
Mother's Child - Chapter 9

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos, and I apologize for the delay in posting.

The Best Diet Ever

Everyone told Lee that he and Lisa should become an item. The only issue, just because he was heavy, he wasn't interested in having a fat girlfriend.

After Lisa loses all the weight and becomes a "smoking hottie" all bets are off. When Lisa offers Lee a chance to go on the diet she did, he jumps at the chance, but the results weren't quite what he expected.



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Slave of the Fae: Chapter 5

"There is emotional and minor physical abuse in this part. You've been warned."

Sam gave me a long, glittering yellow dress that flared out at the bottom to put on. “Where did you get this?” I asked, holding it up to my chest.

“Since I'm helping you I can get into your room. While you were unconscious I grabbed it. Your red skirt was burned so badly it was practically falling off,” he said.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 4

I walk towards what passes for the infirmary, my arm is bleeding, it's almost severed and none of the little magicks I've picked up will heal it. My thin ebony blade, Crier of Souls, is in my hand despite my wounds. I never know when a fae I've embarrassed or a fellow slave will want to get it's little bit of revenge seeing me in a moment of weakness. I shake my head to get the blood red hair out of my eyes, the greasy, sweaty bangs have to go. Maybe after I get my arm fixed I'll make Sin give me a haircut.

Shattered Glass 4

I just added two new parts to this, so be sure to check it over again.

Ruth checked over her schedule again. It was nice having a structure, it felt safe and secure seeing it all written down on paper. “In Survival, you can ask questions?”

“Yeah,” Rona said, slipping on her pants. “As long as they're on topic.”

“And if you answer a question wrong, what happens?” she asked.

Sissy Girl Forever part 2 and 3

Sissy Girl Forever Part two.

No going back now.

Mistress was going to be certain that there would be no turning back for me. Over the next few weeks she made certain that I used my hormone cream daily. No my breasts haven't started to grow yet but I could notice some slow down in hair growth. My male wardrobe seemed to be dwindling, with more camis, blouses, soft pullovers and ladies pants taking their place. Of course I have only had pretty panties and tight girdles for underwear for many years already.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 17

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


In the pre-dawn light, the train was slowly coming to life. Families had eaten and were now hitching their mules, horses and oxen to them. Hannah was holding Em and standing beside Gideon, while Cade sat on the back of the near mule watching.

“What do we do with the little cart?” she asked, capturing a loose lock of hair and tucking it behind her ear.

“I’d love to take it with us, but we’re going in some real rough country soon and I’m afraid it will just drag us down.” He looked past Hannah to the cart where it sat off the side of the trail.

Hannah sighed, then turned to also look at the cart. “We can leave it; perhaps someone else could use it for repairs or may have use for it in some way.”

Gideon had been watching her, remembering to what she had done only last night, his mind dwelling on what his heart wanted him to do to, and for her. But alas, it wasn’t to be… for as soon as she could, she would be gone. He couldn’t help studying the curve of her form, mesmerized in the beauty she possessed. Her wavy red locks drifting in the morning air, she was so much like ‘his’ Hannah…and yet, nothing like her.

Mother's Child - Chapter 8

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

Shattered Glass 1

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Rona is from the novella "Never", and Ruth is from the novella "How Far", both of them have been in very bad situations previous to this story, and it will really help to read both of them before reading this one. Don't worry, this story isn't as quite as dark as their origin stories.

Mercy chapter 1


This is fan fiction of the Whateley Academy universe. I hope you like it.

No one noticed the smaller boy with the thick glasses as he navigated the hallways of his high school.

Which was exactly how he wanted it.

Being invisible beat the alternative.

His name was Matthew Marshall, and he had dealt with enough pain already, so he had no desire to add to it by getting attention.

