Lifeswap (part 1 of 12)
by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2014 Maeryn Lamonte - All Rights Reserved.
So I prefer not to start publishing serials unless I'm pretty sure I can get them finished in a reasonable time, and life's been getting in the way of my writing quite a bit lately so I've waited till now to put this out there. Since I'm on the tenth and final part, I think it's a fairly safe bet that I'll finish this one before I'm ready to post the last chapter. Oh yeah, on that subject. I live for your comments, especially the thoughtful ones. The more comments I get, the quicker I'll post the next chapter (mwa ha ha ha ha ha - or something).
Additional information - I've put together a website for my stories at Lifeswap's not up there yet as BCTS is still the first home to my TG writing. It's still a work in progress, so please don't be too harsh with your comments. Also I'm thinking of self-publishing a few of my past stories, maybe on Lulu, unless someone can suggest somewhere better. I want the option for paper copies, not just ebooks. In that regard, I was wondering if anyone would care to proof some of my old stories, plus I wouldn't mind picking the brains of someone who's had some experience with self-publishing. PM me if you'd like to help.
Anyway - Jerry Goodman is a banker, but more of a George Bailey than some of the selfish shits in the world today. An acquaintance of his persuades him to play the sort of party game you only think is fun after you've had a few, and a little magic later, things get rather complicated. A word of caution, I've been a little uncontrolled in my use of language in this, and there is some violence and sexual abuse later in the story, in case that might put you off starting.
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