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until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation. "The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival. What will happen when he learns of her secret? Will he spurn her? Love her? Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo. Christine's Love
Part 1
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.
Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Monday 12-05-2011 at 07:47:42 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena
Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from The model(s) in this image is in / and are no way connected with this story nor supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The model(s) use is solely used for the representation of looks of the main character(s) of this particular story. ~Sephrena
Divider licensed for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.
Historical Versions: Originally posted at Fictionmania in 2003, and on BigCloset TopShelf in 2011 and Retro Classiced by same site in 2015. ~Sephrena.
Legalities: This work is the copyrighted material of the respective author. ~Anon Allsop.

Chapter 1
The cool chill of fall hung in the air, frost lightly covering the windshields of the parked cars along the street. As I motored along, I watched a swirl of leaves roll behind my car's passing. A hint of smoke from burning leaves clung to the air as I tapped on the steering wheel, listening to the tunes on my radio, even in this seemingly happy setting I was slightly sad. Nick, the friend I had all through school had suddenly left during the summer for the west coast to live with his grandparents.
Normally I wouldn't have gotten upset at all, except that when he left, he didn't even say goodbye. In fact, I haven't heard from him for the past two months... so it wasn't a surprise to find me rolling through his neighborhood on my way from the campus where I started attending College this semester.
I turned onto his street, slowing down in front of his house. His kid sister was playing in the front yard. "Hey Melissa!" I shouted to her, hoping that she would come over so I didn't have to get out.
"Hi Hunter, what's up?" the 11 year old shouted back.
"You never did get me the address where I can reach Nick!" I shouted from within my Mustang. "You were supposed to be getting it for me!"
"Oh...that's right, sorry about that. Uh...when I spoke to Nick last, he said to just e-mail him and he would respond to it as soon as he could. He said you already had it so I didn’t bug him any further."
She began to walk to the passenger door of my car and lean against it.
"Can't I just have a phone number? It’d be a lot easier." I asked.
Her eyes darted away quickly. "He said that it would be easier to reach him through e-mail or Instant Messenger." She looked at her feet then continued, "Our Grandparents are kind of weird; I think Nick's afraid that he wouldn't get the messages if you phoned." She looked at me with her big blue eyes, and then smiled. "He even said that writing him would most likely be a problem since he felt that they would only throw away his mail."
I rubbed my hand on my rough stubbly chin. "What the heck did he do that would've caused him to move in under conditions like that with them?" I wondered aloud.
"You do have his e-mail, right?" Melissa broke my concentration with her question. "I can get it for you if you need it."
"No, that'll be okay... I have it." I smiled and shook my head. "I'll leave you to whatever you were doing... see ya later kid."
She backed up from my gleaming red Mustang and watched me drive away.
I drove on home wondering of the reasons that could have caused Nick to move away. "Maybe he decided to go on to College out there?" I reasoned with myself. "That's probably it... but he had said that he would attend the local University." I was going to end up giving myself a headache trying to figure out what happened to him.
Before I realized it, I was turning onto my street and pulling into the driveway of my home. I didn't feel bad about living here with my folks, they were giving me a free ride as long as I would go to college here in town... and that was okay with me.
I bounded up the front steps and saw my mother washing dishes, only to place them into the dishwasher after she was finished. I laughed to myself at her redundancy and kissed her warm cheek from behind. She spun around with a twinkle in her eye. "Are you just getting home from school?" she asked.
"It's College Mom, school is for kids." I leaned against the counter.
"Whatever... have you eaten?" She was sounding like the Mother she was.
"I'm not really hungry right now... I think I'll wait until supper." I shook my books in the air. "Besides, I have a bunch of reading to do."
"Ok honey, I'll call you down when it's ready." She returned to her chore and left me to start my studies.
I climbed the stairs to my bedroom and flopped down on the little twin bed of mine and began to read. Throughout the rest of the afternoon I read and read, stopping only to eat and use the restroom. I finally closed the book, finishing the three chapters that I was required to read for class tomorrow.