Fate Sucks Chapter 14: Whateley Version

I spent a week in the hospital and lying in bed at home before they let me go to school. My time was spent doing homework, reading the lectures from class, going over class notes sent to me by friends, and studying magic with Mo Shu Shi. I had to go back on Wednesday for the doctors to check my hand, remove some more bone splinters, and see if they had to take off any more of my hand, but it was healing so nicely thanks to my continual charge that they decided to leave it alone.

Fate Sucks Chapter 12: Whateley Version

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

How Far

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

This is a story I wrote recently in a dark place. I'm not really happy with it, but I like it enough that I think with some changes it could really work, and I love the character idea. My problem is do I make it darker, or ease up? Suggestions would be appreciated.

June, 2000
Near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Fate Sucks Chapter 11: Whateley Version

Downers Pub, Edmonton, Alberta
Morning of March 2nd, 2008

Super Bear walked up to the metal door of the criminal bar that was allowed to remain, so long as no obvious criminal actions happened on the site. It had that special privilege so that the heroes and the villains would have somewhere safe to share information, and no innocents would get hurt if a villain got too drunk one night and decided to cut loose.

Fate Sucks Chapter 10: Whateley Version

The next day it was my birthday and the day that Mrs. Richards left, Kota was seeming more relaxed, and a lot of my fears were becoming lessened. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but talking to someone who'd gone through it and come out happy was a relief. Surprisingly Kota also helped. At first she'd had me thinking I'd be miserable and nothing good would happen with my sex change, but the very tiny bit she was willing to tell me about her family, let me know that I was really lucky to have my parents, even with all the screwed up things.

Fate Sucks Chapter 9: Whateley Version

December 27th, 2007

It was the twenty-seventh, Kota and I were sitting in the living room with Mom waiting for the arrival of the special guest, while Dad, Uncle Herb and Theresa were out having fun. I'm not sure who was more nervous me or Kota. She was wearing her usual baggy jeans and sweatshirt, after spending all of Christmas and the day before in slightly tighter pants and blouses with a sweater thrown over top.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 16

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!


As they rode closer to the wagon train, Hannah looked over toward Gideon, admiring his rugged handsomeness. She knew that she could pull off the ruse; she had been doing it for weeks already, but one little question was in the back of her mind and she wanted to ask it before they got too close to prying ears.

“Gideon?” she asked.

“Hannah?” he said with a laugh and then smiled boyishly to her, and decided now wasn’t the time to kid with her after all that she had been through. He decided that he should respectfully reply, “Yes Hannah, what is it?”

“I’m basically giving up my… let’s just say ‘life’ here… to help you with the children.” She looked at him, studying the expression he would give for asking. “What is in it for me?”

Horizons of the Heart - 26

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2015 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and her friends arrive in the elven capital city of Ral Sona, where they meet with some of Alisan's acquaintances and prepare for a most unanticipated event: a grand ball. Also, Oleander and Jaden makes new friends.

Flashback: A small village plays a large role in events that followed

Fate Sucks Chapter 8: Whateley Version

The next day I had to call my friends and tell them I couldn't see them. I really wanted to, we'd planned to see a couple of movies and relax to some music, but learning how to control my powers was more important. So after breakfast Mom took Theresa and Kota out, while Dad and I went to his office.

Fate Sucks Chapter 7: Whateley Version

Here are the next three chapters pasted together, still not really happy with how it looks, but it's better than I had it before. And the Kota parts were written by me.

Disclaimer, this is Whateley fanfiction, so take it with a grain of salt. And enjoy.

Downers Pub, Neutral Territory,
Edmonton, Alberta,
December 22nd, 2007

Snakes and Ladders-38


“Wondertales from home, I’ve come up with a way to show you how to see them and I can share things from home I hope.”

We I make cheeseburgers with ground meat and as close to the condiments as I could find and the cheese and the buns were easy and frying pan cooked chips now that I know that potatoes are such a thing here and I have chocolate and cookies that are really the closest thing to graham wafers and I bought marshmallows there too and I make smores.

And using some of the sound power ideas from my air horn blast and focusing a light spell as a more of a tube based TV and stuff to show things I create a sphere that lets me show them things.

