The Silver Lining Part 4

Andrew McKenzie is a junior in highschool when a strange incident sweeps the world. In the aftermath Andrew is left confused and unsure what's happening to him as he slowly begins to notice changes.

Innie or Outtie We Still Love You

Morning again. My fight not to sleep hadn’t worked and I knew what that meant. More changes. How much more could I handle? What had happened to me so far had already been so drastic. I laid there as still as I could possibly be trying to feel my body and if anything about it was different. I couldn’t tell anything. It all seemed the same but was it just phantom pains like when a person loses a limb but can still feel it? I had to know.

Slowly I took a breath and opened my eyes. Sitting beside me my mother was already awake. I shifted my head on the pillow to look at her and she smiled. “Morning honey. How do you feel?”

I was still resisting the urge to move anything other then my neck. I kept my body on lockdown as if I had been strapped in place with my eyes locked on my mother. “Nothing feels...different.” I told her. “How bad is it?”

“Oh honey It’s not bad at all. You look pretty much the same. No where near as drastic as yesterday at least.” Reaching out my mother brushed my hair back over one of my ears and smiled again. “Your hair is longer, and maybe a few more subtle changes to your face.” She paused and I could tell she wasn’t sure about telling me whatever else she’d noticed.

“What else Mom? I’m ready I can take it.” I said pushing her to continue.

“Your chest is bigger. It looks like you’re almost the same size as your sister now if I had to guess. But none of it looks bad. In fact you are quite striking honey.” Smiling my mother stared at me with her caring green eyes as I finally broke myself imposed paralysis.

Sitting up I looked down at my chest and two mounds of flesh stood proudly covered a bit more tightly by the hospital gown today. It was obvious they were no longer anything I’d ever be able to hide. I could feel the weight of them now, but they didn't seem heavy enough that it would be a burden to carry. I tugged on the hospital gown to make them more pronounced and stared at them. I had breasts. I knew what I had yesterday were breasts too but these were... breasts. It may not have been as drastic as developing the small ones but it was still a shock.

“Are you ok hun?” My mother asked gripping my hand tightly.

“I’m ok mom. They just seem huge.”

“Oh no honey they're not. Your sister’s are still bigger I think and they fit you fine. You can’t be much more than a large C or a small D. They look fine trust me.” I sighed as my mother tried to comfort me. I’m not sure knowing my cup size helped though. Whatever size they were to someone who had never had breasts at all they felt massive.

“Are the doctor’s here yet?.” I asked and my mother nodded.

“Their waiting in the hall for you to wake up.” I nodded Doctor Phillips had said they would be here first thing to examine me for any further changes today.

“I think I want to see for myself what else may have changed before they do is that ok?” My mother smiled and nodded.

“It’s your body honey.” She said in a very matter of fact tone.

I took a deep breath. It felt weird just doing that with my new chest, but I didn’t let it stop me and I climbed from the bed. So far so good nothing I could notice at least. I felt stronger today then I had the day before as I crossed over to the mirror looking at myself in it as I did. Yesterday I had to pull my hospital gown tight for anyone to notice I had a chest. Today just walking over and standing it was obvious.

As I stood there in front of the mirror the weight of my hair hit me now. It was down to my shoulders today and full. My face was a bit more shaped like my sister now too but not much more than the day before. Longer hair, a slightly more feminine face, and bigger breasts. I listed them off in my head. I took another breath. If that’s all the changes from overnight then it was by far the least differences between days so far.

I finally tore myself from the mirror a bit afraid to dig deeper. I couldn’t stop now though so I went to the bathroom for a bit of privacy. Locking the door I finally gathered the nerve to remove my gown. “Wow.” I said aloud with my arms to my side and staring at the mirror over the sink. There they were MY breasts. I’d never actually seen breasts in real life just online in pictures. I never thought the first pair I saw for real would be my own.

I turned to get a profile view and suddenly they didn’t seem as massive as I originally felt. My nipples were the more drastic change though, and certainly looked more plump and feminine with a large areola. I turned to the other side and was a bit surprised at a feeling of pride in how nice and shapely they looked. If I was going to have breasts at least they looked nice.

I drew out my breast inspection as long as I could a bit afraid by something I hadn’t noticed today as opposed to something I had the days before. I knew something was missing and I wasn’t sure I wanted to see what had taken it’s place. My penis was so small yesterday but it was still male seemingly the last part about me that was.

I shut my eyes and my hand finally moved from my side. First to my thigh and then further and further inward until it cupped my flat groin. I couldn’t help but shiver as I confirmed my own suspicions it was gone. The last bit of male I had left had retreated in surrender sometime during the night. Just like that today’s changes had gone from minor to major.

It was difficult to process the emptiness. It was strange but it felt open and less restricted than my penis had. I moved my hand from between my legs and finally opened my eyes looking down at it.