Pushing the books to the end of the bed I turned my alarm clock towards me, "11:30!"...jeesch, wasted one whole day reading all of that crap. I slowly rubbed my palms over my tired face, when I lowered my hands... I spotted the computer.
I figured I could see if Nick was online, maybe if I was lucky, I could catch him on instant messenger. I crossed the room and pressed the button to start my computer, the deep bass note resounded throughout the room causing me to smile. "Sure hope Mom and Dad weren't trying to sleep."
I waited until the computer booted itself up, pulling out my chair I seated myself down and launched the Instant Messenger. I waited, then smiled when I saw Nick's screen name appear.
"Hey Dude... how's it hanging?"
"Who is this?" was his reply.
"Hunter!" I suddenly realized that he wouldn't have known my new screen name...
"Oh...whatever happened to just using the word... Hunter," he replied.
"Got tired of it. Chose College-boy instead." I added a smiley at the end.
"Hunter is easier to remember." He also added the smiley.
"You going to school out there?" I asked.
"I saw your sister today..." I pressed send.
"So did I."
I was surprised to see that message and wanted to find out if he was in town.
"You at home?"
"Uh... no... why?" he typed back.
"How could you have seen your sister if you're out in California with your Grandparents?"
I scratched my head and typed, "You just said that you saw your sister today... how could you if you're living with your Grandparents!"
"Oh... I'm looking at her picture right now. Sorry about that," he apologized.
"Hey no problem... been a long day here too!" Again I added a smiley.
"Been seeing any good looking women out there?" I asked.
"Unfortunately, every day!"
"Nothing unfortunate about that!" I responded.
"Depends on how you're looking at it," he added.
"Oh come on, all of those California Honey's have to be looking pretty sweet after all of these plain Jane's we have here!" I kidded.
"I'm really not in the 'looking mood' right now."
"A bit homesick?" I typed back.
"Maybe... but right now, they just aren't interesting to me at all."
I shook my head and typed back, "You must be coming down with something, not being interested in all the fine women out there!"
"Something like that..." was his reply, then he added, "I have to get going... I start a new class in the morning and it's pretty early."
"Yeah, I have an early class tomorrow too. I guess I should be going to bed myself." I pressed send, then quickly typed another. "You going to be back online tomorrow night?"
"Should be, unless the homework is too much." Then a slight pause. "Why?"
"I thought we could talk again... better than sending e-mail's back and forth."
"Sounds good... I guess I'll talk to you later... gotta go! Bye!"
"Bye!" I replied back, then quit the program and shut down the computer and headed to bed. At least he answered one question I had... "So at least he's going to College out there, I wonder which one he's attending?"
I slipped into bed and turned out the light, morning would come too soon for me.
Chapter 2
I was in a really good mood as I walked across the campus toward my morning class, especially since I was able to get hold of Nick after all these weeks. I approached the large glass doors that led into Bonaventure Hall where my class was held and noticed a pretty faced girl out of the corner of my eye. She and I reached for the door at the same time causing me to bump her and almost ran into the brick column around the door.
"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't see you until almost the last second."
"That's okay," she spoke, looked at me, then turned her face quickly away.
I held the door for her to enter, it was the least I could do. "Ladies first." I waived my hand for her to pass.
"Uh... thanks," she mumbled.
She was carrying her books up high as if to hide her pert breasts, almost as if on cue two overly excited guys raced by and down the stairs, rounded the corner directly into her path.
Her slight build causing her to fly backwards, books flying all the way across the hall. I lunged out to try to intercept her fall, but ended up on the floor myself. She struggled to her feet and glared at the two fellows who raced their way out the door and towards the parking lot.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"I guess... I'm fine," she sighed.
I kept watching her just to see if she really was okay, and I could have sworn that she was fighting back tears. "You sure? They practically ran you over."
She looked away quickly and started to pick up her books and papers, "Here, let me help you pick up your stuff," I offered.
