Tamara's First Christmas - Chapter 2 "Ups & Downs"

Tamara's First Christmas - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Two


"Ups & Downs"

Sunday 14th December

Richard decided that Sunday would be spent catching up with paperwork, given that very few people would be phoning or emailing himself and Tammy. One task was, however, outstanding and urgent.

"Tammy, you need to write out your Christmas cards."

"I don't have any cards."

"Elsie has some McPherson cards you can use, forty should be enough."

"What about my name change?"

"Write a small summary, no bigger than A5, then print a copy for each card."

"What about a card for mum?"

"I don't know which hotel she's in and she's not emailed me."

"Okay, I'll write one but I won't put a summary in it, no point!"

"Fair enough."

"I'll be in my room."

Tammy sat at her laptop and just stared at the screen for a while. How could she explain all that had happened to her, and why, in just a few words. This was more difficult as some of the contacts were distant family, some were family friends and others were corporate friends that Tom had met whilst working with his father.

She also knew that many would not accept her, but she was unlikely to encounter them in the near future so their acceptance, or otherwise, didn't matter. Of course, she knew that didn't sound right either.

In the end she decided the idea of a letter was too fraught with issues, if she could ever write it. She'd noticed that there were two packs of cards already on her desk. She therefore simply signed one pack in a flowery style for those that were to be posted.

Tammy's signature

Then the laborious task of finding addresses for people she'd probably only met once or twice.

Next she compiled a list of those friends locally to whom she should send a card. Signing simply as 'Tammy' she went through a long list of everyone who befriended Tammy, given advice or provided support then discovered she'd run out of cards, something to be corrected later.

One task was to order a box of business cards for herself, she could hardly use Tom's any more. The details needed were simple so didn't take long online, she also opted for express delivery. Finally she pulled out her coursework but noted very little needed to be done.

Dinner was held at midday so Tammy could be at the theatre at two for the matinee show, remaining for the evening and final performance. As with the previous evening the applause was raucous but it appeared alcohol sales were down given the two foolhardy drivers the night before.

There were even more flowers this time but Tammy and Tanya kept a bunch or two for their homes as well as distributing them amongst the cast and supporting crew; that way even Angela had gone home, to the cottage, with a bunch. There were also presentations to the lead actors by the Mayor of Thurso of book tokens, of course the girls accepted them thankfully although Tammy passed hers to Tanya soon after.

"You shouldn't."

"I don't need them, you and Debbie can use them as a thank you for helping me and staying a friend."

"Don't be silly!"

"Girls, come on! You need to be cleaned up and changed in fifteen minutes!"

"Yes Mistress Joanne!" In stereo of course - they'd practiced!

Back at home, the McPherson home, Tammy relaxed and took a shower before putting on a new onesie. Elsie was not impressed.

"What are you wearing one of those babygrows for?"

"It's comfortable and I'm turning in very soon, just as soon as my hair's dry."

"I suggest you go straight back to your room and change if you want to come back down."

Why was Elsie grumpy? Tammy decided to head for the kitchen to make a coffee but Leanne was just coming out. Tammy mouthed the necessary words then headed for the stairs.

"Good night Elsie."

"Good night, Tammy."

Monday 15th December

Angela caught up with Tammy in the sixth form common room just before lunch. It had been a few weeks since Tammy had stood here, as well as the first time since Tom had become Tamara.

The room itself was equally different this Monday morning. In the corner was a small Christmas tree, barely as tall as Tammy, covered in baubles. There were no lights, this was considered to be a fire risk by an overzealous Health & Safety brigade. Streamers and other decorations were allowed, however, giving the room a lukewarm seasonal feeling.

Angela walked in the room and stood as she admired the scene.

“Any problems?”

“Not really, Tammy, I had a few strange looks as I walked through the school, it took some of the neanderthals a few seconds to cotton on to who I was, or used to be.”

Tammy giggled. “Many of those neanderthals paid good money for their grades!”

“Miss Smart, Miss Small, the Headmaster is ready to see you now. Given that you’re a prefect now, I’d expect more respect for your fellow students, Miss Smart.” Mr Thompson actually agreed with Tammy, but couldn’t tell her. He'd also confirmed that she was remaining at the school without realising the error.

“Of course, Sir, sorry.”

“Accepted, now scoot!”

The girls made their way to the Head’s office on the ground floor in as lady-like a manner as they could manage, trying to hide their anticipation. They’d not attended any classes as yet today as officially they were not yet back at school. Rules are rules.

“Miss Small, Miss Smart, the Head is expecting you, go straight in.” Often it appeared as though the Head’s secretary, Mrs Adams, actually ran the school. She certainly knew everything the staff did, usually before they knew themselves.

The Headmaster, Mr McIntosh, had his office on the ground floor, in keeping with the rest of the 100 year old building it was oak panelled with a distinct odour of seasoned wood. Tammy had met him several times informally at the McPhersons's house but this felt very different.

