
Waking up

Waking up

Author's note: Just when I thought maybe my muse had found a better host, she came back, and she brought a story with her. I look forward to hearing what people think.

I feel like I should write this down, even if I don’t really expect that anybody would believe me.

Luna 1: Drafted - 7

In this chapter, Luna and the Praetorians begin a pre-match tactical campaign of terror against the Good O'l Boy'z. Along the way, the Praetorians get kitted out with their costumes, Luna learns more about her succubus heritage and receives a detailed lecture on the theory of magic.

Luna 1: Drafted - 6

This chapter is called Revelations for a reason. Luna learns more about the creation of the succubi and their role prior to the Sundering, she also finds out she has a relative on campus. In addition, along with several misadventures, she finally gets her powers properly tested, which produces even more surprises.

The Last Water Nymph Chapter 4


Where is this place?
What am I doing here?
Why am I here?
What happened to me?

To be lost in the world,
How could this happen to me?

The Life and Death of
The Last Water Nymph

Chapter 4: The Black Plume Bandits
By Shinieris

Sky Goddess Chapter 5


What would you do if one day someone asks you, "Do you want to be a god?" What will your answer be? What if you said yes but the god you become wasn't what you expected? Will you regret it?

Miki is now face to face with the meteor. No, literally, face-to-face. Got it? Ha! And she found out she's broke! What to do? What would Warren Buffett do in moments like these?

Sky Goddess Chapter 5
A story of adventure in a fantasy world.

By Shinieris

Luna 1: Drafted - 5

Luna meets her room-mate and makes some desperately needed friends. Unfortunately, her reputation also takes a further a knock, when during the introductory tour, some indiscreet questions are asked about what she has foreseen.


By Anon Allsop

I sat upon a little bench and watched shadows race across the open expanse of the lawn. Deep were my thoughts as my mind filtered out and processed, what had gotten me to this exact place in my life.

Glancing at my watch, I saw the dial reflect the sun as it broke through the cloud that raced overhead. I squinted at the sudden glare, angling the face so I could see the dial. Ten minutes till two. I had forty minutes until I would be forever alone.

FTL-25...Faster Than Life.


It’s one of the best sexual times I’ve ever had and one of the most beautiful moments too as Liz slipped out of the bed and brought us some heated steam damp towels to clean up with and two cups of this hot date drink with coffee blended into it and she slips back into the sheets with me and we’re sipping and we’re spooning and setting the cups out on the little window edge as we snuggle and look out into space together.

It’s one of the best reasons right now I can feel about enlisting as we’re just doing that and the ship does this slow maneuver on its axis to a sideways movement as we’re slipping into an orbital track and I can see this huge grey mass of a moon and space bases on it so close that we can make out the vague city like shapes as it fills our window for almost a full seven seconds and then we’re passed it and then window gets partially filled by this lovely green and white profile of a planet.

I will never get tired of the view of a planet from orbit I don’t think and this is just…it’s the perfect end to a perfect night.

*And Now…

Luna 1: Drafted - 4

Luna's first day full day at Whateley starts off with a bang, and an enjoyable day shopping for clothes. Unfortunately, her growing reputation amongst security's rank and file causes an emotional near breakdown just before she heads off to meet the new crop of fresh young Posies

made the maid

Made the maid.

A few nights ago we had a fight about the state of the house or lack there of
I mentioned the house was a mess and if she couldn't keep it clean
maybe we should hire a professional maid to keep the house tidy.
She yelled at me being home all day I could fill that spot.

The Changing Room

The Changing Room

My name is Richard, no wait, it was Richard. That was then. Then, I was a loner of a man with an identity problem. But as I said, that was then. None of those things apply to me now. Life is much rosier now, and I can thank it down to one unusual but eventful day.

A Mother's Gift

A Mother's Gift

Losing someone you love, is never easy. My mother was just 57 when cancer took her. We were indeed close, but I was close to both my parents. My dad and I spent a few days together, in the days that followed her passing. My girlfriend Jennifer also stood by me in this time of sorrow.

But I didn't realise at the time, that the best days of my life were yet to come, and I owe it to my late mom, for them happening.

