, usually an older youth in similar circumstances, lived under that same unspoken code of ultra machismo.

What had happened was that during their first week, any and all acts of rebellion or attempts to prove their manhood were immediately and harshly crushed, not just individually, but as a group. This drew peer pressure into the picture. Peer pressure had always been a familiar part of their lives, pushing them to be tougher than anyone else. Now it had reversed, urging them to submit and not create situations that resulted in the harsh group punishments.

All their lives they had lived with fear. The fear of being beaten, the fear of being outside the group, the fear of being labeled a sissy, the fear of not being macho and the fear of not being tough. Those fears had formed their existence and toughness was their key to survival. Now those fears were thrown in their faces, they quickly discovered that each of those fears was now a part of their daily lives. The main difference was that they were all in the same dilemma. Peer pressure now worked in the opposite direction. The group now applied pressure to those who did not submit to their common fears.

In addition, The BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS T and E had eliminated all male hormones from their body and stimulated production of female hormones. By the end of the third week, none the formerly tough macho lads could even achieve an erection. Hormonally they were identical to pre-teen girls just starting on the road to puberty. Their skin had softened, their buttocks were rounding and filling out, their formerly tough muscular bodies were weakening. Their emotions were see-sawing back and forth, tears were not uncommon. In addition, a frightening tenderness and swelling was taking place about their breasts, especially the nipples. All signs that they had once been tough guys capable of raping nubile young girls had been replaced. Shortly they would even resemble those same nubile girls that they had raped!

This left a massive vacuum in their lives. Virtually everything they had done in the past was geared to proving their toughness. Now they were left in the lurch, not knowing what to do or how to react. The invasive subliminal hypnotic messages bombarding their savaged psyches provided the answers. Politeness and caring began to become natural. All need to prove their masculinity evaporated. So bludgeoned were they by the unending and unyielding multi-directional attacks on their entire way of life that they easily slid into the roles planned for them! By the end of their third week at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY, they didn't even think about their manhood. They had become content and comfortable in a role that they previously would have considered to be utter sissyhood.

As a result, they were now interested in making others feel good. Politeness was a way of live. Violence was now appalling and soon would be nauseating. Each would now be considered a sissy by normal male dominated society. In addition to the remarkable mental changes they were experiencing, the complete lack of male hormones and the growing predominance of female hormones in their pliable bodies was rapidly transforming them physically as well. Already their butts were pudgier and their chests had grown tender as their aureoles swelled and grew. The upcoming fourth week would maneuver them into taking that final step across the line between masculinity and femininity. By the end of the week they would eagerly don dresses and behave like giggly adolescent girls. It was because of all these factors that they were able to eagerly look forward to the promise of the make-up kits, hair clips, ribbons, jewelry and pierced ears.


As expected, the un-Petticoated boys at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, upon seeing the Petticoated fifth grade class, grew fearful and apprehensive that they too would be Petticoated. Fortunately, during the past week the perfidious subliminal messages and BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX had been administered to all the students for at least an hour a day. The result was that even though the boys now feared that being Petticoated was a real possibility, they were unable to vocalize those fears. Another safeguard was that if they thought and worried too much about being Petticoated, they would become exceedingly tired and nod off to sleep before their nerves could get the best of them. In addition, they had been programmed to accept whatever dictates the staff of the school issued. The boys were doomed. Even though they strongly suspected that they would be Petticoated, they had been rendered unable to even complain or discuss their pending doom amongst themselves much less notify their parents of the imminent mass Petticoating.

As a result, the behavior and attitudes of the doomed lads rapidly deteriorated as their unrelieved fears grew. At school, they were constantly on edge and terrified. At home, their growing frustration forced them to rebel against any parental expectations or demands. Suddenly the home lives of the remaining male students of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL became a hotbed of rebellion and friction that the caught the parents by surprise since they were unaware of the cause for the sudden misbehavior of their previously good sons.


On Friday Stage IV of the diabolical SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES began to play over the PA system of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. Late that afternoon the new dress code was unveiled to take effect on Monday, November 19. Due to the insidious conditioning of the SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES, the men felt a quite confused. On one hand they feared and the new code and felt that they should be angrily denouncing it and all it meant in order to protect their manliness. Yet on the other hand they fatalistically and meekly accepted their feminine fate while eagerly looking forward to donning the frilly, sissy clothes they had grown to desire.

The weekend was a hectic one as the muddled men swarmed the mall when they were not working as they prepared to conform with new dress code. Virtually every man was accompanied by a happy and eager wife, girlfriend, mother, or sister as they timidly took the first, irreversible step into womanhood. The various shops did a brisk business as the men eagerly submitted to their Petticoating once they had taken that first step of entering a store to look for feminine apparel to meet the new dress code.

Susan Bangs was almost overwhelmed as the men poured into TRANSFORMATIONS STYLING to have their hair trimmed, permed and sometimes even dyed as they sought to attain a feminine appearance. The busy beauticians lost track of how many ears they pierced. The manicurists were totally worn out from the numerous manicures and pedicures. Their patience held as they repeatedly explained the step by step procedures the now feminized men would have to follow to keep their hair and nails neat and stylish. THE FINISHING TOUCH supplied wigs for those males who had their hair too short to adequately style.

At BELLE JEWELRY, Rita Tarryton was kept busy as she sold rings, bracelets, necklaces and pierced earrings to the zealous shemales. She and her staff were amused by the fact that the newly feminized males behaved like a bunch of giggly pre-teen girls out on their first major shopping junket for womanly treasures.

Olivia and Tammy Endress and the efficient staff of THE CLOTHING EXPERIENCE delighted in outfitting all the formerly macho men in soft, lace trimmed, silky lingerie. Stylish dresses and skirts were chosen by the men who ran or worked in retail or service businesses. For those guys who were involved in construction, maintenance, or repair work, durable wash and wear feminine jeans, coveralls and jumpsuits in pastel colors were purchased to allow them to meet the needs of their jobs while following the feminine dress code. The SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES had so ingrained in the men the desire and willingness to dress and behave as women at work that it quite naturally had to carry over into their home lives. Numerous pretty dress, skirts and blouses were sold for wear at home as well as in the mall.

Laurie Harper at BELLE BUBBLES & SCENTS was swamped as the sissified men swarmed into her shop to purchase bubble bath, perfumes and feminine knick-knacks for their business and homes. Linda Smith at TRANSITIONS MAGAZINES, BOOKS & VIDEOS was engulfed by requests for HOW TO books and videos on every feminine subject from etiquette to fashions. All copies of the current issues of VOGUE, WOMEN'S DAY and McCALL'S magazine were sold out. Few copies of the other feminine interest magazines were left behind. Wilma Courtney at BELLE HEALTH FOODS & VITAMINS furnished the men with skin cremes and lotions to soften their skin.

Jane Falter at NEW SENSATIONS SHOES sold three to five pairs of feminine shoes to each of the influx of giggling men. Thelma Beckett at TRANSITIONAL LUGGAGE & LEATHER met their needs for women's wallets and stylish purses and make-up bags. Freda Seaman at ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES OPTICAL CENTER replaced the manly glasses of those men who needed the vision aids with darling feminine counterparts.

Susan Lymaster and Dave Getzoff at LYMASTER ASSOCIATES were flooded with name change requests as the men adapted feminine appellations. Joyce Petty at BELLE FOTO took photographs of the new women for their new mall identity cards and driver's licenses.

Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski and Dr. Michelle McAnnally at ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER were kept busy explaining the various treatments available to physically feminize the men to match their new mental outlooks. The capabilities of the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS amazed and sometimes frightened the former virile men. All nervously accepted treatments of the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER - E to give their bodies soft, feminine curves and breasts. Several even accepted the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER - T to eliminate all masculine secondary sexual characteristics. A few even went so far as to accept treatment with BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER. Dr. Sarah Balkut eagerly made molds of the genitals of these brave souls who were willing to give up every vestige of their male past. Her bizarre collection continued to grow. Everyone knew that as time passed, those men who had not opted to seek medical treatments to further their feminization would do so while many of those that had started the treatments would take them farther until they too took the final step to become totally female.

Andrea and Kaye Bloom at ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES APOTHECARY were inundated with prescriptions from the many patients for feminine hormones to supplement the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS. It was understood that only those men who had wives or girlfriends who wanted their man to continue to function as such would not take the final step into womanhood. It was assumed by most of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY members that within six months, very few men would still be men.

As she had in the past, Lydia Ladd helped to fund the huge monetary outlays that were made that weekend by the new shemales. Each had been given a BELLE CARD, the no fee VISA affiliated credit card issued through NEW DEAL ASSET MANAGEMENT bank with an interest rate 2% above prime rate. The card also furnished a 15 % discount on all purchases made in LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL with a 15% additional discount during first month of their transformations. These discounts were not given by the merchants, they received the full purchase price for all sales. Lydia absorbed the entire loss by having the discounts applied to the credit card balances. All the card holders were grateful to generous woman who was the main force behind the entire BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. Lydia graciously accepted the thanks and kudos given her for her manifold efforts to feminize as many males as possible.

When LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL opened on Monday, November 19, a stranger wouldn't have noticed that a new dress code had gone into effect for the business owners and workers of the mall. They probably noticed that all the women were smartly dressed, pleasant and happy. They may have noticed something unusual in that not a single man worked in the mall. If they did they were wrong, quite a few men were working in the mall, but to a casual observer they appeared to be women.


That same morning something new and exciting happened to the students at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. The initial twenty students had completed Stage One off their transition from a hard core juvenile delinquent to a demure, well-behaved young sissy. Each boy, by now, would be considered to be the epitome of total sissyhood by society's norms. The boys themselves were frustrated by their sissy behavior since they had completed Stage IV of the BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES. They were not upset because they were no longer tough macho guys. The reason they were upset was quite the opposite. All wished fervently that they could abandon forever their masculine past in order to embrace womanhood.

Their emasculated bodies were soft and pliable. All secondary male sexual characteristics had been eliminated during their four week stay. Now they were once more entering puberty, only this time as young girls! Their derrieres were soft, round and growing. Their hairless chests revealed a subtle swelling about their breasts. The aureoles of their breasts had grown in size while the nipples themselves were super sensitive and swollen. All the students as well as the staff were quite aware of these physical changes since the boys did all their toiletries together nude.

On this morning they meticulously performed their morning toiletries, whispering to each other and giggling as they eagerly looked forward to advancing to Stage Two of their rehabilitation. As they had taken to their beds the night before, Sister Justine Kane had entered their dormitory. At first they were apprehensive that something was terribly wrong. However, when Sister Justine smiled, all relaxed.

"I'm glad to announce that you have made it through Stage One of your rehabilitation program here at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. The staff and myself want to let you know that we are all pleased and proud of the way you have progressed. You are now ready to go to the next phase of our program. Tomorrow morning after your morning toiletries, you will be transferred to a new dormitory and receive new uniforms. I know that you will love your new rooms and uniforms. Also, the BELLE CONTROL COLLARS will be removed."

The faces of the eager students lit up as she spoke. The promise of new rooms and new uniforms excited them. The removal of their hated collars delighted them. No one took their elated eyes from Sister Justine. Most thought it strange how their feelings for this stern nun had changed from abject fear to unabashed love.

"We expect you to be on your best behavior at all times. If we see any back sliding, you will be punished. During this stage of your rehabilitation, all punishments will continue to be meted out to the entire group. So if one of you does something wrong, all will be punished. There will be a new group of students arriving in the morning. You will be in danger if they can get to you so avoid them at all costs. They are tough, arrogant and dangerous juvenile delinquents who have been sent here from detention centers around the state because they have not responded to standard rehabilitation techniques. The staff and I look forward to readjusting them just as we did with you. If everything goes as we plan, a month from now you will be advancing to Stage Three, they will be going to Stage Two and a new group will be arriving to start Stage One of our rehabilitation program. It is important for you, them and us that you set proper examples for the newer students. I can assure you that punishment will be swift and harsh for any misbehavior. Your continued good behavior will be amply rewarded. Now, get a good night's rest." With that stated, the motherly nun exited the room to leave the excited sissy boys looking ahead to the next morning.

When they re-entered their dormitory after completing their toiletries, they found a pink velour robe lying on their bed with matching scuff slippers on the floor. With excited giggles they hurriedly covered their nakedness by donning their new garments. As soon as all were dressed in their robes and slippers, Sister Justine entered the dorm, all looked at her smiling face with eagerness.

"If you will please follow me, we'll go to your new dormitory," she stated as she led them from the room.

Down the corridor they went to a set of doors that had always been locked. Going through the doors they climbed a stairway to the second floor of the huge building that had been their home for the last month. At the top of the stairs they emerged into a large room and halted. The amazed students stared about the room.

The room was thirty feet wide and fifty feet long. The walls actually had windows! The students were excited because since they had entered this building a month ago, none of them had seen the outdoors! The walls were papered with a lively multi-colored floral print. Fluorescent lighting recessed into the light pink ceiling lit the room brightly. Comfortable looking sofas and chairs dotted the room, as did several round tables. Shelves at the far end held numerous games, videos, magazines and books. Each corner of the room held a complete entertainment center with a television, VCR and stereo.

"This is your common room," Sister Justine told them as she led the wide eyed group through the room. "You can spend your free time in here." Stopping by a set of doors at the opposite end of the room she addressed the group. "Through here are your bedrooms. We have assigned you two to a room. Each room has it's own bath. You will be expected to keep your room and bath spotlessly clean. A file card with your names has been hung on your assigned room. You will now go to your rooms, look about and put on your new uniforms which are laid out on the beds. I expect you back here in twenty minutes. Now enjoy yourselves," she stated with a broad grin as she swung open the doors to let the students eagerly rush into the hall that held the ten bedrooms, five to a side.

Giggling excitedly they rushed down the hall checking for their name. When they found their last name, they rushed into the room. Squeals of pleasure filled the rooms and halls. Not one of the students took the time to explore their new bedroom once they saw their new uniform. With squeals of girlish delight each slipped off their robe and eagerly began to slip into their new uniform.

The underwear consisted of baby pink satin-like BELLE VANQUISHER - F and BELLE ENHANCER - F. To the eager, emasculated sissy boys they looked like normal lace trimmed full cut panties and darling lace trimmed sleeveless camisoles. Each thrilled to the soft caress of the dainty girlish garments as they slipped them onto their soft effeminate bodies. Several moments were spent clandestinely touching themselves before they giggled nervously upon noticing their roommate doing the same. Remembering the twenty minute time limit, they turned back to their bed to continue dressing. The next item was a baby pink back buttoning nylon blouse which had a delicate lace Peter Pan collar and long puffy billowing sleeves which ended in ruffled lace cuffs. Each sissy lad enthusiastically slipped this feminine delight onto their tingling emasculated forms. Giggles and sighs of pleasure echoed from the bedrooms as they zealously slipped into the snug hot pink velour sleeveless jumper. The sissy boys giggled as they helped their roommate with the back buttons. Once enclosed in the cute jumper that reached to mid thigh, they twirled about causing the pleated skirt to flare out coquettishly to reveal the attached hot pink nylon lace trimmed half slip. Once they controlled their excitement, they used the supplied hot pink nylon ribbons to secure their long hair into twin braids. Sitting on the bed they fervently donned the baby pink nylon lace kneesox and glossy hot pink patent leather T-strap shoes to complete their delightful new uniform. On the nightstands by the bed they saw a note on a box that explained the contents of the box were also part of their uniforms. Inside they found hot pink nail polish and lipstick as well as one pair of stud and one pair of dangling earrings for their double pierced ears.