A little power in my memories to do a recall spell and I show them. “The Secret of Nimh.”

It works and while it’s strange for me to experience it this way basically replaying things from locked up memory wisps it’s so much fun to watch these two be just girls and themselves and just get lost in things.

And snuggling with a truly happy Shaya is pretty awesome too.

*And Now…

Mother's Child - Chapter 7

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 3

Blood and Fire

I looked at Sam, I couldn't believe that he had been a girl. He was huge, even bigger than my Phys ed teacher and he'd been in the NHL. With his dark black skin, buzz cut, brown eyes, hands that looked like they could crush a coconut and legs that were as big around as my waist, there was nothing feminine about him. Not even his dark blue shorts and open, short sleeved shirt looked remotely like what a girl would wear.

Fate Sucks Chapter 5: Whateley Version

The part from Kota's POV was written by NeoMagus from Crystal Hall, and was extremely well done in my opinion, really helping cement the character of Prairie Sun and shaping how the story advanced in the future.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

Edmonton, Alberta,
Late afternoon, December 21st, 2007


South of Bikini 3: Episode 9- Things that go bump...

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel’s missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow ‘poltergeists’ to enjoy the ‘witching hour’? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels’ theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers.

Fate Sucks Chapter 4: Whateley Version

Kota is not my character, on Crystal Hall I had a bit of a contest, and the person who won got to make a character for the story. She was so interesting that rather than just a cameo, she became a big secondary character.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.


This story is told more from the mothers perspective then the MtF teenager. Enjoy.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

November, 2007

Fate Sucks Chapter 3: Whateley Version

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

Vancouver, BC
Early Morning, November 25th, 2007

When I woke up in a hospital bed, I realized that the nightmare hadn't just been in my head. Groan, I really wanted that nightmare to be a some Bit induced dream or something.

Magical Misadventures

This was originally posted on another site, but my muse lost interest. Now I'm trying to reinvigorate my muse. Expect the next chapter in a few days.

Gregor stirred a great boiling pot with the long ivory ladle, ignoring the multicoloured steam that rose from its silvery surface. He focused on the patterns that appeared with each stir, half formed creatures, images from his past, demons reaching out their faces scowling and cursing silently.

Fate Sucks Chapter 2: Whateley Version

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

Vancouver, BC.
November 22, 2007

Fate Sucks: Whateley Version

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

Estelle Young is the daughter of superheroes, and life is interesting enough for her liking. Too bad fate decides she needs some more excitement in her life.

Moose Lake, Alberta, Canada (20km north of Edmonton)
November 20th, 2007

The first sign of the trouble that would make my already interesting life more so, was when my period didn't come.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 5 - Lauren

Amie and Jamie
Chapter 5 - Lauren

Each student had been issued a name tag with her first name in large black lettering. We were told that the tags were to be worn as part of our school uniforms. On Friday, a dark-haired girl whose tag boldly proclaimed her name to be “Lauren” sat across the table from Amie and me. Lauren had an air of smugness about her. She seemed much more interested in the two of us than she was in eating lunch, and she kept staring at us … mostly at Amie. Finally, she asked, “Where ya’ll from?”

Mother's Child - Chapter 6

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I apologize for the delay in posting. I decided to do a last minute rewrite of a couple of scenes.

Slacker Part 5

“Hello Doctor Samuels, I am the AI you postulated,” Said the voice, “you can call me Femi…”


I would like to thank my Beta Readers, for their input and ideas. I'd also like to thank all of you for giving me a place to share my work.
Last but not least, I'd like to thank my lovely Muse, Dani for everything she is.

All characters Copyright 2011 - 2015 BolaDesign Studios. Image Copyright Lego.
Part Five



In which we meet Femi, Doc confronts Esther, Marnie and Sonya go to the Boardstock Trials and we meet Ken and Barbie.
Lego minifigs series 6 SkaterGirl.jpg


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