"That's really not necessary..." she said over her shoulder.
I smiled, handing her a notepad laying next to my foot. "You're right, it's not necessary... but, I want to help."
She glanced toward me for a moment, gave me a shy smile and nodded quickly looking away. "...Uh...thanks."
I took that moment to assess the qualities of this young woman, she was pretty in a 'girl next door' sort of way. If she wouldn't be into that 'grunge' sort of look, she'd probably be cute. What was it with girls who try to distance themselves from their femininity... it's such a shame. Her profile showed that she had some real decent potential... if she would only use a bit of makeup and maybe do something with her hair. I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra and that added to her charms, with the right clothing... she could be a real looker.
I was holding one of her books when I realized that it was also for a class that I was taking. "Hey... looks like we have one thing in common."
She glanced up, tucking a stray blonde hair behind her ear. "And what would that be?"
"We both are in Marketing..." I held up her book and raised mine up for her to see. For a moment she had a panicked look in her pretty blue eyes. I handed them to her and she gently removed it from my grasp, brushing her diminutive and dainty hands against mine.
I stood up and offered my hand to her, she declined and stood up on her own. "Thanks for your help." It didn't take a brick to the side of my head to see that she was a bit stand-offish, so I nodded my reply back to her. She kept looking away, trying not to make eye contact with me... I just assumed she was shy.
"Well, I hope to see you around campus from time to time." I lowered my head so I could see those lovely eyes of hers. "I'm always looking for a good friend. I again offered her my hand in an attempt to introduce myself.
She shot me a quick glance and looked out a window as if she were a caged frightened animal, I figured that in her past... some guy really hurt her... bad. I tried to make her smile but she wasn't going for it so I straightened up. "Well, I'll see you around."
Her look never rose up nor met my eyes. "Uh... yeah okay."
I watched her turn and quickly walk away, but curiously, we were headed in the same direction. What was it about this girl that held my interest? Sure, she was new and pleasant to look at... but something about her was strangely familiar. I watched her walk along in her baggy jeans dragging the floor, she seemed to be wearing so much over-sized clothing that you couldn't tell whether she was a girl or an extremely effeminate guy. Constantly watching around her as if terrified of being in public.
I smiled and under my breath said, "Oh those hidden charms..." but I knew... guys don't have breasts like she did... no sir, those were the real deal. That caused me to chuckle to myself as I continued on my way to class. But still I couldn't help thinking that she was a bit odd, always cowering in fear as she walked... almost as if she would break out in a run at any moment.
I took my seat in the big lecture hall, opened my notebook and watched people file into the room. Scanning at the screen centered in the front of the room, I began to write the notes on display in an attempt to get a jump on today's lecture.
In a few minutes, the Professor walked in and began speaking on the economy and how marketing can effect it. During a moment where he was taking questions, I turned to see one student try and expound on a theory... that's when I noticed, sitting just beyond, was the girl that I met earlier.
She was sitting there staring intently at her hands, off in her own little world, paying no more attention to the subject than the vast majority of us. She ran her slender hand through her hair a few times then began to play with her earring. I found myself soon becoming more interested in watching her than the subject that the Professor was lecturing on... besides, she was much better to look at than he was.
She stretched out causing her baggy shirt to reveal a bit of her smooth flat stomach, I smiled when she quickly pulled it back down and looked around. The fear of her catching me looking, caused me to quickly turn my head and lock on the Professor.
After a long while I again glanced back over toward her, she looked bored as she slowly played with one of her long golden curls. I smiled at her, knowing that she would probably hate knowing how she was turning me on. She had a very lovely profile and it was such a shame that she was hiding it with all of those loose ugly clothes, even a minor bit of makeup could bring out the beauty that was hidden.
She was a very normal looking girl, without makeup she was above average... with it, who could tell. I just knew that she was pretty and I wanted to know more about her. She wasn't tall but rather leaned toward the small stature, her fingers were long and slender. Her golden hair, waves abounding, fell down around her shoulder blades. I let my eyes drink in her attributes more, she wasn't what any guy I had ever known would call...busty, but rather pleasing. As my father always said, "More than a handful is too much." I tend to agree with him.
