
Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 2

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 2: "Arrival"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 1

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 1: "The Sapphire Ring"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

Alex & Chris Chapter 65

Alex &Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 65. The School trip to France.

Alison came to see Alexis. “I have been talking to some of the youngsters who have recently returned from a school exchange visit to the south west of France. Saskia and the hobbits were most annoyed at what has been happening. They want to send the imps in to the French to teach them a lesson in hospitality.”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 29

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter29. Cousin Adrienne.

Lucy noticed all the villagers where kneeling down and then crouched right down. She saw a child looking round in awe at what was happening. The child then spoke.

The Vandal

broken-stone.jpgThe Vandal
by Anon Allsop

You may have read this before, I just wanted to have this story linked to my author page.

A car pulled to a stop along a desolate road and turned off the lights. "I don't want to do this, I can't afford to get into trouble - my folks will kill me!"

"Quit being a pussy and come with us!" The drunken teen tossed a bottle out the Ford's window and opened the passenger door. "Come on Abbs, he's obviously not got the nerve to have some fun. Wait here, we won't be long." He picked up the remaining beers and staggered away from the car.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 40

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 40. Willies new Home.

Margarita looked around at her new home. She could look across to where Lucy was now living. The younger children only had to go through a gate and past the Catholic church of St Stephen and walk about 100 metres and they where at school. The older girls on the other hand had to travel half a mile to the bus station and there get the school bus that took them directly to their school.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 24

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 24. Explosion in Sheep town.

Max thought for a moment and said, "Can you arrange transport to take both of them to the Norwegian Consulate in Newcastle and they will take over their care then. If anybody queries these instructions say they came directly from Queen Olga of Norway who is concerned for her brother in law and great niece." Max then telephoned the consulate who promised they would get them to safety.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 23

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 23. Car & Train races

Willie, "Well Duke Brandenburg I think us boys should stick together so I will drive the other train and lets see if we can beat the ladies."

Max carried a very tired Lucy to the stateroom while Louise pushed her sister Lucinda. "You know Lucy is correct about the family. You and Max are ideally placed to both log all those affected and give them a full medical at the same time."

Alex & Chris Chapter 61

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 61 The council official.

On arriving back at home again in Middleham they found it had all changed at Hidden Corner. Terri appeared, “After you left more of your people started to arrive and the builders have been kept busy. Several had to be taken to the hospital, but all is running smoothly now. When you left this column of fire appeared and it seemed to attract all magic beings. It has been burning all the time you were away and appears to have got brighter now you are home.”

The Other Half of My Soul, part 07 of 11

Taylor looked so worried and guilty that I had to give her a hug. “Come on. We can’t do anything until we talk to the Gray One, but for now, you need to relax. How about a game of — Tag! You’re it.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 60

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 60 New high priestess in China.

Alexis and the others went through the tunnel to China and while there visited the temple the Chinese had created. Alexis noticed the vast crowds and also the media vans. She noticed one was from England and walked up to it.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 20

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 20. Visit to Helsinki

"Ladies I thought I had better tell you we will be docking at Helsinki in about an hour, I thought you might like to look around as we missed Stockholm."

Thank you Grandpa we will be glad to look around and Uncle Nicholas is also dying to get ashore.”

“Lucy we will sail through the night so you can have longer in the town and you will be fresh when we arrive in Russia.”

Mother's Child Chapter 12

Sorry for the delay.

Leah is having problems adjusting, but then she meets someone unexpected. Will this meeting help or hurt? Leah's adventures continue.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Queen Gaby & raising the Resurgam Chapter 2

Queen Gaby & the Resurgam
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 2 The School Trip to the Land of Angels.

Wendy. “Your majesty it seems you already know about my cousins and their children?”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 19

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter19. Wendy at the Clinic.

Della showed Wendy where everything was and how to access the records. Then she left, but as she was leaving said, "Doctor I will be back because I need that wedding present for my husband."

