
The Initiation Part 2

We last saw Mike... or rather, Tracy, wearing her new collar and being led away by Marcy, her new Mistress. Tracy had been Mike just a few days ago but now here she was, a submissive slave to Marcy's every whim.

My mind was spinning as Marcy led me up the stairs and into what was now to be my room. She unfastened the leash that was attached to my collar and tossed it onto the dresser. She walked a few feet away and spun to face me.

"Come here!" she said in a commanding voice as she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor in front of her.

Broken Glass

Reposted from 2004-11-09.

Germany, November 1938. The country is about to go to war. There is hate because of the "traitors" of the first world war. How is a father going to keep his son from the sickness?

FTL-28...Faster Than Life


It’s a flagship too like The Apollo but it really isn’t.

Long but with top and bottom sleek beveled armor and it looks sleek and then there’s the grand tower of the bridge and then there’s these huge arms/bridging sections that come off of it and extend out to these pods and each of these pods is like casing and FTL protections for smaller combat warships that it’s carrying.

Like sixteen of them in the two kilometer length ready to detach and disengage at will and that’s not even coming close to the hundred plus meter middle strip of the ship between the plate that is literally turrets and weapons and landing and fighter bays.

You know you’re really becoming part of the military culture when you see something like that and you smile.

I smiled because we were so close we could amplify to visual and see it in detail.

Heck I didn’t know what I was seeing with everything until I heard the watch commander talking about it with definite reverence.

The sound of someone who served on something like that.

I want to serve maybe on something like that.

*And Now…

A Love So Bold - Chapter 13 - 14

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


When the sun climbed high into the sky, Hannah had found a small stand of trees to rest the horse and nurse Em while enjoying the comfort of the shade. She contentedly watched the child... her child, as she had finally accepted, nurse.

She had taken to pinning her long fiery hair up into a bun recently and removed a bonnet that Luttie had given her. This effort allowed a cool breeze to wash over her.

As her daughter suckled, she rummaged in the sack and removed a biscuit to eat. Both she and Em sat on the seat of the cart quietly eating, when an unusual sound brought the young mother to alertness.

Nora and the Nomads, part 4 of 4

They put one last pan of cookies in the oven, and Nora concentrated for a few moments on the way she wanted them to look, feel and taste before pulling them out again. “All ready,” she announced after taking a bite of a snickerdoodle. “Let’s go.”

The Initiation

I sat at the vanity in my pretty, matching, pink lace bra and panties. I had lost my ability to fight against my would be captors so, with my hands in my lap, I simply sit as still as I can. The other girls whirled and whizzed around me, applying makeup and fixing my hair just right. They spun me around and gave me a good look over. Satisfied, Marcy, the obvious leader, handed me a pair of thigh high nylons and instructed me to put them on. All I could do was nod as they had done something to me and I was unable to speak.

Mother's Child - Chapter 5

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters. I appreciate all the encouraging comments and kudos.

New and Improved! - 2003 MIRACLE TITTY-GRO!

It's a Miracle!
Re-reposted from 2005-01-08
New and Improved!
By Morganna Preece and Wholeman

I knew my discovery would revolutionize the cosmetic surgery and fashion industries... and the porn industry… a non-surgical way to enlarge a woman's titties!

A Love So Bold - Chapter 11 - 12

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


She approached the back of the wagon and began setting things down. After a while, Luttie climbed down and escorted a reluctant Hannah to the back of her wagon. “I’ll hold the little one for you. Get into the clothes I set out for you, everything should be there to give you at least one good outfit suitable for a young woman.”

Standing inside the wagon, Hannah began to reluctantly disrobe. She peeled herself out of the pants and ‘johns’ that Ezrah had worn and hesitated to drag up the drawers that Luttie had picked out. Once it was on, she sighed and picked up the chemise and pulled it over her head.

“Here are some stockings that were hers too…” She said as she tossed them toward Hannah. Hannah sat on the floor of her wagon and pushed her feet into the long stockings. She watched as Hannah stood and drew up the corset.

“I know it isn’t as fancy as you probably wore back in Indiana, but out here you’ll be thankful for the support that it’ll give you. Your back has to be pretty tired with the size of your bosom.”

The Golden Band - Part 3

Shopping with Beth was delightful. I'm pretty sure she was even more excited than me about buying so many new clothes. First we went through the lingerie department and stocked up on bras, panties and stockings, not to mention several new nightgowns for each of us. Then it was off to look at dresses, skirts, blouses, jeans and all manner of clothing. We spent more than we should have and I am now the proud owner of a closet full of Womens attire. We boxed up Paul's things and moved them to the garage, just for the time being, in case... Well you know.

