Tamara's First Christmas - Chapter 9 "Airport Blues"

Tamara's First Christmas - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Nine


"Airport Blues"

Sunday 21st December Continued

The meal was over, everyone was leaving the restaurant and Tammy needed to get back to Sarah's shop. Trouble was, she wasn't certain why she'd been asked, nay told, to wait - was her frock the problem?

"Yes, Elsie?"

"I've been told you drank a whole bottle of wine."

"No, just one glass and a small top up."

"But you were seen with two bottles, you and my daughter, and I know she would be sensible."

"Was this Yvonne by any chance?"

"So what if it were?"

"Well, Cathy and I had a problem with the original bottle after we'd both poured our first glass; it didn't taste right so we asked for a replacement bottle. Our glasses were changed but the original bottle wasn't cleared away until much later. I had one full glass and a few drops that remained after Cathy's last glass. I believe the replacement bottle was brought whilst Yvonne was in the ladies?"

"Mum, I'd have to agree with everything Tammy said, please check with Frances if you need to." Cathy had just returned.

Elsie seemed satisfied but Yvonne Stewart was plainly not, Joan was saying nothing even though she must have seen what happened. Tammy had been told to contact Emily when she was ready to go back to the shop but her father offered to walk her over instead.

"That was a very effective put-down you did just then."

"It needed to be. I'd seen the way Yvonne was looking at me, monitoring me, and I just knew she'd try something. Cathy told me a few things too, in the loo."


"Dad, I told you after the school staff party that something didn't feel right, then there's this lunchtime and Joan is keeping way too quiet."

"We'll talk later. Nice frock, by the way!"

He left Tammy at the shop door then returned to where the vehicles were parked. There were still a few customers in the shop when Tammy returned at three but it was getting dark in this Northern outpost and didn't look as if many more would appear. The ones there were a different group from the morning so hadn't seen the cocktail dress close up, only the images that Emily could provide. Tammy therefore had to be a model again for a few minutes before hurrying to clean up and get changed. Whilst she was out back, Sarah closed the shop and killed the main lights.

"How was lunch, Tammy?"

"Wicked, Emily! I was in complete control of that hotel when I walked in!"

"So I saw, I didn't come straight back here."

"Wait for the best bit, this new Deputy Head Teacher was at the table and I already knew that she didn't like me. Anyway she tries to show me up for drinking a whole bottle of white."

"Was it a decent white?"

"A Pinot Grigio. What's that got to do with it?"

"Well if it's decent wine then you're justified."

"It wasn't that, we had to replace the first bottle so she assumed we'd finished it."

"It can't be that bad. What's her name?"

"Yvonne Stewart."



"She's awful, she doesn't like anyone. Some of the girls at my college were taught by her."

"If she's that bad, how does she get promoted or hired elsewhere?"

"Her existing school was probably more than happy to see her go and would write excellent references."

"Great, now what do I do about her?"

"I'll see if I can get some real dirt on her, think of it as insurance for you."

"Thanks. I'll give you my email address."

Tammy was digging in her bag for a business card when Sarah appeared.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Just stuff, Sarah. What's the verdict on the day?"

"It seems I took orders for three and a half thousand pounds worth of business and direct sales of two thousand. That would make it my best day ever."

"Well done."

"No, well done to you too. Tammy, would you like to take the dress as payment for your help today?"

"Sure, if that's what you want to do."

"Yes, but promise me you'll wear it at Elsie's Hogmanay party."

"I can't promise that but I'm sure it will be worn at a party over the next two weeks."

"That's close enough, now I want to get moving and I'm carrying too much cash for my safety, can we go to the bank and use the drop chute?"


The three headed towards Sarah's bank, Tammy was carrying the cocktail dress in a garment bag. Once they reached the bank Sarah opened the chute and dropped a sealed bank bag containing her takings whilst the two girls stood guard. Tammy was half expecting an incident but it was cold, very cold, and dark. Nobody should be outside very long under those conditions. Five weeks earlier Tom would have been very worried being stood with a dress in his hand out in the street.

"Get moving, I need to get out of the cold!"

Back at the cars, Sarah suggested Emily went back to her house to start dinner and that she would take Tammy back. Sarah's car did have aircon and the windscreen kept clear on the journey up the hill.

