The Silver Lining Part 1

Andrew McKenzie is a junior in highschool when a strange incident sweeps the world. In the aftermath Andrew is left confused and unsure what's happening to him as he slowly begins to notice changes.

The First Day

I never liked school but I did alright when it came to my grades. I would never be at the top of my class but I didn’t care Bs were good enough. Needless to say I wasn’t happy stepping off the bus my first day back at Riverside High School for my junior year. I may not have liked high school but there were worse places I could have gone. All in all I was proud to be an RHS warrior even if I wasn’t very involved in it. Most teenagers spend their high school years joining teams and clubs and going to parties right? Well that wasn’t me.

I was different I had friends and stuff but the partying and the other social group activities just were of no interest to me. No gaming was much higher on my list then anything involving going out on a Friday or Saturday night. I loved to spend hours playing this game or that and competing against others online. I would talk trash and laugh as I killed or defeated people in game loving every minute of it! This was where my passion was and everything else just seemed like a waste of time.

In fact all I could think about was getting home and online as soon as I entered my first class of the day. I took my usual seat in the back and looked out the window as everyone else entered the room. I was off in my own world until I heard my name being called.

“Andrew?…Andrew McKenzie ?” A voice said from the front of the class.

I looked around for a minute and realized it was the teacher. She was a pretty woman in her mid to late thirties I guess and she had her name written across the chalkboard. Ms. Lind.

“Here!” I shouted as I raised my hand.

I saw her check my name off and then I finally took a look around the room. I knew a few of the students but my school was fairly big so there was a lot of strange faces. Luckily I had a friend next to me and we chatted a bit as the teacher continued with the role call. Ryan Baker and I had known each other for years long before high school and I often played with him in certain games. We had our usual conversation about the games we’d heard were coming out and anything we did in a game that was cool in some manner or another. It was a pretty normal day as Ms. Lind started class.

The TV flickered on and the morning announcements started with our principal Mr. Gold. He was an older man with salt and pepper hair probably in his late 40’s or maybe early 50’s but from the few times I’d had to deal directly with him he seemed like a good guy.

“Good morning! Warriors and welcome back!” Like most teachers and faculty Mr. Gold always seemed to enjoy the start of a new school year.

Ryan and I continued to chat in the back of the class as Mr. Gold made the usual announcements of upcoming events and tryouts for this sport and that. I wasn’t paying much attention at all but suddenly I heard a commotion and looked up to the TV. Another teacher had came on with Mr. Gold and whispered something in his ear.

“Uh it seems there is some breaking news so we are going to switch to the local news.”

Mr. Gold stepped off camera and the feed switched over to one of our local channels but instead of being the local news reporters it was actually the national news. A serious looking man sat behind a desk and was in the middle of reporting a breaking story.

“That’s right Susan from the information we are getting it’s uncertain where this massive cloud came from but it seems to be sweeping quickly across the world.” As the news anchor paused the coverage switched to video of a large dusty looking cold sweeping towards some town on the west coast.

“Alright here we have images of the cloud just outside Seattle. As you can see it’s moving quite fast.” The man on TV paused again holding his finger in his ear I assume getting directions from someone off camera.

Everyone in the classroom was silent no chatter and all eyes were locked on the TV. I watched as they kept showing the clip over and over. I tried to read the reports at the bottom of the screen to get more information but it was scrolling too fast and I kept being drawn back to images of this cloud from different places.

“If you are just joining us reports started late in the night of a cloud of unknown origin sweeping across Japan.” This time they cut to a satellite image showing the progress of the cloud and just how large it was. “As you can see the cloud is about a mile wide and stretches from one pole to the other covering the entire span of the globe. Is there anything like this on record Susan?” with that they switch to another camera where a middle age woman with brown hair stood in a business suit in front of the satellite image.

“No…no there’s no record of anything like this Jack and as you can see the cloud is still rushing across the United States. Now we want to let everyone know there has been no damage reported from this cloud as it’s made it’s way across Japan, the Pacific, and the west coast. However we are still recommending anyone outside find shelter and for everyone to remain indoors until the cloud has passed.”

