
South of Bikini 2: E9- To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of chaos could a wave cause for Capt. Steinert and her crew and how could it possibly affect the timeline?

The White Wolf Chapter -42-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 42
The Great Spirit

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Think Like a Man

Think Like a Man
Julie D Cole


‘ If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it is little wonder that the two genders have a hard time understanding what the other thinks. Why not let the man in your life try life in your shoes?’

Roulette part 3

Roulette part 3

Austin grew up surrounded by the strange and chaotic inventions of his mad scientist mother, so by the time he was fifteen, he was sure that nothing could surprise him anymore. However, when his own powers start to manifest, he discovers just how mistaken he was. This story takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Season of Change - Chapter 27

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Sing a Healing Song Chapter 15

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 15

After driving for a few minutes, we rounded a corner and I saw J. Percy Page for the first time. I was not truly prepared for how big the school was compared to the small school for the disabled I had attended before, and I think my jaw dropped so low it was a wonder we didn’t run over it with the car.

“Woah... I hope I don’t get lost in there.” I said.

“Don’t worry. Soon you’ll know your way around.” Andrew said, and I rewarded him with a kiss.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 14

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 14

Just a quick caution. There is a tough scene in this chapter. Be careful reading it.

The day that everything changed again began like any other day for me since Jaci had come into my life - with the two of us giggling and teasing each other over clothing.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 13

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 13

On our second official date-date, we went to a community pool. Even though he’d been a perfect gentlemen, I could tell he was pretty happy about seeing me in a bathing suit. Not that I minded seeing him in one either ...

This time, we held hands several times, and when he was dropping me off at home, he gave me the first boy-girl kiss of my life.

Armageddon Chapter 2

Demon Armageddon

Hail to you,
who are of strong will.
Hail to you,
a man of faith.
Hail to your strength,
your courage and your life.
Deliver us,
from this terrible end.
Deliver us,
from these wretched demons.

Twelve men,
with twelve goals,
stood together,
side by side,
hand in hand,
against the unholy wave.

Shall you take up your weapon,
Shall you be our saviour?

Chapter 2

By Shinieris

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 12

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 12

The next week, my dad kept me busy by taking me to every tacky tourist destination in or around Edmonton. We walked around a re-creation of the original Fort Edmonton, we strolled past animatronic dinosaurs in an artificial Jurassic zoo (honest), and we ambled among amazing flowers inside a glass pyramid (again, honest). He even took me to a restaurant called Mavericks that served the best cinnamon buns I have ever tasted in my life.

Roulette part 2

Roulette part 2

Austin grew up surrounded by the strange and chaotic inventions of his mad scientist mother, so by the time he was fifteen, he was sure that nothing could surprise him anymore. However, when his own powers start to manifest, he discovers just how mistaken he was. This story takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 11

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 11

Several hours later, my alarm woke me, and I ran to the washroom to take a quick shower, being careful to keep my hair from getting wet. Then I went to my room, and pulled out the dress out of my closet.

It seemed rather cute for something that had caused so much trouble ...

I heard a knock at my door, and then Mom’s voice asking, “Can I come in?”


She came in, sat on my bed, and said, “You sure you’re okay with doing this, sweetie? Its not too late to change your mind.”

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 10

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 10

I woke up, and walked over to a mirror that was above my vanity.

And was shocked to see that I was once again Mathew, and not Fiona, but still walking.

But I was still wearing the nightgown from last night.

Before I could process this, Mom came into the room, and said, “Its time for you to put on your dress for church.”

“But ...”

“No buts! You promised, and a promise is a promise.”

I numbly went over to the dress, and then I was wearing it.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 9

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 9

We arrived back home, came in and greeted my mom who was in the kitchen making homemade taco salad. I looked at what she was making and “asked” a question of the memories the goddess had given me. The answer was, ‘Yes. Mom had started making stuff like this to try and encourage me to eat more greens.’

I tried to not show how nervous I was during dinner, but I think I breathed a sigh of relief when we’d finished and put our dishes into the dishwasher.

Then Dad said to Mom, “Hon, Can I ... talk to you ... in private?”

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 8

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 8

The next morning, I woke up before my parents, and I still had all this energy, I went out for another run, but this time, I didn’t bump into any boys. Which I was almost disappointed by ...

I made it back home, and I had time to shower and changed into one of the outfits I had actually asked for that Mom bought yesterday - a pair of casual sweat pants and a matching t-shirt. I had briefly considered a skirt, but I decided I just wasn’t ready for that just yet ...

The White Wolf Chapter -41-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 41
Crooked Tail

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 7

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 7

I sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window. Had I really asked my mother if she’d take me shopping for feminine clothes? It sounded so unreal - “I’ve just been transformed into a girl, I shall immediately start wearing the most feminine outfits imaginable.” Who would willingly do that?

And yet I could see the mall getting closer and closer.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 6

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 6.

Both my dad and I looked at the woman in the doorway trying to keep our jaws from hitting the floor. In the reality where I was a boy, my mom had died giving birth to me.

Yet, here she was, apparently alive.

But then, gratitude overcame shock, and I ran to her, and hugged her fiercely.

“Whoa, Fiona. Not so hard, you’ll break me.”

I started crying.

“Honey? What’s wrong?” She said.

“I’ve missed you so much!”

Champion of Camelot

Champion of Camelot

The yelling argument had lasted an hour, and King Arthur was starting to regret allowing it to start in the first place. But one of the founding principals of Camelot was the symbolized by the Round Table - that despite being King, Arthur was only to be considered the first among equals, and so he had let his most trustworthy knight Lancelot make his case.

“It cannot be done, Arthur! You cannot give a knighthood to a woman!”

“Why not? She saved my life, any man who had done the same would be welcomed.”

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 5

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 5.

I’ll give my dad credit - after a moment of shock, he recovered nicely and listened to me recount my encounter without interrupting until I finished.

Then he sighed, and said, “I guess there are worse things than to discover you’re hetrosexual.”

“Well ... I could be bi. I mean, I haven’t been exposed to a lot of girls, yet.”

He gave me a “I dont want to hear this” look, and sighed again.

“Look. This might be premature, but if you like guys, I need to give you a talk about ... sex.”

Horizons of the Heart - 25

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and her friends revisit the town of their first adventure, Carrick Field, and then continue the chase across the Olman countryside. Upon arriving in Tarad, the border town where Oleander grew up, they hatch a cunning plan to make a suspect man talk.

Flashback: Before braving the Outside world, Alisan spent her youth training her voice to become one of the best singers in Ral Sona.

Chapter 25: Bridge of Memories, part 2

When it hurts too much to pretend
And the words burn inside your head
When the tears are slowly melting down
And your heart's stuck on a merry-go-round
I will be waiting

FTL-24...Faster Than Life.

FTL-24…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 24


“Will you be alright tonight?”
I give her a look and she looks down and she bites her lip a little and she looks back up at me.
“Is that an invitation?” I mouth’s a little dry. I’ve really never and yet at the same time there’s just. There’s just something that’s sweet about Liz…and honestly I’ve never had the whole experience of meeting someone young and having us…well not outside of the Sims and VR-life.
“It is.” She swallows.
I swallow too. “Let me log in where I’ll take you up on that.”
I close my eyes and link to my OBC and tag my I.D. code to hers and then she sort of surprises me by taking my hand and leading me away from the mess and towards quarters and I’m actually a little excited and at the same time a little relieved.
I was worried what after all of this would bring after all.

*And Now…


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