Just before the twenty minute allotment expired, the common room filled with twenty pretty giggling teenage girls. As Sister Justine Kane surveyed the twittering ingenues, she was delighted with the changes her harsh techniques had wrought in these seeming tough, unrepentant and incorrigible hoodlums. It would be impossible for anyone to believe these darling girls were the same tough punks who had arrived at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY four short weeks beforehand. Only the video taped evidence of the rapid transformations would prove what had been accomplished.

Sister Justine Kane had the nervous pseudo-girls sit so she could explain their new schedule. She was delighted to note that everyone carefully smoothed their skirts beneath them before they sat so as not to wrinkle their skirts. Each also sat with her knees primly together. "It's been four long weeks since you arrived here so I'm going to be brutally honest. Each of you were sent here because you were considered hopeless delinquents who would end up either dead or a hardened career criminal. Standard techniques and attempts to change your behavior had failed. Each of you had been written off as a waste to our society."

Their fear of the nun and the truth of what she was saying made the group quiet down. Most were nervously toying with the hems of their skirts. Sister Justine continued. "While in the army I had a recruit tell me about ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and how they controlled the boys by instituting Petticoat Discipline. That fascinated me. When I investigated, I met Mother Superior Mary Francis. I discovered that she had been a student at ST. FRANCIS and had been one of the first boys Petticoated. As a result, she never escaped her skirts and went on to become head of the school and convent. She told me about a group called the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY who advocated putting boys into dresses as a means of correcting anti-social behavior. I was fascinated by this and met with them. As a result, I retired from the army and became a nun in order to establish the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. The purpose of this school is to take the toughest, most incorrigible boys and turn them into sweet, well-behaved girls."

"I assume by now that all of you know that you are no longer male. Each of you is well on your way to becoming female. If other research being done by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY is successful, each of you will be able to become fully functional females capable of becoming mothers. (That fact elicited gasps of surprise tinged with anticipation from the wide-eyed group.) From this point on, you will be considered girls. Each of you will have the day to enjoy your new status and get accustomed to your pretty new clothes. At lunch, each of you will complete a form listing a complete new name, first, middle and last. You can choose any name you like, as long as it is decidedly feminine. If you like your last name, keep it, if you don't, change it. The name you choose will become your legal name for the rest of your life. At the same time, it will free you from your criminal past since the boys who created those records will no longer exist. You will be free from your past with a new identity."

The excitement and anticipation of the pseudo-girls for their unencumbered future was clearly evident upon their faces. Sister Justine smiled. "I'm sure that now you can understand why we named this institution the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. We can take any unruly, arrogant boy and modify his behavior and body until he becomes a proper young Miss."

"Today will be spent getting acquainted with your new style in clothing," the smiling taskmaster continued. "Each of you will have to learn to handle yourselves in a skirt. You will also learn to curtsey. Several videos have been prepared by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY which will instruct you in the things you'll need to learn. Several staff members will be here to help you and answer your questions. In your closets are several duplicates of the uniform you are wearing. You are to wear it at all times when not in your bedroom except when you go to school."

The wide-eyed group gasped.

After a brief anticipatory pause Sister Justine continued. "Also in your closet is your school uniform. Tomorrow you will get up at 6:30am, don your pink leotards and go for a half hour aerobic class. By 7:15am you should be starting your morning toiletries after which you will dress in your new school uniform. At 8:00am you will go for breakfast. You will then be escorted across the compound to ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL where you will join the regular classes. Like all the students, you will be closely monitored to insure proper behavior. Any disruptions will be punished swiftly by the teachers and I promise that you will receive worse when you return here. After school ends, you will return here and change into your pink leotards for dance class at 4:00pm. You will be instructed in ballet, tap and jazz dancing. At 5:00pm you will return, shower and put on your uniforms. Your time will be free until 6:00pm when you will eat dinner. After your meal you return here for study and homework. Once completed, you have free time until 10:00pm. The lights will be put out at 10:30pm."

"I know you will continue to cooperate and obey all orders while going through Stage Two of our program. In Stage Three, the final stage, you will be moving to another building which is much like this floor on a separate portion of the academy grounds. You will have greater freedom and more entertainment facilities. You will not be required to wear a uniform except for school. The entire class will be taken to LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL where you will try on and choose your own wardrobe. At that point any misbehavior will be punished on an individual basis. You will earn or loose rights and privileges by your behavior. Those who are good girls will be allowed to seek permission to leave the campus grounds to visit the mall, visit classmates from school, or to go out on dates. You will stay with us until you turn eighteen or complete high school. Even then you will not be just heaved out. Jobs and apartments will be found for you, or you can continue your schooling since full scholarships will be provided. You will be treated as real girls at all times. Between your junior and senior year at school, each of you will complete your transformation to become a fully functional female. You will have periods and be capable of becoming pregnant."

"Now, girls, I must leave you to enjoy your new freedom. I must welcome the new arrivals and start them on their transformations. In four weeks they will be coming here so I can start another group. Good luck!" Sister Justine turned and strode out of the room.

The new girls had sat silently while they raptly listened to the description of their future. All were anxious but pleased at the prospects laid out for them. They were also deeply touched to note the tears of joy that had trickled down the proud cheeks of Sister Justine Kane. They knew the pride she felt was in their progress and accomplishments. The girls sat silently after their mentor left, thinking back over their ordeal since they had arrived. All understood that the harshness and cruelty they had experienced had been necessary. None were proud or happy about that knowledge, but silently accepted the fact that it had been the only way to change them. They also shivered a bit as they thought of the rude shock that the new arrivals would find as they met the immovable rock of Sister Justine Kane. Yet despite all the agony they had gone through, they knew that in four weeks the new arrivals would be just as thankful they now were that they had encountered that rock.

As with the previous weeks, the videos taken during the fourth week and those taken this morning were edited and the results were viewed by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, the BORNAMAN COUNTY JUVENILE ALTERNATIVE REFORMATION PROGRAM and the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. If the tapes had not depicted the steady transformation of the tough punks that had arrived at the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY, none could have believed that the giggling perky teenage girls were the same belligerent tough guys who had arrived in the facility just four short weeks before. Maxwell Bentley and Kendal Wainwright, representing the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS were exhilarated with the astounding changes the tough guys had undergone. All the experts had written off the boys as hopeless incorrigible criminals. Now those same youths were living proof that the harsh, uncommon techniques espoused by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY were effective.


It was 9:00am as the high security bus rolled between the stone pillars of the entrance of THE MISS BEHAVIOR ACADEMY. The twenty cocky thirteen to sixteen year old punks, looking through the heavy gage wire mesh that covered the windows, eyed the solid ten foot stone wall that surrounded the place. All smirked to note the lack of barbed wire. A ten foot wall wold be child's play for them to scale. When the bus pulled up to a narrow opening between two buildings, they grew a bit apprehensive when a heavy steel mesh cage rolled out to touch the bus. As of yet, they had seen no one, the cage had moved out automatically. Secure in their position behind a plexiglass enclosure, the driver and three guards electrically opened the door and ordered the inmates to exit. Not having any reason to refuse, they laconically stepped out, their hopes to roll under the bus and run off extinguished when they noted the cage prevented that option. Looking down the three foot alley between the buildings, they noted the heavy wire mesh roof with sharp downward pointing spikes over the top. The alley ran about fifty feet before turning a corner. Once all had exited the bus, a woman's stern voice from a hidden speaker ordered the congregated hoodlums to head down the alley. As cocky individuals are wont to do, they laughed and didn't budge. It was at that point they discovered this place wasn't going to be as easy as it appeared. Slowly, starting at the bus, the wire roof began lowering. It didn't take them long to realize that they had better move. As the last scurried away they had to do so in a crouched position to avoid being impaled. Their cries and threats went unheeded and unanswered.