The Head was sitting behind his solid oak desk, Harry Davison, Chairman of the Governing Body, sat to one side, a cup of coffee balancing precariously on one corner of the desk. Tammy and Angela were directed to two seats in front of the desk; there was no coffee table and easy chair cosiness about this meeting, indeed there was no coffee offered. The grandfather clock in the corner was striking eleven.

“Miss Smart, Miss Small, thank you for being so prompt. As you will know the Governors met this morning to discuss your circumstances — amongst other school business.” He paused.

Tammy and Angela weren’t entirely certain what to expect at this juncture. It was well known that several of the governors did not approve of Tamara Smart nor of Elsie McPherson’s campaign on her behalf. They actually had disgust for Angela. However, it went deeper than that. It was known before the meeting that Angela’s father, George Small, had been in recent contact with several of the governors and had spread his personal venom around, including an allegation of a vendetta against him.

The Head continued, “I’d like to officially reassure you both that you are able to remain at St Andrew’s in order to complete your exams next year. I’ll be honest with you, however, several of the parent governors demanded your expulsions for bringing this institution and its staff into disrepute.”

Harry Davison raised his hand before Tammy or Angela could respond.

“I can’t go into specifics but I have accepted the resignations of two governors while a third is considering his future with the school. Mr Small was a teacher governor and has already been replaced. Plainly I don’t like losing governors so the vacancies must be filled quickly, I would certainly appreciate names before Christmas.”

He looked directly at Tammy as he said the last sentence. The meaning was not lost on her.

The Headmaster agreed, “Quite. I’ll make certain the boys, and girls—erm female students—know that two parent governor vacancies have arisen. It will also go out in the Christmas Newsletter. Now, on to logistics.”

He spent another ten minutes explaining what facilities would be available to Tammy and Angela as well as any minor changes to their class schedule or tutors. Finally he mentioned Yvonne Stewart.

“As you may know we have employed Miss Stewart as a Deputy Head and she will take her post in January. I have also asked Miss Stewart to look after the academic interests of the female students, I’ll schedule a meeting for you with her after Christmas. Any questions?”

“No, Sir,” in stereo of course.

“You have no classes scheduled for today so I’d suggest you re-acquaint yourselves with the rest of the sixth form. Miss Smart you should arrange to meet the rest of the prefects as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Sir.”

They two girls were dismissed and headed past Mrs Adams who was waiting expectantly for them.

“Miss Smart, Miss Small, your transport is here.”

“Thank you Mrs Adams, but I’m not sure what you mean?” Angela was confused.

“That your transport is outside, you are excused school for the rest of the day.”

“How did you know?”

“Know that you didn’t have lessons this afternoon? Or that you wouldn’t need lunch in the refectory?”

“Either? We need to get our coats and bags from the common room.”

“I’ve dealt with that, they’re already in the car. It’s cold out there so hurry.”

Tammy was smiling, she knew what was happening but didn't want to frighten Angela.

Tammy’s father, Richard, was waiting for her in the warm Land Rover. “Come on girls, we have appointments in town.” Angela’s mum, Joan, occupied the front passenger seat, so Tammy and Angela slid on to the rear seat, gathering their skirts as they did.

It had been Tammy’s suggestion that they should wear full length skirts for their first few days back at school to emphasis their femininity, it would also make skirt-flipping by sexually-frustrated schoolboys difficult. Coupled with a blouse and short cardigan they had achieved the right effect. Of course car seats were not ideal for two cold skirted girls in a hurry.

“Mum,” Angela said, “I thought you had business at the school this morning?”

“I did, the Governors agreed to create the post of female welfare officer for me. I start tomorrow. Just don't expect any special treatment. They've also told me they will make some improvements at the cottage over the next few weeks, quite what those are I don't know yet.”

First stop was Sandy's hairdressing salon. Sandy noticed as soon as they came through the door, Cathy was in the chair.

"Hi girls."

"Hi Sandy, Cathy."

"Go straight through, Joanne's waiting for you."

"Good morning, ready for the torture chamber?"

Tammy played along. "Sure Joanne, do your worst!"

"What do you mean, 'torture chamber'? What's that table for?"

"Your first waxing. Can you strip down to your knickers and bra please then lay down on the table."


"Keep your voice down unless you fancy a load of attention? This is nothing different to what Tammy had done a few weeks ago. Look, if you are going to wear a sleeveless frock then you at least need your arms done but I need to check your legs too, oh and your pits and maybe we'll go for the Brazilian."

"What's a Brazilian? A drink?"

"No, don't worry about it."

Tammy had explained that little waxing scheme previously but it had plainly not registered. Somehow Joanne made Angela relax and was able to start on her arms without too much trouble.

"Now get that skirt and those tights off."

"But ...."

"Angela, as I said to Tammy the first time, you've got nothing I haven't seen before plus I don't gossip, unlike one or two out there." She thumbed towards the main salon.