“Hello.” I said unsure why was greeting the pink outer lips of my vagina. I felt weird but for now I was done getting to know the new me so I slipped the gown back on and opened the door. My mother waited outside and I wrapped my arms around her.

“So not so bad today?” My mother asked in a hopeful tone.

“Well let’s just say you officially have two daughter’s now mom congratulations.” I started crying a little and she held me tightly.

“Boy or girl you’re always going to be my baby.” My mother told me through tears of her own. Neither of us wanted to let go but eventually we had to and we gathered ourselves. Nervously my mother played with my hair something that seemed to be her new thing. I on the other hand could take my eyes off her. All that I had gone through over the last few days made the way I saw her very different. I loved her before but nothing like I did now and I couldn’t dream of ever wanting a different mother.

“Well they're all waiting out there. Are you ready to deal with this?” Her hand on my shoulders I nodded to my mother and she went to the door. Opening it she stuck her head out. “She's….” My mother stopped as the word came out and covered her mouth. Then looking back at me she made a face as if to say sorry. I couldn’t help but smile at the face she made and I just held my arms out as if to say it’s true I was a she now. My mother nodded understanding without the need for words only as a family member can at times. “She’s ready doctors.”

Standing in front of my bed I greeted Doctor Phillips and Doctor Foster as they entered. “What’s up Docs.” It was a stupid joke but it got a smile from both of them and despite how terrified I was at what had happened to me i was dealing with it.

“Good morning Andrew.” Doctor Phillips said as Doctor Foster waved. “I’m glad to see you aren’t letting this get the best of you. It shows strong a character.”

“A damn strong character and an amazing human being.“ Doctor foster added and I couldn’t help but feel the warmth in my cheeks as I blushed. It was weird how he could do that and the feeling was strange so i did my best to hide it.

“I hate to keep putting you through this Andrew but we really should do another full exam and round of testing. I won’t force you to do either though it’s up to you, and I understand if you say no.” I could see as he spoke Doctor Phillips wasn’t taking any joy in this and truly wanted to help.

“It’s ok. If it helps to figure out how this happened and possibly stop it from happening to others I want to help.” I could see a proud look on my mother’s face as I stood there nervous but ready to get this over with.

Doctor Phillips smiled and promised they would make things as easy as possible on me and then said if I was ready we could begin now. “Do you want me to leave honey?” My mother asked as I went to removed my hospital gown.

“No it’s ok mom. You’re going to see it sooner or later. I’m going to need your help at some point cause I have no idea how this stuff works.” My mother smiled and took a seat as I slipped out of the pink and yellow hospital gown and placed it on the bed.

The two doctors were very respectful and gentle as the examined my body. My mother from her chair was wide eyed seeing the newest changes in my body. Soon I was measured and examined fully and surprisingly it didn’t seem to take that long. I was glad when they told me I could put the hospital gown back on though. I was starting to get a lot more shy about exposing myself as my new body started feeling more like it was mine after all.

“It’s remarkable the extent your body has changed.” Doctor Phillips said writing notes on his clipboard. “The exams we did yesterday show just how deeply the changes go. Bone structure, reproductive system, and vocal cords all showed changes that we had no idea were possible. I suspect from what we saw yesterday that as of today you now have a fully functioning female reproductive system.”

“So it’s not just external? She will menstruate?” I cringed as my other asked a question I really didn’t want to know the answer to.

“Well we have to run some exams again to make sure but yes I suspect so.” I sat on the edge of the bed as my fate was sealed and my mother gave me a sympathetic look.

“Alright eat some breakfast Andrew and the nurses will take you for further exams and tests when you are finished. Also you might want to have your mother accompany you today. We recommend this time you receive a full gynecological exam along with a mammogram and that can be traumatic even for those born female.” I nodded and my mother walked the two doctors out as slide back into the bed and covered my legs.

“Cold?” My mother asked and I nodded. “Well you're not as bulky as you were so I guess that’s not surprising.”

“Less hair too.” I said as she pulled another cover over my legs. Any body hair I had was completely gone now and other then my under arms and groin what was left on my arms and legs was little more than sparse blonde peach fuzz.

“That too.” I mother said with a smile.

I was starving and thankfully it didn’t take the nurses long to bring me my breakfast. Of the three days I had been at the hospital I’d only had three nurses. They were all sweet and every time they’d come check on me they would all tell me how pretty i was now. My mother had as well several times but it was different when someone else did. I knew I was attractive I could tell that looking in the mirror but it still was hard to believe.

“You better call Amanda and tell her to wait until later to come visit mom. Otherwise she’ll be stuck waiting here for us to come back.”

“Oh you’re right. I hope she hasn’t left the house yet. Be right back hun.” I scrunched my face up confused as my mother stepped out of the room to call my sister.

