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Altered: Chapter 11

Eli grew up on a ranch in Montana. He had heard about Incursions, Breaches, and the Titans that came through those breaches to slaughter some people and capture others. To him though, it had always been something that happened far away to other people. His life was forever changed though when a Breach opened near his home, everything he knew was destroyed or taken, and he ended up Altered.


Chapter 11: Moonlight Revealed
After a moment, the relative silence was broken as Poppy let loose the breath that had been taken away from her as she said in barely more than a whisper, “Bloody hell. Th-that’s a bloody Unicorn! You’re seeing this too, right, Lily?”

Mates 48

She was warm, and as my chin settled onto the top of her head, I caught the simple scent of shampoo. Her arms went up my back to hook over my shoulders, and I felt her shudder a little, and I knew.

“No tears. Maz. Not tonight. Tomorrow, maybe, well, we have Sunday, all of it”

“Next weekend as well, Mike”


“I… I brought some stuff with me. For tomorrow, if we do go out”

“What sort of stuff?”

Man Overboard Chapter 3 of 9

Chapter 3

Yuri raised his glass as he looked at each one of us.

“To absent friends and relatives. We will carry out the dive off Sardinia, but will not be going east, as planned. I have arranged for us to spend a little more time at this end of the Med, so that our rendezvous can be reorganised. We will relax at Monaco and stay there a few days.”

The Handshake That Hides the Snake - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Your past is always there. Erik discovers that his will force him to make choices about his future and decisions about those he can trust.

But is anything quite what it seems in this tale of profit, manipulation and loyalty?


The Handshake That Hides the Snake

by Angela Rasch

Now on Kindle

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 4 the replies

Lord Everett Carl Stewart Envoy of his majesty King George.

Dear Evert,

I see know why his majesty placed this great responsibility in your hands, If anyone was born to be a diplomat it was you.

I have acted a fool. That it was in defense of my handsome son, now by stunning daughter is but part of the explanation, not an excuse. That I drank more than was prudent is also to my shame.

First time 16.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

My first (and only) steady girlfriend hit me in my mid-teens. 17, I was, 15, she was!! This was the Sixties….. But everything wasn’t THAT relaxed! (…not where I was living at least). So I wasn’t yet ready to go out en femme as they call it. Girlfriend time was weekend time, so weekdays were the only possibilities for dressing…..

Chapter 16

Crown or Tiara Chapter 7

Is this your wish, my sister?
To have us fight against our own flesh and blood,
our own brothers and sisters,
our own fathers and mothers,
our own sons and daughters?
Are we at the place
where we slay each other for comfort?
You resolved to slay our own brother,
and spill his blood on the pure, white clouds.
Melilica shall have no part in this, dear sister.
Do as you wish,
Melilica is already in disappointment.

Excerpt from the translated poem 'The Sorrows of Elanara'.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 7

By Shinieris

Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Becoming Samantha -
By Anon Allsop

He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely. Unfortunately, a simple wish whispered, isn't as always as perfect as it may seem. At least, not one that has been granted inside the boundaries of... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Girl inside the Boy

I found the girl inside the boy,
Found out it was cause for joy,
For in unity man and woman are not parted, but
Are whole as one being in spirit with flesh unstarted.

To find comfort in self a balance must be found,
Male need find their female as well as the other way 'round.
It matters not what body as long as there be balance of spirit
When finding joy in life and all within it.

On the whole it matters not what sex we are born,
Be just glad to be alive no matter the form.
Although usually what we get we need keep and
on the whole I feel no need to weep.

Jem...Chapter 13

Jem…Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I can’t help but to stare at Raven. Then the way she said what she just said and the way the she’s looking at me sinks in and makes me blush. I…did I over do this? Am I making this to much for her? Am I going to hurt her?

She goes over to me and she smiles this smile that and forgive me for being lez-offensive wakes my lower self some despite the confinement and makes me get this very naughty bad Jason image in my head.

Pink Angel

Pink Angel

I saw her standing forlornly in the corner of the store, her price marked as “half-off”, and I simply had to bring her home. She was a Christmas lawn ornament, a life-size announcing angel with trumpet ready to blow, lit up in pink in honor of breast cancer research.

I put brought her home, and set her in my tiny front yard, and then went inside. I was all alone now, and felt desperate for company, so at the start or at the finish of every day, I found myself sitting on my front step, talking to my new guest.

Through the years: Two against the world part 4

A few steps out of the door Peter fell in step next to him. “Come on.” Peter commanded and put a hand on Troy's shoulder to guide him to the office. The bigger kid had been thinking about the pictures and what to do all through his past few lessons and he could only come up with one course of action. He knew it would be a fight to get Troy to go, but he was sure it was the right thing to do.

“Where are we...” Troy stated to say, till he realized where Peter was going. “Peter, I don't want to go to the office.”

Peter stopped and turned to face Troy. He lowered his voice so only Mary Beth and Troy could hear him. “You need to tell the principal. He knows about you, so you need to tell him that someone is trying to cause problems.”