Angela decided that a half leg would be sufficient once Joanne offered the compromise so was finished relatively quickly. It was now midday so Angela was asked to join her mum in the Castletown Hotel but was not up for walking on her own yet, so waited instead. Tammy in the meantime had ditched most of her clothes and was up on the table before Angela had her tights back on.

"This won't take long, Tammy."

It didn't but Tammy was now fifteen minutes late for her hair appointment. Cathy had already left the premises and Sandy was tapping her feet.

"Sorry Sandy."

"It's not you're fault, it's the midday appointment I arranged as I knew you'd be late. No sign of her, so no special treatment next time, I think her name is Eve."

Tammy had hopped into the chair, her hair was growing nicely and Sandy was able to do a little more with it, aside from a general tidy-up. Angela sat and waited, this must have been one of her first experiences in a women's salon.

It was almost quarter to one when they escaped, Angela not even noticing that Tammy had paid for her waxing. There was also the small matter of repeat appointments, for Tammy these would have to be mainly early Saturdays mornings given that she was back at school and still wanted to work with Sarah. Angela had more flexibility but still had to get into town on a Saturday, something her father had previously forbidden without he or her mother present. Apart from that she did not, at present, fancy travelling down on the school minibus as the only girl.

They walked round to the small hotel where they met with Richard and Joan; lunch was simple and healthy.

At two o’clock they entered the Small’s bank branch. Richard and Tammy had no sway in the operations of this financial institution, one based almost entirely in Scotland. He had already tried to persuade Joan to move their accounts but she had stood firm.

“Richard, thank you for everything you’ve done but Angela and I have to be able to cope on our own, we don’t know what’s around the corner and where we’ll all be next year, or even next week.”

Having said that Joan introduced herself and Angela to the assistant at the enquiry point podium. They went into a side room a minute later.

Whilst Tammy and Richard were waiting they were approached by a twenty something girl wearing the bank’s navy blue uniform.

“Good morning Miss, are you at college locally?”

“No, I finish school next June.”

“Then perhaps I could interest you in one of our student accounts?”

“No that’s alright, I have an account elsewhere.”

“I’m sure we can offer a better deal? Here’s the leaflet, the benefits include a free railcard and very reasonable overdraft rates.”

“Really, I don’t need one.”

“Sir, I think your daughter should at least consider our great product.”

“Tammy, do you have your ID there?”

“Yes, Dad.”

Tammy reached into her bag and took out the card describing her as an employee of another bank, then put it away.

“Oh, I see. Have a good day.” Deflated, she moved onto the next customer who looked lost.

Richard and Tammy just smiled, there had been no point in creating a scene. They had to wait another ten minutes before Joan and her daughter emerged from the office, judging by her face Joan had not had an easy time.

“You’d have thought they would have dealt with something like this before?”

“What happened, Joan?” Richard was concerned.

“The assistant manager was trying to find the correct option in the computer for Angela’s change of name. He kept saying ‘it would have been easier if you had got married, but I don’t suppose you could do that?’."

As the four walked out of the bank Joan was becoming more animated. “I almost lost my temper with him at that point, the ignoramus. In the end he said he had put Angela down as having a Gender Recognisance Certificate, even though she doesn’t — I'm not even sure what that is. 'It was the easiest option' he said, frankly I think he just wanted us out of the door in case the manager asked what he was doing!”

“Angela, did they issue anything?”

“No Tammy, they promised my new debit card would be posted to me, within ten days, but I think that really means two weeks in bank days. It’s already the fifteenth, Christmas is only ten real days away.”

“Do you need to come back here?”

“I hope not, he got me to sign one of those electronic pads and showed me my signature on the screen. I’ve been practising. He also told me to apply for a credit card, now I’m eighteen. As if?”

“Angela, I think you’re very sensible, you don’t need a credit card.”

They made it back to Richard’s car, grateful for the warmth and protection. Angela’s next appointment was with Doctor Hoskins, but that was simply for a blood test and to check her bruises from a few days before. She then had a later appointment at four with Dr Jill Davison, the local shrink. It had only been the previous week that Angela had pushed herself out of a bedroom window.

Neither Joan nor Angela were happy about continuing to see Jill but they hadn't contacted anyone else yet. As there was over an hour before Angela's appointment they all drove back to the Small’s cottage. As they pulled through the school's gates a police car was coming out, it slowed and the officer lowered his window. Richard pulled up alongside.

"Can I help you?"

“Hello Sir, I’m looking for Mrs Small.”

“She’s sat right here, what does this concern?”

“I’d rather discuss that directly with Mrs Small.”

“We’re going to be at the cottage for an hour or so, why don’t you follow us back there?” Richard suggested to the Police Officer.

A minute later they were all piling through the doorway as it started snowing. Angela and Tammy went to the kitchen while their parents sat in the living room with the officer.

Joan grasped Richard’s hand as they stared at the Constable, “what’s happened?”

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