There were a few gasps as we all finally got more information and started to understand what was going on. I could see on the satellite picture that this cloud was now approaching the East coast where we were. I looked out the window wondering how far away it was. I can’t say I was too scared as it didn’t seem to be dangerous but still along with everyone else I was concerned.

“What the hell is it?” Ryan asked to nobody in particular.

All I could do was shrug and it didn’t seem like anyone on the news knew the answer either. By now the TV had gone back to the main news desk and anchor Jack Workmen was interviewing a meteorologist from the national weather service.

“Dr. Sanders is there any explanation for this phenomenon?” On a TV screen next to the news desk was a dark haired man in a blue suit with a graphic below him that said he was Dr. Anthony Sanders - Head of the National Weather Service.

“As of right now we have no explanation. We have no idea where this cloud came from or what is driving it. There seems to be no wind to accompany it and there is no cold front or warm front behind it. Also as of this moment we are unable to identify what the cloud consists of as samples have been impossible to collect.”

Just as the doctor finished his sentence I heard a gasp from one of the girls in my class as she stood pointing out the window. “Here it comes!” She shouted and everyone turned to look out the window. The cloud looked massive it was brownish beige and stretched from the ground all the way as high as I could see. There was no way of avoiding this thing and it was moving fast.

“Alright I know they said it’s not causing damage but just to be safe everyone under your desks now please!” Ms. Lind looked a bit scared herself as she instructed us to take cover.

Climbing under my desk with the rest of my first period class I have to admit seeing something like that coming at me was scary. Even if it hadn’t caused damage anywhere else it was still massive and you couldn’t even see through it. There was a slight roar as the cloud approached and I watched as it hit the side of our school. Suddenly it was pitch black outside and then inside as the lights went out.

There were a couple screams from the class as we sat in the dark under our desks. I listened as the soft roar continued and then suddenly from the window came the blinding light of the sun as the cloud finally passed and just as suddenly as the lights had gone out they came back on. Everyone started talking seemingly all at the same time and I just stared out the window. What was that?

“Dude! Your nose is bleeding.” I heard Ryan say.

I wiped my nose feeling the trickle now and looked at the blood on my fingers.

“Alright is everyone OK?” Ms. Lind asked as she crawled out from under her own desk.

“Uh my nose is bleeding may I go to the bathroom?” I replied holding up my hand and showing the blood.

“Yes yes! Go.” She waved me towards the door as everyone else was straightening themselves up.

Walking down the hall I could see the cloud moving away from the school through the windows on the opposite side. I watched for a bit as it spit out undamaged house after undamaged house along it’s path. It was so thick and dense there was no seeing anything inside the cloud until it had popped out of the back. I pinched my nose trying to control the bleeding and then finally started to clean myself up as I reached the bathroom. It didn’t take long before the bleeding stopped and I wiped the leftover blood away.

“Hey Andrew you in here?” It was Ryan peaking in to check on me.

“Yeah!” I shouted back still cleaning up in front of the mirror.

“Ms. Lind sent me to check on you?” I looked at Ryan in the mirror sticking his head in the door and was just about to answer him when I suddenly didn’t feel OK. I felt sick.

I ran into one of the stalls just in time to threw up into a toilet. I heard Ryan make a noise and knew very well it was never fun hearing someone else get sick. I breathed heavily and after losing it a few more times it seemed like it was over. I flushed the toilet and stepped out of the stall a bit surprised to see Mr. Hackler the freshmen chemistry teacher standing with Ryan.

“Andrew? Are you ok?” He asked standing there a little out of breath. I could tell Ryan was to so I could only assume when I started getting sick Ryan had ran to get him.

“I think so just a little nauseous and dizzy.” I steadied myself and leaned against the sink as Mr. Hackler looked me over.

“Alright well I’m going to call an ambulance the news is saying we should contact the authorities for anything that might be related to that cloud.” He was already dialing before I could stop him so I decided not to fight it.

I looked over at Ryan just kind of standing there unsure what to do. “How many other’s are sick?”

Ryan shook his head. “None.”