All made it safely around the corner as the roof dropped to the ground, trapping them inside a fifteen foot square space with a closed steel door in one wall. Once more the disembodied voice spoke. This time they were ordered to take off their clothes. Again they scoffed and made wisecracks. A high pitched whine began, steadily growing louder. The ear piercing whine made their heads throb and ears ache. Clasping hands over their ears proved a useless deterrent as the resulting pain made them curse and howl. As the noise continued to grow, they began dropping to their knees, cradling their heads. When they were all on their knees, a few even writhing on the ground, the noise suddenly stopped. It took a few moments of silence for them to regain their senses. They looked about in shock and bewilderment, several wondering out loud what the hell was going on an what kind of a place they had been delivered to. Again the voice ordered them to disrobe. A few started, but most still refused. Once more the whine began. As it increased, the stubborn ones began to hurriedly disrobe. When the last had finally started undressing, the noise stopped. All were smart enough to understand they would suffer until all obeyed.

When they stood naked, the door swung open. The voice told them to leave their clothes and enter the door. This time they didn't hesitate. Their ears were still ringing. Inside the door was a shower room. Each was told to enter a wire mesh stall with a small shelf on which were several items. Warily they looked about, a few went to a stall. Most tried to check out where they were. Once more the whine began. At once all rushed into a stall, the spring loaded doors closing behind them with an ominous "click". Again the noise stopped once all had complied.

"By this time I would hope that all of you fully understand that you are to do as you are told. Any hesitation or back-talk will result in this," stated the voice in a syrupy sweet tone as the repulsive whine started, rose abruptly and stayed at that level until even the toughest boy was driven to his knees. As soon as the last tough guy sank to the floor the atrocious sound ceased. "As I stated, all will suffer if one disobeys. The decision to suffer is yours. Now you will scrub yourselves until your skin is pink and squeaky clean. You have fifteen minutes. If all are not done, you will suffer," this time the voice was harsh, almost as if the speaker looked forward to zapping them.

Sister Justine Kane sat back in her chair, steepling her fingers with great satisfaction as she watched the closed circuit monitors that showed the trembling boys frantically attempt to obey. Unlike four weeks before when she had followed the identical procedure with the darling girls now getting used to their girlishness in their second floor accommodations, she had no doubts that her methods would transform each surly hoodlum into a demure sweet young miss.


Over at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, things were going smoothly. During the previous week the fifth grade class had meshed together into a happy, giggling group of darling girls that made the remaining boys in the rest of the school sick. During the past two weeks doses of BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX had been administered to all the students in the drinking water and cafeteria meals. At the same time diabolical subliminal messages were broadcast over the school-wide PA system. The combined result of the subliminal messages and the mass Petticoating of the fifth grade boys was that the remaining boys now realized that being Petticoated was a definite possibility. Despite this they were unable to vocalize those fears due to the safeguard that if they thought and worried too much about being Petticoated, they would become exceedingly tired and nod off to sleep before their nerves could get the best of them. In addition, they had been programmed to accept whatever dictates the staff of the school issued. They had been rendered unable to even complain or discuss their pending doom amongst themselves much less notify their parents of the imminent mass Petticoating.

The stress of being unable to even think about their fears for their masculinity combined with the strict behavior demanded by the school. As a result the behavior and attitudes of the doomed lads rapidly deteriorated at the only place it could, at home. An additional factor was the addition of a powerful subliminal command to the remaining boys to disagree with their parents at every opportunity. This forced them to rebel against any parental expectations or demands. The unwitting doomed lads made their homes a living hell of rebellion and friction that steadily worsened as the week had progressed, climaxing on the weekend when they were away from the rigid confines of the school.

An excellent example of the deviousness of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY and ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL in their efforts to Petticoat all the boys were the packets which had been sent out to the parents of all students on Monday November 12, the day the fifth grade all girl class made their debut. The exasperated parents of the remaining boys had received the innocent appearing packets by Wednesday. The sinister notices appeared quite guileless and were welcomed by the beleaguered parents as a providential, heaven sent answer to the unexpected and quite frustrating sudden rebelliousness of their boys.

The cover letter informed the parents that a new counseling service for behavior problems was being made available at no charge thanks to a joint effort by ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES COUNSELING CLINIC for all students and their parents. The letter went on to explain that the enclosed video tape should be watched by the family as a group to explain in detail the services available and why it would help solve any behavior problems.

Quite naturally, the parents eagerly watched the video. Subliminal messages hidden inside the innocuous tape hooked the parents. The surface message encouraged the parents to watch the tape with their children while the hidden subliminal missive did the same. The boys had been pre-programmed by the subliminal messages at school to watch the tape when their parents asked. The carefully planned result was that the exasperated parents and frazzled, frustrated boys agreed to take advantage of the offered counseling to seek a way to relieve the family tensions.

The phones were fully manned as the requests for counseling sessions poured in. The family sessions started Thursday after school. Free beverages provided in the waiting room during the hour it took to fill out the paperwork insured that every member of the family had received a powerful dose of BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX before the half hour session with one of the volunteer counselors. The relieved families went home with additional tapes to continue their therapy. The counseling sessions and the tapes, while not overtly advocating drastic measures, established the basis that would be needed to Petticoat each and every boy. The sessions continued the next week, over the Thanksgiving holiday and through the following week. Daily viewing of the new tapes was compulsive, soon each boy and his family had been thoroughly indoctrinated into accepting the ideas and instructions contained upon the tapes. The parents were thus induced to condemn and punish all masculine actions and comments of the boys while praising and encouraging feminine endeavors and discussions. The result was that the boys began to listen to their parents and behave at home just as they did at school. They had been indoctrinated into docilely accepting whatever they were told.


On Tuesday, November 20, a pristine group of giggling girls from the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY nervously arrived for their first day at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. As the new students arrived in their classes, the quiet and subdued boys surreptitiously gave the influx of demurely blushing, pretty girls the once over. Their female classmates eagerly greeted them and made them feel welcome. The new students quickly slipped into the daily routine of the school. As the week progressed, it became evident that the former highly individualistic macho juvenile delinquents now cared more about their friends and companions than themselves. All were willing to help others since a strong maternal instinct had replaced their need to be on top.

While the first group of students of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY was learning to blend smoothly into society as an asset rather than a detriment, the new students of the second group were each going through their own personal hell as their masculinity was being systematically stripped away and destroyed. The relentless and ever vigilant staff missed no opportunity to quash their stubborn macho pride.

At LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL everyone felt content if not happy with the new dress and behavior policy. Gone were the myriad displays of masculine Peacock like strutting. Everyone seemed so natural in their roles that it seemed as if the males had always dressed and comported themselves as females.


On November 22, Lydia Ladd and Mother Superior Mary Francis signed the legal documents that Susan Lymaster and Doris Getzoff had pain-stakingly prepared. Their monumental effort had taken three and a half years to search out every legal loophole and either using each to further their goal or to cut it off as possible use against their efforts. The groundwork for all this legal maneuvering had been laid when Mother Superior Mary Francis had approached Lydia Ladd to secure financing for the updating and expansion of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and adjoining convent.

