Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 25

I'm sorry I never meant to be this late posting the next chapter. I know how irritating it can be to be reading a story and have it go missing for a month and you have go back and read up. The fallout from my daddy's passing and one sister's refusal to talk sucked all creative energy from my heart.

Last week I started writing a trashy erotic story that I have no intention of posting in its current version but there's nothing like sex and sex scenes to spark my creative muse.. Again I apologize for the delay and will finish the posting for this book in the next two weeks.

As a gentle reminder in the last Chapter Atalanta was introduced to the Medawihla Indians who she is to spend Christmas with. While there she almost creates a diplomatic incident when she almost kills a visiting Were Moose and ends with the group back on school grounds.

Back at the school Mrs. Carson gets a call and a visitor and Atalanta reconnects with an old friend.


Chapter 25

Elizabeth Carson picked up the ringing phone, “Yes.”

“This is Eloise Donner.”

Mrs. Carson momentarily felt fluttering butterflies, “Eloise I’m glad to hear from you. How did the meeting go? I assume they have left.”

“Yes they have left. I talked with Atalanta’s mother too. We’ve made arrangements for her to spend Christmas here with us.”

Elizabeth long used to negotiation tried a different approach, “Well what did you think of our new girl?”

“I can see why you might want Atalanta off campus during Christmas break,” Eloise’s brittle laugh echoed.

“What happened,” Elizabeth asked softly.

“It’s actually kind of funny now but at the time it wasn’t. We had a visiting dignitary; a Were moose named Dustin Bull, who has been a pain in the rear and we were looking for a reason to send him on his way. But you know how tribal councils and treaties work; our hands are basically tied.”

Elizabeth listened silently and waited for the reveal, “We were all seated in the kitchen when suddenly Atalanta bolted for the door, and we followed her outside where she launched herself at a bull moose charging a neighbor’s 8 year old girl, who was about to be trampled under his hooves.”

“And Atalanta intervened?”

“Indeed she did. She bulldogged that moose to one knee, and would have killed him if Ben hadn’t stopped her.”

Elizabeth sighed inwardly. Every freshman class had one; the one student that was a trouble magnet. She had thought this year was going to be different but Atalanta looked as if she was going to be this year’s contributor.

“Are you sure that she could have, and would have?”

“Yes on both counts, and to be honest he deserved it, but I’m glad politically that Ben stopped it.” Eloise wasn’t certain why she didn’t mention Atalanta’s boot knife.

Elizabeth offered her counterpart an olive branch, “Eloise if you’re not sure we can call this off.”

“No,” she teased, “I’ve made my bed and now I have to live in it.”

Whateley’s Headmistress silently breathed easier at that statement; she needed that week off from this madhouse. Elizabeth felt that Eloise was playing her own game; that she felt was benefiting her people. A game, that if she misplayed it, at least it wasn’t going to spill over onto Whateley adversely.

They hung up after exchanging season pleasantries. Before she could return to her required paperwork, her intercom buzzed.

She looked at the wall clock and answered, slightly annoyed at yet another interruption, “Yes?”

“Mr. Black is here for his 2pm appointment.”

“Tell him I’ll be with him in a few minutes,” Mrs. Carson replied as she reached for her phone and dialed security.


“Yes,” Chief Delarose answered.

“Manuel Black is outside my office, I thought he’d see you first before coming here.”

“I haven’t seen him, but I’m on my way over right now.”

“Good,” she replied placing the phone on the cradle.

Mrs. Carson swung her chair facing a blank wall and considered this new potential hire. Mr. Black would have enough understanding to see his immediate supervisor first before coming to her, so obviously this was a ploy to gain some perceived advantage which could be anything. The simplest course she decided was just simply to ask.

Manny settled into the chair to wait after Mrs. Carson’s receptionist paged her. “She’ll be right with you in a few minutes.”

He nodded as he reviewed the events of the last week starting with Atalanta’s call and ending with Director O’Reilly’s offer. The offer intrigued him on different levels and came at a time when he was seriously deciding to rejoin the military. After almost two years the construction gig was becoming stale, although the New Mexico job had proved enlightening, while the latest foray had helped establish severed connections from his growing up in LA.

He had received satisfaction from taking the blueprints and ideas from the drawing board to the completion, but it didn’t hold his interest the way his military excursions had.