Taking a deep breath I turned around and ran some cold water over myself from the sink. I still felt sick to my stomach but not sick enough to rush to the toilet again. I could feel my head spinning a bit and it hurt but again not enough to bring it up. I heard the ambulance as it arrived outside the school and before I knew it the bathroom was full of people. The EMT’s told me to sit down on the gurney and started asking me a bunch of questions. Answering them the best I could they finally decided it was best if I went to the hospital.

After loading me into the ambulance it took us no time to get to the hospital and before I knew it I was in a room by myself. I was feeling a bit better other then a lingering headache so I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. I watched as the news continued to report about the cloud and where it was. By now it had made it just off the east coast of the US and was heading towards Europe. I flipped through the channels a couple times but couldn’t find any reports of people getting sick after the cloud had passed. Maybe this had nothing to do with the cloud.

A bit shocked by how quickly he arrived the door to my room swung open and in walked a doctor carrying a clipboard. “Hello Andrew I’m Dr. Foster.”

“…uh Hi..hello.” I said as I watched the tall man with the short brown hair and doctor’s coat look over his clipboard. Wow did he look young I thought he couldn’t be more than what 27 or 28? I wondered how he could already be a doctor.

“So I see here you had a nosebleed and became ill after the cloud passed? Anything else or just the nose bleed and nausea?” I could still feel the dull headache as Dr. Foster sat down on a rolling stool across from me and looked me over.

“Yeah I have a little headache too.” Dr. Foster nodded and noted my remark on the clipboard before setting it on the counter.

“Alright well let me take a look at you and we’ll see if we can figure this out OK?” I nodded and Dr. Foster rolled over to me first shining a light in my eyes and then ears before having me lean my head back. Examining my nose he worked very quickly as he went and I was beginning to wonder if he knew what he was doing. With that it seemed he was done and he rolled on his stool back over to where he left the clipboard.

“I think we’re going to run a few tests on you Andrew. The nosebleed, nausea, and headache could have been caused by a sudden pressure drop when the cloud passed. Just to be safe though I’d like to run a blood test and cat scan to cover our bases.” The doctor spoke very quickly and didn’t seem to be concerned which actually made me more concerned. Again I wondered if he knew what he was doing.

I nodded though it didn’t seem Dr. Foster was waiting for my approval as he continued to write on his clipboard. What he was writing i wondered as he stood up and headed towards the door. “Alright the nurse should be in shortly to take a blood sample and take you to the cat scan.”

“Could someone give my mother a call and let her know where I am please?” I asked before he could get away.

“Oh yes I’m sorry I forgot to tell you. The school has already notified your mother and she’s on her way here.” What? He forgot? This fact was really not helping my faith in him at all.

“Ok... uh Thanks.” I shook my head a little as he left and I turned my attention back to the TV. I could only wonder if there had been others who got sick? Was this related to the cloud or was it just really a drop in pressure or something? I shook my head again there was no way it was just a drop in pressure there would have been others in my class with the same symptoms. I continued flipping the channels still nothing about anyone getting sick.

"Andrew!" My mother said a little too loudly as she entered the room. "What in the world is going on? I got a call at work saying to meet you here and they wouldn't tell me what was wrong with you."

I could tell she was a bit panicked as she set her purse down on a counter and started to look me over. “I’m fine mom. I just had a little nose bleed and got sick the doctor thinks it’s from a pressure drop caused by that cloud. Nothing major is broken.”

I could see her relax a little as she stared at me and played with her long blonde hair like she always did when she was nervous. I loved my mother but she could be a little too dramatic at times and in this situation I knew there was no stopping her.

“Those people at your school are such idiots. They wouldn’t tell me anything I was worried out of my mind! I almost crashed twice on the way over here. I called your sister she was in class but she’s on her way.”

I sighed hearing my sister was coming as my mother finally took a breath. One dramatic relative was bad enough but two would be even worse and my sister was just as bad if not worse then my mother. “Why is she coming? I’m fine I told you.”

“She’s your sister and you know her once she heard you were at the hospital there was no stopping her. She probably stopped the class and announced that her little brother was at the hospital before she left knowing her. She always has to make a production out of things and share it with everyone. I’m sure her twitter, facebook, and texts are all lit up with the news.”

