
Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 16 of 16

Current Situation:

Having returned to earth Molly and Logan are taken by surprise and betrayed. Now captured their bodies and identities are threatened by a villain who has unlocked the secrets of the Medallion.

Author Note:

1: This story is based on the Altered Fates Universe concept established by Jennifer Adams, however I’ve taken some artistic liberties so this story doesn’t strictly adhere to the rules Jennifer established.

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 15 of 16

Current Situation:

Nevrast has been saved and the remaining Elves are migrating to Tumladen. Molly and Logan have traveled with their friends to the ruined watch tower and the Gate. Then tragedy struck when the giant spiders attacked the small group catching them by surprise. With Molly’s reason for staying in Arda gone will he return to Earth?

Author Note:

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 14 of 16

Current Situation: At last Logan has given in to his feminine urges and under Melchiresa’s influence seduced King Turukáno. Now the “Shining Leagons” of Ondolindë have come up out of Tumladen and routed Morgoth’s forces. With their victory complete will Molly and Logan decide to return to Earth or will they stay in Arda? And have they changed so much that they no longer desire to return to their original bodies?

Author Note:

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 12 of 16

Current situation: As Logan works to bring the Forces of Ondolindë to Molly’s aid the battle for Nevrast grows more desperate. Molly’s plan is working, yet she faces almost impossible odds; a numerically superior force and possibly treachery from within. Has Molly’s luck run out or will Logan arrive in time?

Author Note:

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 11 of 16

Current Situation: Things have gotten complicated for Logan now in the heart of Tumladen. The charisma of King Turukáno and his bond with Melchiresa is causing him to struggle to maintain his male identity. Meanwhile Molly has begun to embrace her raw masculine power. As the campaign drags on Gothmog, the enemy commander, will push her to them limit because Morgoth has ordered him to destroy Nevrast!

<p>Author Note:

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 10 of 16

Current Situation: Logan and Molly, transformed by the Medallion and transported to Middle Earth are fighting for their lives. Separated by the tides of war they each face new challenges. Molly is forced to draw upon the skills and memories she gained from Logan and the power of the masculine spirit of a Maiar Knight who now shares her body as she leads the survivors of Nevrast in a desperate struggle against the forces of Angband. Logan having helped get the refugees of Lindornëa and Ilcanalta into Tumladen now face a new challenge, Elven politics.

Altered Fates; “The Bodyguard” Ch 9 of 16

Author Note:

1: This story is based on the Altered Fates Universe concept established by Jennifer Adams, however I’ve taken some artistic liberties so this story doesn’t strictly adhere to the rules Jennifer established.

2: This is also a fanfic of the J.R.R. Tolkien world of Middle Earth in an untold tale of the First Age. Please note; I didn’t stay completely true to the Middle Earth that Tolkien set up. This is my take on what Middle Earth in the First Age might have been like.

Like Mother, Like Son

Another TG Storytime immigrant. This is a sequel to the story I just posted earlier today, "Twisting My Life". You'll likely notice that a character's name changes between the beginning and the ending, that was a giant mistake, but it ends up working in the story's favor, I think.



Havens Salvation Stave 2 ch 12-2 The Phantom Queens Gambet

Stave 2 – Havens Salvation 12 b Phantom Queens Gambit


Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.

Copy Rite 2014 Michele WhiteWolf

Editorial salvation by djkauf
Who patently repairs my mistakes, any ones found are my responsibility alone.
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
dedicated to
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson
my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life.

My two deceased friends Stewart Hills and Karlen Ann Wannop who watch over me from the other side of the veil, all three of us labored in each others behalf and became better for it.

With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.

Celtic Goddess.png

Some people hide behind their money and think they are powerful. We stand by our knowledge and personal power and know we are powerful. We survive by being invisibly woven into this world fabric. We survive by being the unseen.
Phaedrus the elder

Snakes and Ladders-36


It’s really important to me when I catch Shaya in those moments. Dysphoria is a damned horrible thing to live with and to have the social stigma that comes with that and all her own cultural stuff and pressure and then the abuse.

I have my own stuff, growing up and into someone that was the size of a Bear and so not feeling any of that well it was all sorts of hell and finding yourself in the midst of all of it is really hard.

But I really get the whole thing that just smacked Shaya and I’ll even go so far as to say it could be like post-fight related too when the adrenaline wears off and everything and the blood cools down but the mind is still in sort of fight mode or semi-fight mode and that kind of stuff still messes with your head.

FTL-27...Faster Than Life


“I’ll be in the office Stone in heavy link you run the floor while I’m out.”