She had slender looking thighs and long legs. "I wonder what she looks like in a bikini?" I thought to myself causing me to smile outwardly. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching.
I caught sight of the Professor glance toward the clock making me do the same, class was almost over and I pretty much ignored his lecture. But for the girl, I desperately wanted to know her name... I was finding her strangely attractive and I hoped that I could make amends for our rocky introduction.
As soon as class ended, we began to file out of the room. I hurried and tried to catch up with her, although once I reached the doorway, I could find no sign of her anywhere. I was a bit dejected, but I knew that there would be more chances later, provided I didn't scare her away. I had 45 minutes until my next class started on the third floor of the same building so I decided to head onto the student lounge and have a look around.
While digging for some change, I noticed her sitting by herself on the other side of the room, staring toward a group of girls flirting with some young stud. She seemed interested in what they were doing. But, from where I was standing, I wasn't sure if she was pleased or upset... the look on her face wasn't giving her away either.
"My luck, she's probably a lesbian..." I sighed to myself. Then decided that how ever she lived her life was up to her... it wouldn't change how I treated her. Besides, she looked like she could use a friend and I was determined to be one. I quickly dropped the money into the machine and pressed the button, once retrieving the pop, I crossed the room toward her. As soon as she saw me, her shoulders seemed to wilt and she pressed her face into her hands. "Okay, that doesn't look promising..." I muttered under my breath.
I slid into the chair opposite her and sat my pop down. "Do you mind if I sit here?"
Through her fingers she sighed, "Would it matter?"
"Well...yeah, I guess it would," I replied smiling.
She sat there covering her face from my view, causing me to tap on her forehead. "You can come out if you want... I won't bite," I kidded her.
"It's not that..." she sighed.
I interrupted her. "Hey, I could care less what lifestyle you choose... you look like you could use a friend." I leaned against the back of my chair. "So here I am."
I heard her laugh, the light musical sound like tiny wind chimes dancing in a light breeze. "That's a start," I thought to myself, cleared my voice and softly spoke, "So, are you new around here?" I tried to entice her into a conversation, so when she looked up I gave her the best smile I could.
"Yes... and no," she replied pulling her hands away and placing them on the table. She didn't look uninterested, but rather unsure of me. She drummed her slim fingers upon the table and made a wry face, but still kept looking away from me.
"You don't need to be afraid of me... and I am a really good listener," I laughed.
She looked at me and smiled, God she had a beautiful smile. I kept thinking of ways to make her smile for me. "Most girls seem to really like talking to me... why don't you try me out for a spin?" I smiled and placed my hands on the table, playing with the condensation building on the outside of my pop can.
"I'm not 'most' girls... uh..." She seemed to hesitate for a moment so I quickly assumed that she was waiting for me to give her my name.
"Now I'm hurt..." I smiled. "Hunter... Hunter Rogers." I quickly thrust out my hand.
"I know..." she replied almost instantly, then seemed shocked to have blurted it out, but still hesitated taking the hand that I offered. I had almost dropped it back to the table when she gently reached out and grasped it.
"Oh... now I see, you've been checking up on me." I smiled; at least I felt she was interested... I knew that I was, in her. "So, do you like what you know so far?" I gave her the best boyish grin and leaned against the table on my elbows.
She looked right at me and laughed, "You're impossible..." Her beautiful blue eyes seemed to penetrate deep into my soul... I was hooked.
For a moment I could see the iron persona that she had built around herself slowly melting away. She fidgeted with a book that was lying next to her hand, causing me to glance down at her dainty and feminine fingers. I sat and spun my can around creating little ringlets of water to collect on the table; nothing was said for almost a full minute. My mind replayed the touch and feel of her tiny hand as she shook hands with me, for such a petite woman... she had a very confidant grip. Which isn't uncommon... but it was strange with the recent vibe I had received from her.