I shook my head as my mother continued to ramble and knew very well that her’s were probably just as full with the same topic. My sister and mother were nothing like me. Both were extremely popular and had tons of friends so they were all about social media and sharing everything with said friends. At this point I was certain that everyone that my sister and mother knew also knew about what had happened with me.
My mother continued her rambling mostly about nothing as she dug in her purse for something. I nodded and smiled or shook my head as needed but didn’t really pay much attention. A knock at the door came next and before I could say anything my mother had told them to come in. It was the nurse to draw my blood this time and she was a pretty nurse at that. I couldn’t help but check her out a little as she brought in her cart and sat down beside me.

“Hello, Andrew. I’m Kristen and I’ll be your nurse while you’re here. The doctor ordered some blood work and a cat scan so I’ll be taking care of that for you.” I nodded nervously and did my best to not get caught checking her out. A pretty brunette she had some rather full breasts and a cute butt that filled out the back of her scrubs nicely.

“Here’s your hospital gown I’m going to head out and let you get changed. When you’re done just give the button in the wall behind your bed a push and i’ll come back in to draw some blood.” I looked over the pink and yellow hospital gown frowning a bit.

“Um...don’t you have another color?” I asked.

The pretty nurse laughed a little but shook her head. “Not at the moment no sorry, but don’t worry it’s what we give everyone. Even the big manly men.” I smiled a bit and perhaps stuck out my chest thinking she was calling me a manly man. “So don’t worry they’ll be wearing the same one as you hun.” Suddenly I felt the air get sucked out of my chest realizing she wasn’t saying that at all.

With a bruised ego I went into the bathroom as the nurse left and changed out of the clothes i had been wearing. Slipping on the hospital gown I piled up my clothes and went back out to where my mother was waiting. Suddenly she chuckled and smiled pointing behind me. I turned to see a mirror and my exposed bottom being reflected back at me. Embarrassed I quickly close the back of the gown and sat down in the bed.

“If it makes you feel any better hun you have a cute butt it looks a lot fuller than i would have though have you put on some weight?” I turned an even brighter shade of red as my mother laughed a bit more. “No!” I huffed as made sure to tuck the gown under me before pressing the button to call the nurse back in.

It didn’t take the nurse much time at all to return as my mother stifled her laughter and just smirked at me. “Alright let's draw some blood shall we?” The nurse asked as she tied off my arm and looked for a vein. I squirmed a bit not a fan of needles but trying to act tough in front of the pretty nurse a straightened up and only flinched a little as the needle pierced my skin.

Suddenly I shivered as I heard a voice out in the hall. My sister was here now and just then the door opened. A short blonde like my mother my sister Amanda was always the center of attention growing up. Even the small number of friends I had loved her. Mostly because they were all male and Amanda had always been one of the prettier girls in school. My mother was the same way and I had heard way too often how hot that they both were and been forced to watch friends drool over them.

“Here you are! Finally! I swear I have been all over this place looking for you two. So how is he mom? Have they said anything? Is it really related to that cloud?” The nurse smiled at me as she finished taking my blood and my mother and sister started chatting behind her.

“There we go all done. I’m going to run this to the lab and then i’ll be right back to take you for the cat scan ok?” I nodded as the nurse took my blood and left while my sister and mother stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You were looking at her butt!” Amanda said a bit too loudly and then smiled and laughed with my mother. My sister and mother were both great at embarrassing me and I turned red again but just ignored them as the started chatting about random stuff. It felt like I had been in that room a month before the nurse finally returned with a wheelchair to take me to get the cat scan.

Thankfully my mother and sister couldn’t come so they stayed behind and the nurse wheeled me down the hall. Before too long we were a couple floors up and I was climbing on to the table for the scan. The technician explained some things and chatted a bit with me as I was stuck in the machine while it worked. I’d never had a cat scan before so i had no idea how long it took but it felt like hours before we finally finished.