The Bishop of the diocese of which the school and was a part was a stubborn, proud and vain man who felt that women should not be consecrated to God. Through his efforts, every convent and parochial school under his control had been eliminated or taken from feminine control. Only the equal stubbornness and resourcefulness of Mother Superior Mary Francis had prevented ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and the adjoining convent from falling before his efforts, but the cut-off of outside funds and actual demands that the nuns pay for all their expenses had taken a massive toll. The end had been near when Mother Superior Mary Francis went to Lydia for aid. The two women, ardent feminists and believers in Petticoat Discipline, found common ground and goals and saw a golden opportunity to free themselves from the unyielding male domination of the church.

At the time, Lydia had only recently taken over the family business but had already shown that she was adept at making a profit. Ever the shrewd business woman, Lydia readily agreed to help her alma-mater, with conditions. Lydia sent a trusted employee that had worked for her father to negotiate a deal with the Bishop. The man, with the personality of a pussycat, was ready for retirement. A hefty bonus that would ensure his idyllic retirement was promised if he successfully made the deal she wanted. Appearing as a crusty old Scrooge, the man met with the Bishop. LADD'S REALTY, as run by Frank Ladd, had a reputation as a hard-bitten, unyielding business. If payments were late, foreclosure was instantaneous.

The old man offered to finance extensive renovations to the school and convent with an upward sliding repayment plan. The Bishop at first refused to even consider wasting time, much less money, on an endeavor which was a thorn in his side.

Much to the Bishop's surprise, the man laughed heartily. The man revealed that he knew of the Bishop's desires to be rid of the school and convent and that his boss wanted the buildings and grounds to establish an exclusive private school. By financing the renovations to the school, renovations which would have to be done before establishing the private school, his boss could foreclose on the defaulted loan when the payments fell behind schedule! Naturally, the Diocese would receive a pre-arranged price for the school and convent upon foreclosure if it would sign off any responsibility for the loans. The Bishop was ecstatic! Eagerly he agreed to allow the loan to be made to the school and convent providing the Diocese would not be held financially responsible for the outstanding balances and receive the agreed upon price for yielding title to the buildings and grounds. At the sly suggestion of the old Scrooge, the Bishop insisted that in order for him to approve the loan, the school and convent would have to pay back the loan without Diocesan aid. In addition, if the loan went into default, every Nun would resign. To his joy, the Nuns agreed. He felt sure that their lack of worldly knowledge about finances would doom them. The Bishop was delighted with the devilish scheme since he would be rid of the bothersome women and school while adding to the coffers of his Diocese. The old trusted employee retired in grand style.

Since the start of the current school year as the incidence of Petticoating at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL rose, the indignant Bishop grew quite angry and demanded that the Nuns immediately stop the vile practice. That was the signal Mother Superior Mary Francis and Lydia needed. Mother Superior Mary Francis appealed to the Bishop, explaining that they had no choice but to utilize Petticoat Discipline since they were financially unable to utilize more modern disciplinary techniques. She went on to explain that if they had to set up an alternative disciplinary procedure, the cost would force them to default on their loan payments.

The Bishop was barely able to conceal his delight. Gruffly he demanded they change their disciplinary methods within three months and that they could expect no financial help from the Diocese. Mother Superior Mary Francis did her best to appear the poor defeated hapless female as she tearfully left his presence bemoaning the cruel fate that was about to force her order to cease to exist.

On the evening of November 23, in the quiet of his study before a roaring fire, the Bishop opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate. That morning he had received legal notice from LADD REALTY & INSURANCE of intent to seize the buildings and grounds of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and the adjoining convent on December 1 for default of loans, along with the check made out to the Diocese for the pre-arranged price of the facilities and contents. That afternoon Mother Superior Mary Francis had defiantly thrown the signed and notarized resignations, effective December 1, of every member of her order upon his desk before storming out. He had never thought the hearty Nuns capable of hanging on as long as they had. The champagne made his triumph complete.


By Saturday morning December 1, everything was ready. A mass meeting was held in LADD'S EXCHANGE THEATER for the remaining male students of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL and their parents. Attorneys Susan Lymaster and Doris Getzoff, doctors Helen Alterson, Sandra Makes-Shemanski, Sarah Balkut and Michelle McAnnally were on hand to greet the meek boys and their concerned parents as they nervously entered for the meeting. The boys were quite subdued and quite frankly terrified since they were well aware of the results of the similar meeting held just three weeks before with the boys and parents of the fifth grade class. The parents, while pleased with the sudden improved behavior of their sons, were apprehensive that the current good deportment of the boys would end in an outbreak of rebellion even worse than the brief flare-up that had ended in the counseling sessions. The overwrought attenders eagerly consumed the free coffee, tea, milk and soda provided as refreshments. Quite naturally BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX had once more been slipped into the abundant free treats. Preliminary discussions and informal lectures filled the first hour to give the fiendish potion time to reach full effect with all attenders. Petticoating as a permanent solution for boyish rebellion was the main topic reviewed.

Finally Mother Superior Mary Francis took the podium to explain all about the mass Petticoating of the boys of the fifth grade. Quite bluntly she told the boys and parents what had been discovered about the cruel behavior of the fifth grade boys before and after the Petticoating of Brianne Horner and Simone Ramsey. Mother Superior Mary Francis deftly did not mention that the boys were to be Petticoated as the forlorn boys squirmed in their seats waiting to be told that they too were to be Petticoated, something most did not want. When her message was completed, Mother Superior Mary Francis explained that the video of the behavior of the fifth grade boys they were about to see would make the situation crystal clear for all of them. What they were about to see, she told them, was just as applicable to the boys in the audience.

Powerful subliminal hypnotic messages urging full cooperation in the Petticoating of all the boys and reinforcing the need for such drastic action had been meticulously dubbed into the soundtrack. As the persuasive film played for the rapt audience, the mind-altering properties of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX did it's illicit work. By the end of the film, everyone, including the boys themselves, had to admit that the fifth grade boys had accurately portrayed normal boyhood behavior. What really drove home the effectiveness of Petticoating boys was the follow-up film that had been collected showing how well behaved and cooperative the fifth grade class had become in the three weeks since all the boys had been Petticoated. No one in the theater could object to the recommendation that all the remaining boys attending ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL be Petticoated!

As with the parents of the fifth grade boys, a carrot to make the bitter pill of Petticoating easier to swallow was that the boys, even though Petticoated, could retain their basic physical masculinity. Once the condemnatory film finished, Dr. Alterson explained to the still entranced audience the same things that had been explained to the parents of the fifth grade boys three weeks before. The stunned parents and terror-filled boys raptly listened to the descriptions of the effects of the drugs.

When Dr. Alterson finished, Susan Lymaster and Doris Getzoff distributed the various forms that would legally allow the boys to be Petticoated. Permission slips for the school to enroll their boys as girls, legal forms for changing the boys masculine names to feminine names, legal forms for altering their sex to female on birth certificates (Those parents who did not want their sons to be completely transformed were told not to fill out this form.) and medical forms for permission of treatment. Also distributed were membership forms for the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. By 10:00am all the forms were signed and collected.

Male stubbornness and sissy-phobia could eventually undo the efforts that had brought the still hesitant fathers to reluctantly agree to the use of Petticoat Punishment. The BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY knew that the fathers had to fervently believe in what was being done to their progeny. Once again this task fell to the person best qualified to understand how the fathers felt about the loss of their sons. Doris Getzoff had butterflies in his stomach as he prepared himself to work with the still confused fathers to bring them into full agreement with the Petticoating of their sons. When he had faced this task with the dazed fathers of the fifth grade class, he had still been Dave Getzoff. Since then, thanks to the new mall wide dress code, he had become Doris. Instead of benefiting from the automatic comraderie men feel amongst themselves, he was now the antithesis of macho masculinity.