She looked up at me from time to time, I felt drawn into those cool pools of blue that were her eyes... God she had gorgeous eyes. Even without make-up, she had very dark and long eye lashes curving gracefully upward. Her cheeks had a country glow that would do any cover-girl proud. I could sit here and drink her natural beauty forever.
I looked toward the clock on the wall; shoot... class would be starting soon. Suddenly I was depressed, I had to know more about this girl. I gave her a smile and sat more upright in my chair. "Uh... I never did get your name!" I spoke softly. "Don't you at least owe me that?"
She had a momentary look of surprise pass over her pretty face, and then almost as soon as it appeared it left. Her eyes sparkled and reflected the light from above as this time she offered her hand to me. "Christine... Christine Hatfield."
"Well, Christine Hatfield...pleased to meet you." I extended my hand to hers, her skin was cool to the touch, the dainty hand was quickly engulfed in mine. Again my eyes darted toward the clock, I felt saddened that I would have to rush away from the captivating creature and go sit in another boring lecture. Only this time I was sure that my mind would be elsewhere. I slowly began to stand up and push my chair under the table. "Unfortunately I have a class starting in about 10 minutes... but I was wondering... if..., could I call you sometime?" I thought it couldn't hurt to try, maybe I could sway her into a date or two.
"Not yet... I'm not ready for that right now," she refused me politely. I felt the air suddenly escape from my balloon, but I put on a front and showed her nothing.
"Well then, maybe I'll be seeing you around?" I picked up my pop and books, "Now that you know me... can I say hi to you when I see you around?"
She laughed... her sweet music danced within my ears. "I'm not that terrible... am I?"
I smiled at her, and with a glance toward the clock, nodded and slowly walked away. Just as I rounded the corner I looked back, she was watching me leave. Upon her beautiful face she had a most confused look.
Chapter 3
It was around 11:00 p.m. when I threw aside my books and fired up the computer, heading straight toward launching Instant Messenger. In a moment, I could see Nick's screen name sitting there where I found it yesterday.
"Hey Nick!" I began.
"Hey Hunter! How's it hanging?"
"About the same as always...a little to the left." I laughed as I typed.
"I wouldn't know..."
I laughed out loud at his reply.
"So, how was your day?" I figured we had to start somewhere.
"Not bad..."
"How was yours?" his message popped up.
"I just about ran over some girl entering the building this morning," I replied.
"Yeah, she was knocked into me by some stupid guys running," I typed.
"...anybody hurt?"
"I don't think so... her pride maybe." I thought about her some, and then continued, "She seemed more embarrassed than anything."
"Are you sure it was embarrassment?" he replied.
"If not that... then what would have been her problem." I pressed submit.
"Maybe she thought you were trying to feel her up when you fell with her..." His logic was a bit interesting.
"Well if that's the reason, it's unfounded. Not that I wouldn't have minded though!" Again I added the smiley.
"Actually I found her to be quite attractive... in a girl next door sort of way."
"No kidding... how so?" Nick was a man of very little words.
"She was really pretty..." I typed and hit send almost as fast. "Blue eyes, great smile..."
"No kidding?" His message emerged quietly.
"Yeah... between you and me. I thought she was pretty good looking!" I hit send.
"You seem very enamored with her after meeting her just once..." His message dripped with sarcasm.
"Maybe... there are stranger things that could happen," I shot back.
Again his message popped up. "Fat chance trying to get a date with her!"
I frowned. "Now how in the hell would you know?"
All that appeared on my screen was a smiley face. I thought for a moment then typed, "Why wouldn't she like me? What's not to like?"
Two words popped up, dripping with sarcasm. "Oh... puhleeezzzzzeee!"
"Maybe she's the one?" I smiled and pressed send.
"The one what?" he shot back.
"The one that I'll marry!" I stabbed the enter button.
"...sure." Was his only reply, then he prodded. "Tell me more about her..."
"Why tell you any'll just try and steal her when you come back to visit!" I retorted.