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 21


I have one glass to get to my rooms and get cleaned up and then head to Lady Tatiana’s office to meet up with her.
There’s more blood in the things and the pad and I need to wash some more but my underwear was fine and I use the jakes and get cleaned up and then get some more clothes and such and kit myself for this whole damned woman’s mark experience and I head off to go to Lady Tatiana’s office.
There’s a couple of squires outside and they ask me to wait and show me to a bench and one even offers me a cup of tea which I’m grateful to have and sip at it and wait as there’s obviously some business going on and there’s other’s showing up and they have what looks to be a rolling rack of dresses and gowns and other things and the women are looking at me and I’m blushing as I realize that the size of most of these things are sized for me.
Finery female finery and all the kit to go with it from the clothes to the shoes by the look of it to scents and cosmetics.
Oh… oh I was not, definitely not expecting this to be happening and so soon.
I’m not sure that I’m ready to be my sister Gracia just yet.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 17

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter17. Arrival at the military base.

The arrival of Louis Battenberg personal helicopter caused some consternation and alarm at the camp especially when the troops realised they were getting a visit by top brass. It did not take long for the entire camp to be lined up in the parade ground.

Willie took hold of Lucy's hand, "They expect us to inspect them so we have to see they are perfect."

The Other Half of My Soul, part 06 of 11

I know it’s bad manners to laugh at one’s own jokes, especially hoary old chestnuts like that, but Serenikha’s amusement poured through our link so strongly that I couldn’t suppress my giggles for more than a moment, and then we kept setting each other off.

Mercy Chapter 7

Mercy Chapter 7

As soon as Faith left the building, she launched herself into the air, trying to get as much height as she could as fast as she could.

Once she was high enough to see the town, she raced toward it, using gravity to help her go faster.

It didn’t take her long to spot the theater. It was the place where people were running away from screaming ...

Then one of the walls exploded, and out of the wreckage came a three-headed dog.

Alex & Chris Chapter 56

Alex & Chris
A Gabyverse fanfiction
By Shaphawlad

Chapter 56 Home again.

“I will send father along as he has to present my sister and Grandma Endora is senior female so she will present you cousin Iolanthe.”

Jenny, “No her blood sisters should.”

Endora, “Actually I agree while I am the most senior I am not the mother or sisters & they should do the job. Others more suitable outrank me.”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 13

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
By Sharphawlad

Chapter13. Planning a Visit to a School.

Lynn, “We need you to help look after your mummy. So you will have to tell us all she likes. Also you will have to go to school and there you will make friends of the same age as your self. I would not tell them you are to be a queen though that will be our secret for the time being."

“Will you and grandpa take me and collect me as I might get lost on my own?”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 11

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 11. Shopping for a New Tiara.

Olga, "That brings me to something else we must do." Rose I know your tiara is far too small for you and in all probability will fit only Lucy or Marie. So we had better get you all fit up with the correct headgear."

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 6

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 6. Back at the Hospital.

Back at the hospital Lucy was showing off her new dress. “Look mummy I am a real Princess now. Look what Nana & Topsy have had done.”

Lucinda, “I suppose you just might just have had to show them how it was done". Lucy has wanted her ears done for ages now & I had meant to allow her to have it done.

Game Time: A Tale of the Star Wars

Game Time

A Tale Of The Star Wars


E. E. Nalley

It had been heralded as the latest thing.

Normally I'm not what you call an early adapter. I'd rather wait till the bugs are out of something before I start putting my eggs in that particular basket. Yes I did swear I'd never leave Windows For Workgroups, why should I? It was a great OS! Still XP seemed to finally have ironed out all the 'hidden features' of Windows 9X and just as things are starting to get good and stable I get Vista-ed.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 4

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 4 A cry for Help.

Angela, "Well I better show you around the town. It is relatively small."

A young girl ran up to Lynn and tugged on her skirt. "Mummy, Mummy." She pulled at William, "I think she wants us to come with her."