Revenge: A Story of Pleasure Island

REVENGE: A Tale of Pleasure Island

By Christopher Leeson © 2014

Version date Jan. 03, 2015

Author's Note: This is a new revision, with some small textual changes and illustrations added. I took a bit of experimentation to figure out how to put in images. I still need to learn how to do tables in BC html, and if I do, things should look even better. These illos are not all the same one appearing in the earlier posting of the story, at This story should serve as a general introduction to the universe of Pleasure Island. If anyone is inspired by it, or by the Mana Universe that it is a part of, they are invited to try their hand with stories of their own. (I'm sure I'd enjoy reading about Pleasure Island without having to do the work of writing the story myself first) :-) Pleasure Island was inspired in me partly from the evil island in the Pinocchio story (aren't we glad that they got off that donkey schtick?) and also by Fantasy Island. I want to keep these stories short, to make them easier to write to a conclusion, but to explore different facets of the subject in each one, and also the different reactions from the boys involved. Carl Boelke is mentioned in this tale; I'm gradually getting a revision of Carl's personal experience ready to post here at BC.

Revenge 1.jpg

One night aboard the Enterprise

One night aboard the Enterprise

Author’s note: This is a sequel of sorts of a story called “The Procrustean Petard” published in an anthology called “Star Trek: The new voyages 2”. Which you can buy from Amazon here:
I’ll try to give enough detail at the start to help those who haven’t read that story ...

Luna 1: Drafted - 3

Fiona unpacks her purchases before heading oft for supper in Crystal hall. There, she makes new friends, an enemy and chooses a code name. Later, she has a first magic lesson from Selene and gets in trouble, (again.)

You Don't Have To.

You Don’t Have To…

My name is Shane and I actually don’t mind my name at all it’s just the rest of me that has extraordinarily been off kilter. I guess it sort of started when I was little but that’s actually kind of hazy and repressed stuff. By repressed I mean there’s stuff that just sometimes that kind of just pops into my head that comes up when I see something that would have been like normal and stuff.

Luna 1: Drafted - 2

Finally arriving at Whateley Academy, Luna realises that maybe she has forgotten something very important. Even worse, Headmistress Carson is determined that steps will be taken to redirect the energies of anyone deemed to have 'Kimba potential'.

Synergy - Chapter One

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Story Img.jpg

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

The White Wolf Chapter -46-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 46

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Synergy - Prologue

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Girl with Sword

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Havens Salvation 11-1 Blowing in the Wind

Celtic Goddess.png

Blowing in the wind

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother ] who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life.
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.


I was gasping, panting and sweating like a cross country runner in Death Valley. I was still too reactive and not proactive enough. So my next move still gasping the thin air around me was to alter the Barrier frequency just enough to create a slicker surface than it usually has. Reducing the purchase the wind could get on the fabric of the Barrier. Who ever was generating this storm was seeking blood, so if I don't think and act fast they may just have enough horses to pull it off., I could not flinch even once. I needed to act as my strength was depleting. Unlike Atlas I could not afford to shrug and wouldn't even if I could.

Kayda 1 - Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight - Chapter 1

Kayda 1 - Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight
Chapter 1

A Whateley Academy Adventure

A high school student manifests in a town that fears mutants, and his life changes in significant ways, including gaining threats against his very life.

The White Squaw

indianWoman_0.jpgThe White Squaw
By Anon Allsop

A young settler is captured by Indians while wearing women's clothing. To keep from being killed, the boy is forced to assume the role of the white female he is pretending to be. Donovan becomes friends with a white female who has been living with the Indians for many years, however, his ruse only worsens as he desperately tries to ward off the amorous advances of his Tehya's step-brother.

From my research on this story, the Osage were as far north as Independence Missouri in 1825. The youth was captured along the Platt River in 1851 by a lone Indian and then taken south for Several days. He had no real idea where he was...he only knew that Indian was in control, and he would die... The Osage Indians at the time of my story, were mostly living in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, however, It would not be beyond the realm of possibility for a single Indian to venture as far north as the Platt River.

The White Wolf Chapter -45-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 45

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.


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