Mother's Child - Chapter 4

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been very busy and also having a little trouble deciding where this story is going to end up. This has resulted in a mild case of writer's block, but I hope I'm working through it.

The Golden Band - Part 2

I awoke the next morning to see my wife's (Beth) face twisted in a most concerned way.

"Wh...what?" I stammered as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

"I think you'd better have a look in the mirror." Beth stated, as she rose from the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

Nora and the Nomads, part 3 of 4

The minotaur in the petting zoo was an adorable toddler-calf, at least the last time Nora had seen him — not this creature out of nightmares. And at his side, there was something even more terrible, a vast maw full of fangs and slavering tongues with no body attached; it hovered along keeping pace with the minotaur and its prey. “This won’t do,” Nora said.

The Golden Band - Part 1

This is my first attempt at writing so any comment and support would be appreciated. I am also writing this on my mobile so I will have to go in steps as my battery will only hold out so long. Thank you all for taking time to read this. I hope you all enjoy.

"The Golden Band"
Part One

As I sit here writing of my present condition, I watch as the last of my former self vanishes.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 24

While I have a few minutes of down time I thought to post an additional chapter. I'd like to say that I can return to a regular habit of a chapter every few days but I just don't know. Writing and posting Atalanta's Story has been a type of therapy so I appreciate that you like the story. I also want to thank Bill Durr who encouraged me and Ashleigh.

Atalanta, Sam, Nikki, and Hank visit the Medawhiia tribe and as usual something happens unexpected. As usual Atalanta finds herself in the mix of something she didn't start.

South of Bikini 3: Episode 8- Promotions

Promotions and a party start off this episode, but an impending mission might cut the celebration short. Can Alex reunite one of her sister’s family and still maintain the original mission parameters?

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #3


Hello! I am Latreia Tullenaris Melstad, baroness of Mruna and second daughter of the duke of Renus. Most people call me Baroness Latreia, but you're all my daughter's friends, so just call me Rhea. My father, my husband and my siblings call me Rhea too. My children call me mother. Usually my daughter makes the introduction, but it's finally my moment to shine.

Yay me!

You know, I originally wanted to receive them at the port. I did try going to the port. Walked almost two hundred feet too, before I gave up and asked Suin to carry me home. Walking is too tiring! So now I'm just waiting for them to come home.

Quickly get home! I want to go to sleep already!

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #3
The Souvenir From Lytis

Epilogue to Volume 1
By Shinieris

A Love So Bold - Chapter 8 - 10

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


Tears filled her eyes as she rode into the dark, back toward the trail where she had found the canteen. In the bright moonlight, she found the trail and once again headed west. Behind her she left her former identity, a corpse forever clothed in feminine garments.

She glanced behind her; the trees and rocks were only a blackened shadow upon the horizon. Ezrah’s passing was now only marked by the pile of stone covering the young mother's body…it was too confusing! Grimly she wondered if hundreds of years from now, some archaeologist like those who have stumbled upon the strange bones of past monsters, might locate the altered bones of... Ezrah. What might they think about him, wondering why he was clothed as he had been?

She sighed, and looked down at the tiny charge asleep in her arms. She felt sorry for herself… to be so young and saddled with such great responsibility. She knew that women all over this great big world have been taking on responsibilities like this for thousands of years, so why should she be any different?

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 23

Sorry that I haven't posted but my daddy passed on the day that I posted the last chapter. It has been a surreal week and a half.

Atalanta has tests more tests that raises more questions than they answer. More plans are laid.

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #2


My name is Prince Hans The Great. I've always been great. Everything I want, I get. Whether it be by hook or by crook. Nobody makes a fool out of me and lives to tell the tale.

That was until I met a young lady by the name of Felicia Belphere Metrune. Purge be her evil existence!

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #2
The Prince's Forgotten Night

Corresponds to Chapter 8, Volume 1
By Shinieris

Serving with Distinction: Chapter 5: Losing my Virginity All Over Again

I see my vision grow brighter and brighter as a white void surrounds us. Out of nowhere a bed and hanging linen comes to view out of the corner of my eye. White silk sheets and cashmere cover the huge bed. I’m not sure if we moved, or everything around us did, but I feel like we are nowhere near the pond. We both fall into the bed brought before us. It’s cushion is silent, but it caresses us like nothing mortal.