Until recently his future had been mapped out for him; three to six months on assignment with a month to unwind, then to a school for up to a year, and then another assignment. It was always with the same group of players unless they had cycled out or KIA. Guys that you could trust at your back and that you could depend on, and you had developed a sixth sense with. That had all changed on a mission four years ago where plans had been compromised and he had lost three buddies in the action.

When his time to re-enlist came, he had opted out of the military to see if he could make civilian life work. After two years, life as a citizen was quickly losing it's luster and he was back at square one: The military looked bright again.

He smiled to himself as he waited knowing that in coming directly to the Headmistress he had upset their standard procedure. He was interested in seeing how they responded to both his action and his appearance. Mirrored wraparound sunglasses, form fitting long sleeved shirt under a leather jacket and chinos all in black completed the mysterious men in black image he had cultivated for his own amusement.

As he waited, he studied the students and staff, wondering if he could fit in here. He didn’t think so, but for Atalanta’s sake he’d stick with it until the school year ended. He had a gut feeling that their paths were destined to intertwine for their immediate futures.

The outside door opened to admit a man in his 60’s with a full head of hair tinged with gray streaks, a ready smile and a natural spring in his step. He carried himself erect and a steady gaze.

“I’m Franklin Delarose; Whateley’s Security Chief,” he said extending a hand, “I expected that you’d come by and see me first.”

Manny politely ignored the offered hand until he was level with the man, “Manny Black,” he replied, “Mr. O’Reilly said it was Mrs. Carson that called.”

“Ginny will you let Mrs. Carson know we are here?”

“Of course,” she replied speaking into an intercom and then directed them inside.

He followed Delarose into the room and carefully shut the door while taking a position perpendicular to her desk all the while scrutinizing the interior and the occupant behind the desk. He read in her eyes and manner the same tough, single mindedness of purpose he had witnessed in squad and unit leaders. Their gazes locked briefly and acknowledgment passed.

“Please Mr. Black have a seat.”

“Manny,” he offered, sitting and patiently waited for the interview to start. An awkward silence followed as Delarose waited for Mrs. Carson to start the interview.

“We are all adults here so I’ll be direct,” Elizabeth Carson declared, “Mr. Black I’ve done a background check on you that brought up very little. I understand that is common in your line of work.”

Manny nodded, “What else would you like to know? I can take orders, get the job done and keep my mouth shut.”

The Headmistress narrowed her gaze; she didn’t care for his attitude but often competent men possessed a self-confidence that bordered on arrogance.

“We are always in need of security here.”

“As you say Mrs. Carson we are all adults here so let me be direct as well,” Manny interrupted, “I’m not a mall ninja or a rent-a-cop, and if that is what you want we are both wasting our time,” he finished rising to leave.

“Sit back down Mr. Black. We didn’t call you to do that. We called you because you know a new student that came in this past week. We’re concerned for her and about her on several levels.”

Black eased forward in his chair and asked evenly, “What type of concerns?”

“I understand you trained her.”

“You understand right; I did.”

“And I understand she is a Natural.”

“Yeah,” he hedged, “she certainly picked up stuff as easily as anyone that I’ve ever trained.”

“That’s not what I meant and I think you know it.”

He nodded, “Yeah you meant it with a military meaning and that is exactly the way I meant it too.” Manny decided that hedging wasn’t doing him or Atalanta any favors.

“Look,” he continued opening up, “She’s a good kid and we trained for several months before even the notion of a Natural came up. I had built a gun range that we used and I had just introduced her to the bow. Out of nowhere she bolts up the hillside and I reach her in time to see the third arrow hit a cougar in mid-air that was after a baby lamb. That was the first time I had her training with the bow.”
Manny paused choosing carefully his words, “It was at that point that I realized what she faced, and from then on I trained her with that in mind.”

“That’s when she became a bounty hunter?”

Manny nodded, “Yes, but I tried to buffer her from that attention.”


“When I realized she was a natural, I also knew the baggage that comes with it no matter what it is called. People, organizations, and governments recruit those individuals because they know what they can do too. For an awakened natural she or he will have enough organic opportunities without looking for them.”

“What do you mean by organic opportunities?”

“Things don’t happen in nature, in a vacuum, nor without reason. I know Atalanta and I know that she is a good kid with a heart of gold, so I assume there is a type of opposite activity that she will have to balance out. By organic opportunities I’m referring to the fact she foiled three attempts to kidnap her on the way here by the H1 and the MCO.”

“What!” both Mrs. Carson and Delarose exclaimed.

“You didn’t know?”

“It seems that is another part of an incomplete file that we have on Atalanta. Care to fill us in?” Mrs. Carson asked.