Steeling himself for what he considered to be the hardest task he'd ever attempted, he bravely stepped to the microphone to address the fathers. "Gentlemen, while the women take the boys to begin the treatment we all agreed was necessary, I'd like to invite all of you to join me at the ADAM TO EVE CONNECTION for a bit of conversation and relaxation. There will be an open bar for your convenience. I can answer any questions and lay to rest any fears or concerns that you may have regarding the wisdom of what is being done to the boys. SO, if you will all follow me, we will kick back and alleviate all your anxieties."

While not understanding how a woman lawyer could perceive why Petticoat Discipline was such an insult to manhood, all the fathers followed the comely Doris, thanks to the insidious influence of the mental conditioning of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX. Upon entering the warm, comfortably decorated pub, the men rushed to the complimentary open bar. What little conversation occurred was forced as the anxious, confused men had their first drink.

Doris smiled nervously as he quaffed his martini. The alcohol dove into his stomach like a starving bird seeking a meal to gobble all the butterflies. As the calming effect spread through his body, his well honed skills and instincts as a lawyer took control while surveying the melancholy men. When he judged them settled enough to listen, he coolly started to talk to them as if they were a jury hostile to his client. "Gentlemen, now that we're alone and relaxing, let me tell you that I understand your fears and concerns about the wisdom of Petticoating your boys. My own son has been Petticoated for the last 16 months."

An audible gasp swept the room before Doris continued the discussion about how to handle their new daughters and explained the joys they would have as a result of the Petticoating. They listened with rapt attention as Doris introduced Heather, his smiling thirteen year old daughter, before proceeding to describe his experiences with his former son. The men had a hard time believing that the shapely girl blossoming towards womanhood had ever been a boy. After Heather performed a dainty curtsey before leaving, Doris dropped her biggest bomb on the numbed men.

"While you can see for yourself how well adjusted and polite my son has become since being Petticoated, most of you still have doubts that I can understand how a man feels about Petticoat Discipline." The nodding heads surrounding him confirmed his statement. "Just thirteen days ago, LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL instituted a new dress and behavior code for everyone who works here. Every business owner, manager and employee has to follow this code. We were all given the option of selling out at a fair price or leaving with a good job recommendation and severance pay if we didn't wish to follow the new guidelines. I'm proud to say that no one left and all are fully participating with the new code. The code requires us to dress and comport ourselves as a proper lady at all times while in the Mall."

Doris paused to let the men absorb what he had told them. It was quite obvious that few of them realized the impact the new code had upon the males associated with the mall. In their arrogant machoness many of the men merely nodded their heads indicating they had noted the multitudes of pretty women in the Mall and heartily approved of the new code.

"The new code included every male," Doris continued, satisfied to see a number of men almost choke on their drinks as they finally understood what the new code had done. "I am just one of the men who have been willingly Petticoated as a result of this new code."

The flabbergasted men could not believe the pretty woman they beheld had ever been male, much less that he had been Petticoated for a mere two weeks. The few remaining objections and prejudice the stunned fathers felt towards crossdressing quickly evaporated as the drinks flowed freely, each laced with additional BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX as subliminal messages continued to assault them from the PA system. Doris explained in detail how he felt now that he was Petticoated, proudly pointing out that his sex life was now greatly enhanced and much more enjoyable. In the end, Doris' fervent belief that Petticoat Discipline was fantastic combined with the subliminal messages hidden in the soft music that played so inconspicuously cemented and reinforced the acceptance by the men of their new daughters. Many would even encourage their sons to become as dainty and feminine as Heather. Several wondered what it would be like to be Petticoated. A few even blushingly asked Doris if there were any jobs open in the Mall. Doris smiled benignly as she suggested they talk to April Manson at TRANSITIONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. His assurances that April would be quite understanding of their desires was underscored when he revealed that April had been a male.

While the men were thus kept occupied, the mothers took their fainthearted sons for their transformations. As with the fifth grade boys, half the cringing boys had been signed up for a full sex change. Just like the fifth grade boys, the dazed boys were split into groups of four. Each group consisted of two boys who were to be completely feminized and two who were, at least for now, to retain their basic manhood while Petticoated. The frightened boys, near tears about the prospect of becoming girls but unable to protest or resist due to the effects of the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX and subliminal hypnotic messages they had received at school, home and that very morning, meekly accompanied their mothers on their one-way trips into girlhood. The itinerary of each group had been set up so that the older boys would visit THE CLOTHING EXPERIENCE before the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER.

The irresistible lure of soft, sleek, sexy lingerie was sure to insult the manhood and reinforce the loss of masculinity for these seventh grade and older boys. Wearing pants is a must for macho pride, to be denied that privilege means the boy is a sissy. The ultimate humiliation for a boy is to forced to wear a dress or skirt. As each group of boys approached the CLOTHING EXPERIENCE, their stomachs churned as they realized that they were about to embark on their trip into girlhood. Upon entering the pleasant store, it was with nervous apprehension they found themselves deep in formerly forbidden territory. Surrounded by racks of pretty dresses, skirts and blouses, each found that the manifest femininity of the environment was quite overwhelming. Olivia and Tammy Endress helped the trembling boys and happy mothers try on the school's cute uniform.

Once dressed, the forlorn lad would unhappily survey himself in the multi-sided mirror in the dressing rooms as his delighted mother raved about how lovely he appeared. Most had tears of frustration rolling down their cheeks as they saw how the snug sleeveless scoop necked hot pink velveteen jumper fit snugly about his torso while the gently flaring pleated skirt swung saucily about his smooth thighs about two inches above his knees. The utter girlishness of the uniform was clearly shown by the soft pale pink nylon blouse which had a wide Peter Pan collar of delicate lace that lay atop the shoulder straps of the jumper. The flaring two inch cuffs of the blouse's long sleeves, made of the same fragile lace as the collar, was, with even the tiniest movement, a forceful reminder of the girlishness of the outfit. Pale pink nylon kneesox and T-strap hot pink patent leather shoes matched the colors of the jumper and blouse. (Except for the boys who would retain their manhood, they wore baby blue kneesox.)

Subliminal messages since the beginning of the school year had encouraged the boys to let their hair grow. As a result, after they had donned the uniform but before they could see their reflection, their hair had been styled with bangs while the remainder was pulled into twin ponytails secured by intertwined ribbons. For the boys who would be totally emasculated, one ribbon was pale pink and the other of hot pink; for the boys who would retain their manhood while Petticoated, two baby blue ribbons were used. In both cases the ribbons were formed into a cute bow to compliment and match the outfit while adding to the fragile girlishness that was now undeniably theirs.

None of the boys were very happy about the additional clothes that were purchased as they realized they would be kept in skirts even when not in school. For the older boys the ordeal was made even worse. The outrage they felt at being feminized was aggravated by the irresistible delightful sensations the lace edged nylon undies created. Their masculine indignation caused them to shiver from exertion as they futilely did their best to quell the embarrassing erections that appeared as they slipped into the pretty silken lingerie. None were able to stop the swelling of their errant members. Pretty Tammy Endress giggled freely at their obvious discomfort which made even the toughest guy break down in tears. The inevitable revelation that pretty Tammy had once been a boy like them was quite sobering and terrifying, especially to the erstwhile knights who had previously dreamed of bedding the tempting princess.