When she returned I asked her why she had gone out in the hall. “Oh I don’t know...I wasn’t thinking I guess.” she told me. I didn’t know why but I wasn’t buying it for some reason she didn’t want me to hear her conversation with my sister.

The nurse returned with a wheelchair after I finished breakfast (half of it still on the tray) and my mother followed us as we were off for another day of testing. It was a lot of the same tests I had the previous day x-rays and sonograms mostly stuff I was used to already. Again my height and weight were down.

“Five foot six inches on the dot.” The nurse announced.

“Well I guess you can’t tease your sister about being short any more hun.” I nodded. I was now the shortest member of our family. It wasn’t by much but enough that I’d be using the step stool in the kitchen to reach the top self like my mother and sister had to.

Up next were the two new tests. I was nervous as I had to stick my breasts into the machine for a mammogram but nothing compared to how I felt with my feet up in the stirrups for my gynecological exam. The doctors were right about it being traumatic I couldn’t help but tear up as the doctor’s fingers moved inside me. Having my mother there was a good idea and I clutched her hand tightly as she smiled at me.

Heading back to my room I was still wiping tears from my eyes as we rolled along. ”Thanks mom I don’t think I could have gotten through that without you.”

“You are stronger than you think honey but I'll always be there when you need me.” Placing her hand on my shoulder my mother again gave me a look of pride and it made what I'd just gone through easier.

Back at my room my sister was waiting with a surprise it was late afternoon now and I was starving. As a nice treat though Amanda had stopped and gotten us all pizza at my favorite shop. I moaned as I enjoyed the amazing taste. It felt like I’d never eaten pizza before in my life.
“God I love you sooo much Manda!” I said between bites.

My mother and sister laughed at me as I made my noises and stuffed my face. I was sad I couldn’t eat like I used to and after a couple pieces I was just too full. “So I’m assuming mom told you what’s new today?”

“You mean that I have a little sister now?” I nodded and she smiled. “Sister or brother you’re still a brat and I guess still I love you.” Coming over to me in the bed Amanda gave me a hug and sat on the bed with me. “She also told me about the girls getting bigger.” Amanda pointed at my chest and I blushed.

“Yeah I guess I'm catching up to you.” I said dryly still not feeling comfortable talking about my breasts.

“Well little sister seeing them I’m glad mom told me to get you another little surprise.” Reaching a hand towards my mother she handed Amanda a bag and gave me a smile. “Now the doctors gave mom your measurements but we weren’t sure on the cup size. Mom said either a C or D so I got one of each.” From the bag my sister pulled two white bras and held them up.

“Bras?” I said questioning

“I got plain white ones I didn’t think you’d want anything too girly.” I swallowed looking them as Amanda set them in my lap.

“I don’t think anything can make a bra less girly.” I said taking one of them in my hand. It looked so intimidating and had no idea where to begin.

“We aren’t trying to pressure you into anything girly hun. I know you’re still working things out but for now you have them so you’ll need to deal with them.” It amused me a bit my mother who had them too couldn’t yet call my breast what they were. I guess we were all still adjusting.

“Alright, how do I do this?” I asked in kind of a breathy sighing voice.

Taking one of the bras my sister began to show me. “Until you get used to it the easiest way is to hook it in the front underneath. Then just spin it around and put your arms through the straps. Easy.”

Taking a deep breath I stared at the bathroom before finally taking the two bras and going in. I tried the smaller one first and struggled to spin it around after I hooked it in the front like my sister suggested.

“Well? How ya doing?” My sister shouted from the other side of the door.

“I got the smaller one on but it seems tight can you tell mom to come here.” I gave up I needed help I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to fit like that or not. My mother knocked lightly on the door so I unlocked it and she joined me in the bathroom.

“Let’s see what we’ve got here. Hmm... It does look tight. Does it feeling like it’s mashing them down?” I nodded and my mother picked up the other bra on the sink counter. “It’s supposed to cradle not mash hun try this one.”

I spun around facing away from my mother as I took the next bra. “Can you unhook it and just hook the next one spinning it took forever.” Laughing my mother nodded and unhooked the small bra before I slipped the next one on and she hooked it. Adjusting my breasts to sit in it felt strange. I still wasn’t used to handling my new body parts.

“That looks better. How does this one feel any mashing?” my mother asked as she adjusted the bra strap where they had twisted.

“No I don’t think so.” I looked down at my breasts as they sat in the bra producing a decent amount of cleavage.

“Good it looks like you’re D cup hun. Now here your sister got you these too. They should fit better then the underwear you’ve been wearing” Presenting me with some white cotton women’s briefs I nodded. Due to a lack of options I had been wearing my old underwear and although they weren’t falling off because of my wider hips now they didn’t fit very well.

“Alright but before I do I really gotta pee mom.” My mother’s eyes widen and she nodded.

“Oh ok well...should I go?” My mother asked unsure what to do.

