
Almost A Girl Chapter 10

So... we've finally reached the end of this story. Barbie and I want to thank everyone who read, commented on and/or kudoed the story. We have both been very gratified to see that a lot of you enjoyed it and stuck with it to the end. There is some mild violence in this part but it's crucial to the plot and the story and will explain further what and who was behind Barbara's transformation and the reasons for it.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-19.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-19.


I have a lot to learn…and a lot to think about even now.

How much to learn and what to do about my relationship.

I get a coffee in a can from one of the vending machines and I head upstairs to my quarters and my office.

I think that I might just have to go home this weekend.

I might need to have a family talk.

*And Now…

Jan's tale 5 - Aftermath of a missed Assembly

Jan's tale cover.jpg  
Jan’s Tale 5
Aftermath of a missed Assembly

Jan is not a happy camper. As if his life didn't suck enough already, turning into a mutant was everything but an improvement. Jan didn't get real superpowers, Jan got to be girly. To make it worse his parents decided in their unimaginable wisdom that exile to America was the solution for his problems. He is not so sure though.

I’d like to thank Sleethr, Landing and D.A.W for beta reading this chapter. I’d also like to thank Djkauf for editing.

Copyright © 2014 Beyogi All Rights Reserved.


The Sidereus Prophecy Part 1

Darren Lawrence had what most would consider an idyllic life- a beautiful family, a house, a close circle of trustworthy friends and his music. However, all of this changed the day he lost his job. This disappointing yet seemingly innocuous occurrence sets off a series events that threaten to strip Darren of his identity and turn him into everything that he hates.

A Friend in Need Part 11

A Friend in Need
Part 11. Christina the Parting

In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later.

Almost A Girl Chapter 9

Things are coming to a head. There are decisions to make, secrets to reveal and fences to mend, and one or two more challenges to overcome. This is the penultimate chapter, with one more to go. Barbie and I want to thank all of you who have followed, commented on, and kudoed the story. We both appreciate it very much. The final chapter will be posted on Friday, this week.

The Family that Plays Together, part 06 of 10

“Lord Ravadh already knows I’m one of the Gray One’s tourists, and it doesn’t matter to him — he thinks I should stay here and pretend to be the princess until she gets back. And he told me to warn you that he’s got his own mage ready to stop the Gray One if he tries getting me out by magic.”

A Friend in Need Part 10

A Friend in Need, Part 10.
Tony's Story, the Parting

If you have followed this story, this continues on after the attempted rape of the new Christina until Tony leave after the New Year, it is told from the recently changed Tony's male point of view, I am trying to show the differences in feeling and attitudes now that Tony is a man rather that the woman (s)he once was.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-11.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-11.

Chapter 11


The rhino sees me coming and it grins…he’s got sharp teeth?

Okay…definitely a mutation.

He spits a glob of something eww on the pavement. “Ello Poppet come to play hav’s ye.”

I shift to Diamond for and stalk right into fighting range. “Damned skippy, pucker up buttercup.”

And I swing.

*And Now…

Season of Change - Chapter 21

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


A Friend in Need Part 9

A Friend in Need
Part 9. Tony's Story II

This continues with the story but from the man's point of view Tony (who used to be Christina) is coming to terms with the feelings a man has, especially where there is a beautiful woman but the feelings are at first confusing to him! As he used to be in the beautiful body he now lusts after.

South of Bikini 2: E3- Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset?

Horizons of the Heart - 24

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Travelling from the golden city of Tier to the town of Carrick Field in western Alband would take nearly five days on horseback, but using their connections with the Whitewater Cartel, Jaden and her friends secure passage on a riverboat to get them there more quickly.

Flashback: Jaden and Oleander hadn't imagined what it would be like to go on a real adventure, but only weeks after their first meeting in Tarad the opportunity sat down at their table during a particularly busy night at the Count of Cups tavern in Carrick Field.

Chapter 24: Bridge of Memories, part 1

When the past is an anchor,
It's just holding you back.
When you can't walk away,
Something makes you stay

The Family that Plays Together, part 05 of 10

There was no reason I should have to put up with all this nonsense just because I was female; Mom and Taylor never took half this long to get ready, even on fancy occasions. (Mom wore her hair short, I reflected, which might be a factor.)

Havens Salvation Chapter 6-1 Friday

Havens Salvation
6-1 Friday

When James met Ann on the plains of Scotland.

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf

Previously in Havens Salvation

Having learned just what the Morrigan plans are for Betty James takes time to sup with his patron Goddess rekindling there relationship.

Betty runs where angels fear to tread. She starts to successfully repair the barrier protecting Haven while discovering that it is an intelligence in and of its self. The effort leaves Betty spent and unable to work until Thursday when sh got on with her Job as the new township manager. Searching for the papers necessary to save Havens incorporation Betty finds another mystery from Havens past. Two boxes from the American war department from WW2 and the Cold war respectively. These boxes as interesting as they are need to wait until the charter is safe.

A Friend in Need Part 8

A Friend in Need
Part 8. Tony's Story I

This is the story from Tony's point of view, it starts before the change when Tony was Christina, goes through the change when Tony and Christina become each other and carries on with Tony now fully a 6' male starting out on his new life. There is a lot of the content of the other stories but seen from the new Tony's point of view.

I will try to keep the different genders and changes to the protagonists as simple as I can,
If you have not read the rest of the episodes of this it may not make a lot of sense but may stand alone as a story

Almost A Girl Chapter 6

Not all tags are relevant to every chapter.

Barbara is drawn or maybe forced into further confusion. Will she regain her male persona, or succumb to the temptations of the femme side? Only the author knows for sure, and she ain't telling.

Season of Change - Chapter 20

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.



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