Serving with Distinction: Chapter 4: My Homecoming

It’s dark and I can barely see where I am. I try to stand.

I feel like I just ran a marathon and my legs are like jelly.

My legs slowly regain strength as I will them to move and I go from sitting to standing.
A new weight puts pressure on my chest and I see that I am indeed sporting two C cup, omega shaped breasts.

Serving with Distinction: Chapter 3: A Werewoman is Born

Twenty seven days later.

The past month or so has been pretty uneventful, a short stop in India, a lot of boring days at sea. Oh, a lot of the guys heard of my night of escapades and give me looks of disbelief about that. We are now almost near the Middle East, getting ready to sail through the Strait of Hormuz in a few days.

Ever since that night, I’ve found myself day dreaming of such wonderful sex, God I hope to see soon.

Nora and the Nomads, part 2 of 4

She was obviously acutely embarrassed by her nakedness, though none of the dream-people standing around her were taking any obvious notice of it. Nora took pity on her and said, pitching her voice to carry over the music: “Talrasia, have you noticed that you’re dreaming?” Then she turned her eyes respectfully away.

Mother's Child - Chapter 3

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 6 - 7

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


As Ezrah dreamt, far off he could hear the sound of a train whistle. The closer it came to him, the louder it became, sounding much like he was laying right there on the tracks. The shrill train whistle screaming like a banshee woke him and caused the youth to bolt upright, his now unfettered feminine breasts seemed to have a life of their own. As they settled he looked down, a great wet spot saturated the front of his chest, right at their very summit.

“Oh shit!” he cursed as he sat up and felt the front. There was no mistaking that by becoming Hanna, he was now lactating. He looked over at the baby fussing and crying, and tried desperately to ignore her, but it was no use. It was the baby crying that made him dream of the train, and it seemed the more she cried, the wetter Ezra's shirt became. As he sat up, his eyes came into contact with the body of the woman, although she was an exact duplicate of what he had once looked like… only wearing the bloodied dress.

Serving with Distinction: Chapter Two A Night to Last Eternity

As the sun is setting Brad and I link up with Donaldo and Sgt. Aaron Doyle and we catch a bus to the hotel strip. It takes about 30 minutes but the wait only makes anticipation better. We get dropped off downtown and take in the sights. Neon lights, signs for miles. Japanese tourists dominate the foot traffic. I see a few familiar faces walk past us.

Serving with Distinction: Chapter One Another Day in Paradise

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mother's Child - Chapter 2

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters. My goal is to post a new chapter weekly as I have written several ahead with publication pending a final grammar check.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos. I understand now in a way I never did before how important these are to the authors. It kind of like being paid, so thanks. Don't be afraid to tell me if there are things you think could be improved. I'm new to this and want to learn to be a better writer.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 22

I'm posting this earlier while I have some time. Atalanta starts her class assessments and meets Dr. Bellows for the first time. She also meets a group of bullies and ends up with more face time in security. And she make the acquaintance of Mr. Hawthorne! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Ex-Witch's Revenge

Ok I could do this. It wouldn't be very hard. But what would I say? Ugh idk.

I grabbed my phone.

"Sheila, I don't think we should be together any more. I am breaking up with you," I texted. Alright, blocked, time to move on with my life and play video games.

It's not that I didn't like Sheila, it's just that her and her mother always were strange. They were weirdly obsessed with Secrets. Sheila would slap me if I wanted to know anything about her life.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 3 - 5

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


Two days west of the attack site, Ezrah was on foot walking the big black horse in an effort to rest it. Ever since that terrible day, the boy used every trick he could think of to elude the roving bands of Indians. Unsure of whether they were those who attacked and killed his parents, yet to him, all Indians were now suspect.

He was walking through a small canyon, and the echoing of Blackie's hooves rattled within his ears even though he was trying to keep silent. As they emerged from the other end, he saw a band of at least a dozen Indians riding diagonally toward him. If he delayed too much, they reach him in no time. He quickly mounted and took off across the prairie in an attempt to outrun them.

When he heard the loud whooping, he knew that he had been seen and it was the second time he had heard their telltale sound. The terrible feeling once again returned to the pit of his stomach. Lying along the back of the big horse, Ezrah entwined his fingers in the long black mane of the horse. Still with the reins in his hands, he hung on for dear life. The horse ran like the wind, ears flat back, tail out and its long ebony main flailing in the terrified youth's face.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 21

I meant to post this chapter on Monday but my hear wasn't in it. My daddy was brought home under hospice care on Tuesday and it is only a matter of time. This a shorter chapter and I will try and post the next chapter tomorrow or Monday.