"Not hardly... tell me more."
I continued, "She's good looking... but when I met her, she was wearing those clothes like someone who was into that grunge look."
"Maybe she's just not into anything feminine." His comment caught me off guard.
"Well, now that you mention it, I did think that her pendulum swung to the left but after talking to her later in the day... I'm not so sure."
"I don't understand..." was his only comment.
"I thought she was gay," I typed out.
"Now what would the way she dresses and how she treated you make you think of her as gay?" I was surprised to see his reply.
"What makes you the authority..." I laughed, and then realized that he did live in California now.
"And... if she was... would that keep you from being her friend?" His question made me happy that I had already decided to be her friend.
I answered him, "I've already made up my mind that if she wasn't interested in dating..." I hit send, and then quickly typed, "...we could just be friends."
"Good for you!"
I smiled as I read his comment.
I continued, "Still... with a little bit of effort, I think she could be quite attractive."
"How so?" he questioned me.
"Oh, maybe by dressing just a bit more feminine..." I responded, and then added, "Maybe a little make-up."
"Would that ever be enough?" His message almost popped up as soon as I sent mine out. Then again, even before I could reply. "What if she didn't want to wear that stuff?"
"Oh come on Nick, doesn't every girl have a decent pair..." I laughed when I accidentally hit the key to send it halfway through my typing.
"...of feminine jeans that she could wear with a nice shirt," I continued.
"I'm glad you finished that sentence... I wasn't sure where you were headed."
I laughed as I read this comment from Nick.
"You know the funny thing Nick? I just felt at ease talking to her... she seemed so comfortable to talk to."
"Someone to listen... none of the pressure?" he asked.
"That was it. She was great, I really didn't want to go to my next class." I wondered to myself then
typed, "I hope she enjoyed meeting me, I'd love to ask her out."
Almost a full minute passed before Nick sent anything. "You there?" I hit send.
I kept watching to see if his connection may have broken, when another message finally appeared.
"Did you get her name?"
"Yeah... Christine Hatfield," I replied.
"You didn't recognize her?" Nick asked.
"No, but she looks a bit familiar to me though."
"She should... she's my cousin." My eyes widened in surprise as I read Nick's last message.
"You're shitting me... Really, she's your cousin?" I just couldn't believe it.
"In fact she's living at my house..." As I read his message, I wondered why Melissa didn't say anything when I stopped over.
"So... then you should know, Nick... is she available?" I had to know whether I stood a chance with her.
"That depends on what you mean?" I wrinkled my brow as I read his message.
"Is she dating anyone?" I hoped he would know.
"I'm sure she isn't... she's just going through a difficult time right now."
"Please don't tell me its drugs?" I was hoping I would like his reply.
"No, she's certainly not a user."
I sighed with relief when I read that. "Then why is she living with your folks?"
Again a long pause. "She wanted to go to college but living where she did; she would have to pay extra for dorms..." As I read, another message popped up. " that's why she moved in with my family."
"Do you think she'd go out with me?" I typed quickly, and then sent it.
"I doubt that she would," he responded.
"Too young?" I hit send.
"She's the same age as I am, she's not too young," his message popped up quickly.
Then it really dawned on me. "She already has someone..."
"No... hardly." His message was short and to the point.
"Pregnant?" I was fishing for answers.
"Oh god no... not that either!" popped up suddenly, then followed quickly by, "Look Hunter, she's not the kind of girl for you... trust me."
"Can't I decide that for myself?" I hit send and waited.
"You're a great guy and all, but I think you should just forget about her." His message glared out at me.
"Is she a bit on the wild side?" I laughed and continued, "I like wild women..." He knew I was just kidding....
"She's about as wild as I am... so, don't get your hopes up." I laughed as his message appeared, knowing that Nick was about as wild as my Grandmother.
I sat and stared at the screen for a few seconds then typed, "No, seriously Nick... I would love to show her that I'm not one of those guys that wants to get into her pants." I pressed send hesitantly, then continued, "She needs to know that not every guy out there is only interested in sex with her... that's not my scene."
