
A Friend in Need Part 7

A Friend in Need
Part 7 Christina's Rise

Life goes on for Christina and Tony, the story covers the after effect of the attempted rape, and Christina's way of dealing with it, I felt that this should be an introspective episode, if I was wrong to go this deep; I apologise, and hope you will forgive me.

Dedicated to Christina, my dear friend who taught me how to be a woman and left me her name.

The Revenant - Part 9 Shadows Fall

Shadows Fall

Part 9

Martine’s world becomes full of shadows

* * *

My name is Martine Edwards, NO! Marty Harrison! I’ve been shot and woken up in a strange new world. A mirror of my world but I’m a woman! What happened? Where is this? Am I dead like the reflection in the mirror said or is the Shadowman really my unconscious self trying to help me make sense? One thing is certain, to get home I have to find out why I was shot… Dig out the truth and wake up from this dream.

Havens Salvation 5-2 Lay on McDuff

Havens Salvation


Lay on McDuff

Misha Nova

My benefactress Maggie is said to teach one of the highest levels of discipline and integrity practiced in magical arts. I took that to heart, that is why I sought her out. Unlike many I am an old soul and I do remember the cost of being sloppy in the integrity department. So this time through I was determined not to stain my soul by breaking the rules. My strictness governing my performance is what gives me strength and power of purpose, I am determined to follow the stringent code of conduct that I was taught.

A Friend in Need Part 6

A Friend in Need
Part 6 Life Goes On

This part of the story is again told from Christina's (used to be Tony) side of the story and it continues to follow Christina as she really begins her new life after the wonderful first day of femininity.
This part of the story does contain some sex and some violence, I have not gone into graphic detail, just enough for the storyline so please be advised.

The Family that Plays Together, part 04 of 10

I leaned way over to get a closer look at my reflection, and suddenly there was a splash of water that blinded me for a moment, and something was grappling my arms and shoulders, pulling me down into the water.

My Super Secret Life-35.

My Super Secret Life-35.


I shoot her the occasional glare even though she’s out of it she still shot over a dozen people despite my and Champion’s best efforts.

I didn’t realize how hard I was holding my breath and clenching my jaw until the EMT’s got here.

Sunny kind of surges a bit inside of me because there’s a lot of blood and then I see the cover some people up…like fully up.

I want to cry somewhere…for what? For money?

Everyone there looks at me as I scream and boot one of the garbage cans all the way across the tracks and imbeded it into the wall.

*And Now…

Season of Change - Chapter 19

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


A World of Elvish Wonder Ch3

Hearing someone behind him breathing, quickly got to his feet and spun around, causing his hair to fly in front of his eyes, he had at one point had fairly long hair, and thus he instinctually brushed it behind his ear, he was surprised at the angular shape of his ears, it was at this point he realised he was an elf! He gasped, his face burning red, as he saw two women standing in front of him, incredibly embarrassed, he noticed one of them had golden blond curls draped down to her mid back, and was quite a bit shorter than him but no less stacked.

A Friend in Need Part 4

A Friend in Need Part 4

Christina's Story I

This is the story after the change of lives from Christina's (who used to be Tony) point of view there is some sexual content but the story mainly concentrates on the emotions and differences that Christina feels by being a woman. If you have not read the other parts of this story this may not make much sense.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

Reorientation + Author’s Commentary

Reorientation + Author’s Commentary

In a world almost but not quite like our own where bodies change on a monthly basis, a young woman feels conflicted about her sexuality.

Originally published as part of the anthology, "Irresistible, Kissable: A TG Mixed Tape"

For Friends and Family Part 4

For Friends and Family Part 4

Nichola Arrives
Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.

This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman, in this part surgery, which transformation him into Nichola is completed.

This is a prime example of leaving something part way through, I mixed up parts 3 and 4, so to maintain continuity I have swapped them around apologies to all - it's the blond in me coming out.

South of Bikini 2: E2- Danger, Developments, and Confusion

There appears to be a stow-away within USS Detroit’s crew. After returning Sand Dollar to 1944, Alex mysteriously collapses. Finding herself back in 1942 and in someone else’s body, can she maintain the timeline as she remembers it or will things spiral into nightmare? Can Alex find a way to save one of her beloved sisters?

The Family that Plays Together, part 02 of 10

I had breasts — well, they’d warned me I might be a girl of some kind. And it was hard to be sure in the dim light, but I thought my skin was darker than it was in my real body. But the really important thing was that below the waist, I wasn’t human at all.

The Transformation of Lady James

The Transformation of Lady James
By Lucille Jeanette Smith

Everyone has their paths set in life. We all must follow our preordained plan set by our divine lord. Some lives are different than others. Most people follow them and never question the reason. Most never have to. A select few live in lavish wealth while most are comfortable enough with their lives and thank the Lord for what little they have been given.

A select unfortunate few have their lives take drastic turns they never expected. They never should have had to expect having so much heeped upon them. For those unfortunate few, we do question the reason we were chosen to endure so much misery and suffering. I try to figure out what I did or how I have displeased the lord. I was faithful to his word. I can not figure it out.

I was the son of Lady Jane Gray. I was very proud of what my mother had accomplished in so short of a time. Most wouldn’t have even guessed I was her son. I was sixteen and she was nineteen. No she didn’t have me when she was three. I came from her husbands side, in fact they adopted me when I was very young. For most of my life, my mother was like a very compassionate older sister who cared for me.



Chapter 11


The teens the gang kids he sent in first anointing them with the green light of the angel until it shone in them a little and they headed off to first draw the fire and face the defenders of this place.
The real fighters came next also anointed and braced for war.
“Kill every adult that defies us, be wary of sorcery and capture all that you can and bring them to…there to the auditorium.”
He waited and he could hear some fighting started in there and he could feel the wards being tripped and once the way was clear he nodded to his most loyal followers and headed in with the way safe and cleared for them.
A beatific smile started to spread over his face and he felt the dying starting to happen and he reached with the stone to pull them inside and feed his master…their savior.
More…they needed more and….they needed the children.

*And Now…

For Friends and Family Part 2

For Friends and Family Part 2

Becoming Nichola

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.

This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman, in this part the transformation into Nichola begins.

Irresistible, Kissable: A TG Mixed Tape

Iressistible, Kissable

A TG Mixed Tape

Edited by PersnicketyBitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at strange roadside store. They leave with more questions than answers and a CD labelled "A TG Mixed Tape". Hit play on this collection of short, short tales if you dare and let 11 different voices in TG-Fiction take you to worlds both far flung and almost but not quite like our own; introduce you to Rock Star Vampires, Shape-shifters and the even the Devil herself; and spin stories of remembrance, sex and second chances.

Season of Change - Chapter 18

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.



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