Mrs. Carson makes some calls and Atalanta gains a running partner. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 7)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us as the Amazons rule earth

7 Boys Re-education and Training Camp
***************(Simon's point of view)*****

False Positives

“Our sources indicate that many humans whose gender identity does not match their biological sex have denied this in order to avoid shame or social stigma. Is this the reason you assert that you are a guy?”

“No! I’m cool with transgender people. I’m just not one of them. Or I wasn’t until you changed me.”

“We apologize. We thought we understood how to tell male from female humans, but we were mistaken. We must do further research.”

Mother's Child

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters. My goal is to post a new chapter weekly as I have written several ahead with publication pending a final grammar check.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 1 & 2

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

I will try to upload a Chapter a week. The story is complete but very large - thus the reason to release it in smaller chapters. It was originally intended to be a novel, but I don't have the desire to pursue publishing. I want to thank my most trusted Editor, J.P. for all of his help on making this story be all it can be, without him, in my opinion - this story wouldn't be half as good. Hope you enjoy!

Preface: Origins of the Amulet of Asclepius

The amulet was a thin medal of hammered silver, an ancient necklace which dated back to before the time of Christ. It first came to knowledge with the early Greeks, said to have been imbued with great mystical powers, forged directly by the hands of the gods. On one side of the amulet was a clear, blue sapphire teardrop that appeared to have a sunburst deeply etched within the backside of the beautiful stone. On the reverse side was an engraving that looked somewhat similar to the Rod of Asclepius, a snake wrapped around a staff. It was believed to have been suspended on a thin but unbreakable chain, thought to have been made from woven strands of Zeus' own silver hair.

Wishful thinking

Ted was a normal teen, inseventh grade, but he was mid understood everywhere by everyone. Day after day he felt sad. Expecually after rejections. But his dog was always there for him. It was mid school year, and after lots of thinking Ted relized, he would fit in better with the girls. He was friends with most anyway. So on his birthday, as he blew out his candles, he wished that he could be a girl with everyone knowing him as one. It was his way for a new start.

South of Bikini 3: Episode 7- Rendezvous'

Sand Dollars’ next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex’ crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 19

I meant to post this chapter Friday but I was sidetracked writing the sequel. I tend to immerse myself in my writing and it takes me time to emerge from it and dry off. And I do want to thank Bill for his encouragement and editing book one and Ashleigh for her editing this sequel.

Atalanta is tested for her powers and the results are mixed and surprising. She also reveals her code-name and drops a bombshell on Bardue and Nikki.

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #1


Being hit by a truck, I died.

That was supposed to be the end of the story, but I became a baby instead. And what was worse, I became a baby girl in a medieval-like world!

Felicia's Second Life Side Story #1
How I Became Felicia Belphere Metrune

Prologue to Felicia's Second Life
By Shinieris

Welcome to Windy City, Chapter 1

The corpse was on the street, and it wasn’t my fault.

My journey started well enough. I managed to catch an angkot despite being around midnight, and after some fumbling, I managed to explain to the driver that I planned to go to Panggung street - I just moved, so I didn’t know the street name of my new house. Afterward, there’s really nothing to note. I read my book, the driver drove the car, and all’s right with the world.

A Raid and a Rescue, part 3 of 3

I was nervous all night during my shift, but I tried not to let it show. Mierra probably thought the screaming from the interrogation rooms was getting to me, and it was; I was thinking it might be Themia.

A Raid and a Rescue, part 2 of 3

A couple of hours after Themia was captured, I felt the moon rise. I couldn’t see it in our windowless cell block, but that didn’t matter; I felt the possibilities of change through every part of my body.

A Raid and a Rescue, part 1 of 3

“Some kids have disappeared too,” Gerald said. “The news didn’t say, but I’ll bet a first-edition Monster Manual that they were playing ‘pretend.’ Same as we were, only without dice.”

Kemeia Ascending - Part 3

kemi ascending.png

For once, all is well for the little healer, she escaped the palace and enjoyed a crisis free day. But soon, she is called again to the Palace, where she heals Captain Sechnall incompletely. Angry at what she thought was a violation of Selene's law, Marta forces Kemi's full story from her. Meanwhile, in the morgue that is deep in the Palace dungeon, something festers.


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