“No...I don’t know what to do. It’s embarrassing but can you tell me?” I danced around surprised a bit by how suddenly the urge to go had come on trying to hold it. At first I didn't know what it was. The urge came from a different place in my body now as a girl. So until the pressure grew more intense I didn’t figure it out.

“Alright well sit down.” My mother turned her back to give me at least some privacy as I pulled of my old underwear and sat down on the toilet. “Go ahead and reach between your legs and spread yourself open down there after that just let it go.”

I did as I was told and jumped as I started relieving myself. It felt very different from the way it used to but I finished up and as my mother heard she continued her instructions. “Ok when you're done you have to clean yourself hun. It’s not like boys you have to wipe when you go either way, and make sure you go front to back from now on too. You don’t want to get a urinary tract infection.”

When I was done I wadded up a little toilet paper and did as I was told. Flushing the toilet I stood up and picked up the women’s briefs. Sliding them on the hugged my new body in the front and back. The sight of a flat groin was still uneasy to me but the briefs felt much more comfortable than what I had been wearing.

“Alright I'm all done.” I said standing in my new bra and underwear.

Turning around my mother looked me over and smiled. “You have a nice body hun you should be proud. A lot of girls would kill to look like you.” I couldn’t help but squirm unsure how to felt that I now had a nice body for a girl. My mother paused seeing me uneasy. “I’m sorry hun. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Remember I’m ok with whatever you decide to do just give this a try for a while before you make your decision.”

I nodded and slipped back on my hospital gown as we left the bathroom. My sister still sitting on the edge of my bed was waiting eagerly to hear if everything fit as I got back into bed. “Well? she asked looking at me.”

“The D cup fit better than the C. Mom said it shouldn’t mash them like the C did.” Smiling my sister was happy one of them fit and told me she was a D cup too. “So was there any more news about me today?

“Nothing that I saw but there was a lot more reporters outside the hospital when I came in.” As I brought it up my sister took the remote and turned on the TV flipping through the channels. It was the same thing over and over on all the channels. There was still only 7 confirmed cases of what had happened to me in the US. Every channel had reporters outside different hospitals were they were being treated now including mine. Thankfully none of the names of those infected had come out yet though.

Things had changed in the hospital since the leak yesterday though. I now had guards outside my room and one followed me standing outside as I was tested during the day. When I was taken from room to room instead of through the main corridors the nurse took me back ways through restricted access areas today. I wondered if they had found out who leaked the story about me yesterday. Maybe one of the lab techs or a janitor or something.

I only had 3 nurses, Doctor Foster, and now Doctor Phillips and his group actively treating me but with all the tests I had done a lot of travelling through the hospital. By now I had been seen by or interacted with countless others so it could have been any of them. To be honest I didn’t really care. I knew this was all going to get out at some point I just hoped I was ready to deal with it when it did.

A bit surprised a knock came at the door as we all chatted. It was Doctor foster. He smiled as he came in and saw the three of us. “I just wanted to check on my patient before I headed home for the night. Everything ok?”

“I think so, but everything is new to me so it's kind of hard to tell.” Doctor Foster nodded.

“Well all your tests so far are coming back fine. Considering what you have been through you’re in perfect health.” Looking at the television it made me wonder.

“What about the other’s how are they. Do you know anything about them?” I asked interested in hearing how total strangers were coping with the same situation.

“It’s hard to say. We know most the cases in the US have gone the same way as your’s. They're all healthy females at this point. Some of them are dealing with it better than others, but that’s all I can really say.” I nodded. It was selfish but I was glad I wasn’t going through this alone.

“What about outside the US?” My mother asked.

Doctor Foster took a deep breath and shrugged a bit. “We’re in contact with some teams in Asia as Doctor Phillips said but honestly they aren’t sharing much information beyond the basics. No one really knows what’s happening or how. All their doing is observing and testing those affected.”

“So you still don’t know what caused this?” I asked after all the testing I had been through.

“I hate to say it but no we don’t. We have a lot of data now though thanks to you and others and lots of people are looking over it. The smartest people on the planet are studying this so if anybody will figure this out they will.”

I didn’t know if that made me feel better or not. I knew it was all going to be too late for me they had already said as much. The only options I had now was whether to live with they changes or endure more trying to get back something I’d lost. I still didn’t know what i wanted but my mother had convinced me not to act too quickly. I wouldn’t be changing anything once this was all done for at least a little bit, but that scared me. Would I be able to deal with life like this.? Could I be a girl?

After chatting a bit more Doctor Foster left and shortly after my sister followed. I had my mother lay beside me in my bed after everyone left and I laid my head on her chest like I used to when I was young and sick. I felt safe and loved as we watched a movie together. For once in the last few days I let myself not be consumed about what was happening to me. I just relaxed as my mother stroked my hair until I finally fell asleep.

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