
From Troll To Triumph

From Troll to Triumph

Inspired by Erin Halfelven in the Goddess of Exxor Universe

By Sasha Zarya Nexus
and revised from a story completed 2008/4/2

"What might happen to such a person {'a troll'} who ran a foul of some of the mythical beings who lurk in the back of the BigCloset? :)" ~ Erin Halfelven

Spark - 01 - Undesired Assertions


Undesired Assertions

SALAMANDER, n. Originally a reptile inhabiting fire; later, an anthropomorphous immortal, but still a pyrophile. Salamanders are now believed to be extinct, the last one of which we have an account having been seen in Carcassonne by the Abbe Belloc, who exorcised it with a bucket of holy water.
~ The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

My Super Secret life…Villain-18.

My Super Secret life…Villain-18.

Chapter 18.


Link goes and showers and changes and I get dressed but not as heavily as before but I do pocket several of my toys and tricks for the just in case stuff because who knows what will happen here and stuff but I’m still kind of dressed down. Just my long coat and my combat fatigues and my shirts and hoodie but the hood down and I get some cash and fill several pockets tying TK alarms to them and stuff and Link comes out getting dressed in her usual and we lock up and we head back out into this strange mutant underground city.

*And Now…

A Friend in Need Part 15

A Friend in Need
Part 15. Squaring the Circle

March 2013

As I look at my beautiful daughter feeling the rush of love a mother has when gazing on the innocence of her baby.
Feeling also the intense love for my very gorgeous loving husband.
Remembering the confusion I felt as he recounted the story from when he left me in my gorgeous new nubile female body. (he was Tony, in my old body) To the present day, the confusion, the riot of feelings that flowed through me still lingers

July 2011

Before he started telling me how he had arrived at this point.
I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door. This story was one I wanted to hear in full; as I was still very confused with the way I felt about him.

I got back into bed saying "right, we should be left alone; now I want to hear everything! You hear me everything about the last seven months" I was looking at him staring into his eyes, he nodded and replied, "right everything and I promise that I'll be totally honest."
I snuggled back into him "right, now where were you" I prompted him.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 4

TEASER PART 4: Abigail experiences the ramifications of the simple kiss as a burgeoning yet confused sexuality takes hold. Meanwhile, the divide between husband and wife widens as their roles within the slowly crumbling union are irrevocably altered. Yet, as all hope seems lost, and the first day of high school looms, a potential cure to Darren’s unique condition surfaces.

The Family that Plays Together, part 09 of 10

“I am so close,” he said, hissing with frustration. “I could feel Serenikha’s soul returning — but it would not lodge securely in her body, your own was still tethered there.”

Becoming Christine -6-

Author Note: Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I came home safely from being over-sea's and have been going thru a divorce for the last 2 years.

Becoming Christine
Part 6

by Chrissyfire

A Friend in Need Part 14

A Friend in Need
Part 14. Reaching for the Stars

March 2013

I fed my baby and said goodbye to my gorgeous husband, as he was going to London today. Picking up a cup of coffee and Chloe we went out onto the terrace overlooking the clear blue sea off the Cornish coast (where we now live) and thought more about when we first met

Bishop: Procession

Amy turns Maggie around and kisses her gently on the lips, and Maggie melts into her arms and holds her tight.

“I was so lucky when I found you,” she whispers, and Amy smiles.

“Not as lucky as I was to find you.”

“I’m lucky to find you both.” Finn’s voice comes over their comm units, startling them both. “Especially since you keep hiding yourselves away to whisper sweet things to each other. It’s almost time for you two to make your entrance. Are you ready?”

Bishop grins and gives her best girl a squeeze.

“Yes, Michael,” she replies, looking into Amy’s eyes, “Let’s go make Harlan Straker cry.”

Bishop: Procession

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2014 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 3

PART 3 TEASER: With the arrival of the school attendance letter, Darren’s grasp on his former adult life is tenuous. Despite this setback, he hatches a plan to regain his status, and the prospect of salvation through legal emancipation becomes a reality. Should he fail, however, come September, he will face true horror- a second trip through high school. As this is happening, Abigail has her day in court. Through it all, Abigail experiences the powerful effects of what she hopes is simply a harmless crush.

The Family that Plays Together, part 08 of 10

But why did my tail feel so weird? I looked down and saw it was split — that’s how it felt at the time. I wasn’t thinking of them as legs, but as something that had gone wrong with my tail. And when I tried to slither forward, my tail impossibly went in two directions at once, and I fell and hit the floor with a painful thud —

Havens Salvation Chapter 7-1 Bits and Pieces

Havens Salvation
Bits and Pieces

Ann as when James Meet Her the first time After Battle
Havens Salvation
Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copy Rite 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.

The rapid fire pace of the last two weeks continue. Some problems solved. New Problems develop. New Allies discovered, and a nasty villein in the shadows. Oh My.

Purple Pimp or Kneel

The Third Street Saints have been in numerous turf wars over the year against other gangs, the authorities, and even an alien empire. Maybe Father Time should have thought twice before he messed with their rackets.

A Friend in Need Part 13

A Friend in Need
Part 13. Passion Awoken

March 2013

I must have drifted off to sleep as the sound of the alarm woke me, it was Monday and Clive had to go to work, Chloe was still asleep and that pig of a husband of mine had slept through the alarm, I considered waking him up by arousing his love shaft and having an early morning pleasure trip; but a little mewl from the cot forced me to change my mind, so I kissed him passionately and woke him up.
I slipped on my heavy satin dressing gown and picked my baby up to change and feed her while Clive showered and got ready for the day.

FTL-23...Faster Than Life.

FTL-23...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 23

There is a difference between writing a report and then writing a paper on something. The reports come with forms and they want clear answers to questions posted in the forms to prompt you with events and things that were happening.

But to write a paper on something well especially that’s not about a topic that you’re learning about in training or classes.

Fifteen hundred plus years of civilian cut and paste and reference and link to culture did not prepare me for actually trying to sit down and to try and go through all the stuff that I was thinking when I had the idea to use the drones the way that I was doing and to take all that chaos and emotion and to turn it into a tactical paper.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 2

PART 2 TEASER: Darren Lawrence, seemingly now trapped within the body of a teenage girl, copes with an adult world that no longer sees him as one of their own. As Darren begins to defiantly push back at the world that has rejected him, he experiences surprising success and crushing failure. His marriage is tested further with a decision that will challenge the fledgling union. Worse still, his actions, once firmly grounded in logical and reasoned thought, show a surprising lack of judgement.

The Family that Plays Together, part 07 of 10

“I’d never had wine before. They don’t let kids my age drink it, back home. But when Pientao gave me a cup I thought I’d better drink it to be polite and to stay in character, because for all I know Serenikha drinks it all the time and it would look suspicious if I said I didn’t like it.”

A Friend in Need Part 12

A Friend in Need
Part 12. Christina Life and Love

This part of the story, or saga as it is becoming concerns Christina and how she manages with her new life it starts after Tony and Christina part and carries on through until Christina meets her husband to be Clive.
Thank you for your kudos, which I really treasure.


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