The child took hold of William's hand, "Please Help Mummy." They found a young woman unconscious on the floor.

The Other Half of My Soul, part 05 of 11

“I like being a nagini well enough, just on the physical level, but — well, I don’t know how other people in my country will react.... Even if people are getting used to seeing magical stuff happen, they might stare at me a lot.”

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 8

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 8”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eight: The Chamber of Secrets Opens

Note: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.
Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there.

The next morning, Harry sat in bed for an unknown amount of time pondering Malfoy's having bought his way onto the Slytherin team. It really was an unfair advantage. He considered, for a time, just complaining about it, but what would that really accomplish?

The Mixed Tape Mythos Stories


By Persnickety Bitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at a strange roadside store and leaves with a mysterious cassette. A homeless busker tells of the night that they became a conduit for a wild and otherworldly force. A young writer meets a man with no shadow. We will encounter her again, a student at an academy for witches and warlocks. The results of a pitched and secret battle in a secluded valley shapes humankind’s destiny amongst the stars. The wondrous and terrifying magic of the Mixed Tapes links disparate tales of sex, superheroes, fantastical kingdoms, and human and inhuman monsters. If you have ever wondered what the little indulgences that frame my anthologies add up to, here they are, all in one place, for your reading pleasure.

Concludes with an announcement regarding the first Mixed Tape of 2016

Skirting Disaster

Kelly is a month into her freshmen year of high school. He and his friends, Alexis and Sarah, have just finished the first round of tests of the semester and they decide to relax on a Saturday evening. Alexis invites them over for a game of Truth or Dare, along with their new friend Megan, who Kelly wants to ask out. However, Alexis also invites over the two guys that she and Sarah have been dating. Those two guys reject Truth or Dare and insist, instead, that everyone must accept one dare. What will Kelly have to do? Will he ask Megan out? Will she accept? Most importantly, will Kelly survive the night?

Alex & Chris Chapter 49

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 49 A far off Planet.

On a far off planet on the other side of the cosmos certain bright lights where noticed by one of its inhabitants. “Madam Andorra somebody is sending a message with lights.”

“Can you tell me how they look?”

“I missed the first bit but there are long pulses and short pulses.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 47

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 47 Help for Chow Lynn

The little falcon that had previously fought bravely alongside the Buzzards and Eagles settled down near Red, “I have got my stripes look. I am a wing commander now.”

Draco, “Congratulations my little friend.”

“Lord Draco I need the winged warriors please.”

“Why do you need the warriors my little friend?”

The Other Half of My Soul, part 04 of 11

The guards wouldn’t let the Knowing One in to the women’s quarters, though, until he transformed himself into a woman, or maybe put on an illusion of being a woman; I had a suspicion it was the latter, given how fast the change was effected and the way “she” walked.

Mercy Chapter 6

Mercy Chapter 6

The next day was as busy as Talia told her it would be.

She spent the morning taking tests in mundane subjects like Math and English so they could place her in the proper classes. Then they sent her to the campus store to pick up textbooks and other supplies with a line of credit given to her by Mrs. Carson.

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

Synergy - Chapter Three


I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 64 - 66 (End)

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

-Sixty Four-

Gideon pulled his wagon to the side of the street, and Charles and Forrest pulled in behind. He set the break and wound the reins around the handle. Turning toward Hannah, he gently reached out and patted her leg. "I know the anticipation is probably killing you." He stood and began to climb out of the seat, "Keep the young-uns here in the wagon; I shouldn't be but a bit."

By the time he had reached the street, he was joined by both Charles and Forrest. Together they walked to the Land Office's doorway where they took their place in line with other new arrivals.

Hannah and the children sat and watched the bustle of the small town as people walked and rode past on horses or in wagons. There was an earthy smell from the street, it had not snowed here but it was still chilly. A few passersby tipped their hats toward Hannah, which made her smile and think, ‘If they only knew’.


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