As each group of distressed boys reached TRANSFORMATIONS STYLING, Susan Bangs and her efficient staff gave the unfortunate lads no chance to rebel. The beauticians were so proficient in their work that the boys had no opportunity to even voice a word about their misgivings over their forced transformation. It was clearly evident to the boys and their mothers that the smiling women took tremendous pleasure in utterly obliterating every outward physical manifestation of boyishness. The first step was to place a small glistening gold hoop beside a dazzling faux diamond stud in each newly double pierced ear of the trembling, sniveling boys. Then filled with revulsion, each lad tearfully watched in the mirror as their longish hair was easily trimmed and fashioned into a becoming girlish style. The boys grimaced as the smirking operator of the electrolysis machine explained that her adept efforts would permanently thin their eyebrows into delicate feminine lines. Seated in the salon chair still facing the mirror, the dispirited boys winced with each minuscule sting that forever plucked a hair. Right before their disheartened eyes they could see their familiar boyish visage deteriorate into irrefutable soft girlishness. Most of the boys were emotionally numb by the time they received dainty pedicures and impeccable manicures, but for the seventh grade and older boys this did not complete this phase of their ordeal. The spent teenage lads were escorted to the METAMORPHOSIS CLUB where owners Pamela Mannering and Beverly Eveland gave each a complete make-up kit and basic instructions in the proper application of make-up. Each was also enrolled for modeling tutelage which would include further make-up lessons, fashion coordination and deportment.

At the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER the nurses had each group of four boys and their mothers enter one of the larger examination rooms. Since they had to strip completely to endure the standard weighing, height measurement, blood pressure and temperature checks, thus appearing nude before the entire group, most of the reluctant boys were utterly mortified. When the doctors swept into the room to brusquely take sperm samples for deposit in the sperm bank, the already embarrassed lads felt utterly humiliated and debased. Before they could object or resist, the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER, E-BLOCK was administered to each of the boys. For those boys whose parents had signed the change of sex forms, the degradation they felt was multiplied as they were given a dose of the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER, T-BLOCK This was followed immediately by treatment with BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER, a hellish ordeal the two now ex-boys tearfully had to endure as their manhood was pulped to mush before their stunned comrades. Those boys who were allowed to retain their manhood witnessed the physically painless technique used to eliminate masculinity with unequivocal trepidation. The knowledge that if they misbehaved, failed to cooperate, or even just by the whim of a parent, they too could be totally emasculated, made even the most steadfast lad quiver with dread. Several of the older boys, especially those who had already experienced erections and orgasms, passed out cold to see their themselves or their buddies so thoroughly unmanned. Fortunately for them, most of the younger boys were too inexperienced in the ways of the world to understand the implications of what had been done.

By 5:00pm all the boys had been successfully Petticoated. Copies of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY cassettes and video tapes had been given to each family. These contained helpful hints and ideas on how to make the transition easier as well as providing tutorial lessons to teach the boys how to behave like a proper young lady. There was no doubt that the families would utilize the appropriate tapes since they had been programmed to do so during the morning meeting and throughout the day over the mall PA system. Further insidious subliminal messages on the hand-out tapes would reinforce the desire and will to keep the boys Petticoated at all times.


The party started at 7:30pm in the Gymnasium of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. All the former nuns, now shed of their confining habits and dressed in conservative but feminine dresses, attended. In addition, most members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY were present. The party was to celebrate the end of the Diocesan control of the nuns and school. Thanks to the elaborate long range scheme of Lydia Ladd and Mother Superior Mary Francis, the school was now under the control of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. LADD REALTY & INSURANCE had assumed ownership of the facility that morning after the school and convent had defaulted on their loan. As planned, the mass resignation of the nuns took effect upon the seizure. The sale of the facility to LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES was immediately completed. The first action of the new owner was to hire the former nuns to staff and operate the new private girls school to assume the role vacated by the Diocese and assure a smooth transition. The party celebrated the establishment of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI GIRLS SCHOOL. The stated goal of the new school was to turn out knowledgeable and skilled girls able to assume, or if necessary, take positions of leadership in the worlds of science, technology, business and government; it was also a school dedicated to transforming boys into demure girls.


The remainder of the hellish weekend for the newly Petticoated boys was filled with feverish activity as each family made the drastic adjustment to the changed status of the boys. Upon arriving home, the first move of the families was to gather all toys, clothes, books, posters and other typical boyhood paraphernalia that the now Petticoated lads had accumulated in order to make room for their now more relevant feminine counterparts. The myriad of hastily gathered cast off boyish items would be donated to charity . Many of the boys cried copiously as they packed up their favorite games, books, posters, model cars, toys, sports equipment and baseball cards as they submissively yielded their boyhood. An even worse ordeal soon followed as they had to help in the redecoration of their formerly masculine bedrooms into visions of fragile, gentile femininity. Lace drapes and satin bedspreads were the rule as the former boys were steadily surrounded and utterly immersed by their unwanted girlhood at every turn.

Most embarrassing for the ex-boys, however, was a mortifying and humiliating task. Their brand new soft, pretty, lace trimmed and ruffled girlish clothes had to be daintily and decorously arranged in their dressers and closets. There was one most hellish aspect of this ordeal for a formerly macho boy, one that drove home the fact that he was now, at best, a simpering sissy lad. This happened when he had to carefully fold and place his painfully delightful and alluring, dainty, pristine, silky, lavishly frilled and lace trimmed, girlish lingerie in the very drawer that only that morning he had taken a pair of cotton jockey shorts when he had unknowingly dressed as a boy for the very last time. That task, more than any other, forced the boy to understand to the very depths of his soul that his boyishness was a thing of the past. All traces of boyishness would be quickly overwhelmed by the formerly forbidden feminine delights that now engulfed him.

Despite all these fears and horrors that the Petticoated boys faced this hellish weekend, they were unable to resist. All they could do was meekly, often tearfully, acquiesce. For while the teary eyed lads worked, they listened to the BELLE cassette tapes they had been given. The rest breaks which interspersed the work were spent watching the video tapes that the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY had provided. Once more the hidden subliminal messages prevented them from doing anything but yield their boyhood.

As a result of all the activities and continual subliminal hypnotic suggestions, the families were totally immersed in the absolute girlishness of the former boys by the end of the hectic weekend. The boys, their masculinity crushed beyond redemption by the combination of the constant messages and the physical effects of their new girlish clothes, surroundings and treatment, were no longer boys. They were girls in the eyes of their families and in most cases their own as well.

Monday morning December 3 saw a multitude of pretty, giggling girls arriving on the steps of their school. All tittered and gossiped excitedly, the former males amongst them quite guiltily, as they noticed the new neon pink sign that had been installed outside the school entrance over the weekend. It proclaimed "Welcome to ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI GIRL'S SCHOOL, a wholly owned subsidiary of LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES."

Most of the girls wore the standard uniform, but a few wore a slight variation. For the Petticoated boys who were retaining their male sex organs, the basic uniform had been slightly altered by changing the color of the lace tights and hair ribbons from pink to baby blue. In this way everyone knew who was still male.

This had the planned result of making the unfortunate Petticoated boys feel guilty that they still retained their maleness. For them, in their eyes, the boys who had been completely emasculated had no choice but to accept their new girlishness and do their best to become as feminine as possible. They, on the other hand, still retained enough masculinity to feel belittled and humiliated about being dressed and forced to behave as if they were girls. The fact that they felt an undeniable urge to be soft and utterly girlish made them nervous wrecks by the end of the day.