Sarah came in with Tammy and sought Richard, Tammy went to her room to wash.

"Thanks for that call a few days ago, I tried some of it today and it worked."

"Great but it might take time to build up sales."

"Today was actually my best ever day with over five thousand taken in sales and orders."

"That's pretty amazing. That couldn't be down to my advice alone."

"No it was your daughter doing an impromptu fashion show, aided and abetted by my own daughter. I sold every dress they modelled, I mean all the stock of those dresses plus a load more that are now on order. The girls put some photos online, you might want to ask Tammy to show them to you."

"This looks like excellent news, you don't have cash and card receipts in the car, do you?"

"No, we used the night safe."

"Good, I know there's a charge for using it but under the circumstances you took the right option."

"I understand you're back from this holiday on New Years Eve?"

"Yes, probably around four."

"I have a sale starting on the second of Jan but I'd like Tammy to help me on the first with the window displays and the repricing."

"You'll have to ask her, I'm afraid, she's independently minded."

"That's a very charitable way of saying she's a free spirit."


"Thanks again, I must get home to check if Emily has burnt the salad."

As Sarah left the house, Richard turned to where Elsie was sat across the room then walked over and took a seat next to her.

"Elsie, you just saw how Sarah gushed over Tammy's help today? Why are you being negative towards her?"

"I didn't think I was."

"At lunch you blindly accepted Yvonne's words and then you were shot down in front of your son and daughter."

"She says she was mistaken."

"We both know that Tammy can't handle much more than one glass of wine, let alone a whole bottle, and you could have pointed that out."


"Look, I'm concerned about Tammy's return to school, and Angela's of course, in January. A change in senior management in that school is rare judging by what Harry's said plus there are always bedding-in issues. I just don't want Yvonne to take out her frustrations on Tammy and Angela."

"I'm sure there'll be no such problem."

Tammy had walked back into the lounge as Elsie spoke her last sentence so had no idea about the conversation they'd just had.

"Tammy, can you sort out what you want to take with you? Leanne will help you pack."

"Yes, Dad."

The next hour was spent making tough choices. Tammy had a set of luggage available but wanted to be sensible. One concern was that Angela wouldn't have much; Tammy didn't want to be seen to be showing off. She explained her dilemma to Leanne.

"Miss, why don't we pack mostly separates plus a couple of dresses for evening events. I'll take that cocktail dress to the dry cleaners in the morning so it can be back here by ten. I believe your flight from Wick is at one?"

"Dad hadn't told me, I just know we don't have all day."

"I suggest the cases are left open, if anything needs pressing then that can be done in the morning as well. I can finish this off tomorrow when you're back from the hair salon, Miss."

"Thank you, Leanne."

"I believe tea will be ready soon, Miss."


Leanne left the room so Tammy took the opportunity to check her emails. There was a reminder from Emily to create a facebook account and to let her know what it was called. Tammy would then be allowed to upload to the shop's page. She had completed the first of these tasks when she was called down for tea. This was a light affair which didn't take long to clear.

Tammy excused herself and returned to her laptop. A few minutes later she emailed her username to Emily. That generated some online exchanges and Tammy found herself an admin of Sarah's Boutique, the social media version anyway.

There were already some comments from customers and requests for orders - she'd have to talk to Sarah about that. No, she didn't have any time so she emailed Emily to let her know. Next was the task of setting up social media on her phone, unfortunately she hadn't been warned that this would mean her phone battery would die much quicker!

There was a new email from Tanya, John Hibbert must have told Tanya her email address.

From: Tanya Smith
To: Tammy Smart
Subject: Party!
Hi Tammy
As John's away I'm a bit bored. Let me know what you're up to

Tammy emailed back saying she was on facebook, telling Tanya her online identity. A minute later her laptop pinged and the two were connected. That led to Tanya discovering all the photos taken in the shop. Within half an hour there was a community on there that Tammy had never experienced before, although not everyone was friendly.

She had to call a temporary halt when Richard knocked on the door.

"Hi Dad."

"Tammy, I want to let you know about arrangements for tomorrow."

"Does Joan know?"

"Yes I just called her. I know you have these appointments in the morning but that won't be a problem. Our first flight's at one from Wick so we need to be there about midday."