"I doubt if she thinks that way about you Hunter, she's just unsure about who she is..." I was confused but I let it go after reading that message.
He knew a bunch more than he was letting on... she must be in some real trouble to be living with Nick's folks and not with her own. Suddenly, a message popped up on my screen,
"Hey man, I have to get..." then followed by another, "Have class tomorrow."
"No problem... same time tomorrow?" I was getting tired and needed to sleep.
"Same time... later."
"Later..." I pressed send and quickly shut down the program and computer.
Chapter 4
I took a chance by driving past Nick's house early in the morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of Christine. The house looked quiet. "Nuts..." I complained to myself. I turned the corner and headed on toward the Campus when I spied a young female walking toward the nearest public bus stop.
I wasn't sure who I was looking at but I slowed down but by the time I rolled along side of her... I saw that it was Christine! I pressed the button to lower the passenger window. "Hi Christine!" She looked at me and gave me a slight wave.
"Need a lift?" I shouted. She looked down the block where the bus was already sitting, almost as if on cue it began to pull away from the curb. "It'll be 15 minutes before another comes by," I called out.
She contemplated her next move. "What makes you think that I should trust you?"
I didn't know how to take her, but when she gave me a smile I realized that she was joking. "Because I'm a friend of Nick's... what better reason is that?"
She laughed. Her giggle was light and airy like the tinkle of tiny wind chimes. "Oh... now there's a reason."
God she was beautiful. "I promise... I won't lay a finger on you." I took a chance and leaned across the seat to open the door for her.
"It's not your finger that I'm worried about." She laughed and climbed in.
I waited for her to buckle herself in, the seat belt strap crossing gently between her perfect breasts.
"Oh to be a seat belt..." I mused to myself. I put the car in gear and drove off, trying to think of something... anything to talk about.
"I spoke to Nick last night..." I waited to see her response.
"Yeah, I know," she responded while looking out the window.
I shot her a quick glance. "You know?" She seemed surprised by my voice.
"Know what?"
"You knew that I was talking to Nick?"
"Uh... oh that, I was online too," she replied, then turned to again look out the window.
I tried to remember seeing any other screen names while we were talking, but couldn't come up with anything. "So... you know what we were talking about?"
"Yeah." She seemed to be uncomfortable talking.
"And?" I rolled to a stop at a sign. "Would you?"
"Look Hunter, you're a swell guy and all... I just don't think I'm ready for any kind of relationship right now." She fidgeted with the seam on her jeans.
Realizing that she had been online with Nick and I made me suddenly very uncomfortable, I could feel the sweat rise to the surface. "Uh... then you know what we discussed?" Suddenly I felt my palms beginning to perspire.
"Yeah... I'm flattered that you find me... attractive..." She pulled her silky golden locks behind her ear and continued, "…and maybe some day I may be interested... but not now."
I swallowed hard. I felt as if I was caught watching her undress or something, she looked down toward her book bag and gave me a small smile. "Maybe if we had grown up together, like this... it would be different." She gestured with her dainty hand as she spoke.
"Don't you find me at all interesting?" I questioned. "Am I so awful that you could never want to go out for an evening..." I paused for effect. "...Even as friends?"
She looked down at her small feet. "...Well, maybe go out as friends...."
I smiled; at least I had a chance... wait until I tell Nick!
We drove on for a minute or two in complete silence; I could tell she was doing some real hard thinking. For me, I was trying to figure out which screen name she was using when Nick and I were talking. "Uh... Christine?" I continued when she turned her head toward me, "So... what's your screen name when you're online?"
She thought about it for a second. "You'll laugh..."
"Try me..." I smiled.
"It's... Guardian," she grinned.
"That's one of those that Nick used." I turned into the campus lots.
"Uh... yeah, he's letting me use that one until I get my own." She laughed.