On the way back to the room the nurse stopped and took my weight and height measurements as I struggled not to expose my backside again with the hospital gown. When we finally got back to the room I was a bit surprised to see the doctor there waiting on me with my mother and sister. The look on his face did not make me feel any better he looked confused which is never a good way for a doctor to look.

After I climbed back in bed everyone sat down and the nurse left. I did my best not to look at her and give my sister and mother more fuel for their amusement. Looking over his clipped bored the doctor was quiet at first as we stared at him waiting for him to explain what was going on.

“Well we got your blood tests back and there is something a little unusual. First i want to say that there doesn’t appear to be anything life threatening wrong with you. Your cat scan was fine according to the technician so there’s no issues there.”

A bit relieved I sighed and heard my mother do the same as the doctor said my life wasn’t in danger. “But you said there is something unusual with my blood?”

“Yes… Your hormone levels are off. Your estrogen is high and testosterone is low which could be what is causing your nausea and headache.”

“Wait estrogen? I have high estrogen I didn’t even know men had that isn’t that a female thing?” I asked confused by what he was saying.

“No no. Men have estrogen in their bodies as well it’s just not in the amounts a female would have it. However your estrogen level is much higher than a normal male at the moment. That along with the low testosterone has your body in kind of a shocked state.”

Sitting there on the bed i still didn’t understand what this meant for me but luckily my mother had plenty to ask. “So what does that mean? Does he need to take testosterone?” Shaking his head the doctor smiled at my mother.

“No Ma’am. At the moment we don’t want to flood him with more hormones so we are going to wait and see if his hormone levels normalize on their own.”

Smiling back and playing with her hair i rolled my eyes noticing my mother was flirting a bit with my doctor now. “But can’t high estrogen can cause changes to men’s bodies?”

“Yes it can but it takes high levels for a prolonged period of time. As of right now the only thing it may cause is more emotional.” Turning back to me the doctor looked back at his chart as he spoke. “For the next few days you may be a bit emotional so don’t worry if you moods have drastic swings.”

I took a deep breath a bit relieved again that the only issues I’d have is some mood swings. “So is that it? can i go home now?”

Putting his clipboard down the doctor scooted back to talk to me, my sister, and mother all at the same time. “Normally I would release someone with just high hormone levels. However because of this possibly being related to this cloud incident the government wants all doctors to keep patients with any issued possibly related under observation. So for now i want to at least keep you here till tomorrow and then will run another blood test and see how your hormones are doing at that point.”

With that the doctor stood along with my sister and mother and went to leave. My mother followed him outside where she continued asking questions as the door to my hospital room closed. I’m sure after hearing I was ok her concern was more for having a chance to flirt with a cute doctor more than anything about me at this point.

“Well that’s good.” My sister said as she took the remote to the TV I had left on the bed. Flipping channels she finally settled on one and i laid back in the bed not even watching really. “I wonder where that cloud came from? You’re lucky who knows what was in that thing. A couple days of being a bit emotional sounds like you got of easy. Maybe now you’ll be a bit more understand of me and mom when it’s that time of month.”

Grabbing a pillow I buried my face in it and tried my best to cover my ears as i screamed not wanting to hear any of this from my sister. Laughing Amanda couldn’t help but comment. “Starting already is it?”

The rest of the day and evening went by fairly quickly as I had some lunch and then dinner finally. For a hospital the food was pretty good and once my sister left it was a lot quieter with just my mother. Of course she didn’t stop talking but atleast she didn’t have my sister to bounce back and forth with anymore. Eventually I told her to go home and then it was just me in my room alone.

Flipping on the TV I again scanned through all the news channels looking for anymore information about that cloud or if there had been more cases like mine anywhere else. All I could find was channels showing video of the cloud at different places and reporting that it had apparently disappeared at exactly the same place it had appeared form. It had completely circled the globe once and now it was gone.

A few reporters were live from the search area where the cloud had come and gone but so far no one had been able to find a source. Despite lots of tries all over the globe no one had been able to get a sample of the cloud either. Everyone was baffled they had no idea where it had come from, where it had gone, or what it was made of it was a complete mystery. I continued flipping channels into the night till I finally fell asleep looking for some new information or a report of other’s getting sick like me. There was nothing...

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