As time passed, the trials, pressures, demands and desires of their new lives took a heavy toll of their self esteem. Each week saw one or two of these Petticoated lads nervously arrive for school only to blush intensely with relief when one of their classmates squealed with delight, giggled, pointed and rushed to embrace them in a welcoming hug when it was noted they now wore pink lace tights and hair ribbons instead of their former baby blue. The giggles, hugs and words of praise from their feminine classmates which these ex-boys received for completing their transformation made the fewer and fewer remaining Petticoated boys feel all the more worse for retaining their beleaguered manhood.

Mary Francis O'Kelly (the former Mother Superior) and Lydia Ladd were quite confident that by the end of the school year, no student currently attending ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI GIRL'S SCHOOL would be wearing baby blue tights or ribbons. It was anticipated that as word of the mass Petticoating spread, new students would be enrolled by loving parents or guardians. Many of these would start class wearing baby blue tights and ribbons as part of their uniform. That was exactly what the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY wanted to happen.


On January 2, Doctor Helga Halteman proudly addressed the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY at their first meeting of the new year. Beaming with pride she announced that her previously revealed efforts with mice towards creating feminized males capable of becoming genetic mothers had proven successful.

She once more explained that the implanted ovaries were genetically engineered. The complicated procedure started with an ovum from the former male's mother which should carry 50 percent of the same chromosomes as the male. Then a single sperm cell from the male was cloned to create a mass of identical sperm which was then used to fertilize the egg which meant that the embryo had 75 percent of the same chromosomes as the male. Genetic manipulation of the resulting embryo's ovary bud cells was then performed utilizing meiosis instead of mitosis to force the cells to divide. This meant that the chromosome count of the resulting cells was halved (half of 75 percent is 37 1/2 percent). The resultant mutated ovary bud cells were incomplete and normally would have died, however, by combining one of the previously cloned sperm cells (which also have only half of a normal cells chromosome count) with each of the mutated ovary bud cells, complete cells (with complete chromosome counts) were created that were 87 1/2 percent identical with the chromosome count of the former male! These genetically engineered ovary bud cells were then allowed to develop to viability when they were then transplanted into the male. Since the genetic code of the newly developed feminine organs was nearly identical with that of the ex-male recipient, rejection of the implanted organs did not occur.

This meant that any ovum the transplanted ovaries and uterus would produce inside the formerly male body would have chromosomes which would be 87 1/2 percent identical to that of the ex-male! As a result, any offspring produced from a successful fertilization would genetically be very closely related to the ex-male mother! The genetically engineered female reproductive organs implanted in the two dozen mice of her experiment had successfully developed and attached themselves to the ex-male's abdomen. Everything went as she hoped and once the organs were fully developed, a surgically created vagina was connected to the uterus to allow the formerly male mouse to menstruate and engage in normal intercourse as a female. When the pseudo-female mated with a normal male, healthy embryos were produced, the ex-male mouse was genetically the mother!

Since the implantation had been done before the mice reached full sexual maturity as a male, the influence of the natural female hormones produced by the ovaries altered the prepubescent bone structure and musculature of the pelvic region so that the surgically created birth canal was able to open so that a natural birth resulted in 75 percent of the pseudo-mothers. Every mouse successfully reached motherhood, to the point of actually nursing her children.

The members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY erupted in applause and cheers. Petticoating males was being taken to the Nth degree. Dr. Halteman made one last announcement to ask that Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski and Victoria Makes-Shemanski meet with her immediately after the meeting. As the meeting broke up, virtually all of the members personally congratulated Helga for her outstanding work.

Sandra, her bright eyes betraying her excitement, literally propelled an obviously reticent Victoria before the brilliant researcher. "Helga," Sandra enthused. "We hope you're now willing to utilize Victoria to be your first human guinea pig. We'd still like to surprise our boyfriends by becoming pregnant at the same time."

Helga smiled warmly. "I was hoping you'd still be interested. I'd be delighted to utilize Victoria. I'll need the sperm sample you have stored and we'll have to get an ovum from his mother. I'd like to start as soon as possible!"

Arrangements were quickly made to get the ingredients to begin Victoria's trip into motherhood. All through the excited chatter, Victoria blushed deeply as a mental image of herself, a former macho male army officer, waddling about with a bloated baby-filled belly permeated her mind. Blushing deeply and lidding her eyes demurely, she meekly yielded to the growing maternal yearnings that Sandra had been encouraging during the last two months.

Helga could well imagine the mental gymnastics that were going on inside Victoria's mind: Victoria was eager to become a mother, but retained enough of her former masculinity to be terrified at the prospect of becoming a mother. Compassion, praise and encouragement would be needed to help the former man reach motherhood. "Excellent," Helga stated enthusiastically as she hugged Victoria once everything was set up. "I will be delighted to have you become the first former male to become a true mother!"

Poor Victoria was so overcome by the mixed emotions coursing through her that once more she fainted.

Victoria was still nervous as she watched Sandra administer the sedative. It was July 4th, a date everyone felt quite significant. Independence day, now not just for the country, but for men as well! It was the day the first man received a genetically engineered set of functional female reproductive organs. Dr. Halteman had succeeded in growing the organs from the sperm provided by the former man and the ovum supplied by his mother.

The next month Victoria spent in the recovery rooms of the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER. Constantly monitored and pampered as the implanted organs took root and began to grow. It was almost possible to feel the excitement. Victoria's Petticoated boyfriend visited daily, as did the pretty daughters that Victoria had fathered with Sandra. Randi was as excited as Victoria at the prospect of becoming a father.

The next year saw most of the Petticoated ex-boys enthusiastically enter the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER to have individually genetically designed female reproductive organs implanted. Each patient taught the staff ways to make the implant take faster and grow sturdier quicker. It took that full year before Victoria began to menstruate, ironically on July 4th.

Her revulsion at the messy, uncomfortable discharge was only made tolerable by the prospects of becoming pregnant. In October, a year and a quarter after receiving her implant, Sandra proudly hugged Victoria after verifying that the former male was indeed pregnant.

Paradoxically, the child, a beautiful little girl, was born on July 4th. The birth, although by caesarean section, was otherwise normal. Several of the other former males were delighted to also be with child. The closest to delivery was deliriously happy Tammy Endress, now a beautiful young woman, just graduated from ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI GIRLS SCHOOL. Tammy spent many hours visiting Victoria as she recovered from the surgery. The former males would wistfully talk about the delightful changes they had undergone. While Victoria nursed her daughter, Tammy quietly massaged her plump tummy as her baby kicked, fervently envisioning that in a few weeks, she would be holding her nursing daughter to her own milk filled breasts.


The BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, through the auspices of LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES, continued to formulate plans to spread Petticoating across the land. While being careful not to be too obvious about their efforts and subsidies, BELLE ADVERTIZING, BELLE PUBLICATIONS, BELLE COMMUNICATIONS, BELLE SOUNDS and BELLE BROADCASTING were already hard at work deliberately underbidding competitors to take on new accounts. The orders would be filled to perfection. All customers would be invited to tour the facilities where they would be swept into the conspiracy to Petticoat males by judicious and liberal use of BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX and subliminal hypnotic messages. The commercials, music videos and even sitcoms that would be produced by the BELLE Group would all contain subliminal hypnotic suggestions to encourage mass Petticoating.

A new division of LADD'S EXCHANGE ENTERPRISES to manufacture and sell a new beverage across the nation and the world was created. It was the manner chosen to implement Sissy Nationwide Achievement Program Promoting Lady Existence... or SNAPPLE. A new tea drink in various flavors was formulated. It's price was kept low, it's flavors delicious. Oral doses of BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER and BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX were contained in each bottle. It quickly became the most popular drink in the land.

Other grandiose plans were even postulated for doses of BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX to be slipped into water supplies across the country to make the messages even more effective...



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