"Surely you could come up with one better than that? I could probably make one up for you... I'm pretty good at creating screen names." I gave her a thoughtful look.
"Oh... like College boy?" She giggled which caused me to smile. "Hunter is much better."
"But Hunter's so boring... it's my name for crying out loud." I knew the comment was dripping with sarcasm.
"True. But Hunter could mean so much more." She put her shapely finger to her perfect chin. "Hunter of knowledge... Hunter of great game... Hunter of life..."
"Hunter of love," I added, locking my gaze directly onto her beautiful crystalline blue eyes."
We held that look for a few seconds, not a word was exchanged.
"You sure don't give up easy..." She shook her head and smiled.
"Ask Nick... he would know," was all I said. She looked away and smiled.
"Uh... looks like we're here." I looked back up as she spoke. "Thanks for the lift Hunter." She popped her door open and stepped out. I watched her walking away, she was pretty cute... with very little effort, she would be gorgeous.

End of Part 1
To Be Continued...
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Now to see...
..if my guess is correct...
Every Time I Guess, I'm Wrong
However, I think I may place a few bets. I'll just read the story, and enjoy.
What a treat
This is one of my all time favorites. I have read this many times and it is just as good now as it was the first time. I shall eagerly read each installment. Thank you for putting this up.
Pretty Obvious
I think what happened to Christine and Nick is pretty obvious, but I like how it's written from the perspective of an outsider looking in. This is quite a nice Medallion of Zulo story so far.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
This is one of the stories I love
a lot ^^. Excellent writing and great flow ^^ Hugs Anon!
This is one of the stories I love
a lot ^^. Excellent writing and great flow ^^ Hugs Anon!
between the lines
I have been reading between the lines,and i think i know what is going on,or do I?
between the lines...
You may be right...but in my opinion, the best is yet to come. :D
Anon Allsop
my, oh, my...
He IS slow! hahahahaha. You can tell Hunter isn't a girl! But young Nick is a trifle unthinking and it would give his game away if he/she isn't careful! Am i being silly? I feel pretty sure i'm not.... After all, if they were good pals for most of their recent lives, then SURELY he'd have put two and four together by now, and reached six? After all, he is looking right at his pal, there. No make-up, hair little longer if at all, unusual reactions for a girl, being in Nick's house suddenly, etc? A person's movements, particularly when walking, are a dead give away. Movements are probably more identifiable than voice patterns and looks. Hmmm. Guys!
By the way, You are an amazing writer! Never once do i notice the author in your stories. Always you lead me in with that alluring frisson of mystery that is just enough to captivate my interest. Yes, i, too, really look forward to more of the same. Both continuing this tale, and others. You have a real talent, Anon. Please don't stop now! Thank you for all the effort you must put in to create this beautiful story, and in the editing and polishing it. If i were half as good as you, i'd be over the moon!
Wish I
Wish I had notice that Medallion of Zulo thing. This could just as well been about Nick going out to California to get Dr. O to do FFS which would be why Hunter would not recognise his old friend. Oh well, there are other stories to read.
Medallion of Zulo thing
Hunter didn't recognize his old friend Nick because he (Nick) had accidentally transformed into his cousin 'Christine' from her necklace touching clothes that he had been handling. Up until they met entering the school, Hunter had no clue to what Christine looked like, having never met her before. That is the main reason to why he never recognized her; to Hunter, she was just a pretty girl that he thought he'd like to get to know better. Hope that helps.
Take Care,
Anon Allsop
Anon Allsop
Christine's Love - Part 1
Will be most interesting to see this story continue
May Your Light Forever Shine
This story was Great in 2001 when I read it the first time and I am going to enjoy reading it again in 2015 . Wow just dawned on me I have been around here a long time . KUDOS A.A. thanks for the repost so the youngin can read the great old story for yester year .
Shooting rockets
This is very interesting to read. Falling in love with you old pal.. Lol
This is My Favorite Story!
Although 'A Love So Bold' is Anon Allsop's best (and longest) work, this is still my favorite story of his!