"That won't be difficult."

"I didn't think so, we're heading first to Edinburgh then onward to Brussels. We arrive there around six and will take a hotel for the night by the airport."

"No chance of sight-seeing is there, although I've been to Brussels before."

"No, the next flight is at nine in the morning into Salzburg, with any luck the transfer should deliver us to our hotel about four in the afternoon."

"Sounds good. How's Joan dealing with it?"

"The idea of travel outside the UK if strange to her, the furthest she'd been was a coach trip to Calais through the Channel Tunnel, apparently George thought that was exotic." He laughed then stopped, realising it was an inappropriate comment.

"Anyway, your bags need to be finished and loaded by eleven. We'll use the Range Rover and head to the cottage to collect the Smalls."

"Has Angela been warned to be ready in time?"

"Yes, the threat against her now includes being tied into a large stroller in a baby-grow- or at least a onesie."

"Now I know you're joking!"

"Oh dear, you caught me out, no it was actually a romper suit!"

Now both of them were laughing. Richard remembered his earlier conversation with Elsie, but first made certain Tammy's bedroom door was closed.

"Okay, this is getting serious, Dad?"

"Yes, I should be telling you off for that outburst at lunchtime."

"But you can't because I was right?"

"Yes, you were right, but perhaps the manner in which you put Elsie down wasn't the best, a quiet word might have worked better."

"Dad, you know that Elsie was only the messenger. Her rebuke was heard by most of the table, and the adjacent tables too. I had to deal with that or else leave a tarnish on my name."

"I understand, dear. Apparently Yvonne says she was 'mistaken'."

"And you don't believe it's genuine either?"

"Did I give you that impression?"

"Dad, I can see through you and right now you're as transparent as is possible."

"Look, try not to let Yvonne, nor Elsie, wind you up and don't bite back. Promise?"

"I'll do my best, did you know I'll get mood swings with these pills?"

"Let me know when to lock the knives away."

"Get out!"

Tammy creased up and rolled onto her bed. Richard also had a laugh, he just prayed that his daughter's 'bad days' weren't as bad as his ex wife's. He quietly left the room.

Now she was alone she elected to take a quick shower. Tammy then retrieved a selection of presents from their hiding place, together with a roll of wrapping paper, spending an hour on that task. The finished packages, and a few bags, were stacked in the corner - they would be distributed once she returned from Austria as she'd now run out of time.

Monday 22nd December
Michael wanted to head out of town early to do some Christmas shopping so offered to run Tammy into town for her eight o'clock appointment with Sandy. Joan was driving herself and Angela down separately and arrived a few minutes after Tammy.

Tammy was sent straight into the torture chamber.

"Up on the table, young lady."

"It's not been that long!"

"I understand you're going away?"

"Yes, later today."

"And you're staying in a hotel?"

"Yes, so?"

"And this hotel will have a pool?"


"Up on the table!"

Joanne did some other tidying up whilst Tammy was there but all-in-all she was only in there for just over ten minutes. Tammy was walking slightly awkwardly when she walked back into the main salon, Joanne stood in the doorway and beckoned Joan.

"Why? You had me last week."

"I didn't know about the holiday and hotel with a swimming pool then."

"Do I have a choice?"


Angela was having her hair washed at this point so was oblivious to the conversation or the way Tammy, gently, sat down. She wasn't sat for long, as Tanya guided Angela over to Sandy, her sister Debbie took Tammy to the nail station.

"You vixen!"

"Who, me?"

"Yes Tammy. I've seen the pictures. You should have let me and Tanya know, we'd have been there like a shot."

"It wasn't planned like that, but we did get a little carried away."

"A little? There hasn't been a fashion show like that in Thurso for a few years. Seriously, you have potential as a model."

"Some of me is artificial."

"Many girls use a little enhancement at times, anyway it won't be long before you have your own set."

"I've not said anything to you, or Tanya, for that matter."

"No, but you might have mentioned it to my sister's boyfriend at some point?"


"Keep your hands still otherwise this will take too long."

Whilst Debbie worked on Tammy's hands they continued talking, with an idea forming in Tammy's head about a fashion show. One of the problems of talking to Debbie was that she knew so many of the local characters, especially the eighteen to twenty-something girls in Thurso and Tammy knew hardly any of them. Local education would have to wait for another time, however, as Tammy was finally ready for Tanya's hair-washing station.