“Not much to tell,” Manny replied smiling, “a rogue splinter group from H1 sabotaged the fresh air system on the train car she was in from KC to St. Louis. They expected to find her unconscious from the bad air, but Atalanta had opened the windows and they became the surprised party instead.”

“And how do you know this?”

“She called me from the train, after it left St. Louis, for help. I had some contacts in Boston meet her at the train depot in Boston. The MCO tried to assume custody at the hotel, and later broke into a safe house. After those failed attempts my contacts then decided to drive her to Berlin where she caught the train into Dunwich.”

Then remembering their cover story he added, “After the train left the station my guys decided just to drive up to Dunwich. It was a good thing they did.”

Delarose and Mrs. Carson exchanged quick glances before Mrs. Carson pointed out, “Yes it was, but whether we hire you or not you seemed to have taken her under your wing.”

He replied agreeing, “I feel responsible, so yeah I’ll be around.”

They talked a little more before deciding on a six month contract that ran through the end of the school year, starting with the New Year. That gave him time to settle in his apartment on campus and complete whatever business he had left on the west coast.

Mrs. Carson walked them to the door, “Mr. Black, so we understand each other, my obligation is to the school and then the students. Can you give the school that type of dedication?”

“I can work with that.”

About halfway between the village and the school, Sam’s phone rang.

“What is over there,” I asked Nikki. We had stopped and I noticed the lush green growth.

Nikki’s face tightened, “That is the Grove; it is sentient and watches over the forest. People wander in and get lost for several days, somehow always coming out very close to where they go in and always the worse for wear. It is off limits.”

I smiled faintly at the notion of off-limits..

“We need to stop by and see the Chief when we get back,” Sam explained as she walked over.

I stopped at the old Hawthorne tree after we got back from the village to pay my respects; patted the tree’s trunk fondly and telling him about the village and the moose.

Sam, Nikki, and Hank watched from a safe distance.

“I’m getting hungry,” I said to Sam as we drew even with Poe, with Nikki and Hank separating to go inside.

“You’ll have time later,” Sam returned as we turned into Kane Hall, “The Chief wants to see you.”

Sighing I followed her down the hall to Delarose’s office. Maybe it said something about my status; I already knew several members of security by name and sight, as well as where the Chief’s office was located. What does that say about a student on her fourth day on campus?

“Do you know why the Chief wants to see me?” I asked as we walked.

She smiled at me shaking her head, “You’ll find out soon enough,” while knocking on the door and announcing us.

I trailed behind her as we entered. Delarose was seated and he had someone in the room with him. Sam was partially blocking my vision but he seemed familiar, “Manny,” I shouted striding quickly toward him ignoring Sam and Delarose. He gripped me in a bear hug as we embraced.

“How are you doing kiddo?” He asked me, grinning from ear to ear.

“A lot better now Manny. It sure is good to see a familiar face. What are you doing here? How long you staying? You have time for me to give you the ten cent tour. Have you talked with Mom?”

Manny held up his hands in surrender, “Be patient, all in good time.”

Delarose interjected, “Atalanta, Manny has come to work here.”

“Really, when do you start?” I asked Manny a goofy grin etched in my face.

“He starts New Years,” Delarose answered and added. “He is part of security and will be helping to train you as well.”

“So I have two babysitters,” I beamed walking between Manny and Sam hooking an arm in each of theirs.

“Manny have you met Sam…Samantha Everheart. Sam, meet Manny Black,” Delarose made the introductions. Manny raised an eyebrow but said nothing while shaking Sam’s hand.

“Atalanta I believe you still have time to make your appointment with Dr. Bellows, and Sam can show Mr. Black to his apartment. Afterwards you two can meet for dinner.” Delarose said dismissing us.

“Sure,” I replied, “Let’s go.”

Delarose stopped Sam, “Sam can catch up with you later Atalanta; she needs to file a report first.”

Sam nodded, “Okay Chief I’ll do just that,” she replied walking out with us and stopping at her cubbyhole.

Manny turning to Sam drawled, “I know of a Sam Everheart, are you any kin to him?”

“You might say that,” she teased him, “I’ll tell you about it later.”

“I’ll see you later for supper ,” I said to Manny who had joined Sam at her desk.

“I’ll meet you at Crystal Hall for supper;” he called out as I left him chatting with Sam as I left on my way to Kane Hall and my meeting with Dr. Bellows.

Wonder what insane ideas he will have for me?

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