“He's right, Troy. If Mr. Harper knows, then he should know about the picture.” Mary Beth stated in a whisper.


Big thanks to Djkauf for the editing

We pick up where we left off, Tracy in class, after the pictures have been left.


The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 4 - updated

Dearest Brother

Have you lost your mind? Yea Gods, you and your infernal temper have made another fine mess. Will you never learn. If our beloved mother hears of this I dare say your ears will never recover.

You may be my half brother but this this.. You will come to my house and we will discuss your many short comings in this regard at your earliest convenience.

It is not enough that I have to deal with the colonies as envoy to the king, No you have to create a mess at home as well.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 3 the replies

Dear Colleen,

First I must express my deep shame at being unable to prevent father from sending off that unseemly note to your mother. I should have been able to intercept that foul missive. Mother had warned the household staff to intercept all correspondence until father's anger had subsided but not all of the family servants are loyal to mother and I. Father is an imposing figure of a man and wields strong influence over many in our house. As Lord he was within his rights. But no man is without faults and we failed him in this time of difficulties.

The Voice in My Head

The Voice in My Head
Anam Chara

Like any other boy his age in junior high school, Danny has enough trouble steering his course through life. Parents, siblings, friends, classmates teachers, and everyone else are all telling him what to do. And that’s hard enough for him. But now, there’s this voice in his head questioning the decisions he makes for himself.

Christmas Classic Cinema

Christmas Cinema Classics

Transgender Holiday Memories

from Ethel to Lucy...

Movies about Christmas always seem to brighten anyone's day. We've found some of your favorites; once thought to be lost forever, these TG pics are just the thing to put a smile on anyone's face...well mostly everyone...well, perhaps some of us...okay, Kristine and I thought it was a good idea at the time...really...I didn't even want to do it, but she said she'd...oh never mind!

Kidnapped. Part 1

Kidnapped 1
By kayla don
Edited by Red_MacDonald

You know, it’s weird to be standing here in this spot, outside the place that made me the person I am to day. As I look at the building that has haunted my dreams for the past fifteen years, I just have to think back on the events that took place all those years ago.
“Mom, I’ll see ya later.”
“Be careful and call me when you get there.”
I went to the garage, hopped on my hummer H1 golf cart, and took off towards my friend Cade’s house.

My so called (Un)Life Ch. 2: Welcome to the Other Side

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg

I’m sure I was blushing profusely by now from the embarrassment. And why was I talking to her like she was my boss or something? I didn’t even know her.

“Why don’t I walk him back there instead. I’d like to ah…” She paused and looked me over once more. “Talk, with him in a more quiet setting. Would you like that, dear heart?”

“Yes, please.” I don’t know why I said that. I guess it just felt right at the time. I grabbed my guitar and followed her around the bar towards a door, watching the gentle sway of her hips as she walked. I’ve never felt more like a puppy on a leash, to be honest, but she seemed so pleased with it that it was just too hard for me to be angry about it.

Three Girls - Chapter 23

Three Girls

Book Five

Chapter Twenty-Three

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio


Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same now new my heart sings
terri’s challenge — my voice, my heart…my life are yours for as long as I live…

My Hero

My Hero
By Anon Allsop

I slowly strolled by the dress shops, momentarily gazing into the windows and looking at the new styles from New York. I caught sight of my reflection in the window, blond hair askew and lightly floating in the gentle breeze. I straightened my light jacket and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

"How'd you like to wrap those long legs around me honey?" I glanced up, a man in a white tank top had settled in beside me. He was grinning like a hungry wolf. A soft breeze blew across my exposed legs and drifted up the cotton mini skirt I was wearing.

03 - Hardshell


After being abducted by aliens, Aaron finds himself drawn into a world of superheroes and alien invasions.
This takes place in the same universe as The Miracle Legacy and A Change of Heart.


More DopplerPress

Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly MacGreagor on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

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Sarah's life had not been easy, her parents broke up, she got seriously assaulted, and had to move to a different city and leave her friends behind.


Building a new life is never easy, even with advice from a someone who has done it before. However, with help from Robin, her mother and her new friends, Sarah finds her future looks sunny once more. But will it stay that way?

Surely, everyone is in for a magical time.

Especially Readers!


Everything's Sunny with Sarah
by Zoe Taylor and Ashly MacGreagor
Now on Kindle

She Like Me - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


He had to find out: what do women think?

She Like Me
by Angela Rasch
Now on Kindle

Faced with the need to pick a thesis topic, amid the turbulent sixties, Gerald looks to solve the mysteries of the female gender by disguising himself as one of them. In a world faced with the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Southeast Asia Conflict, can a man successfully pretend to be a college co-ed and discover the secrets of how women think? Gerald has read all the pertinent sociology textbooks and has a list of questions he will seek to answer, but is he asking the right questions? And, once he understands women, what decisions will he make about himself?

Monkey Business by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Randy loves nothing more in life than motorcycles. When his friend Nick gives him the opportunity to join in as monkey during a sidecar race, he jumps at the chance -- even if it means wearing pink leathers.

Monkey Business
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle
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