Joan by now had made it out of the torture chamber and appeared to be a little more relaxed, the only issue being that Angela had now entered the room of doom.

Over the next hour or so all three were finished. By then the regular Monday morning clients had started to arrive, as well as some of Sandy's usual staff.

Tammy was wondering how to get back when a Landrover pulled up outside. In the front was Leanne, alongside Jonathon. Tammy gave her farewells and hopped into the back. Her cocktail dress and a couple of other items were in garment bags hung in the back.

Tammy was told to simply take herself in, Leanne carried the clothes up then went to leave.

"I'll be back shortly, Miss, after you've changed."

"I never said .... thank you Leanne. Give me fifteen please."



Somehow, by eleven, a travel-ready Tammy with all her luggage was outside the front of the house. There was a hug from Elsie and a kiss from Michael, who had returned from his shopping trip. Then Johnaton drove Tammy and Richard to collect the Smalls.

Angela was in a mid-calf length skirt again, both Joan and Tammy had suggested it to re-inforce her persona. Tammy had dressed similarly, but had a greater selection in her wardrobe than Angela, or even Joan.

This time, at Wick Airport, Angela behaved like she travelled frequently. Joan hadn't flown from Wick before so relied on the others to guide her. There were no problems at the check-in for their Edinburgh flight, just a query on Tammy's luggage.

"It's only five kilos over."

"That's a fifty pounds surcharge unfortunately, Miss."

She simply handed over the platinum credit card.

"Charge it, I'll get 'Air Miles' points anyway."

That, as it turned out, was the only small matter before they were at the gate ready to walk across to their flight. If Joan was nervous she didn't show it, if Angela was excited then she didn't show that either.

They settled on the flight, which had two by two seating, with the adults one side and the girls on the other. This was a short flight across Scotland which was definitely no-frills. They landed a few minutes behind schedule but this group had two hours to kill, Richard suggested the bar.

"Richard, I don't drink this time of day."

"Joan, it's the only food outlet in the international lounge that I trust."

Their ticketing was end-to-end so they didn't need to go through check-in again, but that didn't stop an over-zealous security guard demanding the group's tickets and passports almost as soon as they'd sat in the bar.


"Because I didn't see you come through security."

"We didn't, we're transfer passengers from Wick."

"I still need to see them."

He did look, but plainly was only doing it because he could, not because he needed to.

"Enjoy your trip, please be aware of an increased security threat level."

He walked off.

Everyone now got down to the serious business of ordering food. Richard warned them that dinner wouldn't happen until around eight that evening and now, around two, was a good time to have something. The drink of choice was coffee, although Joan went for decaff "I've always wanted to try it but ..."

Conversation ground to a halt when their food arrived, all had opted for the extra healthy all-day breakfast so they wouldn't need food again until late, if necessary.

Their flight had appeared on the departures board a few minutes earlier and a gate number was now displayed. They still had half an hour so this was not urgent, and certainly not a good enough reason for indigestion.

With ten minutes to spare they walked to the gate, handing their tickets and passports to the aircrew member. That formality took seconds and they were immediately allowed to walk across the airbridge onto the flight. This time seating was down to prebooking, but Richard had factored it so they were suitably grouped across the central gangway.

In not much more time they had left the terminal and were taxiing across to the runway. Then there was an announcement from the cockpit:

We regret to announce that due to air traffic problems this flight has been cancelled. We will shortly return to the terminal. Please remain seated, the seat-belt sign will remain on until we reach the terminal. Thankyou.

"Dad, I thought air traffic control had backup systems?"

"Yes, primary and secondary backups, plus it's really a national system these days. I wouldn't worry though, I used to get this in the far east regularly."


Tammy relaxed but Angela was getting worried.

"Was that a secret code to say they've found me out?"

"Nice try, Angela, but I've heard better ones than that in B movies."

Angela sat back, she was now genuinely worried. Richard was telling Joan tales of misadventure in international air travel whilst Tammy was playing with facebook on her phone. Suddenly she spotted something.

"Dad, there's a problem."

"What is it?"