He heads into the office for the duty officer it’s just a glassed in sort of cubicle that they use to do other work and to do other things when things are running smoothly and when things need to be private.
I sit into his on deck chair and I link into the command computer link and I send two off to break and call two of my other co-cadets in that have been doing the same thing to spot us and then I’m getting orders for a recall of all of our ships personnel and to help direct them with the docking and then there’s orders for us to send out more drones out to our best operational limits and to pass on any oddities on scan to the bridge and to the weapons crews and the flight decks.
There are possible stragglers out there and we’re to keep all “eyes” peeled looking for any that might show up.
I have a bad feeling about all of this and we’re looking like we’re very possibly heading out of the system.

Calamity's Child: A TG Mixed Tape

Calamity's Child


Edited by Trismegistus Shandy and Hutcho

Aliens! Djinns! Secret Agents! Succubi! A mysterious gender-bending ray gun! Hit play on this month’s TG Mixed Tape flash fiction collection for all these stories and more and an interview with Kathryn Mayhew, author of The Call of the Void saga.

FTL-26...Faster Than Life


We actually start to ping back and forth talking about what was sent and the first thing that I do need to do is to give a return thank you to those people for sending those up here to me because it was likely far from cheap.

I stop by the PX and I buy a small sheaf of real paper and an envelope and a pen and I go to my quarters and I start to write a thank you to them and a real letter.

The girls are coming in and I open the figs and the honey for them and they start to check it out too and some are trying the equally as unfamiliar with things as I was with them.

I ping the kitchens too and find out what that’ll cost and they ask what I have and they are going to call me back with a price and recommends.

I still want to do this, other people do this and I kind of want those kinds of memories too before we all are off ship and gone to do our different things.

*And Now…

Snakes and Ladders-35


I nod. “Wren’s pretty smart.”
Both of then nod and Kyte says. “She has a completely different perspective and we need that I think. I’m still…” she turns red with a blush and I sort of get it that sheepish thing where you really just don’t have words to get the feelings out.
Ilisa says as she’s writing things down. “She’s alien and human and she’s quick to a lot of things or should be according to the legends.”
I look at her. “Legends?”
She looks at the two of us. “It’s not the first time our two races have met.”
*And Now…

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 3 - Getting serious about change

When I awoke, it was bright daylight. I took a few seconds figuring out where I was. Oh…I was in my girlfriend’s room…or should I say “my lover’s room”? So many things in my life had changed so quickly. The biggest, of course, was meeting Amie and discovering that I was actually a girl in every way except physically. The medication she stole from her dad’s clinic was quickly changing that. My breasts were nearly as large as some of the other girls my age. Down below, what had previously been growing had reversed course. It seemed it was getting smaller by the day.

Synergy - Chapter Two

Synergy - Chapter 2

Story Img.jpg

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

A House Divided, part 1 of 7

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
We used the men’s room — I felt vaguely guilty about that, but I was too embarrassed to use the ladies' room, and we both still looked male, as long as we had clothes on.

A House Divided

by Trismegistus Shandy

Part 1 of 7

Admin Note: This story is one of the rarer forms of tg fiction we have on the site involving species transformation, or half transformations and have come across really strong and hold their own despite the technique. I hope those of you who do not normally read this type of tg story would give this one a try. You will be pleasantly surprised. ~Sephrena.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 2

“All good things must come to an end.” I guess that’s a cliché, but it fit my situation. Summer vacation was soon to be ending. With that, I assumed that my life as a girl was also drawing to a close. The happy days and cozy nights became almost overshadowed by the dread of what was to follow at home.

One morning, Amie was up early and waiting for me. “Jamie, I have something to tell you.”

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales From The Spellbinder Universe

In a world where magic reigns
supreme, identity and
gender can be as fluid as the
forces of nature. A mad
scientist, a transgender
woman who has become
involved with a radical
revolutionist group, a goddess
of mischief, a supplicant to an
inexperienced goddess, and a
young apprentice; each
person's life takes a strange
and unexpected twist as
elemental forces reshape
their existence.

Message for Mom and Dad

Message for Mom and Dad

Author's note: This one has a bit of a history. I was complaining about not having a story for a mix tape, and so Hutcho pitched me this idea. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work properly for the mix tape, so I'm setting it free ...

Hey, Mom and Dad, its Matt. I know its been awhile, but some stuff has been happening here that you will not believe, except I swear its true.

Girls Will Be Boys, and Boys Will Be Girls: A TG Mixed Tape

Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A mysterious diary. An unconventional porn shoot. A night out on the town ends with… a transformation. Read all these stories in this month’s TG Mixed Tape, along with an examination of the filmography of the Wachowski siblings (of The Matrix fame), how the pair incorporate queer themes into their work, and Speed Racer (2008) as an artistic statement and a reflection on Lana Wachowski’s transition; an interview with Jenny North, who talks cosplay and genre-(and gender)-bending; and more!

The Last Water Nymph Chapter 5


Where is this place?
What am I doing here?
Why am I here?
What happened to me?

To be lost in the world,
How could this happen to me?

The Life and Death of
The Last Water Nymph

Chapter 5: The City of Sulsuk
By Shinieris


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