"Reports of explosions at two air traffic centres, Fareham, south of London and Maastrict in The Netherlands."

"Those are the two largest in Europe, is the report from a good source?"

"Several, BBC, CNN, and the French press right now."

"Then we'll have to assume it's genuine. We'll find out more back at the terminal."

It took fifteen minutes before they were back in the terminal, confirmation of their flight's cancellation was that their luggage was seen being removed from the hold.

"We're definitely going nowhere fast."

Richard tried at the information desk but this was now swamped and the poor assistant had no further information, as she repeated to every person who reached the front of the queue. Tammy, meantime, had put out a status message that she was stuck at Edinburgh airport and found herself with plenty of 'friend requests' as a result. meanwhile the news stories started to get more detailed.

"Dad, it seems whoever did this took out the power into the centres, including the diesel generators, as well as the fibre comms off the sites."

"So it wasn't random. Any idea of who?"

"Not at the moment. My guess is that a fix isn't going to be quick and definitely not today, maybe not even tomorrow."

"I'd have to agree."

He stepped away to make two calls, one to Elsie and the other to their helicopter firm. If a chopper was to fly as far as Edinburgh it would need full fuel tanks.

Next he headed for the security gate and found the irritating guard from earlier.

"Ah, Mr ..."


"How can I help you?"

"I'd like to speak to the terminal manager. Can you get hold of him for me?"

"Why me?"

"Because all of the other staff are handling the expected passenger queries and none are qualified to answer my question. You however are being left well alone because most travellers wouldn't voluntarily return to a security checkpoint. I guess no-one's being allowed through now either."

"So what is the question, and why should the terminal manager answer it?"

"Very simply, where is the best place for my helicopter to land when it comes to collect my group and our luggage?"

"You are joking?"

"Not one bit, I'm the CEO of RS Helicopters Ltd."


"Richard Smart."

"So when is it due here?"

"I've simply told the pilot to fully fuel for a run here and then back to Thurso. He'll take off as soon as I contact him, I just need to confirm he can have authority to land here." There was a small white lie in Richard's words.

"Can you wait here?"

The guard shuffled off to a telephone and run his finger down a list that was taped to the wall. It was clear the duty manager, whoever that was, didn't initially accept the story but suddenly the guard was walking back over.

"Mr Cooper will be down shortly."

"Thank you."

Richard rejoined the group.

"Okay, you'll have gathered from Tammy and the commotion over by the info desk that something is very wrong. It looks like western Europe has lost most of its air traffic control systems and that problems will last at least until tomorrow, possibly longer, with guaranteed delays when the system is working again. Given that it's the twenty second today, I don't fancy the idea of a flight on Christmas eve."

"Richard, are you suggesting cancelling?"

"Yes, Joan. Unfortunately there's very little we can do right now except go back home."

"How are we getting there?"

"Give me a minute and I'll confirm those arrangements."

Richard stood up and walked towards the man who was heading towards him, smiles on both faces.



"Blimey, my airport and on this ruddy day too!"

"It wasn't my choice either."

"The airport or the day?"

"You choose! Come meet the crowd."

"Guys, this is John Cooper the airport terminal manager. He was my assistant for several years before he got out of being a merchant banker and into airport management. John, this is my daughter Tammy, my good friend Joan and her daughter Angela."

"Pleased to meet you all. Now, Richard, this chopper? Is it the McPherson firm?"

"Yes, Elsie and I own forty percent each and Tammy here owns the remaining twenty percent."

"In trust?"

"No, through a wholly owned company in her name."

"Tammy, do you work with your dad?"

"Only when I'm not at school, I'm waiting to finish my A levels."

"Richard, if it were anyone else I'd say I was being taken for a ride. Now, what do you need?"

"I think we're best off if we stay in the bar. Can the chopper land outside the emergency exit?"

"No, in case we need it for a real emergency in here. There are no planes on the stands so why not in front of the terminal?"

"Okay, can you let the tower know that they'll be here in forty-five?"

"Will do, I take it you had luggage?"

"Yes, it was on the Brussels flight that was scrubbed."

"Right, I'll have that brought round."

"Cheers John. Come up and see us sometime?"

"Sure, now I need to get away before anyone else decides they want to land a private chopper here!"

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